2012-03-21CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES Board: Harbor Management Authority Date: March 21, 2012 Location: Beverly Public Library — Fogg Room Members Present Chair Paul Earl, Charles Raymond, Don Neuman, Sylvan Menezes, Maureen Troubetaris, David Suminsby, Chris D'Alfonso, Rinus Oosthoek, George Simon and Paul Miedzionoski Members Absent: Wes Slate Others Present: Rob Dever (Beverly Marina Manager) Recorder: Eileen Sacco Earl called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Public Input There was no public comment at this time. Minutes The minutes of the Harbor Management Authority meeting held on February 15, 2012 were presented for approval. Earl invited members to comment on the minutes. Troubetaris moved to accept the minutes as amended. Neuman seconded. Motion carried 10 -0. Facilities Brown Building Dever reported that the foundation is in place for the Brown Building. He stated that the building should be moved this week or next. Neuman noted that it would be nice if the restrooms could be functional for the boating season, noting that he is not sure where it is on the list of priorities. Dever will look into that and report back at the next meeting. Harbor Management Authority March 21, 2012 Page 1 of 5 Gate Dever reported that the gate looks nice but it is not functional for the marina. Suminsby reported that he took photos. He explained that the gate is stiff. Neuman stated that a simple chain link gate is all that is used in other facilities and it works well. He suggested that maybe we should get rid of the gate and replace it. Earl suggested that Dever look at alternatives and report back at the next meeting. Neuman left the meeting at this time. Slip Fees Dever reported that he is confident that all of the 30 foot slips will be filled. He noted that 6 of the 40 foot slips are spoken for and there are potentially 5 vacant slips. He noted that the Fire Boat is currently parked in first slip, noting that we have to put them somewhere. He explained that there is a finger gone on the commercial side and questioned if the HMA should spend the money to fix it. Neuman suggested that the finger be fixed noting that we have a whole boating season to use it. Dever will price out the cost of repairs and report back. Oosthoek questioned how many slips the Harbor Master uses at the marina. Dever stated that they use 5 slips. Neuman reported that he has had discussions about this with the Mayor over the years regarding the loss of revenue from the use of these slips by the Harbormaster's office. Earl notes that we need to think about that. It was suggested that the Harbormaster's boat be moved to the U and put the Fire Boat in the slip currently used by the Harbormaster. Earl stressed that he wants all of the slips leased this season. The members discussed 11 marketing strategies suggested by D'Alfonso. Craig's List, Facebook, the City of Beverly Website, emails to all mooring holders, communicate with local yacht yards, Bev Cam, and various publications were discussed. Dever suggested that a banner posted at the marina would be helpful noting that last year it drew a lot of interest before it blew away. Earl noted that many of the item discussed are free and could be done easily. He suggested that ads in publications may be helpful depending on the circulation and how long they are published. 2012 — 2013 Winter Rates D'Alfonso reported that the current rate is $82.00 per foot for winter storage. Dever noted that the majority of the space will be taken up by fishing boats and recommended that the rates remain what they are. Discussion ensues regarding the charges for winter rates. D'Alfonso suggested that the winter rate be 50% of the seasonal rate for commercial boats. D'Alfonso moved to set the winter boat storage rates at 50% of the seasonal rate. Miedzionoski seconded the motion. The motion carried (10 -0) Harbor Management Authority March 21, 2012 Page 2 of 5 Security Cameras Dever reported that last month the HMA voted to contact Mr. Leone to see if he was still willing to install the security cameras that he offered for the marina. Dever reported that he talked with him and he is still very willing to install them. He also reported that Mr. Leone is planning to come back to the marina this year and rent a slip. He suggested that when the Brown Building is set they would move forward with the installation of the cameras. Earl agreed and noted that once the building is in place we can give Mr. Leone a date. Summer Help Earl reported that $2,400 was approved last year but never spent due to the construction. He reported that money budgeted for this year was spent on the repairs to the hoist and suggested that money for a summer employee be included in next year's budget which starts July 1 2012. Troubetaris questioned if that employee would be supervised by Dever. Earl confirmed that Dever would hire and supervise. Finance Report Miedzionoski reviewed the finance report from John Dunn as of February 29, 2012. He noted that there is nothing new to report. He also noted that John Dunn has been very cooperative with him. Commercial Fisherman Payments Dever reported on the status of the payments from Commercial fishermen. He explained that Dan McPherson collects the slip fees. He also noted that there is a time lag in reports of delinquent rents to the HMA. Oosthoek will review the payments history's and report back. HMA Budget for 2013 Miedzionoski requested that members start to think about next years budget for the next meeting. Earl suggested that he and Miedzionoski meet before the next meeting to review the budget and the members can begin to build a budget at the next meeting. Grants Committee Simon stated that there is nothing to report this evening. Dever noted that the next meeting of the Seaport Council is April 5 th in Scituate. He noted that the June meeting will be dealing with North Shore issues. Bass River Suminsby reported that they are moving forward in the permitting process noting that they presented to the Beverly Conservation Commission. He noted that there are ongoing issues with National Grid is being dealt with by the Commission as well. Oosthoek suggested that Earl talk Harbor Management Authority March 21, 2012 Page 3 of 5 with Tina Cassidy noting that the HMA may have to make a presentation to the City Council for money for the project. Si2nne Proiect Oosthoek reported that the signs are $72.95 each, however if we order 50 signs they will be cheaper. He suggested that the extra signs could be stored by the city and if signs get damaged they could be replaced timely. Dever agreed and noted that he felt they could be stored somewhere. Oosthoek also noted that some areas may need posts for the signs. Oosthoek moved to order 50 signs from Permaline Corp in Brockton at a cost not to exceed $2,000. D'Alfonso seconded the motion. The motion carried (10 -0) Ordinance Discussion Earl led a discussion regarding the regulations regarding fishing off the pier and docks according to the city ordinance. He noted that the HMA needs to propose regulations to be submitted to the City Council to revise the ordinance. Earl noted that boating use is encouraged and fishing, casting, picnicking, bike riding etc. need to be determined as to what is allowed. He also noted that we should not interfere with th the main activity which is boating. Discussion ensues regarding limiting times for fishing and whether to allow casting in the U area. It was suggested that the areas allowed should be identified in the ordinance. It was suggested that the area be limited from the Public Landing to the transient deck. Simon noted that activity is good for the water front and the HMA should not discourage it. Dever questioned if boats should be allowed to pull up after 10:00 p.m. It was noted that there is a 30 minute maximum for boats to tie up. The following suggestions were offered for consideration: No casting off the dock No access except for boat owners and their guests between 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. Cleaning of fish shall be allowed in designated areas only and all trash shall be disposed of properly Trash in Trash Out — Boaters and guests shall be responsible to take their trash out with them when they leave as is done at Lynch Park. Troubetaris questioned who would enforce the 30 minute limit. Earl noted that the police department would enforce it. Harbor Management Authority March 21, 2012 Page 4 of 5 Season Open Harbor Fest Earl suggested that the season open Harbor Fest be held on June 9, 2012. Dever noted that during Homecoming the Lobster men hold Lobster Boat Races and that might be a good time to have the Harbor Fest. He will check with the Harbor Master's office to see if there is any interest in doing that. He noted that the races are usually held from 2 -4 and the Harbor Fest could back up to that from 4 -7 p.m. Sea Station Proposal Earl reported that Sea Station has made a proposal to use the public docks and transient docking and in turn they would offer the Beverly Public Schools access to their program at no charge. Oosthoek stated that it is a great idea but he would like more information. D'Alfonso noted that they are looking for the fees to be waived. Earl suggested that members refer questions and comments to him by March 23, 2012 and he will invite them to the next meeting for further discussion. Next Meeting The next meeting of the Harbor Management Authority will be held on Wednesday, April 18, 2012. Adjournment There being no further business to come before the Harbor Management Authority this evening, Oosthoek moved to adjourn the meeting. Troubetaris seconded and the motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Harbor Management Authority March 21, 2012 Page 5 of 5