2010-06-16 (2)CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES Board: Harbor Management Authority Date: June 16, 2010 Location: Beverly Public Library — Fogg Room Members Present Paul Miedzionowski, Rinus Oosthoek, Charles Raymond, Greg Ward, Don Neuman, Wes Slate, Sylvan Menezes, George Simon, David Suminsby Members Absent: Miranda Gooding, Maureen Troubetaris Others Present: Jeremy Harrington and Kathy Abbott Recorder: Eileen Sacco Neuman called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Discussion Regarding the Keeping of Electronic Records for the BHMA Neuman states that he would like to eliminate the use of paper as much as possible in order and asks the members for suggestions on how to go about that. Slate suggests that they check with the City Clerk and Tina Cassidy to see what current practices are in place regarding this. Oosthoek states that they should be kept on the city server and that should be looked into as well. Discussion was held on the distribution of agendas and minutes for the BHMA. Neuman and Oosthoek will discuss this further with Eileen Sacco. Discussion Regarding the Storage of Kayaks at Sandy Point Beach Jeremy Harrington or 3 Silver Court and Kathy Abbot addressed the HMA and expressed their concerns about the storage of kayaks at Sandy Point Beach. Abbott explains that there is a kayak rack there that was installed by the BHMA a few years ago and people are stacking kayaks on them. She notes that this is getting out of control and she expects it to get worse. Ward explains that the rack was put there for the storage of dinghies and people are now stacking kayaks on them. He explains that where one dinghy fit before they can fit two kayaks. He explains that he met with the Harbor Master yesterday and they discussed the possibility of the BMHA rebuilding the racks in a configuration that both dinghy's and kayaks could be stored and change the same $200.00 fee that is charged for dinghyies on the public pier. He explains that residents would purchase stickers in order to store them on the site. Harbor Management Authority June 16, 2010 Page 1 of 4 Slate addresses the residents and explains that there is new management at the marina and that the Harbor Master and a new part time manager of the marina are responsible for the operation of the marina. Abbott reports that people are also leaving sail boats down there no. She also explains that the location of the boat rack is an issue because at times it gets pulled out to sea and is underwater suggesting that it needs to be moved back quite a bit. She also suggests that the HMA should limit the storage of boats and dinghy's there to just the summer months. Menezes notes that winter storage is not allowed and if they are storing then there for the winter they are doing so at their own risk. Neuman expresses concern about the BHMA taking over something that is handled in other areas of the city such as Lynch Park by other city offices. Ward recommends that the HMA consider rebuilding the racks and issue stickers for $200 to store kayaks and dinghy's there. Harrington addresses the HMA and states that the neighbors are friendly enough in the area but this is getting to the point that they are going to take some action on their own and move them. Suminsby cautions that the neighbors should be careful about moving others property. Harrington clarifies that they are planning to move the rack out of the way, and not remove anyone's property. Harrington notes that there is a trash barrel missing from the site. Slate suggests that Mike Collins be notified of that Abbott also states that there are cement blocks on the site that were placed there a few years ago to block a storm surge and they were left there. Ward explains that he talked with Mike Collins about those and they have to be there in case of a storm because they are costly to move. Neuman again expresses his concern about the location of other kayak and dinghy racks in the city and who maintains them. He notes that he is worried that about how they are handled and by who, noting that the Harbor Management Authority only deals with the marinas. He further notes that it is not clear to him that this matter should be before the HMA. He notes that somebody has to be responsible for the other locations such as Lynch Park. He suggests that before the HMA takes action they should have a discussion with Mike Collins and Dan McPherson. Ward states that he talked with Collins and McPherson and they are willing to take over the enforcement of this. Discussion ensues regarding how this may be handled in other areas of the city and by who. Slate states that it could be the Park and Recreation Department. Abbott notes that the HMA installed the racks a few years ago, and they would like someone to take ownership of this. She suggests that the racks be moved to a safer location and that this be regulated. Miedzionowski asks Ward how much money he thinks the new rack will cost. Ward says that he doesn't know but estimated that they might cost $2,000. Harbor Management Authority June 16, 2010 Page 2 of 4 Ward moves that the Harbor Management Authority appropriate an amount, not to exceed $2,000 to rebuild the dinghy /kayak rack at Sandy Point Beach and that signage be placed on the site that states that only permitted kayaks and dinghy's are allowed. Slate seconds the motion. The motion carries (7 -2) with Neuman and Miedzionowski opposed. Abbott notes that there is also a private rack on the site that someone placed there as well. Ward states that the details of the plan such as the assignment of slots and enforcement need to be worked out with McPherson. Approval of Minutes The minutes of the Harbor Management Authority meeting held on May 19, 2010 were presented for approval. Oosthoek moves that the matter be tabled to the next meeting. Slate seconds the motion. The motion carries (9 -0). Report from Facilities Committee Ward reports that there is an issue with Sani Can that is being addressed. Ward explains the process of reviewing the bills and notes that he and Rob Dever review them and things are working out well. Ward updates the HMA on the progress of the construction at the marina. He notes that the concrete pads have been poured, noting that the cement vendor was changed due to some bad batches last month but things are going well now. Ward notes that the marina is open and they are working on an issue that will require some dredging. He explains that the conservation Commission extended the permit last night. He explains that the gate is to be installed on the dock. He notes that the police have been patrolling the area and the incidence of people trespassing has diminished. Ward reports that there is a problem with people casting off the end of the pier while fishing. He suggests that the HMA install more signage noting the prohibition of casting off the end of the pier. Neuman suggests that they talk to Dever regarding this to see if he has any suggestions on how to handle it. Ward reports that a sign should be put up that says that no gear should be stored on the docks. Ward reports that some work needs to be done on the commercial float noting that there is one bad float. He explains that it was disposed of and the contractor is replacing it per the contract Ward reports that the Commercial Marina is full, noting that the Harbor Master uses 6 -7 spaces. Neuman asks that the payments be reviewed to be sure that everyone is paid up for this year. Miedzionowski reports that he was unable to get that information before the meeting but he will get it for the next meeting. Harbor Management Authority June 16, 2010 Page 3 of 4 Neuman explains that there is an issue that may have been caused during the construction of the Salem/Beverly bridge that will require dredging and Lou Bochynsky was very helpful this week in locating a letter from Mass Highway that states that they will be responsible to pay if they were responsible for any damage done during construction of the bridge so there is an outside chance that the state may pay to repair that. He notes that the cost for the permitting is $30,000. Financial Report FY2011 Budget Oosthoek states that the City Council is reviewing the budget and the public hearing on the budget is Monday evening. Miedzionowski reports that he sent a copy of the proposed BMHA budget to John Dunn and reviews with the HMA. Neuman reports that the McDonalds Property was acquired with a grant and the project agreement requires an amendment. Oosthoek moves to approve the amendment for the project agreement for the McDonald's property. Menezes seconds the motion. The motion carries. Miedzionowski reviews the financial report as of May 31, 2010. Old/New Business Neuman reported that the Beverly Port Marine filed an appeal on the Black Cow Chapter 91 License and Attorney Niland has filed a motion for dismissal. He states that he expects a ruling in early July. Next Meeting The next meeting of the Harbor Management Authority will be held on Wednesday, July 25, 2010 Adjournment There being no further business to come before the Harbor Management Authority this evening, Slate moved to adjourn the meeting. Ward seconds the motion. The motion carries (10 -0). The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Harbor Management Authority June 16, 2010 Page 4 of 4