2014-01-23Beverly Cable Advisory Commission
Meeting held January 23, 2014
Members Present: Muriel Zaginailoff, Chair; D. Berman, Secretary;
George Johnson; Eric Overberg; Al Torsey; Alex Ushakoff
Alternate Members: Neil Overberg (absent)
Members Absent: none
Others Present: none
Recorder: Donald Berman
The meeting was called to order at 7:10 PM at the Beverly Public Library
The minutes of the previous meeting, December 19, 2013, were approved.
Muriel will distribute copies of a new member handout for use in recruiting.
Discussion followed on the topic of the need for increasing efforts in new member
Muriel reported that she had submitted a request to the Mayor for reappointment of
herself, Berman and Ushakoff, all of whose terms end January 31, 2014. No
immediate response to report.
Discussion held on the topic of the agenda for the joint meeting with the BevCam
board to be held in March. Muriel will forward an agenda to Paul Earl, board
Discussion held on the I -Net extension project and the sequence of actions to be
taken by Muriel as commission chair with appointees. This involves providing
background on the history of the project to the Mayor and advising him to proceed
with a letter to Comcast to initiate I -Net extension to Lynch Park only.
George Johnson announced his resignation as of this meeting. George's long
involvement with and significant contribution to the work of the commission was
unanimously acknowledged.
Eric Overberg announced his intention to resign as recording secretary as soon as a
successor can be found.
The next meeting was scheduled for February 20 at 7:00 PM at the Library.
The meeting was adjourned at 8; S S PM.