BOARD OR COMMISSION: Parking and Traffic Commission
DATE: December 3, 2013
LOCATION: Conference Room B, Third Floor City Hall
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Richard Benevento, Vice -Chair Bill Bent,
Richard Hutchinson, Bill Fiore, John Somes,
Frank Wojick
MEMBERS ABSENT: Tina Cassidy, Sgt. Russ Rollins
OTHERS PRESENT: Councilor Maureen Troubetaris, Councilor Scott
Houseman, Eric Barber and Estelle Rand
RECORDER: Eileen Sacco
1. Benevento calls the meeting to order at 8: 30 a.m.
2. Discussion / Recommendation to Planning Board: Request for Modification to
Approved Site Plan and Special Permit for Dawson's Hardware - 50 Enon
The applicant was not present at this time and Benevento suggests moving along in the
agenda until the applicant arrives.
3. Discussion /Recommendation to Planning Board: Request for Modifications to
Approved Site Plan for Herrick House - 89 Herrick Street to Permit
Construction of Additional Parking Spaces
David Webber of Beals Associates addresses the Board and explains that the
proposed work includes the installation of new pavement along the westerly side of
the western access road to accommodate 20 new parking spaces and additionally
the existing parking area along the westerly side of the western access road would
be re- striped to accommodate three new spaces bringing the total in this area from
8 to 11 spaces.
Webber explains that there are no changes to the proposed traffic patterns.
Benevento states that he is not sure why this matter is before the Parking and
Traffic Commission. Webber explains that they are requesting a minor modification
to the approved site plan to allow this and review by the Commission is part of the
required process.
Benevento notes that he sees this as a positive change to the site and recommends
that the Commission recommend approval.
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Fiore agrees and notes that the additional parking spaces will eliminate the issue of
parking in the fire lane.
Bent: motion to approve the request for a minor modification to the approved site
plan for Herrick House located at 89 Herrick Street, Beverly, MA. as
presented. Fiore seconds the motion, all are in favor. The motion carries 6 -0.
4. Discussion of Request from Councilor Scott Houseman for Commission
to Consider Recommendation for a Crosswalk at the Intersection of
Lakeshore Avenue and Essex Street and Consolidated Speed Limits on
Lakeshore Avenue
Sgt. Wojick explains that there are three different speed limits on Lakeshore Avenue
and it is confusing.
Benevento asks if the speed limits that are posted are legal explaining that speed is
regulated by the Mass Department of Transportation and the first step in this
process would be to find out if they are legal and if they are not, then the signs
should be removed.
Benevento also explains that a traffic and speed study would need to be done to
determine what the speed should be.
Houseman asks who conducts the traffic and speed study. Benevento explains that
the city would have to contract with someone to do the study.
Bent asks Houseman what the issues are that prompted his request. Houseman
explains that while going door to door this fall he was approached by a constituent
about speeding in the neighborhood.
Benevento states that he would guess that the special speed limit regulations are not
in place.
Houseman states that he would not be in favor of a wholesale removal of speed limit
signs throughout the city.
Barber explains that the GIS department keeps track of all of the signs that are
posted in the city.
Benevento suggests that Barber research this matter and find out if the special
speed requirements are in place and to make sure that all of the signs are the same
indicating the speed limit on Lakeshore Avenue. He also says he will send
Houseman the Special Speed Limit Regulations information.
Troubetaris asks how much a traffic and speed study would cost. Benevento
estimates that it would cost between $1,000 - $1,500.
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Barber explains that with regards to the suggestion of a crosswalk, when the City re-
did the crosswalks they specifically did not put one in this suggested location.
Benevento notes that the frequency of crosswalks is important because the more
you have the more they will be disregarded by drivers. He also notes that the
Parking and Traffic Commission has looked at that area in the past.
Houseman states that the request was primarily driven by the safety of the school
kids walking to the Hannah School. He stated that he will get back to the constituent
and have a more detailed conversation with him to see what his concerns are.
Benevento says that the Commission always tries to err on the side of safety but
they want to be in compliance with the regulations.
Houseman agrees and notes that his recommendations seem to be smaller pieces of
a larger puzzle and it does not make sense to tackle only a portion of it.
Bent also agrees and suggests that Houseman continue the conversation with the
constituent and send something to the Commission prior to the meeting at which he
wants to discuss it, so that members can look at the information before the meeting.
Barber states that he will get the documentation on the speed limits from the GIS
Benevento recommends that Barber get in touch with Rick Wilson at MassDOT to
find out if there are special speed recommendations for Lakeshore Avenue.
S. Discussion with Councilor Houseman on the Truck Exclusion Request
for Cole and Boyle Streets
Houseman addresses the Commission and asks if a Home Rule Petition would be a
way to get the truck exclusion approved. He says that he feels that it is a bad idea to
allow busses and trucks on that street. He also states that he has discussed this
matter with Representative Jerry Parisella and he said that he would research it.
Benevento explains that the decision to deny the truck exclusion on Cole and Boyle
Streets was not a haphazard decision by MassDOT. He explains that there are
guidelines that must be followed and the site was not even close to the guidelines
for approval.
Bent explains that busses cannot be restricted from using a particular roadway as it
is against the law to do so. He suggests that Houseman let the construction at
Endicott College "settle down" and observe conditions when that work is finished.
He also notes that if it was even close the Commission could argue for it, but it is
restricted by geometry.
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6. Recommendation to City Council: Orders #183 and #184: Request for the
Placement of "Go Slow. Children" signs on (a) Marion Avenue and (b)
Winthrop Avenue where it meets Leech Street/ Ward 1 Councilor Maureen
Troubetaris addresses the Commission and explains that there are a lot of children on
Marion Avenue and Winthrop Avenue and people do not always follow the rules of the road.
Benevento states that "Go Slow Children" signs have been a huge topic of debate in the
industry noting that they suggest that it is appropriate for kids to play in the street.
Bent observes that the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) does not allow
symbols on signs but you can create word legends that indicate "Go Slow, Children ".
Hutchinson notes that the signs are a warning and are not enforceable. He also says that as
children get older or move away any such signage should be removed.
Bent: Motion to approve the requests contained in Council Orders #183 and #184
for the installation of "Go Slow, Children" signs on Marion Avenue and
Winthrop Avenue. Somes seconds the motion, all members are in favor. The
motion carries 8 -0.
7. Request from Public Services Director Mike Collins Regarding Parking on Hale
Street Between Brackenbury Lane and Neptune Streets
Barber addresses the Commission and explains that the situation is that cars are being
forced to cross the double yellow line to get by when cars are parked on both sides of the
Houseman asks if the striping lines have been done. Barber explains that the lines have
been painted.
Barber suggests moving the center line and allow parking on only one side of the street.
Benevento cautions that disallowing parking on the east side of Hale Street would need to
be reviewed to determine the impact it will have on the neighbors. He suggests that the
Commission members visit the site.
The Parking and Traffic Commission will visit the site on December 10, 2013 at 9:00 a.m.
8. Discussion / Recommendation to Planning Board: Request for Modification to
Approved Site Plan and Special Permit for Dawson's Hardware - 50 Enon
Bill Bergeron of Hayes Engineering addresses the Commission and explains that they are
requesting to extend paving on the back portion of the site to store pallets of bark mulch etc.
He explains that it is an extension of the present stocking area and notes the location on the
plan. He also explains that they will be constructing a shed to do lawn mower repairs.
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Benevento asks how many parking spaces are required by zoning for the present uses on
the site. Bergeron states that 94 spaces are required and this proposal would remove two
and add six for a total of 94. He notes that there are presently 87 spaces on the site.
Bent states that he is not wild about parking spaces in the drive - through lane of the bank.
Bergeron states that the drive - through lane is 24 feet wide.
Bent states that he would recommend leaving the parking spaces at 87 and require that the
proposed shed be for storage only and not for retail. He suggests that the Commission
recommend to the Planning Board that they condition that lawn mowers etc. be dropped off
at the retail store and then be brought to the shed for repairs.
Hutchinson agrees and notes that the shed should remain as storage space. He also says
that he did not think that the Commission can stop people from driving up to the shed to
drop items off.
Benevento suggests that the garage door could be relocated to keep the integrity of the one
way aisle for the bank's drive - through.
Bent suggests that the Commission table this matter at this time. He believes that keeping
the parking at 87 spaces would keep the traffic clear for the bank. He also questions
whether the bank has any comments about this.
Benevento agrees, noting that he has concerns as to whether the proposed shed is really for
storage or if it will be used for retail, noting that the plan says storage but he is hearing it
would be used as a service center. He notes that the new services offered will generate
Bent states that he would like additional information for clarification purposes. He also
suggests that members drive by the property and take a look at the site.
Bent: Motion to table the matter of the request for a Modification to the approved
Site Plan for Dawson's Hardware to the next meeting of the Parking and
Traffic Commission on January 7, 2014. Hutchinson seconds the motion, all
are in favor. The motion carries 8 -0.
Bent leaves the meeting at this time.
10. Discussion with City Engineer Eric Barber Regarding_
• Route 1A Project Status
Barber reports that the Route 1A project is at the 75% design stage and is being reviewed.
He notes that there is a 60 day comment period that has commenced. He reports that they
should be settling on all Right of Way issues by early March. He explains that the
easements, rights of entry and permanent takings have been in process and work in that
regard is on target. He states that he expects construction to start in the spring of 2015.
• Briscoe Parkins Lot
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Barber reports that the have reviewed the suggestion that the Briscoe lot be converted to
more long term parking and they agree that it is probably a good idea. He notes that it
would be a good opportunity to maximize long term parking. He states that he would like to
discuss it with a couple more people before a final recommendation is made.
9. Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the Parking and Traffic Commission meetings held on October 1,
2013 and November 12, 2013, are presented for approval. Benevento asks if there
are any corrections that need to be made. There are none.
Hutchinson: motion to approve the minutes of the Commission's meetings
of the Commission's October 1, 2013 and November 12, 2013
as submitted. Somes seconds the motion, all members are in
favor. The motion carries 7 -0.
10. Next Meeting
The next regular meeting of the Parking and Traffic Commission will be held on
Tuesday, January 7, 2014 at 8:30 a.m.
11. Adjournment
Benevento asks if there is any additional business for the Commission to conduct.
There is none.
Fiore: motion to adjourn, seconded by Hutchinson. All members in favor,
the motion carries 7 -0.
The meeting is adjourned at 10:30 a.m.
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