BOARD OR COMMISSION: Parking and Traffic Commission
DATE: October 1, 2013
LOCATION: Conference Room B, Third Floor, City Hall
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Rich Benevento, Richard Hutchinson, Bill
Fiore, John Somes, Tina Cassidy
MEMBERS ABSENT: Bill Bent, Russ Rollins
OTHERS PRESENT: Ward 5 Councilor Don Martin, City Engineer Eric
RECORDER: Tina Cassidy
Benevento calls the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m.
1. Review /recommendation to City Council: Order #152: Request for traffic
study of neighborhood behind Henrds Market / Councilors Guanci and Martin
Councilor Martin introduces Joanna Scott, a resident of Princeton Street who has
accompanied him this morning. Martin explains that he was presented with a petition from
residents who live on the streets behind Henry's Market. Residents are concerned about
traffic volume and speed and with adherence to the "time" restrictions currently posted on
Ellsworth Avenue and Clifton Street. Put into effect about a dozen years ago, the
restrictions are designed to eliminate cut - through traffic by cars trying to avoid the
intersection at Cabot and Dodge Streets.
Benevento states that cut - through traffic is difficult to control and says the solutions are not
always popular. Hourly restrictions like those here are nearly impossible to enforce and
thinks a site visit to the area would be helpful.
Fiore says he used to live in the area and knows that a dozen years ago residents of some of
the streets were opposed to earlier traffic proposals /solutions.
Bent asks if the Commission has access to any funds to assist with a study. Cassidy says that
funds were placed in her department budget this year. $1,500 was earmarked for the
Commission's use.
Cassidy thinks a group site visit would be a good idea, and would allow area residents to
provide feedback.
Members confer on the best date for a site visit and decide to hold the meeting on Tuesday,
October 8th at 4:00 p.m. if Sgt. Rollins can make it. Alternatively, the Commission could meet
on Wednesday October 9th at the same time. Cassidy will check with Rollins and get back to
all members and Councilor Martin. Participants will meet on Ellsworth Ave. behind Henry's
parking lot.
Renee Mary 274 Hale Street points out that there are no speed limit signs on Ellsworth Ave.
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2. Review /recommendation to City Council: Order #125: Request for two -way
stop sign at the intersection of River and Bridge Streets / Ward 1 Councilor
Maureen Troubetaris
Cassidy explains that Councilor Troubetaris informed her that she could not make this
morning's meeting. She also says she did not get an update on the MBTA's plans (or not) to
install a traffic signal at this intersection since the last meeting.
Benevento asks Cassidy to explain the traffic signal issue again. Cassidy says that there are
two traffic signals needed near the new garage. One is at the intersection of Railroad and
Rantoul and the other is at the intersection of Bridge and River Streets. The signal at
Railroad and Rantoul will be part of the State's project to reconstruct Rantoul Street (Route
1A). The other set of lights will hopefully be installed by the MBTA to accommodate the
traffic needs of the new garage. As previously discussed, the T has said it has no money in
the garage project specifically earmarked for a traffic signal but it has promised Mayor
Scanlon that it will do its best to reserve sufficient project funds to cover the cost.
Benevento asks what happens if the T does not "save" enough funds from the project to do
the work. Cassidy says that the City will have to make the demand of the State. Clearly, a
State agency cannot open a public parking garage only to create a traffic nightmare for local
residents. Benevento is concerned that may be what happens. Cassidy suggests that
Benevento meet with the Mayor to discuss his concerns and to find out first -hand, from the
Mayor, what steps he has taken or will take with respect to the traffic signal issue.
Benevento says a warrant analysis would have to be done for the lights.
Members agree to table discussion of this matter to the Commission's November meeting.
3. Discussion /recommendation to City Council: Request for a "Deaf Child" sign
near 16 Bridge Street / Sgt. Russ Rollins
Cassidy explains that Sgt. Rollins recently received a request from a homeowner asking the
City to erect a "Deaf Child" sign near 16 Bridge Street.
Benevento informs members that the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD)
permits signs such as this so long as they consist only of word legends (no symbols) and as
long as road conditions warrant them.
Members of the Commission discuss the request and express their general support for the
request. Benevento suggests that there should be a periodic review of signage of this type,
similar to the review process in place for on- street handicapped parking spaces. An annual
City -wide review of posted "Deaf Child" signage would provide a way for the City to confirm
the need /justification for each sign still exists and if not, that obsolete signs are removed
from the streetscape in a timely manner.
Hutchinson supports such a review, noting a "Deaf Child" sign has been in place on Lennox
Street for decades and remains there long after the child that was its subject would have
grown up.
Hutchinson: motion to recommend the installation of a "Deaf Child" sign at 16 Bridge
Street subject to the following conditions:
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(a) That an annual review process to review similar signage City -wide
be developed and implemented by the Police Department and City's
Disabilities Coordinator, similar to that established for review of on-
street handicapped parking spaces;
(b) Two (2) signs should be posted with one facing each direction of
vehicular travel;
(c) That the signs must comply with both the MUTCD and the
Massachusetts amendments to the MUTCD; and
(d) The exact location of the signs in the field shall be determined by the
Department of Public Services.
Motion seconded by Fiore, all members in favor. The motion carries 5 - 0.
4. Discussion with City Engineer Eric Barber regarding City road closure policies
and practices
Barber explains that his office continues to refine the draft he is working on. Benevento
apologizes for not forwarding to Barber as promised the policies he (Benevento) has
developed for his private clients. Barber expects that input to be helpful and thanks
Benevento in advance for providing it.
5. Conversion of short term spaces in Hale /Briscoe Street lot to long -term /
Cassidy explains that she received a request from an employee of the downtown YMCA to
consider converting some or all of the shorter term spaces in the Hale /Briscoe Street lot to
long term meters. Cassidy states the person observes that the long term spaces existing in
the lot are full nearly every day while short term spaces largely remain vacant. Recent
changes to some of the on- street parking regulations in the immediate area have reduced
the number of spaces available to employees.
Barber explains that his office is still assessing the usage of all downtown parking lots as
well as on- street parking and says his office is considering whether to simplify the number
of options currently offered in the lots (e.g. 1 hour, 2 hour, 4 hour, 8 hour and 12 hour spots
are presently possible). He also says that contrary to what's been said, he's observed that
spaces in the Hale /Briscoe Street lot are nearly always full. He offers to invite co- worker
Rob Dever who's been working on the parking lot project to the next meeting for additional
Cassidy urges the Board to consider the Hale /Briscoe Street lot request separately from the
"bigger picture" undertaking (e.g. reviewing and tweaking on- street parking regulations
downtown -wide as well as assessing parking lot policies and practices). Benevento says it
would be difficult for him to support the Hale /Briscoe lot request without a better
understanding of the big picture. Gin Wallace, Executive Director for Beverly Main Streets
urges the Board not to make a decision on the Hale /Briscoe lot in isolation and would
recommend instead that the decision be made as part of a more comprehensive review.
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It is agreed that the Commission will reserve an hour on its next agenda for Barber and
Dever to provide an overview of the Engineering Department's efforts on this subject, an
outline of the issues and any recommendations to date.
6. Update from City Engineer Eric Barber regarding the Route 1A (Rantoul
Street) reconstruction project
Discussion starts with the concept proposed by Main Streets at the last meeting to improve
Broadway and consider changes to the direction of vehicular travel on it and possibly
Railroad Avenue. Benevento says that it would probably take $5,000 - $8,000 to gather
basic traffic - related information for the intersections of Rantoul /Broadway, Broadway/
Cabot, Railroad/ Rantoul and Railroad /Cabot. The work product would likely be a summary
of engineering and operational issues and feasibility /concept plans for improvements.
Wallace asks how to advance the effort. Bent offers to review the area and draft a probable
scope of work for a consultant for the next meeting.
Wallace states that the business community will surely have issues during construction,
given the scope of the project, its duration and the fact that it will involve reconstruction of
a major commercial artery in the City. She feels strongly that good communications
between the City and the business community during construction will be vital to the
project's overall success and reiterates Main Streets' willingness - and desire - to facilitate
discussion and disseminate information during the project.
Benevento asks if there is any other business to conduct. Members discuss the next
potential meeting date and elect to hold the meeting on the second Tuesday of next month
(November 12th)
Hutchinson: motion to adjourn, seconded by Fiore. All members in favor, the motion
carries 5 -0.
The meeting is adjourned at approximately 10:15 a.m.
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