BOARD OR COMMISSION: Parking and Traffic Commission
DATE: September 10, 2013
LOCATION: Conference Room B, Third Floor City Hall
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Rich Benevento, Richard Hutchinson,
Police Sgt. Russ Rollins, Bill Fiore, John Somes, Tina
OTHERS PRESENT: Ward 1 Councilor Maureen Troubetaris, City
Engineer Eric Barber
RECORDER: Tina Cassidy
Benevento calls the meeting to order at 8: 30 a.m.
1. Review /recommendation to City Council: Order #125: Request for two -way
stop sign at the intersection of River and Bridge Streets / Ward 1 Councilor
Maureen Troubetaris
Councilor Troubetaris introduces herself to the members. Discussion takes place on this
request, which came from a ward 1 constituent. Benevento explains that this location has
long been known as one needing a traffic signal and in fact was similarly identified by the
T's traffic consultants working on the commuter garage project. Cassidy mentions that two
locations have been identified as needing lights in this area - one location is the
Bridge /River Street intersection and the other is the intersection of Railroad Avenue and
Rantoul Street. Cassidy says the Railroad /Rantoul light will be done as part of the Rantoul
Street project and explains that the Mayor has talked to the MBTA about that agency
installing the Bridge /River signal. Although there is no money earmarked in the garage
budget for a signal, the T's project manager has assured the Mayor he will do all he can to
carve enough money out of the garage budget to fund it.
Members discuss the issue with Barber who promises to contact the City's consultants for
the Rantoul Street project and obtain an update from them which he will share via email
before the next meeting. Cassidy offers to get an update from the Mayor relative to the
MBTA's progress on securing funds.
Members decide to table further discussion on this matter until next month's meeting.
2. Discussion /recommendation: Request for short -term parking space in the
vicinity of 15 Oak Street / Mr. Joel Taylor
Members review the plan sent by Barber which showed the locations of off and on- street
parking in the vicinity of this property. Barber updates the members by explaining how
(and when) the street parking is used as well as the off - street parking lot nearby that serves
the train station. Barber confirms that by 7:00 or 7:30 a.m. all or most of the street spaces
are taken, including those in front of 15 Oak Street, while some spaces go unused in the off -
street lot. In summary, there appears to be ample capacity to convert one space to short
term without causing difficulties for commuters or residents.
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Cassidy: recommend to the City Council that one thirty (30) minute parking space be
created on- street in front of 15 Oak Street, with the exact location of the
space and associated signage to be determined by the Engineering and
Police Departments. Motion seconded by Somes, all members in favor, no
one in opposition. The motion carries 6 -0.
3. Discussion with City Engineer Eric Barber relative to signage in municipal off -
street lots and City road closure policies,[practices
Barber informs members that all but one sign (the one for K &D Upholstery) has been
installed. He also says a prototype of the kiosks for the pay and display stations will soon be
ready. Members agree to conduct individual site inspections to the lots between now and
the next meeting and to discuss this matter again next month.
Next, members discuss the recent request to install at "Slow - Deaf Child" sign at 16 Bridge
Street. Benevento apologizes for not reporting back as promised as to whether such a sign
in fact complies with the MUTCD. He will check and report back next month.
Next, members discuss the on -going work of the Engineering Department to refine the
process and paperwork for reviewing road and sidewalk closures for construction projects.
He explains the process his office intends to use and says ideally the office would like to
develop standards for each type of closure. Benevento states that over time, his company
has prepared several documents for projects in other communities that address many of the
points Barber is considering incorporating. Benevento says he would be happy to share the
documents with Barber.
4. Discussion and recommendation to City Council regarding Order #152:
Request for comprehensive traffic study of neighborhood "behind Henry's
Market" / Councilor Paul Guanci
Cassidy updates the Board by explaining that Councilor Guanci submitted a request to the
Commission asking it to consider /perform a traffic study of the neighborhood "behind
Henry's Market ". Cassidy explains that both Guanci and Councilor Martin would like to
attend the discussion but could not make this morning's meeting. They've asked that the
matter be tabled until the next meeting for that reason. Benevento says that Martin called
him last night to explain his absence and discuss the issue briefly.
Benevento asks for a map that shows the streets in the area and depicts the direction of
vehicular travel. Barber offers to provide that map. Members agree to conduct individual
site visits to the area between now and the next meeting, and to place the matter on the
next meeting agenda for discussion.
5. Approval of Minutes: August 7.2013 meeting
Benevento asks if there are any changes / corrections that should be made to the draft
minutes. There are none.
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Hutchinson: motion to approve the draft minutes of the Commission's August 7, 2013
meeting, seconded by Rollins. All members in favor, no one in opposition.
The motion carries 6 -0.
6. New or Other Business
Cassidy distributes copies of an August 8, 2013 letter from Councilor Brett Schetzsle
to Mayor Scanlon which asks the Mayor to find funding to perform a traffic
study /analysis of the Essex Street corridor that runs from approximately Spring
Street to the YMCA's driveway. There is no action required by the Commission.
Benevento skims the letter briefly and notes that MassDOT would not need to be
consulted or involved in such a study per se, because although Essex Street is a State
numbered route its maintenance is a local responsibility.
Next, Hutchinson asks Benevento if there is a standard size for roundabouts.
Benevento says the typical radius for a one lane roundabout is 60' and says one is
under construction in Newburyport. Hutchinson asks if any roundabouts have radii
bigger than 60'. Benevento answers that two lane roundabouts probably have a
radius of 80'.
Next, Rollins explains that he received a request from a resident who is asking that a
crosswalk be installed on Essex Street at its intersection with Peabody Avenue.
Barber wonders about the sight distances at this location. Rollins states that he did
a site visit and noted that the sight distances at this location were not as bad as he
first envisioned. Cassidy asks if installing a crosswalk would require ADA
compliance. Benevento states that he would not be in favor of a "mid- block"
Members discuss upcoming meeting dates and choose the date of Tuesday, October
1, 2013 for its next meeting.
Benevento asks if there is any additional business for the Board to conduct. There is
Hutchinson: motion to adjourn, seconded by Somes. All members in favor, no
one in opposition. The motion carries 6 -0.
The meeting is adjourned at 10:05 a.m.
Final Parking & Traffic Commission minutes September 10, 2013
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