2013-09-12Beverly Cable Advisory Commission Meeting
DATE: September 12, 2013
LOCATION: Beverly Public Library, Beverly Ma. Barnet room.
TIME: 7:06 P.M.
Muriel Zaginailoff — Chair - person, Al Torsey, Eric Overberg, Don Berman, Alex Ushakoff, ,
Diane Costa, Alternate - Neil Overberg.
Muriel Zaginailoff — Chair - person, Eric Overberg, Don Berman, Al Torsey, Alex Ushakoff,
and Diane Costa.
• A quorum being present the meeting was called to order at 7:06 P.M by chair - person
Muriel Zaginailoff.
July 13, 2013 minutes: Diane motioned to accept as amended, Don seconded.
• Report from the chair; Muriel Zaginailoff.
• BevCam financial report: Muriel met with John Dunn on the BevCam financial
report. John said it looked ok. He stated that if there was a problem an audit
would have to be done.
• Muriel asked if a member was not available for a meeting to e-mail, or otherwise
notify the chairperson. Muriel will be absent for the October meeting. Muriel will
follow up on the 3rd quarter report to the Mayor.
• NEW MEMBERS: A second priority of Muriel's is to have each committee member ask at
least one person to join the CAC.
• Compliance and oversight Don Berman, Al Torsey, and Alex Ushakoff: Don presented the
CAC ORGANIZATIONAL OBJECTIVE PLAN for discussion and changes. Don discussed
with the group on document archives, the quarterly report to the mayor, and annual election
guidelines. Diane motioned to accept this plan as amended, The motion seconded by Eric.
Don presented the draft of the three point "AREAS of CONCERN" report. discussion
• CAC policies and procedures: Muriel Zaginailoff and Diane Costa: The OFFICER AND
COMITTEE ACCOUNTABILITIES report was presented by Muriel. Discussion followed
with changes made. Eric made a motion to accept it as amended The motion seconded by
Al Torsey.
• I -NET and Operation Alert. George Johnson and Eric Overberg: No report. No
clarification has been received from the mayor's office on the letter to Comcast regarding
fiber expansion. Muriel and Don will follow up immediately.
• Operation alert. Ongoing.
• I -Net build out. Ongoing.
• Long term strategic plan from BevCam.
The next CAC meeting will be held at the Beverly Public Library on Thursday, September
19th in the Fogg room at 7:00 P.M. This is the Q3 joint meeting on Q2 results with BevCam.
At 8:20 P.M. a motion was made by Eric, and seconded by Alex to adjourn.
Respectfully submitted: Eric Overberg, Secretary.