2013-08-07CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD OR COMMISSION: Parking and Traffic Commission SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: August 7, 2013 LOCATION: Conference Room B, Third Floor City Hall MEMBERS PRESENT: Vice - Chairman Bill Bent, Richard Hutchinson, Police Sgt. Russ Rollins, Bill Fiore, John Somes, Tina Cassidy MEMBERS ABSENT: Rich Benevento OTHERS PRESENT: Ward 2 Councilor Wes Slate, Ward 3 Councilor Jim Latter, City Engineer Eric Barber RECORDER: Tina Cassidy Bent calls the meeting to order at 8: 30 a.m. 1. Review /recommendation to City Council: Order #100: Prohibition on traffic entering Bosworth Street from Balch Street from 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Monday through Friday Councilor Latter explains that a lot of traffic from Cummings Center uses Bosworth Street in the afternoon as a cut - through to avoid the Balch /McKay Street intersection. A Bosworth Street resident recently asked if the street could obtain a "time" prohibition similar to the one in place for some of the streets near Henry's Market. Latter had no way to distinguish this street from those, and so submitted this Order for consideration. Members of the Commission ask for background on discussions with neighbors. In the past the Commission has found one or two examples of well- intended Council initiatives that turned out to be unpopular with the residents affected. Latter says he's spoken with everyone on the street and all are in favor of the idea. Hutchinson asks, if this change is made, how will the Commission (or the City) distinguish it from the next request, possibly from residents of the next street over (Balch Street)? Latter responds that Bosworth is a very different type of street than Balch. It ends abruptly in a "T" stop (whereas Balch is a through street) and most people taking Balch stay on Balch to get to Cabot Street. Rollins expresses the Police Department's general aversion to "time" restrictions. They are difficult if not impossible to enforce and there is a philosophical argument to be made about not allowing the public to drive on a public street. Members discuss the issue generally and have no outright objection to it, though several are concerned about the impact the change might have on the Balch /McKay intersection. Those who obey the signage will stay on McKay and therefore the length of the queue waiting to take right turns onto McKay Street is likely to increase. Cassidy: motion to recommend to the City Council that it implement the requested change proposed in Order #100 TEMPORARILY, on a six -month trial basis so that the impact of the change can be adequately assessed prior to Final Parking & Traffic Commission minutes August 7, 2013 Page 1 of 6 considering its permanent installation. Motion seconded by Somes. Cassidy, Bent, Hutchinson, Somes, Fiore in favor, Rollins opposed. Motion carries 5 -1. Councilor Slate asks the Commission to consider taking agenda items out of order to accommodate Joel Taylor, proprietor of The Doggie Depot on Oak Street. 2. Request to create one 15- minute and one or two 2 hour on street parking spaces in the vicinity of 15 Oak Street Joel Taylor addresses the Commission, explaining that his establishment and two others that share a building at 15 Oak Street have only one off - street parking space to accommodate their employees and customers. Parking is available (at no charge) in an abutting lot adjacent to the train station but convenient, short -term parking for customers of the businesses is nearly non - existent. The spaces are very often taken early morning by early commuters whose cars remain in the spaces all day. While there is space in the lot to accommodate the commuters, some prefer the street parking. Mr. Taylor would like to see the City designate one or two on- street spaces in front of his establishment for shorter -term customer parking. Members discuss parking in the area and are generally supportive of the request. Barber suggests though that the Commission consider tabling a decision until the next meeting. He would like to assess the parking situation first -hand and suggests there may be more appropriate alternatives to the traditional "15 minute" or "2 hour parking only" rules. As an example, if there are area residents or after -hours users, perhaps "2 hour parking only Monday through Friday 7:00 a.m. - noon" would be better. That regulation is used in areas around the main depot, and allows for overnight parking and weekend use (times when commuter parking is not at a premium). Members agree to table discussion to the September meeting and to conduct individual site visits between now and then. Slate mentions that a formal Order would need to be prepared in order for the Council to formally amend the parking ordinance. Slate will work with staff to get that in place. 3. Review /recommendation to City Council: City Council Order #139: Request to amend parking ordinance to permit one (1) fifteen (15) minute on- street parking space in front of 330 Rantoul Street Councilor Latter explains that he "late filed" this Order with the City Council earlier this week. It requests that one on- street parking spot be designated a 15 minute spot in front of #330 Rantoul Street. He explains that Family Promise of the North Shore recently relocated to this address. The establishment offers child care, counseling and temporary housing assistance to homeless families. There is a need for a short -term space to accommodate brief visits, child drop -offs and pick -ups, etc. Members of the Commission briefly discuss the issue and the properties /parking nearby. Hutchinson: motion to recommend that the City Council amend Article XXI (Motor Vehicles and Traffic), section 21.13 entitled "Stopping, Standing and Parking" by adding the following: "(h) Fifteen Minute Parking, Rantoul Final Parking & Traffic Commission minutes August 7, 2013 Page 2 of 6 Street, #330 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m." Motion seconded by Cassidy, all members in favor. Motion carries 6 -0. 4. Discussion /recommendation to City Council: City Council Order #125: Request for two -way stop sign at the intersection of River and Bridge Streets / Ward 1 Councilor Maureen Troubetaris Councilor Slate explains that Councilor Troubetaris could not attend this morning but that he will keep her updated on the Commission's discussion. Members discuss the existing intersection and the current problems /shortcomings. It is noted that this intersection is one of two identified as needing traffic signals by consultants working for the MBTA in association with construction of the new 500 -car commuter parking lot. Barber explains that both this intersection and the one at Rantoul and Railroad Avenue meet the warrants for traffic signals. The MBTA has said it would hope to fund one of the intersections but could not afford to do both. The Mayor believes the MBTA will in fact improve both intersections by the time the garage project is completed but there is no funding specifically earmarked in the garage project budget for that work. Several potential reconfigurations of the intersection are mentioned, including (a) requiring left hand turns onto Margin from Bridge (making only right turns allowed at the River /Bridge Street intersection) and (b) reconfiguring the Bridge /River Street intersection to incorporate a small roundabout. Members decide to table discussion to next month to allow staff time to determine what studies have been done to date, and to ascertain the status of the MBTA's work. 5. Potential four -way stop at Echo Avenue and Matthies Street Members continue discussion on this issue which started at the July meeting. Rollins notes that there are speed issues and inherent unique challenges here (sign on "wrong" side of the curve on a hill). Barber agrees. Members discuss the fact that once again, four -way stops are permissible by MUTCD only as precursors to traffic signals. Since that is not the case with this intersection, a four way stop would be inappropriate. Bent visited the area and says that some of the City trees need to be trimmed because they are partially obscuring some of the signage and he encourages the City to trim them. There is also a large hedge on private property that affects sight distances at the intersection and should be trimmed as well. Barber points out that the City cannot enter onto private property to do the work. Rollins states that he found a city ordinance that the Building Inspector can use to require the owner to do the work. Rollins says he will forward that ordinance to Cassidy and Barber. Other than the trimming suggestion, members take no further action on this issue. 6. Potential Improvements to Willow /Lovett Street intersection Final Parking & Traffic Commission minutes August 7, 2013 Page 3of6 Next on the agenda is continued discussion of potential improvements at this location. Members recap the Commission's observations made during a site visit to the area in May and discussion at several subsequent meetings. Slate summarizes the neighborhood issues and concerns. Members consider the sketch plan prepared by Benevento at the site visit. Barber says he has reviewed the sketch and likes the suggestions, but says the City does not have funding earmarked to do the work which was ball - parked at around $10,000. Slate urges the Commission to make its decision /recommendation without regard to funding, saying it is up to either this Mayor or the next one to find the money, and the Ward 2 councilor's responsibility to advocate for it. Hutchinson: motion to recommend the City consider making the improvements depicted on the attached sketch plan drafted by Chairman Rich Benevento. Motion seconded by Cassidy. Rollins asks for the motion to include language regarding interim measures, recognizing that full implementation of the sketch plan might be delayed by lack of funding. He requests the Commission also recommend that the City consider the following two interim measures: (a) Paint "STOP" lines on the Hale Street end of both Willow and Lovett Streets; and (b) Erect an MUTCD - compliant "STOP" sign at the intersection to augment the existing "STOP" sign. The amended motion is acceptable to Hutchinson and Cassidy. On the amended motion, all members are in favor and none are in opposition. The motion carries 6 -0. 7. Update from Eric Barber on Municipal Parking Lot Signage Barber updates the members: Most (perhaps 85 %) of the additional signage has been installed, but some remains undone (i.e. need for DigSafe okay for poles, etc.). The kiosk enclosures have yet to be received. He reports that he recently had a colleague who was completely unfamiliar with the lots join him on a site visit. She offered observations with "fresh eyes" that lead Barber to believe there is still room for improvement /additional signage. He will continue working on the issue between now and the next meeting and will update the Commission again then. 8. Request for "Deaf Child" sign in proximity to 16 Bridge Street Rollins states that he recently received an email from a resident requesting this sign. He has no objections to the request, though he notes there is no enforcement per se associated with it. Final Parking & Traffic Commission minutes August 7, 2013 Page 4of6 Members are not sure the sign meets the requirements of the MUTCD, so decide to table discussion of this item until next month. 9. Discussion with Eric Barber regarding City road closure policies and practices Barber continues last month's discussion by explaining that he has revised the checklist his office uses with contractors to include the following question: "Is a temporary road or sidewalk closure needed for the project ? ". If the answer is yes, Barber proposes that review and approval of a plan to deal with the closure(s) would be required from the Parking and Traffic Commission. Members note that such a requirement would be effective but Bent wonders if there will be problems with schedules in doing so, since the Commission only meets once a month and contractors may be unwilling /unable to accommodate the resulting delay in their schedules. Barber will consider the comment and revisit the draft policy changes between now and the next meeting. 10. Informal Discussion with Mr. DiBiase regarding potential development at former Kelleher property on Essex Street Cassidy explains that Mr. DiBiase has asked for time on the agenda to elicit comments and suggestions from the Commission relative to parking and /or traffic issues near this site. He is present at this meeting as are Peter Ogren and Bill Bergeron from Hayes Engineering. Bergeron explains that DiBiase is hoping to build 18 or 19 single - family homes on the site which has frontage and access to Essex Street via a shared driveway with the private school located in front of the parcel. DiBiase met with Cassidy some time ago and she provided him with copies of the Commission's recent letter to the City Council about traffic issues in the area. DiBiase and his engineers would appreciate hearing comments and suggestions from the members. Members discuss the area in general terms, including the roadways, nearby intersections and land uses. Bent suggests the owners talk to appropriate school department personnel to see if there are opportunities to improve access to the Hannah School. The Commission has spent much time over the years discussion school - related parking and traffic issues and this might present an opportunity for improvement. Cassidy suggests they consider studying the Brimbal Ave./ Essex Street intersection. During its recent site visit the Commission noted that there is no traffic analysis /review on record for the intersection and having that information would be good for the city. The Commission noted several potential improvements during its site visit and it might be that one or two of those improvements would be appropriate for this developer to make. The Commission expresses its general consensus that existing traffic conditions are difficult here and while 18 or 19 homes will impact them they clearly have not caused them. Fiore notes that he has met with DiBiase already about his intent /hope to use Ice House Lane as an emergency access only to the project. The access would utilize a "breakaway" Final Parking & Traffic Commission minutes August 7, 2013 Page 5 of 6 chain, and the private owners would maintain the emergency access drive. Rollins says that if the Fire Department is comfortable with this arrangement he would have no objections either. Barber says he thinks he has a copy of a traffic study that was done by a previous development team considering this site. He will share a copy with DiBiase if he can find it. Bergeron asks if traffic studies are usually required by the Planning Board. Cassidy says that "it depends ". There is a regulation that allows the Board to require one at its discretion, and they are often required for large projects. Some developers provide a traffic "review" up front without being asked, in the hope it provides the Planning Board with the information it needs. Bent states that the Commission will be reviewing this project and will be looking for an abbreviated analysis of both the Brimbal /Essex and Brimbal /Colon Street intersections. DiBiase and representatives thank the members for their time. 10. Approval of minutes: June 4.2013 and July 15, 2013 regular meetings Bent asks if members are prepared to vote on the minutes. Hutchinson: motion to approve the minutes of the June 4, 2013 meeting, seconded by Fiore. Fiore, Hutchinson, Somes in favor, no one in opposition, Bent, Cassidy, and Rollins abstain. The motion carries 3 -0 -3. Hutchinson: motion to approve the draft minutes of the Commission's July 15, 2013 meeting, seconded by Fiore. Fiore, Hutchinson, Somes, Cassidy, Rollins in favor, no one in opposition, Bent abstains. Motion carries 5 -0 -1. Members next discuss the date for the next meeting and elect to schedule it for Tuesday, September 10, 2013 at 8:30 a.m. 11. Adjournment Bent asks if there is any other business for the Commission to conduct this morning. There is none. Hutchinson: motion to adjourn, seconded by Fiore. All members in favor, none in opposition. The motion carries 6 -0. The meeting is adjourned at 10:25 a.m. Final Parking & Traffic Commission minutes August 7, 2013 Page 6 of 6