2013-07-15CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD OR COMMISSION: Parking and Traffic Commission SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: June 4, 2013 LOCATION: Conference Room B, Third Floor City Hall MEMBERS PRESENT: Richard Benevento, Chair, Tina Cassidy, Richard Hutchinson, and Sgt. Russ Rollins MEMBERS ABSENT: Bill Fiore, john Somes, Bill Bent OTHERS PRESENT: Eric Barber, ward 2 Councilor Wes Slate, Ward 4 Councilor Scott Houseman RECORDER: Eileen Sacco 1. Benevento calls the meeting to order at g: 30 a.m. 2: Up date on Site visit to Willow and Lovett Streets Cassidy reports that the Commission visited the site on May 23, 2013 and recaps the issues the Commission found on site: • Problems with sight distances for traffic exiting either willow or Lovett Street onto Hale Street, particularly right -hand turns; problems stem . from combination of on- street parking patterns and topography /current roadway layouts. • Traffic turning from Hale Street onto Lovett Street "cuts the corner" and makes it dangerous for cars trying to exit either Lovett or willow Street onto Hale Street; and • vehicles exiting Lovett Street onto Hale Street do not always slow or stop for merging traffic from willow Street and instead stop at the Hale Street intersection. She adds that members noted the extensive (excess) amount of pavement at this intersection and the lack of a crosswalk connecting the sidewalks on the southern side of Hale Street. Cassidy reports. that Benevento sketched a drawing of a proposed solution to the issues which would revise the geometry of the willow /Lovett Street intersection. Willow Street would intersect with Lovett Street at a right angle [perpendicular] and the geometry of Lovett and Hale Streets' pavement adjusted to reduce the expanse of pavement and provide better channelization of traffic. Members received the sketch in their packets for the meeting and it was also sent to Engineering for its comments. FinaI Parking & Traffic Commission minutes June 4, 2013 Meeting Page 1 of 7 Eric Barber states that he thinks preliminarily that there could be a positive impact to pedestrian and foot traffic with this design. He asks if the plan is to scale. Benevento states that it is conceptual only. Slate notes that the physical condition of the street is. critical and questions where it may be in the rank of priorities for resurfacing. He notes that the Governor cut Chapter 90 money for this year, and the Mayor indicated in his budget presentation that the city could be budgeting additional money for road repairs. Barber agrees the roads are in tough shape and the reality is the roads are dug up for utility repairs to gas lines etc. and the patches they do are not high quality. Benevento states that these improvements will not impact whatever other work is going on there. Barber will review the matter and the sketch and report back to the Commission at its next meeting. 3. Discussion with Eric Barber on Municipal. Parking Lots and Road Closure Policies Practices Barber reports that they have made some progress on erecting additional signage in the municipal lots. He explains that his department has cataloged the existing signs and have a list of what i needed. He states that he will review what is needed, order the signs required and report back at the next meeting. Benevento notes that he had occasion to visit Brown's Bicycle Shop and reports that the owner said she is happy with the parking lots look. 4. Regrew I Recommendation to the Planning Board: Site Plan Review #1-11-13: Construction of a New office Building at 50 Dunham Road - Cummings Projierties Steve Drohosky of Cummings Properties addressed the Commission and explains that they are proposing to construct a mixed use building and a parking structure at 50 Dunham Road. He notes that they are scheduled to go before the Planning Board on June 18, 2013 and the Design Review Board on Thursday, June 8, 2013. Drohosky explains that they are proposing to build a 120,000 +/- square foot office building on the site of the former Parker Brothers headquarters. They are also proposing to construct a parking garage next to it with a foot bridge that connects to the office building. He notes that this is an as -of -right project and no variances are needed and the work Will take place outside all No Disturb Zones relative to the Conservation Commission. Final Parking & Traffic Commisslon minutes June 4, 2013 Meeting Page 2 of 7 Benevento asks how the development of 120,000 s.f. of office space will impact Dunham Road. He says that the property abuts a state highway and they will need an indirect access permit. Cassidy says she does not think the property actually abuts 128 but Drohosky explains that the road between the Salem News building and the condos at 36 and 38 Dunham Road is a private way, so in theory it does directly abut the highway. Drohosky states that he does not think there will be a significant impact on traffic during the day, but notes there is heavy traffic at night during the summer for the North Shore Music Theater. Benevento asks if there are any other potential uses for build out of the site. Drohosky tates that there is room for additional development but they are trying to y p create a market over 6 -7 years. Cassidy wonders whether NSMT traffic is limited to nights, noting that they have matinee performances and cater to school groups during the day. Cassidy informs members that the City's Site Plan Review process does not require a Parking Study but the - Planning Board can request one. Benevento states that it is important to understand what the impact will be. Ernie Brusky addresses the Commission and says they will do a traffic analysis. Benevento notes that the impact of the construction on the neighbors also has to be considered, not just the total vehicle trips once the project is done, noting that it is a tough spot with 1,000 or more cars per day once it is complete. He says he is concerned about traffic and public safety on Dunham Road and at the Dunham Road/Brimbal Avenue intersection. Benevento states that the parking proposed is more than adequate for the site. Hutchinson suggests that the Commission review this and have the opportunity to make recommendations to solve some issues ahead of time. Cassidy notes that not all traffic improvements are physical, noting that a shuttle to the train depot could be implemented. She explains that Cell Signaling is interested in something like that and is currently exploring opportunities to implement one in concert with other businesses. Drohosky states that he anticipates there will be some employees of the new site that will drive or walk or carpool. Cassidy asks what the plan is for washing vehicles on site, how many outside contractors are expected to be on -site each day and asks whether the anticipated construction traffic should be included in the study. Benevento asks if there is anyone present who wishes to comment on the matter. Final Parking & Traffic Commission minutes June 4, 2013 Meeting Page 3of7 Eric Barber notes that there are no curb cuts on the neighbors side of Dunham Road. He suggests that the corner should be addressed at a minimum and any sidewalk impediments should be included on a priority list. Cassidy suggests that they should consider that people like to walk at lunch time and they could consider a walking path around the pond. Drohosky states that they will come up with a traffic analysis that assumes the Phase I improvements to Brimbal Avenue will happen. He states that they will submit something for the July meeting of the Parking and Traffic Commission. Members discuss the date for the July Parking and Traffic Commission meeting and it is decided to hold the meeting on Tuesday, July 15, 2013. There being no further questions or comments regarding this matter, Benevento thanks the applicants for attending the meeting. . 5. Discussion: order #56: Re nest for P & T Commission Recommendation on Traffic and Parking Options to Improve Safety at Kimball Haskell Park -- ward Four Councillor Scott Houseman Eric Barber addresses the Commission and explains that at the last meeting a discussion was held on this matter. He reports that he took a look at it and he would prefer it if parking were allowed on both sides of the street. He states that he dislikes the practice of cars parking on sidewalks, noting it is bad practice. He suggests that parking areas be defined. Barber suggests that the road pavement could be widened and estimates that it would require19 loads of material to do it. Benevento says that the winter thaw and freezes there are ice issues and the end of the street needs to be patched and should be done with the changes. Benevento suggests that the City could install a bituminous curb along the park to prevent parking on the grass. Barber reports that he looked at angle parking but that is not necessarily conducive to the site. He estimates that it would cost $7,300 to cut it back and pave the parking spaces. Councilor Houseman suggests that they put parking on the park side of the street noting that we do not have to design to accommodate every car that comes to the park. Final Parking & Traffic Commission minutes June 4, ,2013 Meeting Page 4of7 Houseman states, that he will draft an ordinance for additional signage and to change the street to a one way and bring it before the City Council. Benevento recaps the proposal and states that they are going to propose that Ray Street be changed to a one way street with eastbound traffic and Boden Street be changed to a one way street with westerly -bound trafffic and that MUTCD- compliant signs be installed, and that No Parking Here to Corner signs be installed on the approaches to the park. - Benevento states that he would recommend leaving the frequency of the signs up to ........................................... ............................... the City Engineer. Barber agrees, noting that they would :replace the signs that are there in an effort to reduce the clutter. Rollins: motion to recommend Ray Street be changed to a one way street (with traffic flowing in an eastbound direction), that Baden Street be changed to one way (with traffic flowing in a westerly direction), that parking be permitted only on the "residence side" of the street, that MUTCD- compliant signs be installed, and that "No Parking Here to Corner" signs be installed on the main approaches to the park. Hutchinson seconds the motion, .all members in favor. The motion carries (4 -0). 6. AwDroval of Minutes The minutes of the Parking and Traffic Commission meeting held on May 14, 2013 and the minutes of the Site Visit held on May 23, 2013 were presented for approval. Benevento asks if there are any corrections that need to be made to either set. There are none. Hutchinson: motion to approve the minutes of the Parking and Traffic Commission's May 14, 2013 meeting and the Commission's Site Visit on May 23, 2013 as submitted. Rollins seconds the motion, all members in favor. The motion carries 4 -0. 7. New /other Business a. Wal reens Submission of Roadway and Signal Improvements to Mass DoT and "Sign Off' by Parkin and Traffic Commission Benevento reports that he got a set of drawings relative to condition #2 of the Planning Board approval of the Walgreens project. He explains that the Planning Board's approval of the project required the applicant to submit to the Commission plans to improve the state highway and the Commission has to sign off on them before an occupancy permit can be issued. He states that he has not reviewed them yet and says that he will do so. Cassidy says she will put the matter on the Commission's meeting agenda for July 15,-2013. Final Parking &Traffic Commission minutes June 4, 2013 Meeting Page 5 of 7 8� Next Meeting The next regular - meeting of the Parking and Traffic Commission will be held on Tuesday, July 15, 2013 at 8:30 a.m. 9. Discussion with Mr. Overber re ardin the State's Denial of the Request for a Truck Exclusion on Cole Street Mr. overberg addresses the Commission. He expresses disappointment that the City's recent truck exclusion request was denied and asks the Commission to consider revising the request by including reference to the fact that GPS providers send trucks and busses down Cole Street. Benevento states that MassDOT looked at the City's proposal and denied it. He also notes that the volume of truck traffic on the street is minimal (as judged by MassDOT standards) and the Commission and all parties knew that there was a good chance that the request might get denied as a result. The usual threshold for a truck exclusion route is that 15 of the traffic is truck traffic and in the case of Cole Street the percentage of vehicles that were trucks was more like 3 %. Mr. overberg notes that the city ordinances regulate truck traffic and cites that no trucks over 2 1 12 tons should be on the street. Benevento states that just because it is in the city ordinance does not mean that the State will approve it. Mrs. overberg notes that busses would not be using that route if it were not for the GPS directions and the State should be made aware of that. Benevento reiterates several points made at previous meetings. First, busses are not trucks, and so are not counted as trucks in the traffic data nor viewed as such by MassDOT for purposes of a truck exclusion route. Therefore, busses are not included in the percentage of truck traffic. Second, the phenomenon of GPS was not "left out" of the request. How a bus or truck might get to Cole Street is irrelevant to traffic counts. Whether they traveled down Cole Street guided by GPS or a paper map, they were counted in the traffic counts if they used the road. Mr. overberg requests that the Commission resubmit the request formally with the additional information on the GPS included. Benevento states that the GPS has nothing to do with the truck exclusion requirement. Mr. overberg states that it is a safety issue. Benevento states that there is nothing more that the Commission can do with his request. He suggests that Mr. overberg take the matter to State Representative Final Parking & Traffic Commission minutes June 4, 2 013 Meeting Page 6of7 Jerry Parisella to see if he can do something about it, noting that the Department of Transportation might consider it differently if it comes from a State representative. 9. Adjournme Benevento asks if there is any additional business for the Commission to conduct at this meeting. There is none. Hutchinson: motion to adjourn, seconded by Rollins. All members in favor, no one in opposition. The motion carries 4 -0. The meeting is adjourned at 10:30 a.m. Penal Parking & Traffic Commission minutes June 4, 2013 Meeting Page 7 of 7