2013-06-10 Special Meeting (2)Special Meeting Page 1 of 2
Beverly Meeting Minutes
From: Kathy Connolly [kconnolly @beverlyma.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2013 11 :33 AM
To: pguanci @beverlyma.gov; jsilva @beverlyma.gov; sdullea @beverlyma.gov;
mtroubetaris @beverlyma.gov; wslate @beverlyma.gov; Jim Latter; shouseman @beverlyma.gov; Don
Martin; Brett Schetzsle; minutes @beverlyma.gov
Subject: Special Meeting6- 10- 13.doc corrected version
Special Meeting
Beverly City Council 6:30 PM Monday June 10, 2013
Roll Call: Councilors Present:, D. Scott Dullea, Scott D. Houseman, James F. Latter, D. Wesley Slate, Jr., Jason C. Silva, Donald
Martin, Brett Schetzsle (absent), Maureen Troubetaris, Paul Guanci
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag: Led by Councilor Silva
Call for Special Meeting June 10, 2013
Communications from His Honor the Mayor
June 10, 2013
Honorable City Council
City Hall
Beverly, MA 01915
Dear Honorable Council:
Supporting An Act of the Massachusetts Legislature Authorizing the Secretary of the
Massachusetts Department of Transportation to Convey and Acquire Certain Parcels of Land in the City
of Beverly.
Whereas, the City of Beverly seeks to promote an Act of the Massachusetts
Legislature to Convey Certain Parcels of Land in the City of Beverly (the "Legislation ") related to Phase
I of the Route 128, Exit 19 at Brimbal Avenue Interchange Improvements Project (the "Project "); and
Whereas, the Project will improve safety and operations of Brimbal Avenue and Sohier Road
Special Meeting
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and, in general, roadways of the City of Beverly and thus, facilitate expansion of the economic base by
improving transportation access to potential development in the area; and
Whereas, the Metropolitan Area Planning Council considers the Project a Regionally Significant
Transportation Investment; and
Whereas, the Legislation is necessary to achieve the goals and objectives of the Project; and
Whereas, the Mayor has indicated his support for the Project and the Legislation; and
Whereas, a first draft of the Legislation and a draft plan depicting the parcel to be conveyed and
the parcel to be acquired by the Secretary are attached hereto;
Therefore Be It Resolved that:
The Mayor and the City Council of the City of Beverly go on record in support of the Project and the
Legislation which is intended to improve the public transportation infrastructure of the Commonwealth, and by so
doing, expand the economic base and contribute to the creation of many regional jobs and, therefore, respectfully
request that our State Representative and State Senator, and our Governor, support the Project and vote in favor of
the Legislation and that the City Clerk spread a copy of this Resolution upon the City Records.
Refer to Finance and Property
Reports from Committees:
The Committee on Finance and Property / Committee of the Whole to whom was referred the matter of Communication from Mayor
Scanlon re: Resolution for Special Legislation related to Phase 1 of the Route 128, Exit 19 at Brimbal Ave. Interchange Improvements
Project have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit:
Submit the accompanying order and recommend its adoption
)rdered: That the City Council accept and approve the Resolution from Mayor Scanlon supporting Special Legislation with regard to the
Brimbal Avenue Interchange Improvement Project.
Order read one and adopted Vote 8 -0
Meeting adjourned: 6:50 PM Attest: Kathleen P. Connolly, CMC
City Clerk