2013-04-02CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD OR COMMISSION: SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: LOCATION: MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: RECORDER: Parking and Traffic Commission April 2, 2013 Conference Room B, Third Floor City Hall Bill Bent, Vice Chair, Tina Cassidy, Bill Fiore, John Somes, Richard Hutchinson, and Russ Rollins Chair Rich Benevento Eileen Sacco 1. Bent calls the meeting to order at 8: 30 a.m. 2. Follow -Up Discussion on Meeting with the Beverly Public Schools Bent states that he thought the meeting was a great session on the challenges that the Beverly Public Schools have with traffic and was very pro- active. He notes that they have traffic management issues because of site geometric constraints and getting kids out safely to buses. He asks Cassidy if she has received any feedback since the meeting. Cassidy reports that she has not heard anything specific but agrees with Bent that they are managing as best they can. She too thought it was a great session and everyone left on a high note. She explains that the School Department let us know their concerns as well as the efforts that they are making to ease things at drop off and dismissal times. Hutchinson says that the proposed development at Kelleher Pond is off the table and questions if a road could be put in for the Centerville School. Cassidy explains that there is a lot of ledge and hills as well as wetlands up there. She states that it could be possible to put a one -way road between Brimbal Avenue and Essex Street but even that would be costly. Cassidy also notes that school bussing policies could be looked at. It was noted that there is one bus for the Hannah School and the North Beverly Elementary School while others have several buses. She suggests that she would work with Roland Adams to more details using updated GIS maps, once the School Department sends its promised list of priority issues /schools. Bent suggests that once the Commission gets that list it can develop of priorities, that is things that can be done such as reconfiguring parking lots and internal traffic patterns and work on that last, noting that it would be a start to addressing some of the issues. Final Parking & Traffic Commission minutes April Z 2013 Meeting Page 1 of 3 3. Discussion (continued): Police Department recommendation to restrict parking on Wayland Road (both sides) or to establish fire lane / Sgt. Rollins Sgt. Rollins reports that Mr. St. Pierre and Ms. Piccarello have indicated their support of the change to him. He explains that "No Parking Signs" will give the police something to work with, noting that Wayland Road is not a patrolled street. He also notes that the city ordinance states that parking is not allowed within 10 feet of a driveway. He adds that the group home on Wayland Road gets a lot of medical aid calls and a fire truck could have difficulty accessing the site if there are cars parked on both sides of the street. Hutchinson suggests that a "No Parking or Standing" sign be installed. Cassidy questions if no parking on one side of the street would be enough. Rollins suggests that "No Parking" on one side of the street on the opposite side from the group home would be sufficient. Hutchinson: motion to recommend to the Beverly City Council that a "No Parking" sign be installed on Wayland Road on the opposite side of the street from the group home. Fiore seconds the motion, all in favor. The motion carries 6 -0. Cassidy will send a letter to the City Council on the recommendation with a copy to the City Clerk for action. 4. Discussion: City policies and Practices for Municipal Off - Street Parking Lots Cassidy reports that as requested she sent a memo to Eric Barber after the last meeting requesting that he look at the signage in the parking lots downtown. She says that Rich Benevento also spoke to Barber about the request from the Commission. She will follow up with Barber for further information before the next meeting. 5. New /Other Business Discussion on Windover Project on Rantoul Street Cassidy states that Hutchinson had concerns at the last meeting regarding the Windover project on Rantoul Street. She reports that there is now a static board out there to notify motorists of the lane closure. Hutchinson says that his concern was more about the way it was handled and asks if there are any procedures and /or guidance provided by the City to developers regarding closures of a street, or do developers just do it on their own? Rollins replies that the Engineering Department handles most of that and that the City Final Parking & Traffic Commission minutes April Z 2013 Meeting Page 2 of 3 Council approved a lane shift but it never came before the Parking and Traffic Commission. 6. Update Request to State Regarding Truck Exclusion for Cole Street Bent asks what the status of the truck exclusion for Cole Street. Cassidy reports that she has not heard anything from the State. She explains that the Mayor hand - delivered the request to Ms. Leavenworth, MassDOT District 4 Director recently. She estimates that the City will hear something in the next month or so. 7. Approval of Minutes: April 7, 2014 Meeting Bent asks if there are any corrections that need to be made to the draft minutes of the Commission's last meeting. There are none. Somes: motion to approve the draft minutes of the Commission's April 7, 2013 meeting, seconded by Hutchinson. Hutchinson, Somes, Rolllins, Cassidy in favor, no one in opposition, Fiore and Bent in abstention. Motion carries 4 -0 -2. 8. Next Meeting The next regular meeting of the Parking and Traffic Commission will be held on Tuesday, May 14, 2013 at 8:30 a.m. Bent asks if there is any other business for the Commission to discuss. There is not. 9. Adjournment Hutchinson: motion to adjourn, seconded by Rollins. All members in favor no one in opposition. Motion carries 6 -0. The meeting is adjourned at 9:00 a.m. Final Parking & Traffic Commission minutes April Z 2013 Meeting Page 3 of 3