2012-11-29Beverly Historic Commission
Minutes — November 29, 2012
Board: Historic District Commission
Date: November 29, 2012
Location: Beverly City Hall, City Council Chambers, 191 Cabot Street
Members Present William Finch, Chair, Martin Lian, and Wendy Pearl
Members Absent: James Younger, Vice Chair
Others Present: Kate Newhall, Associate Planner, Councilor Scott Houseman
Recorder: Kate Newhall
Finch called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. He introduces City Councilor Scott Houseman
and requests that the Commission postpone its discussion on the proposed National Register
district in order to accommodate the Councilor's schedule.
Councilor Houseman speaks to the Commission about the residential TIF proposal; he states that
the Council voted to grant a 70% tax break for the first five years and a 30% for next five years
for a project in the district. He explains that during discussions of the TIF, he asked about the
protections surrounding the post office building and the Beverly Depot building. The private
consultant for the project stated that their historical integrity would be protected while in the TIF
district as they are currently — the TIF would not impact the protections on these significant
buildings. The consultant led the Councilor to believe that the TIF would provide additional
Councilor Houseman questioned providing financial incentives to an owner to alter or demolish
the historic structures, especially the Depot. He stated that other councilors seemed to share his
concern for historic properties.
Councilor Houseman requests the Commission write a letter to the Council for Monday,
December 03, 2012. He would like the letter to describe the protective measures, rules,
ordinances, etc. for historically significant buildings, especially the Depot, that are located within
the TIF district as it was approved.
Finch states that the building is on the National Register ("NW), but he is not sure of the
ownership of the rest of the lot and all of the parking. Newhall responds that the owner of the
building owns all of the parking on both sides of the train tracks. Also, there is a deed restriction
on the lot that ensures that at least 100 spaces on the property are for the use of commuters. The
owner of the property leases these parking spaces to the public for a fee.
Finch continues to state that the TIF won't change that the building's NR status and that this
status provides a measure of protection. The protection it provides is not absolute; it provides
protection when the expenditure of state or federal funds or permits by the same bodies, trigger
regulatory review such as MEPA and Section 106. Pearl states that the review process is a
consultation process. Finch agrees stating that it can delay a project, but in the end the parties
can mitigate the loss and continue on with their plans.
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Beverly Historic Commission
Minutes — November 29, 2012
Councilor Houseman confirms that if a private owner with private funds wants to alter the
property, then there will be no Federal or state review or controls that would prohibit this.
Pearl states that the Depot could be demolished some day. The Commission could only delay
demolition for a year, just like with any other historically significant structure in the City.
Finch states that the Depot's current or future owner may want to alter or expand the building,
which may or may not be damaging to its historical integrity.
Councilor Houseman has asked the Commission to use the letter to help educate the entire
Council regarding the Depot's historical designation and how the TIF does not offer any extra
protection against altering or demolishing the structure.
Pearl states that the Commission's original letter, written in the Fall, stated the fact that there was
no consideration to historical resources located within the TIF proposal. She suggested
reiterating these thoughts. Councilor Houseman responds that he believes discussing how the
TIF does or does not protect the Depot.
Pearl moves to authorize Kate to write the letter as requested by Councilor Houseman discussing
the NR- listed Depot and how its historical significance can be protected, despite the financial
incentives provided by the TIF. Lian seconds. The motion carried 3 -0.
Discussion: Beverly Depot -Odell Park Historic District National Register of Historic Places
Finch begins the discussion by stating that he has spoken to both the Planning Director, Tina
Cassidy, and the lawyer representing the company who facilitated the nomination, Miranda
Gooding. Both seemed to be concerned that the nomination was prepared without consultation
from City before sending it to the Massachusetts Historical Commission (the "MHC"). Finch
states that due to the length of the review process for a nomination, it is not imperative to act
immediately. In looking at a map of the proposed district, Finch notes that "Building 1" is being
converted into residential use and the and owner wants tax credits; in order to obtain the credits,
the building must be listed on the NR or it must be within an NR district. Finch believes that as a
single building, it would not go on, but as a district with other buildings, it could be listed. He
has some questions regarding the proposal: Should the district be larger? Should it encompass
the TIF area? Should it include the two Kowaslski -owned buildings on Broadway? Finch stated
that some of the buildings have already been determined to be eligible, even without being in the
proposed district.
Finch questions if the Commission needs more time to review the proposal and discuss its
proposed boundaries.
Pearl states that she would like to tell the MHC that the proposal was completed and submitted
without any local input. She notes that the proposal also lists the building known as the
"Pressbox" as a noncontributing building in the proposed district, which is the opposite of what
the MHC determined in a 2008 letter.
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Beverly Historic Commission
Minutes — November 29, 2012
The Commissioners discuss the National Grid properties located within the proposed district.
Demolition permits have been pulled for these and their year delay has passed. These buildings
may come down at any time, which will necessitate amending the district's boundaries.
Commissioners question the notion of including structures on River Street in the district.
Lian mentions about last week's Salem News article that mentioned tearing down the Pressbox
and transferring veterans service agency to the Kowalski building at 45 Broadway. He asks if
Pressbox will be demolished. Finch states that it will probably come before the Commission at
some point where they will need to vote on whether it is significant and preferably preserved.
Pearl states that the Commission should take more time to review the proposal and have another
meeting with the consultant before discussing the nomination's content. She states that the
Commission's comments will be more meaningful after a formal presentation.
Newhall states that she will contact the applicant's attorney, Miranda Gooding, and arrange a
time to bring the consultant to an HDC meeting.
New /Other Business
The Commission reviews the draft decision for 441 Hale Street. The Commission discusses the
draft and suggests edits.
Kate will make the revisions and send another draft to Finch for final approval before filing it
with the City Clerk.
Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the November 15, 2012 meeting were presented for approval.
Lian moved to approve the minutes of the meeting with the discussed edits. Pearl seconded the
motion. The motion carried (3 -0).
There being no further business to come before the Historic District Commission this evening,
Lian moved to adjourn the meeting, Pearl seconds. The motion carried (3 -0).
The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
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