2012-12-12BEVERLY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Regular Meeting Wednesday, December 12, 2012 Beverly City Hall Beverly, Massachusetts A regular meeting of the Beverly School Committee was held on Wednesday, December 12, 2012 in Council Chambers at City Hall, Beverly, MA. Members Present: David Manzi, Maria Decker, Kris Silverstein, Annemarie Cesa and Paul Manzo Not in Attendance: Mayor Scanlon and Matthew Kavanagh Also in Attendance: Superintendent Marie Galinski, Assistant Superintendent Dr. Maryellen Duffy, Director of Finance and Operations Jean Sherburne, Administrative Assistant to the School Committee Donna Bergeron, Student Representative Hind AI- Jarahi, Briscoe Foreign Language Educators, Lou Ann Faria and Holly Rickerl, Briscoe Principal Matt Poska Call to Order: Ms. Decker called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance: Dr. Marie Galinski led those assembled in the Pledge of Allegiance. AGENDA Recognition of Students, Employees and Community Members Dr. Galinski and Maria Decker recognized and thanked the following retirees for their years of service to the Beverly Public Schools, Joanne Panunzio, 25 years and Patricia Glasser, 19 years. Also recognized but unable to attend were Michael Deering 33 years and Rosanne Sperry with 23 years of service. Dr. Galinski and Maria Decker recognized BHS senior Brendan Flaherty who was chosen to receive an award and scholarship from the Association of New England Football Officials. Open Forum for Citizen Input into Non - Agenda - Related Items Lorinda Visnick, 39 Middlebury Lane addressed the committee to express her frustration with the District approving programs but lacking the ability to fully fund them. She challenged the School Committee /Department to find the money in the upcoming budget to subsidize programs such as these. Open Forum for Citizen Concerns or Citizen Input into Agenda - Related Items None Approval of Meeting Records A motion was made by Paul Manzo to approve the minutes from the November 14, 2012 Regular School Committee meeting. The motion was seconded by David Manzi and approved by a vote of 5:0. A motion was made by Annemarie Cesa to approve the Executive Session minutes from October 10, 2012. The motion was seconded by Kris Silverstein and approved by a vote of 5:0 with one correction. Report from Student Representative to the School Committee Student Representative, Hind AI- Jarahi reported that last week's production of the play the "Governor's Inspector" was a great success, ROTC is hosting a "Toys for Tots" drive, the Key Club is collecting supplies for the troops, DECA is supporting the Journey of Hope to benefit homeless teens and classes are competing in jar "wars" to raise money for Beverly BootStraps. Communications from Committee Members Paul Manzo reported attending the Briscoe afternoon back and noted he was pleased to hear that they Regular Meeting December 12, 2012 Page 2 of 5 are exploring other options for the 8 th grade trip. He received an inquiry about recognizing the girl's soccer team and was asked about the cancellation of the Special Education meeting. Kris Silverstein received a call from a constituent who was having difficulty locating information on the District web site. Kris commented that she too had difficulty navigating through the web site and asked Dr. Galinski if there was a way to make information easier to access. Annemarie Cesa reported that she had received calls from a couple of the PTO presidents with regards to funding and agreed that field trips' expenses need to be discussed. Maria Decker reported receiving positive comments on the lighting work that has been done at Centerville in the cafeteria and gym in conjunction with National Grid. She commented that this work continues currently at Briscoe. Maria received correspondence regarding heating issues at Briscoe and referred it to Mike Collins. Recognition of 21 Century Teaching and Learning Briscoe Middle School Foreign Language Educators, Lou Ann Faria and Holly Rickerl shared the power point that they presented at the American Council on Teaching Foreign Language Convention (ACTFL). They reported that the idea of multi - cultural teaching grew from a professional development day. They reported that they showed the film, Joyeux Noel to both classes and developed many activities for their students using both languages, French and German, commenting that it was a great collaborative effort for them and the students. Report from Superintendent Galinski 1. Overnight Field Trip —BHS — MJROTC — Camp Curtis Guild Chief Warrant Office Smith accompanied by Cadet First Sergeant James Ryan requested School Committee approval of the Beverly High School MJROTC field trip to Camp Curtis Guild. The trip is projected to take place on May 17 -19, 2013. There was a brief discussion about the ROTC Program and its status at Beverly High School, which Dr. Galinski reported Principal Gallagher is working on. A motion was made by Paul Manzo to approve the overnight field trip to Camp Curtis Guild on May 17 — 19 2013. The motion was seconded by Annemarie Cesa and approved by a vote of 5:0. 2. Global Child Dr. Galinski stated she included a letter from the Regional Coordinator of the Global Child program which summarized the fall semester and plans for the spring. She said she was pleased to report that with the reduction in the tuition, this program, which provides Spanish classes for our elementary aged students, saw an increase of 18 students. Report from School Committee President Maria Decker 1. Consolidation Committee Maria Decker reported that she and Paul Manzo served on the Consolidation Committee a few years ago looking into areas of possible consolidation of city and school departments. The result was the consolidation of the school's Buildings and Grounds Department with the city's Public Work's Department. Maria reported that School Committee members Paul Manzo and Annemarie Cesa together with City Council member Jason Silva and another yet to be named councilor, will begin to research other areas of possible consolidation. 2. Statement of Interest Maria Decker reported that they had received a report from the Massachusetts School Building Authority stating we would need to re -file our Statement of Interest (SOI). She said this is not unusual and that she, Mayor Scanlon and Principal Matt Poska would be working on it over the break. Both City Council and the School Committee will need to vote then with approval from MSBA we can move forward with the feasibility study. Maria noted that this would not change the time frame of the new middle school opening in September 2017. Committee Reports Standing Committee on Finance & Facilities (Paul Manzo, Chairperson) Mr. Manzo reported that the committee last met on November 28 and received a review of the latest work being done by the Buildings and Grounds Department, consisting of repairs to Briscoe's roof, Ayers' school sign damaged during hurricane Sandy, and repairs to bathrooms at the high school. Mr. Manzo Regular Meeting December 12, 2012 Page 3 of 5 said they received a review of the revenues and expenses and Stacy Bucyk, Director of Special Education requested approval of a part -time position which is coming forward for school committee approval. 1. Upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities a motion was made by Paul Manzo to approve a new, part -time (0.5) Special Education and Pupil Personnel Team Chairperson. This new team chair will help address increased work load throughout the district. Salary for this new position will not exceed $40,000 for the remainder of the year and be derived from existing grant support. The motion was seconded by Kris Silverstein and approved by a vote of 5:0. 2. The Standing Committee on Finance & Facilities recommends the attached policy regarding "Communication of Budget Recommendations" (Section D: Fiscal Management) for a first reading. The second reading will take place at the January 9, 2013 meeting and will require a formal (2/3) vote of approval by the School Committee. 3. The Standing Committee on Finance & Facilities recommends the attached policy regarding "Advance Approval of Expenditures and Encumbrances" (Section D: Fiscal Management) for a first reading. The second reading will take place at the January 9, 2013 meeting and will require a formal (2/3) vote of approval by the School Committee. 4. The Standing Committee on Finance & Facilities recommends the attached policy regarding "Funding Proposals, Grants and Revenues" (Section D: Fiscal Management) for a first reading. The second reading will take place at the January 9, 2013 meeting and will require a formal (2/3) vote of approval by the School Committee. Standing Committee on Curriculum, Instruction, and Student Life (Annemarie Cesa, Chairperson) Annemarie Cesa reported that the Curriculum, Instruction and Student Life Committee last met on December 5 and received a report from Special Education Team Chairperson, Val Wilson of the pre- school program detailing the Opening the World of Learning (OWL) curriculum. She said Dr. Duffy provided evaluation results from the November 6 Staff Development Day, a grant update and a Connect - Ed report. Annemarie said that she is bringing forward the following seven policies for a first reading and the next Curriculum, Instruction and Student Life meeting will be held on Wednesday, January 2, 2013 6:30 p.m. 1. The Standing Committee on Curriculum, Instruction and Student Life recommends the attached policy regarding "Compensatory Private Tutoring" (Section G: Personnel) for a first reading. The second reading will take place at our January 9, 2013 meeting and will require a formal (2/3) vote of approval by the School Committee. 2. The Standing Committee on Finance & Facilities recommends the attached policy regarding "Open Enrollment" (Section J: Students) for a first reading. The second reading will take place at our January 9, 2013 meeting and will require a formal (2/3) vote of approval by the School Committee. 3. The Standing Committee on Finance & Facilities recommends the attached policy regarding "Homeless Children: Enrollment Rights & Services" (Section J: Students) for a first reading. The second reading will take place at our January 9, 2013 meeting and will require a formal (2/3) vote of approval by the School Committee. 4. The Standing Committee on Finance & Facilities recommends the attached policy regarding "School Choice" (Section J: Students) for a first reading. The second reading will take place at our January 9 2013 meeting and will require a formal (2/3) vote of approval by the School Committee. 5. The Standing Committee on Finance & Facilities recommends the attached policy regarding "Student Eligibility for Participation in Athletics and Co- Curricular Activities" (Section J: Students) for a first reading. The second reading will take place at our January 9, 2013 meeting and will require a formal (2/3) vote of approval by the School Committee. 6. The Standing Committee on Finance & Facilities recommends the attached policy regarding "Student Citizenship" (Section J: Students) for a first reading. The second reading will take place at our January 9, 2013 meeting and will require a formal (2/3) vote of approval by the School Committee. Regular Meeting December 12, 2012 Page 4 of 5 7. The Standing Committee on Finance & Facilities recommends the attached policy regarding "Wellness" (Section J: Students) for a first reading. The second reading will take place at our January 9, 2013 meeting and will require a formal (2/3) vote of approval by the School Committee Negotiations Subcommittee (Matthew Kavanagh, Chairperson) Maria Decker reported that negotiations are ongoing. Policy Review Subcommittee (David Manzi, Chairperson) David Manzi reported that the Policy Review committee last met on December 5, 2012 and they are bringing forward the following six policies for a first reading. 1. The Standing Committee on Policy Review recommends the attached policy regarding "School Committee Legal Status" (Section B: School Committee Governance and Operations) for a first reading. The second reading will take place at the January 9, 2013 meeting and will require a formal (2/3) vote of approval by the School Committee. 2. The Standing Committee on Policy Review recommends the attached policy regarding "Committee Membership - Election" (Section B: School Committee Governance and Operations) for a first reading. The second reading will take place at the January 9, 2013 meeting and will require a formal (2/3) vote of approval by the School Committee. 3. The Standing Committee on Policy Review recommends the attached policy regarding "Committee Membership — Term of Office" (Section B: School Committee Governance and Operations) for a first reading. The second reading will take place at the January 9, 2013 meeting and will require a formal (2/3) vote of approval by the School Committee. 4. The Standing Committee on Policy Review recommends the attached policy regarding "Committee Membership - Resignation" (Section B: School Committee Governance and Operations) for a first reading. The second reading will take place at the January 9, 2013 meeting and will require a formal (2/3) vote of approval by the School Committee. 5. The Standing Committee on Policy Review recommends the attached policy regarding "School Committee Member Code of Ethics" (Section B: School Committee Governance and Operations) for a first reading. The second reading will take place at the January 9, 2013 meeting and will require a formal (2/3) vote of approval by the School Committee. 6. The Standing Committee on Policy Review recommends the attached policy regarding "Committee Member Conflict of Interest" (Section B: School Committee Governance and Operations) for a first reading. The second reading will take place at the January 9, 2013meeting and will require a formal (2/3) vote of approval by the School Committee. David Manzi reported that the Standing Committee on Policy Review's next meeting is scheduled for January 23, 2013 at 6:15 p.m. Community Engagement Maria Decker reported that she attended Governor Patrick's visit to No. Beverly Elementary for an introduction to the "Change is Simple" program as did Kris Silverstein. Maria also noted that she along with the Superintendent, Principal Gallagher and Mayor Scanlon attended the Mass CHiPs conference where Principal, Sean Gallagher was presented an award for Beverly High School's green school initiative. Paul Manzo reported that he enjoyed attending the BHS football game and Adams Scholarship breakfast. Kris Silverstein remarked on how great the BHS "Parent's Morning Back" was but still found it challenging to visit all eight teachers in the two hour time frame. Maria Decker reported that Principal Karla Pressman and Dr. Galinski accompanied Mrs. Pascucci and her son, Michael to view the plaque naming the Centerville School Library "The Frances J. Pascucci Library ". The Pascucci family has made numerous donations to the Beverly Public Schools over the years. New Business - none Opportunity for Questions from the Press - none Consider Executive Session Regular Meeting December 12, 2012 Page 5 of 5 A motion was made by David Manzi to enter into Executive Session to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining with union personnel and not to return to open session. The motion was seconded by Kris Silverstein. A roll call vote was taken resulting in the following: YES: Annemarie Cesa, Paul Manzo, Kris Silverstein, David Manzi and Maria Decker NO: Motion passes 5:0 Annemarie Cesa made a motion to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Kris Silverstein and approved by a vote of 5:0. The meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Matthew Kavanagh, Secretary Maria T. Decker, President Beverly School Committee