Regular Meeting
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Beverly City Hall
Beverly, Massachusetts
A regular meeting of the Beverly School Committee was held on Wednesday, November 14, 2012 in
Council Chambers at City Hall, Beverly, MA.
Members Present: David Manzi, Matthew Kavanagh, Maria Decker, Kris Silverstein, and Annemarie
Cesa, Paul Manzo arrived 7:35p. m.
Not in Attendance: Mayor Scanlon
Also in Attendance: Superintendent Marie Galinski, Assistant Superintendent Dr. Maryellen Duffy,
Director of Finance and Operations Jean Sherburne, Administrative Assistant to
the School Committee Donna Bergeron, Student Representative Hind AI- Jarahi,
BHS Foreign Language Educator Lisa Chernyak, Jan Preston, BHS Principal Sean
Call to Order: Ms. Decker called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance: Annemarie Cesa led those assembled in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Recognition of Students, Employees and Community Members
Dr. Galinski and Maria Decker with the assistance of Elementary Principal's, Karla Pressman, Lisa Oliver,
Susan Snyder and Erin Brown recognized the following elementary students who achieved perfect scores
on the 2012 MCAS test.
Centerville Hannah North Beverly
Caroline Foley Gr. 3 - ELA Sofia Blomqvist Gr. 4 - ELA Jared Mitchell Gr. 3 - Math
Cove Kaitlin Kennedy Gr. 4 - Math Maeve Folger Gr. 4 - ELA
Hannah Costa Gr. 3 - ELA Zachary Hall Gr. 5 - Math Phoebe Overberg Gr. 4 - ELA
Joss Kyrouz Gr. 3 - ELA Hailey Anderson Gr. 4 - ELA
From Briscoe Middle School; Principal Matthew Poska joined Maria Decker, and Dr. Galinski to recognize
the students listed below for achieving perfect scores.
Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 8
Kaede Aoki -Math Grace Bigus - Math Spencer Danforth - ELA Candace Deleon - Math
Andrew Chen - Math Madison Bibbo - Math Max Armbruster - Math Rachel Gentile - Math
Sophia Demarkis - Math Hugh Gaffney - Math Jeremy Barr - Math Nathaniel Gould - Math
Jocelyn Lee - Math Ryan Scoglio - Math Gus Burchsted - Math Luke Miller - Math
Matthew Zieff - Math
Principal Sean Gallagher together with Dr. Galinski and Maria Decker recognized the following students
from Beverly High School who achieved perfect MCAS scores.
Nicole Demars Samantha Lingren Benjamin Albert Caitlyn Harty
Caitlyn Harty * Caitlyn Ofeish Graham Doherty Elizabeth Tarr
H. Tyler Visnick
Dr. Galinski, Maria Decker and Principal Sean Gallagher recognized two Beverly High School seniors who
were awarded the Massachusetts School Superintendents' Award for Academic Excellence. Mr. Gallagher
noted that this was the first time ever that this award was being presented to brothers, Adi and Idan
Maria Decker and Dr. Galinski recognized BHS, Athletic Director, James Coffey, who was chosen as the
Massachusetts Secondary Schools Athletic Director's Association's District A Athletic Director of the Year.
Dr. Galinski and Maria Decker expressed their appreciation to BevCam and their Board of Directors for their
generous donation of cameras and media equipment to the BHS media program. Executive Director Walt
Kosmowski was on hand to accept and acknowledge the recognition.
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Open Forum for Citizen Input into Non - Agenda - Related Items
Open Forum for Citizen Concerns or Citizen Input into Agenda - Related Items
Approval of Meeting Records
A motion was made by Annemarie Cesa to approve the minutes from the October 10, 2012 Regular School
Committee meeting. The motion was seconded by Kris Silverstein and approved by a vote of 5:0.
Report from Student Representative to the School Committee
Student Representative, Hind AI- Jarahi congratulated the student athletes who won the MIAA State
tournament and the Division I North tournament. She reported that the National Honor Society is sponsoring
a Blood Drive on Friday, November 16 Maria Decker said she is also sponsoring one on Saturday,
November 17 at the Centerville Improvement Society. Hind said that the 8 th Grade Open House held on
November 8 th was very well attended and stated that there would be a two hour delayed opening for the
high school only on Thursday, 11/16. She reported that the Habitat for Humanity is collecting donations,
school supplies such as pens, pencils, notebooks, etc to send to El Salvador.
Communications from Committee Members
Matt Kavanagh received an inquiry regarding transportation and a communication regarding the Statement
of I nterest.
Kris Silverstein said she received questions regarding the BHS report cards.
David Manzi reported no communications but thanked BHS for the invite to "Bridging the Gap" as well as to
the Adam's Scholarship breakfast.
Annemarie Cesa reported a transportation issue which she referred to Dr. Galinski. She stated hearing
from members of SEPAL who expressed appreciation for the workshop recently offered by Stacy Bucyk,
Administrator of Special Services that included babysitting provisions as well. Annemarie spoke to a
constituent who wanted clarification of School Choice and she told them "it is where the child sleeps ".
Maria Decker reported she received a question on Homework Policy, received great feedback on the 8 th
Grade Open House at BHS and questions regarding the Statement of Interest (SOI).
Report from Superintendent Galinski
1. Overnight Field Trip —BHS - France
Dr. Galinski reported that Lisa Chernyak and Janice Preston are requesting approval of an overnight field
trip to France. Ms. Chernyak and Ms. Preston stated that they are planning a 10 day tour of France
instead of an exchange trip due to the fact that the school they have exchanged with in the past is not
participating in the exchange program this year. The dates for the trip have changed and they will be
departing on April 14 returning on the Tuesday following vacation, April 23 Ms. Chernyak said they
have 13 students signed up to go on the trip and Ms. Preston reported the cost, $3000 includes
everything but lunches.
A motion was made by David Manzi to approve the overnight field trip to France projected to take place on
April 14 — 23, 2013. The motion was seconded by Kris Silverstein and approved by a vote of 5:1.
Yes vote: David Manzi, Matthew Kavanagh, Maria Decker, Kris Silverstein and Annemarie Cesa
No vote: Paul Manzo
November 6th Professional Day
Dr. Galinski reported the District participated in a Professional Development day on November 6 th noting
that the focus was on Special Education. Dr. Duffy said there were numerous offerings for staff to
choose from giving special "thanks" to Stacy Bucyk, Administrator of Special Education who was
responsible for putting together the schedule, topics, presenters and location.
NEASC — Two -Year Update
Principal Sean Gallagher stated that the two -year update report, included in the packets, was submitted to
NEASC on October 1 St. The report details how BHS has addressed the recommendations and the
status of the same. Sean stated they have not had any response from N EASC to date. School
Committee President Maria Decker commented on the report, noting the section on "Strengths and
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Achievements" that BHS was ..."selected as one of eighteen schools in the nation to present at the
National Association of Secondary School Administrators annual conference in Washington D.C. this
winter because of its extraordinary efforts at restructuring."
Fall Athletic Participation
Dr. Galinski reported the inclusion of a copy of the participation history for athletics for Beverly High School
updated with fall 2012 participation numbers.
MCAS /PPI Report
Dr. Duffy, in a power point presentation, detailed the District's 2012 MCAS testing results against the
State results which at the secondary level met or exceeded state levels. Dr. Duffy provided a
comparison and review of the new Progress and Performance Index (PPI) rating system versus the
Adequate Yearly Progress AYP System. She reported that the PPI system uses differentiated targets
for schools and subgroups where as when we used the AYP System it called for 100% proficiency for all
students. The PPI system is more realistic and accurate way of looking at the progress of our students.
Report from School Committee President Maria Decker
1. Maria Decker reported that School Committee member's Kris Silverstein and Annemarie Cesa attended the
MASC /MASS conference. Kris and Annemarie said they enjoyed the conference which they attended along with
Superintendent Galinski and Assistant Superintendent Duffy. Each of them reported participating in many different
workshops that were offered such as preparing for emergencies, transportation, technology, and improving your
district's budget.
2. Statement of Interest (SOI)
Maria Decker reported that in a recent phone conversation from the Massachusetts School Building Authority
(MSBA) the Statement of Interest (SOI) which was submitted last January has been pushed to next year. Maria
stated that we will submit an updated SOI in January, 2013 following the same process as last year; i.e. a vote of
approval from both the School Committee and City Council. Maria emphasized that this will not change the original
time frame of the opening of the new middle school in September, 2017.
3. Spring School Committee Schedule
Maria Decker noted a revision in the Spring School Committee schedule reflecting a new format; Curriculum,
Instruction and Student Life and Finance and Facilities subcommittee meetings being held on the first Wednesday
of the month beginning on January 2, 2013 at 6:30 p.m. (CISL) and Finance & Facilities at 8:00 p.m.
Committee Reports
Standing Committee on Finance & Facilities (Paul Manzo, Chairperson)
Mr. Manzo reported that the Finance & Facilities Committee last met on October 17 they received the
monthly Buildings and Grounds report which included repairs to Cove School roof, sound system at Hannah
and replacement of lighting fixtures throughout the district. They received a transportation update from
Director, Bill Burke and Stacy Bucyk, Director of Pupil Personnel reported on a recent audit that was
completed. Mr. Manzo reported that administrators from the technology department, Judy Miller and Paul
Cohen requested changes to two current technology positions and asked for approval of two new technician
positions. The committee reviewed the revenues and expenses and expressed concern regarding a
shortfall in the contracted services account.
Mr. Manzo reported that the following transfers and policies were being brought forward for approval:
1. Upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Finance & Facilities a motion was made by
Paul Manzo to approve the attached policy regarding "Fiscal Management Goals" (Section D: Fiscal
Management) the motion was seconded by Annemarie Cesa and approved by a vote of 6:0
2. Upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Finance & Facilities a motion was made by
Paul Manzo to approve the attached policy regarding "Safe Schools" (Section A: Foundations and
Basic Commitments) the motion was seconded by Kris Silverstein and approved by a vote of 6:0.
3. Upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities a motion was made
by Paul Manzo to approve two new positions, a Technology Integration Specialist and a Technology
Support Specialist, to be located at the high school. Stipends for these positions will not exceed
$2336 /position /year and will be charged to account HS197 61265. The motion was seconded by
Annemarie Cesa and approved by a vote of 6:0.
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4. Upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Finance & Facilities a motion was made by
Paul Manzo to approve two part -time Technology Maintenance Technicians to work between 35 to 40
hours per week throughout the district. Funding for these positions will approximate between $27,300
and $36,400 per year for health insurance benefits. Most of the costs for these benefits will be
derived from continuing grant funding the remainder of approximately $7,000 will be transferred from
account OT720 61305. The motion was seconded by David Manzi and approved by a vote of 6:0.
5. Upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities a motion was made
by Paul Manzo to approve the following FY2013 budget transfers:
Transfer of $145,864 from the Reserve for Negotiations account (OT118 61189) to pay for column
moves (see attached).
Transfer of $20,210 from the Health Insurance account (OT800 62810) and $250 from the
Contingencies account (AD700 62883) to various accounts (see attached).
The motion was seconded by David Manzi and approved by a vote of 6:0.
The next Finance and Facilities meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, November 28 at 6:30 p.m. in the
Memorial Building.
Standing Committee on Curriculum, Instruction, and Student Life (Annemarie Cesa, Chairperson)
Maria Decker reported that the Curriculum, Instruction and Student Life Committee last met on November
7 th where they received a mid -cycle report from elementary and secondary principals on their School
Improvement Plans. Dr. Duffy provided an update on Connect -Ed.
Annemarie Cesa stated that they Curriculum, Instruction and Student Life Committee are bringing forward
the following policies for approval:
1. Upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Curriculum, Instruction and Student Life a
motion was made by Annemarie Cesa to approve the attached policy regarding "Administrative
Goals" (Section C: General School Admission) the motion was seconded by David Manzi and
approved by a vote of 6
2. Upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Curriculum, Instruction and Student Life a
motion was made by Annemarie Cesa to approve the policy regarding "Superintendent of Schools"
(Section C: General School Admission) the motion was seconded by Kris Silverstein and approved by
a vote of 6:0.
3. Upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Curriculum, Instruction and Student Life a
motion was made by Annemarie Cesa to approve the attached policy regarding "Compensatory
Private Tutoring" (Section G: Personnel). The motion was seconded by David Manzi. After a brief
discussion Annemarie Cesa withdrew the motion to approve and it was decided the policy would go
back to the Curriculum, Instruction and Student Life Committee for review. Upon the recommendation
of the Standing Committee on Curriculum, Instruction and Student Life a motion was made by
Annemarie Cesa to approve the attached policy regarding "Report Cards & Progress Reports"
(Section I Instruction) the motion was seconded by David Manzi and approved by a vote of 6:0.
4. Upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Curriculum, Instruction and Student Life a
motion was made by Annemarie Cesa to approve the attached policy regarding "Inclusive Schooling"
(Section I Instruction) the motion was seconded by David Manzi and approved by a vote of 6:0.
5. Upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Curriculum, Instruction and Student Life a
motion was made by Annemarie Cesa to approve the attached policy regarding "Parent Notification
Relative to Sex Education" (Section I: Instruction) the motion was seconded by Kris Silverstein and
approved by a vote of 6
Annemarie stated that the next Curriculum, Instruction and Student Life Committee meeting will be held on
Wednesday, December 5, 2012 at 7:00 p.m.
Standing Committee on Negotiations (Matthew Kavanagh, Chairperson)
Matthew Kavanagh reported that negotiations are ongoing with Unit C (Paraprofessionals) and a date has
not been confirmed for the next meeting.
Standing Committee on Policy Review (David Manzi, Chairperson)
David Manzi reported that the Standing Committee on Policy Review last met on October 3 rd and will be
meeting again on December 5 th at 6:00 p.m. He said that the following policies are coming forward for
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1. Upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Policy Review a motion was made by David
Manzi to approve the attached policy regarding "School District Legal Status" (Section A: Foundation
and Basic Commitments) the motion was seconded by Matthew Kavanagh and approved by a vote of
2. Upon the recommendation the Standing Committee on Policy Review a motion was made by David
Manzi to approve the attached policy regarding "The People and Their School District" (Section A:
Foundation and Basic Commitments) the motion was seconded by Annemarie Cesa and approved by
a vote of 6:0.
3. Upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Policy Review a motion was made by David
Manzi to approve the attached policy regarding "Recognition for Accomplishments" (Section A:
Foundation and Basic Commitments) the motion was seconded by Kris Silverstein and approved by a
vote of 6:0.
4. Upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Policy Review a motion was made by David
Manzi to approve the attached policy regarding "School Committee Operational Goals" (Section B:
School Committee Governance and Operations) the motion was seconded by Annemarie Cesa and
approved by a vote of 6
Community Engagement
Maria Decker reported attending a presentation at Endicott College, Briscoe's Veteran's Day program,
Centerville's PTO meeting and participated in the visit and discussion with the Secretary of Education,
Paul Reville regarding "Fort Beverly ".
Paul Manzo reported attending the opening of the healthy schools initiative, "salad bar" at the Centerville
Elementary School and commented on the Secretary of Education's visit to BHS touring the high school
and the Secretary's interest in our 1 to 1 laptop h program as well as participating in the discussion of the
Fort Beverly program. Paul stated that the 8 grade open house was well attended and he extended his
congratulations to his niece and the girl's varsity soccer team.
Kris Silverstein stated that she attended PTO meetings at Ayers and North Beverly commenting that it was
nice to see the PTO's spending and earning monies for the schools. Kris stated that this is the first year
that all elementary schools will be hosting Science Fairs and North Beverly will include all grades K
through 5. She attended the Special Education SEPAC basic rights workshop.
Matthew Kavanagh attended the Cove PTO meeting which included a presentation by a non - profit
organization created by former BHS students named, "Change is Simple ". The organization works with
students to increase awareness of the environment.
New Business
Opportunity for Questions from the Press
None present
Annemarie Cesa made a motion to adjourn. The motion was seconded by David Manzi and approved by a
vote of 6:0. The meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Matthew Kavanagh, Secretary
Beverly School Committee