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2012-10-10BEVERLY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Regular Meeting Wednesday, October 10, 2012 Beverly City Hall Beverly, Massachusetts A regular meeting of the Beverly School Committee was held on Wednesday, October 10, 2012 in Council Chambers at City Hall, Beverly, MA. Members Present: Mayor Scanlon, David Manzi, Paul Manzo, Maria Decker, Kris Silverstein, and Annemarie Cesa, Matthew Kavanagh arrived 7 m. Also in Attendance: Assistant Superintendent Dr. Maryellen Duffy, Director of Finance and Operations Jean Sherburne, Administrative Assistant to the School Committee Donna Bergeron, Student Representative Hind AI- Jarahi Briscoe Assistant Principals Terry Conant and Amy Gerade, BHS Educators Julia Brotherton and Nancy Ronan Not in Attendance: Superintendent, Dr. Marie Galinski Call to Order: Ms. Decker called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance: David Manzi led those assembled in the Pledge of Allegiance AGENDA Recognition of Students, Employees and Community Members Michelle Gordon a member of the Commission on Disabilities addressed the committee requesting permission to place a bench at the North Beverly Elementary School's Boundless Playground in memory of Arthur Daignault. Art Daignault was the city's disabilities agent and was instrumental in the building of the boundless playground at the North Beverly School. Open Forum for Citizen Input into Non - Agenda - Related Items None Open Forum for Citizen Concerns or Citizen Input into Agenda - Related Items None Approval of Meeting Records A motion was made by Annemarie Cesa to approve the minutes from the September 12, 2012 Regular School Committee meeting. The motion was seconded by Kris Silverstein and approved by a vote of 7:0. Report from Student Representative to the School Committee Student Representative, Hind AI- Jarahi reported the following events /happening at BHS, the Key Club is holding a "Paint your Nails Pink" fundraiser for Making Strides Against Breast Cancer, the World of Difference students met last Friday and there are two upcoming fundraisers; the Breast Cancer walk on October 14 and DECA is raising money for "No Buddy Left Behind ", an organization that brings war dogs home. Hind said that Student Council elections were held today and that auditions for the fall play, West Side Story, will begin on October 17 Communications from Committee Members Annemarie Cesa extended congratulations to the elementary and Briscoe students whose art work from summer reading projects is on display at the Beverly Public Library. She reported that the Beverly Education Foundation is participating in the Boston Foundation's Giving Common Challenge matching donations made to the Foundation. The 36 hour donation time period ends October 11 t" at 8p. m. Annemarie said she received a number of inquiries about Briscoe's 8 th Grade trip. Paul Manzo said a parent had inquired about the middle school athletic program and use of our facilities, he Regular Meeting October 10, 2012 Page 2 of 7 had received a question about the cost of the lighting at Hurd Stadium which he deferred to Athletic Director James Coffey and he too received a number of communications regarding the 8 t " grade field trip. Kris Silverstein commented on the excitement surrounding the "MomBall" softball tournament congratulating team Briscoe who emerged the winners. David Manzi expressed his appreciation to Hannah and Ayers School students who invited him to participate in the Fall Frolic. Maria Decker said she was pleased to report that BHS has achieved Level 1 Status and extended her congratulations. Maria reported receiving inquiries regarding the Statement of Interest (SOI) stating that we are still awaiting a response and expressed her appreciation to Endicott College who in their recent publication, Endicott Impact, noted $600,000 in -kind services to the Beverly Public Schools. Report from Superintendent Galinski 1. Overnight Field Trip — Briscoe Middle School — Grade 6 Assistant Principal, Terry Conant, provided a recap of last year's Nature's Classroom trip, which included 305 students, the largest class taken and reported receiving positive feedback after the trip. He requested approval of this year's Nature's Classroom projected to take place on April 8 - April 12, 2013 (White & Gold) and May 6 -10, 2013 (Blue). He said that the cost has been reduced approximately $35 /student and they plan to increase their fundraising efforts. Annemarie Cesa and Paul Manzo expressed concern with the cost parents are incurring for these field trips. Mr. Manzo requested that administration look at downsizing or possibly changing locations and length of the trips. Kris Silverstein asked Mr. Conant if they offer a 3 or 4 day trip and the cost differential. Mr. Conant responded that the shorter trips are geared for elementary level and that the trips are booked a year in advance. A motion was made by Paul Manzo to approve the overnight field trip to Nature's Classroom, Charlton, MA on April 8 — 12, 2013 and May 6 — 10, 2013. The motion was seconded by Mayor Scanlon and approved by a vote of 7 2. Overnight Field Trip — Briscoe Middle School — Grade 8 Assistant Principal, Amy Gerade reported to the committee that 255 student attended last year's New York City trip. She requested approval of this year's Grade 8 trip to New York City projected to take place on June 6 — June 7, 2013 noting that the cost has been reduced by approximately $30 per student making the cost per pupil $345. She reported a change in this year's itinerary, stopping at the Bronx Zoo in the beginning ending in Connecticut. Annemarie Cesa said she had communications from parents questioning if this is what the kids want to do or are there other options. Amy confirmed for Maria Decker that over 80% of the students have signed up to attend but she is open to making adjustments or looking at other options. Kris Silverstein suggested they investigate Project Adventure and what they may have to offer. A motion was made by David Manzi to approve the overnight field trip to New York City on June 6 — 7 2013. The motion was seconded by Matthew Kavanagh and approved by a vote of 6:1. Yes vote — Mayor Scanlon David Manzi Matthew Kavanagh Paul Manzo Maria Decker Kris Silverstein No vote —Annemarie Cesa 3. Overnight Field Trip — BHS — Model United Nations Conference Julia Brotherton and Nancy Ronan requested approval of an overnight field trip to Brown University in Providence, R.I. stating the trip is projected to take place on November 9 -11, 2012 and they have 15 delegates participating. A motion was made by Annemarie Cesa to approve the overnight field trip to Model UN at Brown University in Providence, RI on November 9 — 11, 2012. The motion was seconded by Paul Manzo and approved by vote of 7:0 Regular Meeting October 10, 2012 Page 3 of 7 4. Overnight Field Trip — BHS — MIT Model United Nations Conference Nancy Ronan and Julia Brotherton requested approval of the Beverly High School trip to Cambridge, MA to participate in the MIT Model UN Conference. They said that this is the first time they participate in this conference, which has a scientific theme. The trip is projected to take place on February 8 -10, 2013 with a cost per student of $210. When asked about fundraising they reported a new fundraiser is selling cookies together with the Food Service Dept. Food Service is making the cookies and the students are selling them. All profits, after reimbursement to Food Service Department, go to help defer the cost of the student's field trips. A motion was made by Paul Manzo to approve the overnight field trip to Model UN in Cambridge, MA on February 8 -10, 2013. The motion was seconded by Matthew Kavanagh and approved by vote of 7:0 5. Grants for 2012 -2013 Dr. Duffy reported that the administration is recommending approval of the grants awarded to the Beverly Public Schools as outlined. A motion was made by Paul Manzo to accept the 2012 -2013 Grant Awards to the Beverly Public Schools. The motion was seconded by Annemarie Cesa and approved by a vote of 7:0. 6. Spring School Committee Meeting Schedule Dr. Duffy reported a draft School Committee meeting schedule for January — June 2013 is included for approval. A motion was made by Paul Manzo to approve the 2012 -2013 School Committee Schedule. The motion was seconded by Annemarie Cesa and approved by a vote of 7:0. 7. October 1 St Enrollment Dr. Duffy referenced the October 1 St enrollment numbers, stating that there have not been any significant changes in the numbers since last reporting. She said that class sizes are still reasonable at the elementary level but noted higher numbers in some elective classes at Beverly High School. Maria Decker reported the average class sizes for the District are: Elementary Briscoe Middle Kindergarten 20.2 Grade 3 21.5 Grade 6 23.4 Grade 1 21.6 Grade 4 23.0 Grade 7 28.2 Grade 2 21.6 Grade 5 23.4 Grade 8 25.4 8. October 1 St Free /Reduced Lunch Count October 1 St Free & Reduced lunch numbers were provided and it was noted that compared to last year there has been an increase in the numbers especially at Centerville and Cove. Maria Decker said that we would need to revisit these numbers in the future when looking at redistricting. 9. Beverly Public Schools Fall Update 2012 Maria Decker reported that a draft copy of the BPS Fall Update 2012 has been included and said that once it is finalized it will be sent out with the water and sewer bills and posted on our website. Report from School Committee President Maria Decker 1. School Committee Norms and Protocols Maria Decker reported that the School Committee recently met with their mentor, Dorothy Presser from the Governance Project. She said at that meeting they formalized and voted to approve the School Committee Norms and Protocols. Included in the Norms and Protocols is a chain of command Maria Decker reported that this will assist them in directing constituents to the appropriate person within the District. 2. Annual Report Maria Decker reported that the 2 nd annual, Annual Report is nearing completion will be distributed by the end of the month and posted to our website. Regular Meeting October 10, 2012 Page 4 of 7 3. Superintendent Evidence for Evaluation Maria Decker said that the School Committee, as part of the new state evaluation system and being a Race To The Top (RTTT) District continues work on the Superintendent's Evidence for Evaluation. She reported that they have agreed upon the SMART goals and reported that the 4 Standards for Evaluation are, Instructional Leadership; Management & Operations; Family & Community Engagement; and Professional Culture. When the committee evaluates the superintendent they use a rating system — Unsatisfactory; Needs Improvement; Proficient; and Exemplary. Committee Reports Standing Committee on Finance & Facilities (Paul Manzo, Chairperson) Paul Manzo reported that the Finance & Facilities Committee last met on September 19 receiving an extensive Buildings and Grounds report. The report detailed work ongoing in the District including an energy efficient lighting replacement. Reports from Athletic Director, James Coffey who provided information on the latest fees and participation and Stacy Bucyk, Administrator of Special Education with Karen Wilk, Out -of- District Administrator summarized students who are in out -of- district programs and the programs offered. He said the next Finance & Facilities meeting will be held at the Hannah School on October 17th at 7 :00 p.m. Paul Manzo reported there are two policies coming forward for a first reading and seven new positions requiring formal School Committee approval. 1. The Standing Committee on Finance & Facilities recommends the attached policy regarding "Fiscal Management Goals" (Section D: Fiscal Management) for a second reading, which will take place at the November 14, 2012 meeting and will require a formal (2/3) vote of approval by the School Committee. 2. The Standing Committee on Finance & Facilities recommends the attached policy regarding "Safe Schools" (Section A: Foundations and Basic Commitments) for a second reading, which will take place at our November 14 2012 meeting and will require a formal (2/3) vote of approval by the School Committee. 3. Upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities a motion was made by Paul Manzo to approve the part -time (0.5 FTE) paraprofessional to serve as a "jobs coach" for the LAUNCH program located at the Memorial Building. Salary for this new position will not exceed $9,522 for the remainder of the school year, with funds to be transferred from the Salary Contingency account (AD700 61013). The motion was seconded by Annemarie Cesa and approved by a vote of 7:0. 4. Upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities a motion was made by Paul Manzo to approve a full -time (1.0 FTE) paraprofessional to support small group instruction and response -to- intervention (RTI) with freshmen and sophomore students at Beverly High School. Salary for this new position will not exceed $19,045 for the remainder of the school year, with funds to be transferred from the Salary Contingency account (AD700 61013). The motion was seconded by Kris Silverstein and approved by a vote of 7:0. 5. Upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities a motion was made by Paul Manzo to approve a full -time (1.0 FTE) Special Education teacher to support the Therapeutic Learning Center (TLC) program serving students in grades 7 and 8 at the Briscoe Middle School. Salary for this new position will not exceed $47,407 for the remainder of the school year, with funds to be transferred from the Salary Contingency account (AD700 61013). The motion was seconded by Matthew Kavanagh and approved by a vote of 7:0. 6. Upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities a motion was made by Paul Manzo to approve a full -time (1.0 FTE) Special Education paraprofessional as required by the individualized education program (IEP) of a student at the Cove Elementary School. Salary for this new position will not exceed $19,045 for the remainder of the school year, with funds to be transferred from the Salary Contingency account (AD700 61013). The motion was seconded by David Manzi and approved by a vote of 7:0. 7. Upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities a motion was made by Paul Manzo to approve a part -time (0.5 FTE) Special Education paraprofessional as required by the individualized education program (IEP) of a student at the Centerville Elementary School. Salary for this new position will not exceed $9,522.50 for the remainder of the school year, with funds to be transferred from the Salary Contingency account (AD700 61013). The motion was seconded by Annemarie Cesa and approved by a vote of 7:0. 8. Upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities a motion was made by Paul Manzo to approve a full -time (1.0 FTE) kindergarten teacher to address enrollment increases at the Ayers Regular Meeting October 10, 2012 Page 5 of 7 Elementary School. As this position was originally approved as part -time (0.5 FTE), this request is for an additional 0.5 FTE. Additional salary for this position will not exceed $26,067 for the remainder of the school year, with funds to be transferred from the Salary Contingency account (AD700 61013). The motion was seconded by David Manzi and approved by a vote of 7:0. 9. Upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities a motion was made by Paul Manzo to approve a full -time (1.0 FTE) kindergarten paraprofessional to address enrollment increases at the Ayers Elementary School. Salary for this position will not exceed $16,966 for the remainder of the school year, with funds to be transferred from the Salary Contingency account (AD700 61013). The motion was seconded by Kris Silverstein and approved by a vote of 7:0. Standing Committee on Curriculum, Instruction, and Student Life (Annemarie Cesa, Chairperson) Annemarie Cesa reported the Standing Committee on Curriculum, Instruction and Student Life last met on October 3 rd they received a report from BHS Assistant Principal, Betty Taylor on the Summer School Program which included 160 outside student and 185 Beverly students. She also reported on the Summer Success Program for students who need help transitioning from grade 8 to grade 9. Matt Poska, Briscoe Middle School Principal provided a report on our home school students. Mr. Poska approves all "Intent to Home Educate" plans. Annemarie Cesa reported six policies coming forward for a first reading and three requiring a formal vote from the School Committee. 1. The Standing Committee on Curriculum, Instruction and Student Life recommends the attached policy regarding "Administrative Goals" (Section C: General School Admission) for a first reading. The second reading will take place at the November 14, 2012 meeting and will require a formal (2/3) vote of approval by the School Committee. 2. The Standing Committee on Curriculum, Instruction and Student Life recommends the attached policy regarding "Superintendent of Schools" (Section C: General School Admission) for a first reading. The second reading will take place at the November 14, 2012 meeting and will require a formal (2/3) vote of approval by the School Committee. 3. The Standing Committee on Curriculum, Instruction and Student Life recommends the attached policy regarding "Compensatory Private Tutoring" (Section G: Personnel) for a first reading. The second reading will take place at the November 14, 2012 meeting and will require a formal (2/3) vote of approval by the School Committee. 4. The Standing Committee on Curriculum, Instruction and Student Life recommends the attached policy regarding "Report Cards & Progress Reports" (Section I: Instruction) for a first reading. The second reading will take place at the November 14, 2012 meeting and will require a formal (2/3) vote of approval by the School Committee. 5. The Standing Committee on Curriculum, Instruction and Student Life recommends the attached policy regarding "Inclusive Schooling" (Section I: Instruction) for a first reading. The second reading will take place at the November 14, 2012 meeting and will require a formal (2/3) vote of approval by the School Committee. 6. The Standing Committee on Curriculum, Instruction and Student Life recommends the attached policy regarding "Parent Notification Relative to Sex Education" (Section I: Instruction) for a first reading. The second reading will take place at the November 14, 2012 meeting and will require a formal (2/3) vote of approval by the School Committee. 7. Upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Curriculum, Instruction and Student Life a motion was made by Annemarie Cesa to approve the attached policy regarding "School Closings and Cancellations" (Section E: Support Services) the motion was seconded by Paul Manzo and approved by a vote of 7:0. 8. Upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Curriculum, Instruction and Student Life a motion was made by Annemarie Cesa to approve the attached policy regarding "Authorized Use of School- Controlled Equipment" (Section E: Support Services) the motion was seconded by Paul Manzo and approved by a vote of 7:0. 9. Upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Curriculum, Instruction and Student Life a motion was made by Annemarie Cesa to approve the attached policy regarding "School Bus Safety" (Section E: Support Services) the motion was seconded by David Manzi an approved by a vote of 7:0. The next Curriculum, Instruction and Student Life Committee meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 7, 2012 at 7 :00 p.m. Standing Committee on Negotiations (Matthew Kavanagh, Chairperson) Matthew Kavanagh reported that the Negotiations Committee last met on September 19 continuing negotiations with the paraprofessional (Unit C). He reported that another meeting is scheduled for later this month. Regular Meeting October 10, 2012 Page 6 of 7 Standing Committee on Policy Review (David Manzi, Chairperson) David Manzi reported that the Policy Review committee met on October 3, 2012 reviewing and bringing forward the following four policies for a first reading. He said that the Policy Review Committee's next meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 7 at 6 :00 p.m. 1. The Standing Committee on Policy Review recommends the attached policy regarding "School District Legal Status" (Section A: Foundation and Basic Commitments) for a first reading. The second reading will take place at the November 14, 2012 meeting and will require a formal (2/3) vote of approval by the School Committee. 2. The Standing Committee on Policy Review recommends the attached policy regarding "The People and Their School District" (Section A: Foundation and Basic Commitments) for a first reading. The second reading will take place at the November 14, 2012 meeting and will require a formal (2/3) vote of approval by the School Committee. 3. The Standing Committee on Policy Review recommends the attached policy regarding "Recognition for Accomplishments" (Section A: Foundation and Basic Commitments) for a first reading. The second reading will take place at the November 14, 2012 meeting and will require a formal (2/3) vote of approval by the School Committee. 4. The Standing Committee on Policy Review recommends the attached policy regarding "School Committee Operational Goals" (Section B: School Committee Governance and Operations) for a first reading. The second reading will take place at the November 14, 2012 meeting and will require a formal (2/3) vote of approval by the School Committee. Community Engagement Paul Manzo commented that it was nice to see such great participation at the football and soccer games he attended. Matt Kavanagh remarked that the BHS PTSO golf outing was a great success and commented on a terrific performance by the Jazz Band. Maria commented that the outing had exceeded expectations. Kris Silverstein reminded everyone of two upcoming events, the Fall Frolic 5K taking place this Sunday and Briscoe Music Department's fundraiser at Fuddruckers on October 23 She reported that the Sped Audit group has reconvened their meetings. Mayor Scanlon reported attending the Governor's STEM Advisory Council meeting with Maria Decker. Mayor Scanlon said there are millions of job available in those fields and the council's goal is to encourage students to consider pursuing higher education in the STEM fields. Maria Decker noted that although Massachusetts students do well in STEM, they do not pursue careers in the fields in the expected proportion. Annemarie Cesa reported that through the Pioneering Healthier Communities Beverly Public Schools will start their first salad bar at the North Beverly School next week with more schools to follow. New Business None Opportunity for Questions from the Press None present David Manzi made a motion to enter into Executive Session to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining with union personnel and not to return to open session. The motion was seconded by Matthew Kavanagh and approved by a roll call vote of 7 :0 Roll Call: Annemarie Cesa Yes Paul Manzo Yes Mayor Scanlon Yes Kris Silverstein Yes David Manzi Yes Matthew Kavanagh Yes Maria Decker Yes No: None Annemarie Cesa made a motion to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Kris Silverstein and approved by a vote of 7 :0. The meeting adjourned at 8 :15 p.m. Regular Meeting October 10, 2012 Page 7 of 7 Respectfully submitted, Matthew Kavanagh, Secretary Beverly School Committee