Parking and Traffic Commission
January 3, 2013
Conference Room B, Third Floor City Hall
Chair Rich Benevento, Russ Rollins, Tina Cassidy,
Richard Hutchinson and Bill Fiore
Councilor Wes Slate and Frank Wojick
Bill Bent, John Somes
Eileen Sacco
Benevento calls the meeting to order at 8: 30 a.m.
2. Update: Regarding Issues regarding Speed and Roadway Impediments
on Pillowlace Lane and Wentworth Drive - Resident Richard Garlin
Cassidy informs the Commission that there is nothing new to report on the matter
this month.
3. Discussion: Police Department Recommendation to Prohibit Parking
on Hull Street, Northerly Side from Desmond Road to Essex Street
Rollins reports that he is waiting for the minutes of the previous Commission
meetings at which this matter was discussed and a copy of the Commission's
previous recommendation letter on this subject.
Cassidy recalls that a letter was sent to the City Council several years ago, with a
recommendation and she will have to check to see if there was any follow up action
by the City Council. She explains that the recommendation was for installation of
three signs on Hull Street and that the crosswalk on Hull Street be widened. She
also recalls that the recommendation suggested that the possibility of building
additional parking at the school or at Cahill Park be investigated by the School
Cassidy states that she sent a copy of the packet to Rollins, which contained not only
the minutes from the previous Commission discussions on this issue but also the
letter that was written by the Commission to the Council at that time.
Cassidy further explains her recollection that the letter also recommended that the
Recreation Department, which is responsible for scheduling events at Cahill Park
(such as soccer games), should notify participants that parking is available at the
school during weekends and afternoons /evenings and should consider employing
signage on game days alerting visitors that parking is available in the school parking
lot as an alternative to Hull Street.
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Benevento suggests Cassidy investigate whether the City Council followed up on the
recommendation and that Rollins send the minutes of the previous meetings and the
Commission's letter to Mr. Vitale who attended the last meeting.
Rollins suggests that restricting parking to one side of the street would alleviate the
problem. Cassidy explains that at the time, City Councilor Judith Cronin held a
number of meetings with the neighbors of the school along with School Committee
president Maria Decker to find a solution.
Benevento states that there is no place for them to go but there may be some
optimization that can be achieved in the school parking lot.
Councilor Slate addresses the Commission and notes that Maria Decker is President
of the School Committee and says that this issue is not just one at the Centerville
School but rather an issue at all of the schools, adding that the schools were
designed for walkers and parents now drive their kids to school. He suggests that
the Commission invite Superintendent of Schools Dr. Marie Galinski and School
Committee President Maria Decker to a meeting to talk about parking and safety
related matters near public schools.
Cassidy explains that the "Be Healthy Beverly" program is in part geared toward
getting parents to walk groups of kids to school, as a healthy alternative to being
dropped off in a vehicle. She notes that she attended a conference about the
program and more information will be coming from the YMCA on the
implementation of that initiative.
Benevento requests that maps of all the schools be available for the meeting with
the Superintendent and Ms. Decker.
4. Request for Restricted Parking or a Fire Lane on Both Sides of Wayland
Rollins reports that Eric Barber was going to talk to the neighbors about this matter.
He reports that he went out there this morning and there does not appear to be a
Cassidy states that the street was accepted for maintenance purposes only, in 1987.
Fiore reports that the group home at the end of Wayland Road is technically a
single- family home, noting that the developer put a sprinkler system in the building
when it was not required.
Rollins explains that he could do enforcement for parking less than 10 feet from the
corner. He states that he will write a letter and request feedback from the neighbors
on the potential for restricting or prohibiting parking.
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Councilor Slate notes that the City Council will be reviewing the so- called "1987" list
of unaccepted streets to be maintained.
S. Discussion /Recommendation: Short Term Parking near Luigi's Pizza on
Rantoul Street (at request of Councilor Slate,
Benevento reports that the Commission visited the site in December and it seems to
him that an additional 15 minute parking space on the same side of the street would
help and would be reasonable. He adds that he would like to see how things go with
that change before considering designating additional spaces on the other side of
the street.
Cassidy suggests that a "No parking here to corner" sign should also be erected near
the School /Rantoul Street corner.
Slate reports that the easterly side of Rantoul Street, from School Street to Edwards
Street, is not currently regulated. The business owner is concerned that when the
Enterprise Apartments project is completed there will be more use of those
unregulated parking spaces, and in addition he is concerned that construction
employees from the Enterprise site and the T garage site will also use the spaces
long term.
Rollins reminds members that he and the Police Chief are also trying to address a
concern of residents at the Gateway who have difficulty with sight distances when
exiting the driveways to that development. He says the current ordinance prohibits
parking within five (5) feet of a driveway and says it might be helpful to the
residents of this project if that distance was increased from 5 feet to 20 feet.
Benevento expresses concern that changing the standard for all
driveways /properties from 5' to 20' could have a significant and negative effect on a
lot of existing roadways and parking spaces. He suggests instead that it could be left
up to the Chief of Police to make the decision on the appropriate "setback" distance
on a case -by -case basis.
Benevento suggests that the Commission recommend one additional 15 minute
parking space in front of Luigi's; to impose a 2 hour parking limit on the east side of
Rantoul Street (between School and Edwards Street); that a "No Parking Here to
Corner" sign be erected 20' from the School /Rantoul Street intersection at Luigi's
Pizza; and that "No Parking Here to Driveway" signs be erected at all 3 driveways to
the Gateway condos.
Rollins: motion to recommend to the City Council that:
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• A "No Parking Here to Corner" sign be erected on the westerly
side of Rantoul Street 20' from the intersection of Rantoul and
School Streets;
• That an additional 15 minute parking space be established on
the westerly side of Rantoul Street at Luigi's Pizza (38 Rantoul
Street) adjacent to the existing 15- minute space; and
• That a two hour parking limit (9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday
through Friday) be established for the easterly side of Rantoul
Street between School and Edwards Streets.
In addition, the Commission will write a letter to Public Services
Director Mike Collins requesting that MUTCD- compliant "No Parking
Here to Driveway" signs be erected five (5) feet from either side of
each of the driveways to the Gateway condo project.
Motion seconded by Hutchinson, all members in favor. Motion carries
5 -0.
6. Update Request to State Regarding Truck Exclusion for Cole Street
Cassidy notes that a family member of Bill Bent is ill and he was therefore unable to
be here this morning. She reports that Bent distributed a draft of the truck
exclusion request at the last meeting with a recommendation that the Commission
send a letter to Mayor Scanlon with the recommendation that it be sent to MassDOT.
Cassidy requests that the Commission approve the draft letter to be sent to the
Mayor and the draft of the letter transmitting the exclusion request to the State.
Hutchinson asks if a public hearing should be held on this and suggests that there
should be notification to the public about it.
Benevento states that he is not aware of a public hearing requirement noting that
the petition will not designate a specific truck route. If it were, Benevento says he
would feel the same as Hutchinson.
Slate suggests that a copy of the letters be sent to the ward four and six city
councilors when it is sent.
Rollins: motion to approve the draft letters to the Mayor and the State and to
recommend submission of the request to the Massachusetts
Department of Transportation. Fiore seconds the motion, all
members in favor. The motion carries 5 -0.
7. Approval of Minutes
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The minutes of the Parking and Traffic Commission meetings held on December 4,
2012 regular meeting were presented for approval. Benevento asks if there are any
corrections to make to the draft minutes. There are none.
Fiore: Motion to approve the draft minutes, seconded by Hutchinson. All
members in favor, the motion carries 5 -0.
8. Election of Officers
Cassidy explains that the next item of business is election of officers. Elections
should occur in January of every year but last year the vote was actually taken in
about March due to multiple absences that winter.
Cassidy: motion to nominate Richard Benevento as Chairman of the Parking
and Traffic Commission for the year 2013, seconded by Hutchinson.
Fiore: motion to close nominations for chairman of the Commission,
seconded by Hutchinson.
Vote on the motion to nominate Richard Benevento as Chairman of
the Parking and Traffic Commission is unanimous (4 -0 -1; Rollins,
Cassidy, Hutchinson, Fiore in favor, no one in opposition, Benevento
Benevento informs the members that Bill Bent is willing to serve as Vice Chairman
again this year.
Hutchinson: motion to nominate Bill Bent as Vice Chair of the Parking and Traffic
Commission for the year 2013, seconded by Fiore.
Cassidy: motion to close nominations for Vice Chair of the Commission,
seconded by Fiore.
Vote on the motion to nominate Bill Bent as Vice Chair of the Parking
and Traffic Commission for the year 2013 is unanimous (5 -0);
Next, Commissioners vote to elect a secretary.
Fiore: motion to nominate Tina Cassidy to serve as Secretary of the Parking
and Traffic Commission for the year 2013, seconded by Rollins.
Hutchinson: motion that nominations be closed, seconded by Fiore.
Vote on the motion to nominate Tina Cassidy Secretary of the Parking
and Traffic Commission for the year 2013 is unanimous (5 -0). Rollins,
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Benevento, Hutchinson, Fiore in favor, no one in opposition, Cassidy
Cassidy reminds the members that they should complete the ethics and conflicts of
interest forms and return them to the City Clerk.
9. New or Other Business
Cassidy updates the Commission on Council Order #4/4A requesting a parking
study with regards to the Parking Garage at the Depot. She notes that a public
hearing has been rescheduled to the end of January by the City Council.
Slate explains that the matter was held in Committee to set a date for a public
hearing. After some conflicting statements he consulted with City Solicitor Roy
Gelineau who recommends another hearing even though the hearing held in 2009
was on the same topic.
10. Next Meeting
The next meeting of the Parking and Traffic Commission will be held on Tuesday,
February 5, 2013 at 8:30 a.m.
11. Adjournment
Benevento asks if there is any additional business for the Commission to conduct.
There is none.
Hutchinson: motion to adjourn, seconded by Rollins. All members in favor, motion
carries 5 -0.
The meeting is adjourned at 10:00 a.m.
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