2012-09-20Beverly Cable Advisory Commission Meeting
DATE: September 20th, 2012
LOCATION: City hall conference room
Daniel Murphy — Chair - person, George Johnson, Al Torsey, Eric Overberg, Don Berman,
Alex Ushakoff, Muriel Zaginailoff, Alternate - Neil Overberg.
Daniel Murphy — Chair - person, , Eric Overberg, Don Berman, Al Torsey, and Muriel
Zaginailoff , Alex Ushakoff, and George Johnson.
• A quorum being present the meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M by chair - person
Daniel Murphy
• Communications and correspondence: George received informal complaints on
Comcast rates.
• A motion was made and seconded to accept the July minutes with slight corrections.
The August meeting was cancelled and business deferred to the September meeting.
• New members: None. Dan asked City hall for any requests for membership.
• Operation alert: Ongoing: A single point of contact has to be appointed by the Mayor.
• Don and Muriel presented proposed CAC mission statement. George suggested that a
part 2C be added to the mission statement to add a process to measure BevCam's success
on getting a 3rd channel; also establish a metric for justification of a 3rd channel; Also
add a report from BevCam as to what is being done to provide more programming, and to
report how it is progressing on attaining its objectives.
• Items for discussion at the October Joint meeting with BC. George will pursue.
• BevCam training diversification.
• Advanced production.
• Improved production.
• BevCam's recruiting of its members for production duties.
• Review BC and COB agreement to justify BC as provider.
• Search for new commission members.
• Operation alert.
• BevCam program distribution :re prime time vs. non prime time.
• BevCam budget shortfall.
• I -Net build out. Ongoing.
• CAC's future needs in their mission statement.
The next joint meeting with BevCam will be held at the BevCam office, Beverly High School, on
Thursday, October 18th at 7:00 P.M.
At 8:40 P.M. a motion was made and seconded to adjourn.
Respectfully submitted: Eric Overberg