October 18, 2012
MEMBERS PRESENT: Dan Murphy, Chair; Don Berman; Al Torsey; Alex Ushakoff; Muriel
MEMBERS ABSENT: George Johnson; Eric Overberg, Clerk
PUBLIC PRESENT: Walt Kosmowski, E.D., BevCam; Lee Yaffe, BevCam board
The meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM by Murphy.
BevCam's report, presented by Kosmowski was first on the agenda.
The report consisted of the following topics, supported by print materials distributed to the
CAC members.
Three monthly reports of Production and Outreach
A chart of the Increase in Active Producers
A List of People Who Completed Training in 2012
A Chart of Distribution of Programming Hours through 9/2012
A List of Inactive and active members
Quarterly Budget for 2012 ytd 9/30
Technical Projects Completion Summary
After discussion on the spreadsheet format's lack of conformity to that specified in
the Management Contract, Kosmowski distributed a separate report on staff salaries. He
contends that the final version of BevCam's contract with the city contains no reference to a
line -by -line conformity with the format used in the Future Needs Assessment and Business
It was noted that BevCam purchased approximately $4 thousand worth of field camera
equipment for the school media program.
It was also noted that an award was received for Livin' the Good Life, a senior produced
show as part of the Aging Network Collaboration.
Additional discussion re the Comcast payment shortfall experienced by BevCam. Murphy
will investigate further regarding the city's position on this.
At the conclusion of discussion, BevCam representatives departed the meeting.
The minutes of the previous meeting, Sep 20, 2012 were reviewed and adopted with one
deletion - sentence under New Business reading " George suggested adding an item to part
2A of CAC mission to provide a 2 year plan."
No communications or correspondence to report.
Murphy reported on a membership recruitment meeting with Diane Costa.
Next meeting schedule for November 15, 2012, place to be determined.
Meeting adjourned at 8:45 PM.
Submitted by Donald S. Berman