2009-04-28 (3)1 ::
These minutes are not a verbatim transcript of the public hearing or public meeting
of the Board of Appeals. Reviews of the decision or outcome of the public
hearing should include an examination of the Board's Decision for that hearing.
Board: Zoning Board of Appeal
Date: April 28, 2009
Place: Beverly City Hall, 191 Cabot Street, Councilors
Chamber, Y floor, 7:00 p. m.
Board Members Present: Full Members: Day Ann Kelley, Chairperson,
Margaret O'Brien, Jane Brusca, Scott
Ferguson, and Joel Margolis.
Alternate Members: Pamela Gougian
and Sally Koen.
Others Present: Director of Municipal Inspections- Zoning Officer
Steven Frederickson and Clerk of the Board —
Diane Rogers.
Chairperson Day Ann Kelley opened the meeting to the public at 7:00 p. m.
3 Connolly Place — R -6 Zone — Edward Manion
Variance & Section 6 Finding
Mrs. Alison Manion spoke on her husband's behalf. She stated she was requesting a
Variance to allow the existing shed /entranceway to have a one -foot to one - foot -.3 inch
side yard setback instead of the required 10 -feet. She added her request was also for a
Section 6 Finding to have a 16.7 -feet of frontage instead of the 20 -feet required. Mrs.
Manion stated they received a letter dated February 19, 2009 from Local Building
Inspector Tod E. Biggar, regarding the single -story entry addition located on their
property at 3 Connolly Place. The letter stated the violations were: (1) Failure to submit
an application and obtain a building permit prior to construction. (2) Failure to submit
proper construction documentation. (3) Failure to have the constructed structure
inspected. (4) Failure to comply with the required R -6 minimum front yard setback: 20
feet and minimum side yard setback: 10 -feet. Mrs. Manion discussed a letter she had
submitted to the Board for review from the previous owner, Mario A. Castallo, III. The
Castallo's owned the dwelling from June 16, 1995 to December 6 2006. During their
ownership the existing shed and entrance way was attached to the residence when they
purchased the dwelling. Mrs. Manion added that during her ownership in 2006, she
upgraded the electrical service and put siding on the shed. She commented that she did
not change the footprint of the original structure. Mr. Castallo's letter was signed on the
6 th day of December, 2006, before a Notary Public. Mrs. Manion did try to research to
locate a plot plan dated 10 years earlier, which would show the existing
shed /entranceway. A structure built ten years prior with or without a permit is exempt.
A plot plan was submitted and dated March 5, 2009.
Chairperson Kelley asked if anyone from the public had questions or comments regarding
this proposal. Jennifer Luttrell owner of 5 Connolly Place for the past (5) years, was
represented by her Attorney Mr. Griffin. Mr. Griffin submitted Ariel photographs taken
in 2002 -2006 which indicated the mudroom addition was not existing at that time.
Building Commissioner Steven Frederickson stated that he also viewed Ariel
photographs in the year 2000 that clearly showed that the mudroom was not there. Mrs.
Manion stated the former owner signed a legal document that the mudroom was existing
and she could not conceive someone doing that. Mr. Griffin stated that perhaps the
former owner could not sell the property because of the illegal addition built onto the
dwelling without a permit. He added that the mudroom showed on the plot plan dated
December 1, 2006 when the Manions purchased the property. He stated that presently
Mr. & Mrs. Manion rent out their dwelling to students from Endicott College. Mrs.
Manion commented that her family would be moving back to the residence that she was
renting a place for a short time to be closer to her work. Jennifer Luttrell stated the
students sit on the mudroom roof and drink, dispose of cigarettes, and relieve themselves
on her property. She added she had to search for the Manions because they had moved
and she wanted to apprise them of the issues that had began after their departure of the
property. Attorney Griffin stated he had received conformation from the former owners,
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Dalton, confirming that the mudroom/shed structure was not on
the dwelling when they sold the property in 1995. Mr. Griffin requested the Board deny
this application for a variance.
Chairperson Kelley asked Board Members for their questions and comments. Ms. Kelley
stated she was of the opinion that this was a unique area and the existing mudroom was 1
'/z -feet from the neighbors lot line, there was no substantial hardship, and that the
structure was just a convenience. Mr. Frederickson confirmed that no building permits
had been obtained. Ms. Kelley informed Mrs. Manion that when she purchased this
dwelling she did not get a clear title and that she should investigate this matter. Margolis
asked if the property was currently rented. Mrs. Manion responded that the dwelling was
occupied for the school year by Endicott College students. Mr. Ferguson stated he had
made a site visit and spoke to one of the college students that stated he would be leaving
the premises in May. He added that he believed the structure was built illegally less than
ten years ago. Mr. Ferguson commented that asking the new owners to tear down the
structure was asking allot. He suggested the two neighbors come up with a plan
acceptable to both parties. Ms. Kelley and O'Brien stated they would like a compromise.
They suggested a postponement until the next scheduled meeting May 23, 2009 to see if a
possible remedy could be reached. Mr. Ferguson commented the structure could be
turned 90 degrees and redo the roof.
The Board moved to continue the case until the next scheduled meeting May 26, 2009.
Subject to the petitioner signing a waiver. Motion carried unanimously. (Kelley,
O'Brien, Margolis, Ferguson, and Brusca in favor)
18 Bay View Avenue — R -10 Zone — Michael Harrington - Petitioner
An Appeal from an Administration Decision of Director of Municipal Inspections
Steven Frederickson
Attorney Thomas Harrington spoke on behalf of the petitioner. He stated this was a
request of an appeal of an administrative decision of Director of Municipal Inspections
Steven R. Frederickson, dated February 11, 2009. The petitioners' request for zoning
enforcement was denied on the grounds that there is no front yard setback violation at 18
Bay View Avenue. Mr. Harrington stated he represented Mr. Michael Harrington of 7
Bay View Avenue. He added that on November 18, 2008 the Planning Board gave an
"ANR" endorsement to the Plan of Land 14, 16, & 18 Bay View Avenue dated 10/23/08.
The plan was recorded on November 19, 2008, in the Registry of Deeds. One of the
purposes of this plan was to remove Parcel Z for 18 Bay View Avenue and to add Parcel
Y, and the owners have now carried out this plan. Mr. Harrington believes that by
conveying Parcel Z to the owner of 16 Bay View Avenue, the owners of 18 Bay View
Avenue have caused their lot to violate the 20 -foot setback required in the R -10 District.
Mr. Michael Harrington is challenging the Building Inspector's interpretation of the
Zoning Ordinance. He received a written decision from Mr. Frederickson denying his
request for zoning enforcement, thus rendering him a person aggrieved for the purposes
of M.G.L. c.40A, -8. Mr. Thomas Harrington read the definitions of "yard, front" and
"setback" from the Zoning Ordinance. Based on his measurement of the front yard
setback 18 Bay View, depicted on the Sketch Plan "Exhibit D" (which he submitted
copies to the Board members) the open space area serving as the front yard does not
provide 20 -feet between the front line of the building wall and the front lot line. He
believes the exchange of Parcel Y and Parcel Z reduced the distance between the front
line of the building wall and the front lot line at 18 Bay View to less than 20 -feet. Mr.
Tom Harrington added that in his opinion despite the clear language of the definitions for
"Front Yard" and "setback" in the Zoning Ordinance that Mr. Frederickson's decision is
based on an erroneous interpretation of the Zoning Ordinance. Mr. Frederickson's letter
of February 11, 2009, stated the intent of the Beverly Zoning Ordinance is that the front
yard is an area 20 -feet in depth, measured parallel to the street line. Since no portion of
the structure projects into the front yard, there is no violation of the 20 -foot front yard
setback and no violation of 29 -5 (F) (2). Mr. T. Harrington stated that nowhere in the
definition of "front yard" or "setback" does the Zoning Ordinance call for a measurement
"parallel" to the street line. He added that one of the lines used to determine the front
yard area is the front line of the building wall. He does not believe Mr. Frederickson's
decision that implies that because "front line of the building wall" is not specifically
defined in the Zoning Ordinance, it is to be ignored when calculating the front yard
setback. Mr. T. Harrington requested the Board to overturn Mr. Frederickson's decision
and direct the Department of Municipal Inspections to enforce the front yard setback
requirements of the Beverly Zoning Ordinance at 18 Bay View Avenue. Ms. O'Brien
asked Mr. T. Harrington how he measured the setback on the map he provided the Board.
Mr. T. Harrington responded that he was not allowed to go on the property therefore, he
went to a surveyor to lay out this strip of the property. Ms. O'Brien asked if the owners
at 16 Bay View Avenue gave the land back would there be a problem. Mr. Harrington
responded that he believed the front setback would be wrong. Ms. Kelley asked how Mr.
Harrington interprets measuring and setback. Mr. Harrington responded that there is
nothing written in the Zoning Ordinance regarding arcing 20 -feet. Mr. Frederickson
stated he has always measured from the street back to the dwelling for frontages. After a
discussion with Mr. Frederickson, Mr. Ferguson concurred.
Chairperson Day Ann Kelley asked if any member of the public have any questions or
comments regarding this petition. Attorney Marshall Handly stated he represented Cabot
Company, (the Hubbard's) owners of 18 Bay View Avenue. He stated that the required
frontage was 20 -feet and that his clients did have that measurement. He added that Front
and Width mean the same thing. He asked the Board to read page 6 of the Zoning
Bylaws. Mr. Handly submitted a copy of the letter to Mr. Frederickson, the Building
Commissioner that he had written regarding this case. He stated in the letter that the
front yard setback requirement for an R -10 zone is 20 feet. This setback must be
maintained for the entire "front yard" of the property. The "Front Yard" for 18 Bay View
Avenue is a set back area of 20 -feet between "the front lot line" and "foundation wall
and /or any covered porch or other enclosed portion of the building." Mr. Walker
Thompson of 18 Bay View Avenue concurred with Mr. Handly He stated there is no
point on this home that is less than 20 -feet from the lot line, front or side. Ms. Kelley
stated some of the Zoning Ordinance is not always written well however, she does not
feel Mr. Harrington's way of calculating the setback is the correct way. The required
front yard at 18 Bay View Avenue, as shown on Exhibit "B" to the Harrington letter, is
maintained along the entire length of the required frontage on Bay View Avenue (as
shown on the plan, the nearest point of the "foundation wall and /or any covered porch or
other enclosed portion of the building" to Bay View Avenue is 25 -feet. The required
front yard interlineated on the plan by Mr. Harrington is drawn with reference only to the
building, and assumes that there is a requirement in the ordinance that buildings be
constructed parallel with the street (which there is not). Setbacks must be maintained
from the boundaries of the lot; frontage is defined without regard for the orientation of
the building, and the designation of frontage is what determines the characterization of
the remaining lot boundaries as side or rear lot lines. 18 Bay View enjoys 186 feet of
frontage on Bay View Avenue, as shown on Exhibit "B ". The boundaries with 16 Bay
View are side lot lines from which a set back of 15 -feet must be maintained. The
Harrington interlineations ignores the requirement in the ordinance that the setback be
maintained with reference to "the front lot line ", ignores the fact that "Lot Width" is the
same as "Frontage ", and purports to characterize a substantial portion of the lot's frontage
as a side lot line.
Mr. Ferguson made a motion to uphold the Building Inspectors Decision at 18 Bay View
Avenue. Seconded by Ms. O'Brien. Amend. Motion> To uphold the decision of the
Building Inspector at 18 Bay View Avenue, the Appeal is denied. Ferguson: Motion
that the appeal of an Administrative Decision of the Director of Municipal Inspections,
Steven R. Frederickson, dated February 11, 2009 by Michael Harrington be denied. The
request is being denied because there is no front yard setback violation at 18 Bay View
Avenue. Seconded by Ms. O'Brien. 0 -5 (Kelley, Ferguson, O'Brien, Brusca, and Koen
in favor)
181 Elliott Street — 600 Cummings Center, Suite 170 -X — IG Zone — Beverly
Commerce Park Inc./United Sign
Variance Request
Ed Juralewicz, from United Sign Co. spoke on behalf of the property owner, Beverly
Commerce Park, LLP. He stated he is seeking to change an existing sign from "North
Shore Athletic Club" to "Beverly Athletic Club ". He added he would install the new
"Beverly" Raceway mounted channel letters, overall size 45- inches by 207 - inches. There
will be red faces with black trim cap and returns. The raceway will be painted to match
the building. A photograph was submitted for the Board to review, dated March 10,
2009. Mr. Juralewicz stated that Mr. Ed Soul who operates a Health Club on Reservoir
Road in Beverly made the decision to purchase the North Shore Athletic Club located at
the Cummings Center. Mr. Soul spoke to the Board informing them that he thought the
new name "Beverly" was a good one because he liked the name and he liked this city.
He added he was a good businessman and looked forward to 10 to 20 customers a day
using his new facility. Mr. Soul stated it was important that the public be able to locate
his new business. He stated the white background on the existing sign did not show up.
Mr. Juralewicz stated the North Shore sign predated the sign variance of 1998. He added
he installed the existing sign in 1996/97. There was a white color in the background with
red faces. These colors did not work well with the new proposed sign. He added this
change would be a decrease in the footprint size by 4 -feet less. Mr. Juralewicz stated
there are over 500 businesses within the seven buildings in the Cummings complex. He
added that the buildings' distance from the road and the size of the complex is a hardship,
which justifies the need for a variance. He stated that this proposal would not affect the
area outside the parcel and would not be detrimental to the public good. Ms. O'Brien
stated the colors red and blue were now allowed. Mr. Juralewicz responded he spoke to
the Building Commissioner and it was decided that the existing sign was originally put up
as a conforming sign and it does not fit into that.
Chairperson Kelley asked if any members of the public had any questions or comments?
There being no one present she asked the Board members for their questions and
comments. Ms. O'Brien stated the proposed request does reduce the overall size of the
sign. Ms. Brusca had no questions at this time. Mr. Ferguson was in favor of the request.
Ms. O'Brien: Motion To approve the variance request at Building 600 Suite 170 -X, 181
Elliott Street, by changing the signage from "North Shore" Athletic Club to "Beverly"
Athletic Club. Seconded by Ferguson. (Kelley, Ferguson, O'Brien, Brusca and Gougian
voting in favor.)
40 Central Street — R -6 Zone — Alice Miller, North Shore Properties, LLC
Requesting a Section 6 Finding and an appeal from an administrative decision
Attorney Thomas Alexander spoke on behalf of the petitioner. He stated he was
requesting a Section 6 Finding that if the Building Commissioner's determination is
upheld that the Board allow (5) units, as has been the case since approximately 1946 /and/
or an Appeal from an administrative decision that the Building Commissioner's letter
Dated February 9, 2009, (Exhibit A) indicating (4) units is disputed in that property has
been used as a (5) unit and taxed by the City of Beverly as five (5) units for many years.
Mr. Alexander stated he represented Ms. Miller, owner of the property located at 40
Central Street. He distributed photographs of the dwelling to the Board for review. Mr.
Alexander stated the dwelling was approximately 100 years old and located in the R -6
Zone. He added that the dwellings across the street were located in the RMD District.
Ms. Miller purchased the property with her husband in 1995 -1997 as a 5- family dwelling.
In a divorce settlement she obtained this property and refinanced. At that time the
appraiser checked the records in the Building Department and found that the building
cards indicated that the dwelling was not a 5- family, which is not uncommon in older
buildings. Ms. Miller, on her own, wrote a letter to the Building Department asking for a
determination. Mr. Alexander researched the "List of Persons" directory (Snoop book)
the City of Beverly provides. He found that in 1946 there were 5- units, 1947 there was
no 40 Rear or 40 1 /2 Central Street listed and the Building Commissioner considered that
unit grandfathered. In 1954 the dwelling was listed as a 5- family. If you look at the
property it certainly does not appear that any units have been added. Each unit has an
access and an egress, which is unusual to find. Mr. Alexander stated he applied for an
administrative decision and /or a finding in the alternative. The Building Commissioner
has found this property to be a legal 4- family unit. Mr. Alexander stated they were
asking the Board to allow a finding, which allows extending or altering an existing
nonconforming use and therefore to allow the 5th -unit. He added the use is allowed by
the requirement that the nearest abutting residential zone is the RMD district, which is
located across the street. Mr. Alexander stated that such structure or use is neither
increased in building volume or area by more than twenty -five percent. He added that the
property has been taxed for many years as a 5- family. Ms. Kelley asked if there was a
copy of the tax bill indicating 5 -units and Mr. Alexander replied no. A copy of the
Assessors map indicating abutters in favor of the proposal was submitted to the Board to
review. The neighbors on the list were John W. Carr of 42 Central Street, Gordon Lassar
of 38 Central Street, Paul Brumagin of 44 Central Street, Samuel Rulon- Miller Jr. of 52
Lothrop Street, and Bret Nichols of 43 Central Street.
Chairperson Kelley asked if there were any members of the public that had any questions
or comment regarding this proposal. There being no one present Ms. Kelley then asked
the Board members for their comments and questions. Ms. Kelley asked if any permits
were obtained to make the 5 th unit. Mr. Alexander responded there were no permits
obtained. Ms. Brusca stated she had no questions at this time. Mr. Ferguson stated he
made a site visit and found the structure to contain 5- units, 5 -gas burners, 5- electric
meters, 5 -hot water tanks, and 5 -mail boxes. He added that he believes this is a 5 -unit
building but the question is "how long has it been a five family ". Ms. Gougian stated the
5 th unit might have been there a long time but that does not make it right. Ms. Kelley
commented this is a dense area and she believes the property needs upgrading. Ms.
Brusca stated she also had concerns and would suggest the structure be inspected and
brought up to code. Ms. O'Brien asked if the unit count would show on a title search.
Mr. Alexander stated the number of units would not show on a title search. Building
Commissioner Steve Frederickson stated he receives requests continuously on the legality
of a building. He added that the property at 40 Central Street received a variance in 1947
to allow an addition to a two - family dwelling.
Ms. O'Brien made a motion to uphold the decision of the Building Commissioner, Steven
Frederickson in regard to the number of units located at 40 Central Street. Seconded by
Mr. Ferguson. Motion carries 5 — 0. (Kelly, Ferguson, O'Brien, Brusca, and Gougian)
Mr. Ferguson made a motion regarding the second issue presented a request for a Section
6 Finding that will allow 5 -units (only) at 40 Central Street. The Board discussed the
following conditions that had to be met: Hardwired smoke detectors and carbon
monoxide detectors be installed. Landscape the rear and right side of the property to
screen the two properties. Subject to the Building Commissioners full inspection that the
building be brought up to code. Mr. Alexander stated that older buildings cannot be
brought up to current codes. The Board finds all the criteria relative to Section 29 28 C 2
A, C, D, E, & F have been met. Seconded by Ms. O'Brien. Motion carries 5 — 0. (Kelly
Ferguson, O'Brien, Brusca, and Gougian in favor)
564 Cabot Street — R -10 Zone — Frank C. Kaminski
Trustee of Cabot Lot C Realty Trust
Requesting a Section 6 Finding and or an
Appeal from an Administrative Decision
Attorney Thomas Alexander spoke on behalf of the petitioner. He stated he was
requesting a Section 6 Finding that the preexisting nonconforming use as professional
medical offices (Exhibit B) be changed to allow for the sale of antiques and related pre-
owned items on the premises together with administrative offices related to such use and
appraisals of all types and or /an Appeal from and administrative decision the Date of
determination: February 5, 2009 (Exhibit A) use of the premises is within the terms of the
variance granted for the premises (Exhibit B).