Regular Meeting
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Beverly City Hall
Beverly, Massachusetts
A regular meeting of the Beverly School Committee was held on Wednesday, August 29, 2012 in Council
Chambers at City Hall, Beverly, MA.
Members Present: Mayor Scanlon, David Manzi, Matthew Kavanagh, Maria Decker, Kris Silverstein,
and Paul Manzo
Not in Attendance: Annemarie Cesa
Also in Attendance: Superintendent Dr. Marie Galinski, Assistant Superintendent Dr. Maryellen Duffy,
Director of Finance and Operations Jean Sherburne, Administrative Assistant to
the School Committee Donna Bergeron, Student Representative Hind AI- Jarahi
Kris Melanson, Centerville Teacher, Erin Brown, North Beverly Elementary School
Principal, BHS Principal Sean Gallagher
Call to Order: Ms. Decker called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.
Pledge of Allegiance: Kris Silverstein led those assembled in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Recognition of Students, Employees and Community Members
Maria Decker, Dr. Galinski and North Beverly School Principal Erin Brown, recognized Grade 3
Teacher, Laurie Stantial, who was named Rotary "Teacher of the Year ".
Maria Decker, Dr. Galinski and Mike Collins recognized Tim Howland — Director of Buildings &
Grounds for all his hard work maintaining our buildings and preparing them for the 2012 -13 school
Open Forum for Citizen Input into Non - Agenda - Related Items
Open Forum for Citizen Concerns or Citizen Input into Agenda - Related Items
Approval of Meeting Records
A motion was made by Paul Manzo to approve the minutes from the June 13, 2012 Regular School
Committee meeting. The motion was seconded by Kris Silverstein and approved by a vote of 6:0.
Report from Student Representative to the School Committee
Student Representative, Hind AI- Jarahi reported that the Orientation Day for the freshman went very well as
did opening day for the remainder of the upper class on Wednesday. Hind said that Thursday was picture
day and sports try -outs have begun.
Communications from Committee Members
David Manzi reported communications regarding full -day kindergarten placement and received positive
comments on the Freshman Academy.
Matthew Kavanagh was asked if private school students could participate in public school sports and
received questions about the on -line emergency cards.
Paul Manzo reported communications from students /parents regarding their positive experiences last year
and gearing up for the year ahead. He also had questions regarding staffing changes, the music trip and
the hand -ball court at the high school.
Kris Silverstein reported quite a few inquiries about the discrepancies in enrollments across the District
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and also many comments from people trying to navigate the BPS website. Kris said that she heard
students working for Beverly's Rec Department had conflicts with their job and the start of freshman
activities. She stated that BHS will work with the Recreation Department to rectify this next year. Kris
had inquires about the "Race To The Top" (RTTT) deadline.
Maria Decker reported hearing all positive comments on this morning's start from Sped, transportation and
the high school's registration.
Recognition of 21 Century Teaching and Learning
Maria Decker introduced a new item to the agenda, one in which the Committee showcases what our
teaching staff is doing in the classroom. Kristopher Melanson, Grade 5 Educator at the Centerville School
provided a powerpoint presentation on the use of classroom "Clickers ". Kris explained that in his 5 th Grade
Math class he uses the "Interactive Classroom Clickers" in conjunction with the smartboards He said this
tool provides him immediate results, allows him the ability to see if a student is struggling and keeps track
of all of the data, which has proven to be very useful at parent meetings. Kris provided a hands -on
demonstration giving each School Committee member a "Clicker" then proceeded to ask questions; the
results were immediate such as who had answered the question and who had not, who had them correct
or incorrect. Kris said that he finds his students more engaged and with these "Clickers" easier to teach.
Sean Gallagher Beverly High School Principal presented information on "Standards -Based Grading"
(SBG). He reported that by using SBG the student's work is graded differently using a 4.0 Rubric as
opposed to grading by percentage and that this process is a more accurate and consistent. Sean said
that the basis for the student's grade is through the assessments and that measures the student's
progress towards meeting the standards. The student's homework, effort and participation is important but
is graded separately he said.
Report from Superintendent Galinski
1. Overnight Field Trip — BHS Music Department
Dr. Galinski asked Lyn Pilanen and Adam Costa, BHS Music Department to present their request for this
year's overnight field trip to Baltimore MD /Washington DC scheduled to take place April 24 through April
28 2013. Ms. Pilanen stated this marks the 50 year for this trip and said the cost, with donations from
the BMPAA, is $780. The schedule of payments and fundraising profits is included in the packets and
the first informational meeting is scheduled for Wednesday.
Paul Manzo made a motion to approve the BHS Music Department's overnight field trip to Baltimore, MD
/ Washington D.C. The motion was seconded by Kris Silverstein and approved by a vote of 6:0
2. Opening of School Enrollments
Dr. Galinski said she provided an enrollment update and reported feeling that most classroom numbers
are very reasonable noting higher numbers at Ayers (Gr. 4) and Hannah (Gr. 4 and 5), in which fellows
have been placed in those buildings. She stated that the pre - school numbers are still in flux.
3. Stag Update for FY13
Dr. Galinski reported in her staffing update that all schools are fully staffed with the hiring of 41 teachers,
most of which were to replace retirees. She said that two science coaches were added at the
elementary level, a TLC position for elementary /middle school level and a full -day kindergarten teacher
for the newly added full -day kindergarten class at Ayers.
4. K -12 Insight _ Engagement Plan for 2012 -2013
Dr. Galinski said she included a draft copy of the K -12 Engagement Plan for the 2012 -2013 school year
requesting committee input before finalizing. She reported that the K -12 partnership has been very
helpful gathering information and that last year individual schools were using K -12 to do their own
5. Athletic Participation Numbers for 2011 -2012
Dr Galinski said she included a report of the athletic participation for 2011 -2012 and a history noting an
increase in student participation.
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6. Northeast Behavioral Health Services — FY12 Report
Dr. Galinski commented how very fortunate the BPS is to be the recipient of clinical services from NBHS.
She noted as it outlined in the report that the school department has received the equivalent of 223
hours of free services from master level clinicians, which is a huge piece of support for our student. She
extended her appreciation for these services.
Report from School Committee President Maria Decker
1. MASC Conference
Maria Decker reported there is an upcoming MASC conference in November and many members have
expressed their interest in attending. Given the budget there is only funds for one member to attend
and she requested input on how the committee would like to proceed. After a brief discussion the
question was asked if funds could be transferred from another account so that two members could
A motion was made by David Manzi to transfer $250 out of the Administrative Contingency line and to
increase the School Committee Training line by that amount. This motion was seconded by Kris
Silverstein and passed.
Yes vote: David Manzi Maria Decker
Matthew Kavanagh Kris Silverstein
Paul Manzo
No vote: Mayor Scanlon
Maria noted that both Annemarie Cesa and Kris Silverstein would attend the MASC conference from
November 7 -10, 2012.
2. Governance Project
Maria Decker reported that the committee continues to meet with Dorothy Presser and their next
meeting is scheduled for the end of September.
3. Ems_ ec�ncy Plan Policy
Maria Decker stated that included in the packets is the Emergency Medical Response policy that needs
to be approved and submitted by September 1, 2012.
A motion was made by Paul Manzo to adopt the Emergency Policy as recommended and written by
MASC with the understanding it would be reviewed again at a later date. The motion was seconded by
Kris Silverstein and approved by a vote of 6:0.
4. Unit A Contract — Signatures
Maria Decker reported that the Unit A contract has been ratified and is waiting signatures as is the
AFSCME Clerical contract.
Committee Reports
Standing Committee on Finance & Facilities (Paul Manzo, Chairperson)
The Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities last met on June 20, 2012 received a review of the
Buildings and Grounds report which included the work completed at Briscoe, repairs to the beams at Ayers
and cleaning and maintenance of all buildings. Also reviewed was the FY12 budget, rental payments and
adjustments were made to the FY13 budget and discussed. Mr. Manzo reported at this meeting the lease
for the Recovery High School was reviewed and approved.
The next meeting of the Finance & Facilities Committee is scheduled for September 19, 2012 at 7:00 p.m.
at the Cove Elementary School, 22 Hull Street.
Standing Committee on Curriculum, Instruction, and Student Life (Annemarie Cesa, Chairperson)
The Standing Committee on Curriculum, Instruction and Student Life will hold their next meeting on
Wednesday, September 5 at 7:00 p.m. in the Memorial Building.
Policy Review Subcommittee (David Manzi, Chairperson)
David Manzi reported that no meetings have been scheduled to date but that he expected with over 30
policies to be reviewed they would be scheduling a meeting in the very near future.
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Negotiations Subcommittee (Matthew Kavanagh, Chairperson)
Matthew Kavanagh reported that negotiations have gone very well with good progress being made and he
expressed his gratitude to the administration for all the support they have provided.
Community Engagement
Paul Manzo said that back in June he had chaperoned the 8 t " grade dance at Briscoe saying it was a great
opportunity and yesterday he attended the Cove School "Welcome" coffee commenting that it was great to
see so many new parents ready and willing to help.
Maria Decker said she had attended the Pre - School open house and tour and reported that it is a beautiful
facility... safe and secure. She also worked at the Freshman Orientation on Tuesday commenting on the
incredible enthusiasm!
Kris Silverstein said she attended the New Mandated School Meals Regulations Program providing
information on the impact it will have for school districts and she attended a forum presented by John
Tierney, "Cradle to Career ".
David Manzi reported attending Congressman Tierney )s event as well.
New Business
Maria Decker provided information from Representative Jerry Parisella on an upcoming event at Fenway
Park on October 1st, "Staying Strong" from 9:30 to 12:00 for benefiting military families.
Mayor Scanlon extended an invite to an upcoming book signing by author and BHS Class of '59 graduate,
Stephen Mugglebee, who will be at Beverly High School on Saturday, September 8 with his book entitled,
The Greatest High School Class Everfrom 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. There will be tours of the high school as
well and all proceeds go to BHS.
Reminder BHS Golf Auction fundraiser will be held on October 1 St
Paul Manzo reminded everyone to be careful and watch out for our kids... school is back in session and
students are walking and riding their bike!
Opportunity for Questions from the Press
None present
Consider Executive Session
Maria Decker made a motion to enter into Executive Session to discuss strategy with respect to collective
bargaining with union personnel and not to return to open session. The motion was seconded by Paul
Manzo and approved by a roll call vote of 6:0
Roll Call: Paul Manzo Yes
Mayor Scanlon Yes
Kris Silverstein Yes
David Manzi Yes
Matthew Kavanagh Yes
Maria Decker Yes
No: None
Paul Manzo made a motion to adjourn. The motion was seconded by David Manzi and approved by a vote
of 6:0. The meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Matthew Kavanagh, Secretary
Beverly School Committee