Historic District Commission
June 18, 2012
3 rd Floor, Beverly City Hall, 191 Cabot Street
Members Present
William Finch, Martin Lian, and Wendy Pearl
Members Absent:
James Younger
Others Present:
Kate Newhall, Associate Planner
Kate Newhall
Finch called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m.
Discussion — Commission's formal support of Site Plan #105 -11, Proposed Redevelopment of 48-
54 Dodge Street
Finch explains the site plan for the proposed Walgreen's Pharmacy to the other members. He
describes the current footprint of the portion of the structure that includes the early 18 century home.
He shows the members the part of the home that is being preserved.
Pearl asks how the "scar" of the home will be treated, referencing the area on the rear of the home
where the demolition will occur. Finch states that he assumes that the house will be covered with
matching vinyl siding and maybe some new windows, but he is not sure how the applicant will treat
the side of the home.
Finch reviews the request for the Commission from Attorney Tom Alexander, which is for a letter of
support of the project since the applicant has retained the portion of the historic home that sits on the
corner of Conant and Dodge Streets.
Newhall shares her draft letter of support, stating that the Commissioners may suggest changes and
edits. She also reiterates that the Commission must vote to issue support and that while she has drafted
a letter, this in no way reflects the direction that the Commission must go.
Finch passes out an edited version of the draft letter. The members review his suggested changes.
Lian states that the letter is simple and clearly states the Commission's views on the project.
Motion: Lian moved to issue the letter of support, with the discussed edits, to the
Planning Board, seconded by Pearl. The motion carried, 3 -0.
Discussion — Commission's formal support of the Community Preservation Act
Pearl, who is a volunteer member of the ballot campaign committee for the passage of the Community
Preservation Act in Beverly shares general information regarding the Act, the process in which to pass
it in Beverly, and examples of how the funds raised through the Act can benefit the City.
Finch also shares his experiences with the Act through his work in other communities.
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Pearl states that educational presentations have been made to several city and non - profit groups. The
volunteer ballot committee is seeking to compile several endorsements from a variety of groups that
the volunteers can then use in their educational campaign prior to the November 6 th vote. She is
requesting that the Commission discuss and consider issuing an endorsement of the Act.
Finch states that he would like to meet as a whole Commission to discuss this prior to taking any
Newhall asks Pearl when the ballot committee would like an endorsement. Pearl responds by stating
that anytime late July would be best so that these documents can be used during Homecoming Week as
they spread the word about the Act and the ballot question in November.
Newhall states that she will send out several potential dates in mid -July to the Commission and
organize a meeting to further discuss this matter.
New /Other Business
There is no new or other business to discuss.
Lian moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Pearl. The motion carried, 3 -0.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.m.
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