2012-03-15Beverly CATV Advisory Commission Meeting DATE: March 15 th , 2012 LOCATION: Beverly Public Library, Beverly, Ma. TIME: 6:OOP.M. COMMISSION MEMBERS: Daniel Murphy — Chair - person, George Johnson, Al Torsey, Eric Overberg, Don Berman, Alex Ushakoff, Muriel Zaginailoff, Alternate - Neil Overberg. COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Daniel Murphy — Chair - person, , Eric Overberg, Don Berman, and Muriel Zaginailoff , PUBLIC PRESENT: none. • A quorum being present the meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M by chair - person Daniel Murphy • OLD BUSINESS: • Communications and correspondence: None • A motion was made by Don Berrman to accept the February 2012 minutes as written and seconded by Muriel Zaginailoff All present voted to accept February minutes. • Prospective new members: Dan reported there is a possibility of 2 new commission members • Operation alert: Ongoing: A single point of contact has to be appointed by the Mayor. • NEW BUSINESS: • BevCam Report: No report available. • RFP Status: Don and Muriel met with city attorney, Mr. Roy Gelineau. Mr. Gelineau requested CATVAC to provide any additions or changes to the RFP as it exists. Don, in an e -mail on March 16' all members, asked for input from the commission members regarding additions and changes. Dan expressed the need to do this A.S.A.P. as it might be holding up the Mayor's signing of the RFP. It was agreed that Mayor Scanlon should meet with the commission to present what he expects from the commission going forward. It was suggested this meeting wait until the first joint meeting with BevCam. Bev Cam's reports should follow the outline in the RFP. • Organization: Muriel stated that CATVAC is at a point where a plan is needed to pass on to future commission members. Dan agreed, but nothing can be done until after the RFP is signed. Dan asked members to provide input such as dealing with customer complaints and how to inform customers of issues. Don suggested that the quarterly meetings with BevCam should be the responsibility of CATVAC to schedule. • OPEN ISSUES: • Search for new commission members. • Operation alert. • RFP discussion. • I -Net build out. Ongoing • CATVAC organization. Ongoing • BevCam's future needs in their business plan. • The next meeting will be held at the Beverly Public Library on Thursday, April 19 at 6:00 P.M. At 7:04 P.M. the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted: Eric Overberg