2012-05-09BEVERLY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Regular Meeting Wednesday, May 9, 2012 Beverly City Hall Beverly, Massachusetts A regular meeting of the Beverly School Committee was held on Wednesday, May 9, 2012 in the Council Chambers at City Hall, Beverly, MA. Members Present: Maria Decker, Paul Manzo, Matthew Kavanagh, Mayor Scanlon, Annemarie Cesa, Kris Silverstein, and David Manzi (arrived 7:23pm) Also Present: Superintendent Marie Galinski, Assistant Superintendent Maryellen Duffy, Director of Finance & Operations Jean Sherburne, Student Representative Ian McHugh, Beverly High School Principal Sean Gallagher, Briscoe Principal Matt Poska, and Beverly Teachers Association President Heather Litchfield Call to Order: Maria Decker called the meeting to order at 7:OOpm Pledge of Allegiance: Matt Kavanagh led those assembled in the Pledge of Allegiance. AGENDA Recognition of Students, Employees and Community Members Dr. Galinski joined Maria Decker in recognizing Beverly High School Science teacher, Trish Regan, for being selected as an Exemplary Science Educator by the North Shore Science Supervisors Association. Maria Decker, Dr. Galinski, and Briscoe Middle School Principal Matt Poska recognized the Briscoe Destination Imagination Team. Ms. Decker noted that the team of seven 7 t " graders, including Emily Aldrich, Emma Beaudoin, Mackenzie Bolas, Katie Cafferty, Meredith Enright, Lilah Fish, and Leona Rostock, ranked 2 nd in Improv Challenge at the State Competition and is heading to Knoxville, Tennessee later this month to compete in the Global Finals. Mr. Poska also recognized Bridget Fish, the teacher advisor for her contribution to the team's success. Dr. Galinski and Maria Decker recognized the top two ranking seniors in the Beverly High School graduating Class of 2012 — Erin Silvestri and Emily Boches. Maria Decker recognized Ian McHugh who has served as the Student Representative to the School Committee this past year. Maria Decker recognized BHS senior, Jake Levine, for 5 years of dedicated service as Student Representative to the Curriculum, Instruction, and Student Life Committee. She noted his growth from a quiet 8 t " grader at Briscoe to an eloquent spokesman for the high school who advocate for the entire student -body. Ms. Decker acknowledged Jake's active leadership roles at the high school and wished him the best as he heads off to the University of Wisconsin — Madison to major in Political Science and Spanish. Maria Decker asked Briscoe Principal Matt Poska, and special education teacher Brenda Wilson to join her in accepting a check for $2700 from City Councilor, Maureen Troubetaris on behalf of the BHS Class of 1961. Ms. Decker noted that the donation of funds would be for a technology initiative at Briscoe to support the SBI special education classroom with 12 new Net Book computers. Mr. Poska explained that the Net Books are used by the Strategies Based Instruction program to access websites, work on word processing skills, and utilize software that Briscoe has purchased such as IXL and Brain Pop. He went on further to describe how with the increase in numbers of SBI students, this will allow for greater opportunity to improve student skills and help close the achievement gap In addition, Ms. Decker thanked the BHS Classes of 1961 and 1962 for their donation of two 4 -foot granite benches that will grace the courtyard at Beverly High School. Beverly School Committee — Regular Meeting — May 9, 2012 Beverly Teacher's Association President, Heather Litchfield, and BHS teacher Dru Redmond presented baskets of gift certificates to Dr. Galinski and Ms. Decker to distribute to each of the seven district schools. Heather noted that the Teacher's Association had solicited gift certificates from area merchants and matched each to create an assortment of items principals could use at their discretion to support the needs of students and families in their schools. Mayor Scanlon presented BHS Principal Sean Gallagher with two plaques noting the BHS building project had been the recipient of the "2012 Building Project of the Year Award" from the Construction Management Association of America, New England Chapter. Ms. Decker thanked both the mayor and Mr. Gallagher for their efforts in oversight and management of the project. Bill also noted attending the groundbreaking of the new $133m voke /tech /aggie school. Open Forum for Citizen Concerns on Non - agenda Related Items - None Open Forum for Citizen Input into Agenda Related Items - None Approval of Meeting Records A motion was made by Annemarie Cesa to approve the minutes from the April 11, 2012 School Committee meeting. The motion was seconded by Kris Silverstein and approved by a vote of 7:0. Report from Student Representative to the School Committee Student Representative, Ian McHugh, reported that a walk would be held on May 11 in honor of Erik West The student entry fee of $2 will be donated to charities of students' choices. Ian congratulated BHS junior, Carly Moffie, recipient of the North Shore Music Theater's Spotlight on Stars, Best Actress award. Ian noted that ProShred Security would be hosting a free shredding event at the Beverly Council on Aging, on Saturday, June 2 Lastly, he thanked the committee for allowing him to serve this past year, and announced that BHS junior, Hind Algarahi, would be the student representative for the next school year. Communications from School Committee Members • Paul Manzo reported that he received a communication regarding Hannah and Briscoe buildings and grounds issues that he referred to Tim Howland and Mike Collins. He also spoke with parents about class size guidelines, the history of the BPS mission statement, and noted that he was looking forward to chaperoning the 8 t " grade dance. • Kris Silverstein reported on perceptions of uneven use of Moodle at the high school. She requested another update on instruction using the laptops at BHS at a future CISL meeting. • David Manzi received a communication regarding class size at Hannah for next year. He also noted that the entry arrow to BHS off Sohier Road points into the exit; he reported on a follow up conversation with Mike Collins noting that it would be repainted over the summer. • Annemarie Cesa received a communication regarding a potential need for additional outside seating at BHS. She also reported receiving input on class size concerns and the report by the ad hoc group, as well as the need for additional special education support at Briscoe. Annemarie noted that the BHS Up All Night post - graduation party was in need of donations. She offered a suggestion to change the format of the budget hearing to have constituents speak before the superintendent's presentation on the proposed budget. • Matt Kavanagh received a communication regarding Hannah and Briscoe buildings and grounds issues that were referred to Mike Collins. He also commented on the recent painting project completed in the cafeteria at Briscoe over the April vacation with work coordinated through the Lawrence House of Corrections. • Maria Decker also reported inquiries regarding Hannah and Briscoe buildings and grounds issues. She also received communications regarding class size and enrollment, as well as notes of appreciation from Briscoe student athletes and their parents regarding the newly installed artificial turf field that was used by the Briscoe track team both for practices and to host several recent meets. She expressed thanks to mjverde design studios for their color analysis of Briscoe for the 3 -phase painting project. Report from Superintendent Galinski Beverly School Committee — Regular Meeting — May 9, 2012 1. Introduction of new Director of Pupil Personnel Services — Dr. Galinski introduced Stacy Bucyk as the new Director of Pupil Personnel Services and briefly discussed the on -going transition process. Committee members wished her well, shared congratulations, and noted the challenge she would face in the new position. Stacy expressed thanks for the opportunity to grow within the district and noted mixed feeling of leaving Cove, but excitement for the challenge of the new position. 2. Introduction of new Assistant Principal - BHS Principal Sean Gallagher introduced Jennifer Yebba as the new Assistant Principal for Beverly High School, replacing Erin Brown. He reviewed the search process, outlining the receipt of 142 applications, 16 interviews conducted by the search committees, and 4 finalists interviewed by the administrative team. Sean thanked the parents and students who served on the search teams. Committee members welcomed Ms. Yebba to the Beverly Public Schools and wished her well in her new position. Ms. Yebba expressed her appreciation for the opportunity and noted how welcome she felt in Beverly. 3. NEASC Accreditation Review of Status Report of BHS — Principal Sean Gallagher noted the recent review of the NEASC Commission on Public Secondary Schools regarding BHS. Committee members noted how the list of commendations grows and the list of recommendations shrinks. Sean thanks the faculty and staff for their participation in the process, and embracing of the initiatives and changes that lead to success. Sean also informed the committee of a recently received notification from MASSP /CSSR that BHS is one of 21 schools in the nation to be recognized for their high performing efforts and Breaking Ranks. In recognition of this, BHS administration is invited to give a 90 minute presentation in late February 2013 in Washington DC. Committee members expressed much appreciation for Principal Gallagher's ongoing efforts, enthusiasm, and success in advancing the teaching and learning at Beverly High School. 4. Update on Cove Principal Search — Dr. Galinski informed the committee that she selected Lisa Oliver as the next Principal of the Cove School. At the request of committee members, the superintendent will forward Ms. Oliver's resume to the group. Report from School Committee President Maria Decker 1. Superintendent Evaluation — Ms. Decker provided a summary of the recent evaluation of the superintendent compiled by the 6 ward representatives. She noted that the process included interviews with members of the administration and leadership teams, and reflected performance over the past year, measured against goals. The 8 major areas of assessment included: Educational Leadership & District Culture; Curriculum Planning & Development, and Instructional Management; Fiscal, Facilities & Business Management; Planning & Organizational Management; Communication & Community Relations; School Committee Relations; Personnel Management; and, Personal Leadership, Values & Ethics. The committee rated the superintendent strongly in the areas of: analysis and use of valid and reliable indicators, data, and research in decision making; budget development and contract negotiations; efforts to improve communications; development, growth and promotion of leadership abilities of staff; relations with School Committee, city hall staff, and union leadership. Areas of the superintendent's performance where the School Committee noted growth is needed included: development of programs to foster good morale, loyalty, and cohesiveness among employees; serving as spokesperson for needs and welfare of all students; evaluation of curriculum program effectiveness; promoting community support for schools; participation in community life and affairs; consensus building and conflict mediation; and comfort in public speaking. Dr. Galinski thanked the committee for their review and expressed her desire to continue to move the district forward over the coming year. 2. National School Board Association Conference — Maria Decker spoke about the weekend conference she and Paul Manzo had attended in Boston along with School Board members from around the US and Canada. Both Maria and Paul were impressed with keynote speaker Sal Khan of the Khan Academy, and spoke about various seminars they attended on improving STEM education, School Committee relations, governance, and communication. 3. Teacher Evaluation Work Group — Ms. Decker reported that she and Mr. Kavanagh were part of a team working with administration and teachers to outline the process for adhering to the new state requirements Beverly School Committee — Regular Meeting — May 9, 2012 regarding evaluation of all employees with certifications, including teachers, nurses, principals, and superintendents. Maria noted that the teacher members of the work group have agreed to recommend adoption of the rubric from the DESE; ratification from the full teacher's union is required. Maria explained that there were 4 standards of evaluation (Curriculum, Planning & Assessment; Teaching All Students; Family & Community Engagement; and, Professional Culture), on which teachers would be rated as Exemplary, Proficient, Needs Improvement, or Unsatisfactory. 4. Vote to ratify the Tentative Agreement with Unit A Teachers Union — Maria noted that earlier today the teachers' union had voted to ratify the tentative agreement. She provided highlights of the tentative agreement noting a salary schedule that reflects: FY 12 — no increase, FY 13 — 1 % increase, FY 14 — 1 % on first day of contract and additional 1 % on the 93 day; two additional 30- minute preps /month for elementary teachers; a new Masters +60 program; Health Insurance changes to reflect the Municipal Health Insurance agreement of January 10, 2012. A motion was made by Paul Manzo to ratify the Unit A contract as outlined. The motion was seconded by Annemarie Cesa and approved 7:0 by a roll call vote: David Manzi — yes Matthew Kavanagh — yes Annemarie Cesa — yes Paul Manzo — yes Mayor Scanlon — yes Kris Silverstein — yes Maria Decker — yes Maria and Matt thanked the bargaining team for their professional and collaborative efforts to settle the contract in a cordial manner. 5. Financial Forecasting — Ms. Decker highlighted work done by the committee on which she serves with Mr. Manzo, and City Councilors Maureen Troubetaris and Jason Silva, city budget analyst Kathy Griffin, and finance directors from both the city and schools. She noted that presentation of the financial forecast report would be made to the public at the City Council meeting scheduled for Monday, May 21 St at 7:OOpm. Mr. Manzo noted that the report projects city finances for the coming three years, noting that FY 13 indicates a positive variance. 6. Joint Meeting — Maria Decker provided highlights of the joint meeting held with the City Council on Tuesday, May 1 Topics reviewed included: an update on the consolidation of Buildings & Grounds by Mike Collins; formation of a joint technology steering committee with Paul Manzo, along with Councilors Jim Latter and Brett Schetzsle; summary and update on the filing status of the Statement of Interest on a new middle school, including a proposed timeline for the project given by Ms. Decker; and a status report by Council President Paul Guanci on the PILOT /SILOT program, which will be re- instated under Councilor Scott Dullea. Committee Reports Standing Committee on Finance & Facilities (Paul Manzo, Chairperson Mr. Manzo reported that the Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities last met on April 25 ", 2012 and approved minutes, received a review of the Buildings and Grounds Report from Commissioner of Public Services Mike Collins and Tim Howland, Director of Public Schools Division which reported recent vandalism at BHS, work done on the athletic fields at the high school, a newly hired custodian. They also reviewed the revenue and expenses for the current year, closely watching the school choice reimbursement, substitute teacher, and unemployment lines. Based on a recommendation by the Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities, Mr. Manzo made a motion to set tuition rates for summer school 2012 at $160 per course for Beverly residents, and $185 /course for non - Beverly residents. The motion was seconded by Kris Silverstein and approved by a vote of 7:0. Based on a recommendation by the Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities, Mr. Manzo made a motion to approve the "Building Maintenance" policy (Section E: Support Services). The motion was seconded by Kris Silverstein and approved by a vote of 7:0. Beverly School Committee — Regular Meeting — May 9, 2012 Mr. Manzo reported that the Finance & Facilities committee would next meet on Tuesday, May 15, 7:OOpm, at Briscoe. Standing Committee on Curriculum, Instruction & Student Life (Annemarie Cesa, Chairperson Ms. Cesa reported that the standing committee last met on May 2, 2012. Ms. Cesa outlined the major changes presented by Briscoe administration for the handbook for the upcoming school year, noting they were tightening the dress code policy and based on a study done over the past year, had decreased the recommended time allocations for homework to better reflect coordination among team members and current best practices. Based on the recommendation by the Standing Committee on Curriculum, Instruction & Student Life, Ms. Cesa made a motion to approve the Briscoe handbook for 2012 -13. The motion was seconded by Kris Silverstein and approved by a vote of 7:0. Based on the recommendation of the Curriculum, Instruction & Student Life subcommittee, Ms. Cesa made a motion to approve the Technology Plan for 2012 -15. The motion was seconded by Kris Silverstein and approved by a vote of 7:0. Committee members discussed the success of the 1:1 laptop program at the high school, investigating the use of tablets in the district, and the concern that Briscoe's technology needs must continue to be addressed as we wait for a new middle school. Ms. Cesa brought forward for a first reading an updated policy on `Pediculosis" (Section J: Students). The second reading will take place at our June 13 meeting and require a formal (2/3) vote of approval from the School Committee. Policy Review Subcommittee (David Manzi, Chairperson) Mr. Manzi reported that the Policy Review subcommittee last met on March 28, 2012. Based on the recommendation of the subcommittee, Mr. Manzi made a motion to approve the policy regarding "School Committee Powers and Duties — Relationship with the Superintendent" (Section B: School Committee Governance and Operations). The motion was seconded by Matt Kavanagh and approved by a vote of 7:0. The next meeting of the subcommittee is yet to be scheduled. Negotiations Subcommittee (Matthew Kavanagh, Chairperson) Mr. Kavanagh reported that the Negotiations subcommittee met on both May 14 and May 15 with representatives from Units B & C and ASFME. He reported that we are continuing to move forward with contract negotiations and several future meetings have been set up. Community Engagement • Annemarie Cesa reported that the Pioneering Healthy Communities group has developed a vision statement: Be Healthy Beverly, as well as a mission statement. They are hoping to meet with the food service director, Nancy Antolini and establish a salad bar at BHS in the next school year. They also expect to administer a 1 -hour survey of 15 staff and school committee members. • Kris Silverstein spoke about the great performance by the Briscoe cast, crew and pit of "Anything Goes". She attended the recent presentation at BHS by Dr. Stember on Alcohol Use & Binge Drinking Among Teens. • David Manzi also spoke about attending the parent program on Alcohol Use & Binge Drinking Among Teens, given by Dr. Stember, noting it was a timely topic right before prom season. He attended the recent Ayers PTO, along with Kris and Paul, where they recapped the budget process for those in attendance. • Paul Manzo spoke about enjoying attending the Hannah School science fair, and assisting in the Cove School book fair. Paul also spoke about being a part of the Cove principal search committee, along with Matt Kavanagh, and many other teachers and staff. Paul outlined the process for the search and the review of applications using school spring. • Matt Kavanagh expressed appreciation for being able to participate in the Cove School principal search noting the large number of applicants; he expressed satisfaction with the final two recommended candidates. Matt noted that he, along with Maria, attended the first BHS Community Night and were able to sit in on the Standards Based Grading and Naviance sessions given by Principal Gallagher. Beverly School Committee — Regular Meeting — May 9, 2012 Maria Decker reported attending the recent Centerville PTO meeting as well as the Beverly Teacher's Association Celebration of Excellence reception held at Danversport Yacht Club that honored 24 retiring educators and welcomed new members. Maria noted the BHS Community night was well attended, especially the sessions on MacBook basics, Naviance, and Standards Based Grading. She also enjoyed the Mary Poppins musical put on by the Centerville 5 t " graders, as well as Anything Goes musical put on by the Briscoe students. Maria outlined the recent Coffee Connection hosted by the Community Resource Group of the SLC that welcomed leaders from area colleges to begin a dialogue on furthering our articulation agreements for dual enrollment. New Business - None Opportunity for Questions from the Press - None present Consider Executive Session A motion was made by Maria Decker to enter into Executive Session to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining with union and non -union personnel and not to return to open session. Kris Silverstein seconded the motion. Maria Decker called for a roll call vote to consider the motion. Yes Kris Silverstein, David Manzi, Matthew Kavanagh, Annemarie Cesa, Paul Manzo, Mayor Scanlon, and Maria Decker. No: None Motion passed 7:0 Paul Manzo made a motion to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Kris Silverstein and approved by a vote of 7:0. The meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Maria T. Decker, President Beverly School Committee Beverly School Committee — Regular Meeting — May 9, 2012