Board: Harbor Management Authority
Date: January 18, 2012
Location: Beverly Public Library — Fogg Room
Members Present Chair Paul Earl, , Charles Raymond, Don Neuman, Sylvan
Menezes, Wes Slate, Maureen Troubetaris, George Simon, David
Suminsby, Chris D'Alfonso (via phone)
Members Absent: Paul Miedzionowski, Rinus Oosthoek
Others Present: Rob Dever (Beverly Marina Manager)
Recorder: David Suminsby
Earl called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Public Input
Earl noted that there were no members of the public present.
Earl invited all to comment and offer corrections to the November 2011 minutes.
Menezes moved to accept the minutes as revised. Slate seconded. Motion carried 11 -0.
D'Alfonso noted that the facilities report has been reformatted to highlight the current issues
relevant to the full board.
D'Alfonso reviewed the need to refurbish or replace the "U" dock serving the dinghy storage
racks. Discussion ensued. Newman suggested that this work should be given a low priority.
Others agreed. Newman suggested work on the "U" dock to be added to the bid for the
commercial float work. Dever will coordinate with the engineering consultant (Vine) to add the
work to the bid. Dever will request Vine provide a quote for generating the needed bid package
which is targeted to be sent out July 1 St. Dever noted that the work on the commercial docks is
targeted to begin in November (2012). Slate suggested keeping Mayor Scanlon apprised of
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items such as the "U" dock work as there may be alternative funding available for small projects.
Newman suggested WIF funds may be available to cover the "U" dock work.
Dever reported that he received confirmation from the Seaport Council that the grant funds for
the commercial floats will be available July 1 St.
D' Alfonso reported that National Grid has still not removed the pole on the Harbormasters lot.
Slate stated that the city has been in talks with National Grid to address outstanding work orders
and suggested that the needed pole removal may be expedited by this process as well.
Earl reviewed an email from slip holder and assistant harbormaster Brian Headley who
expressed concerns regarding how the BHMA communicates with the slip holders and
questioned what amenities were to be provided for the slip holders. Slate stated that the BMHA
should update the slip holders as to what amenities will be available and when. Dever agreed to
draft a flyer to be mailed to current and prospective slip holders.
Earl requested that a spread sheet containing marina rental data be provided to BHMA members.
Dever agreed to follow up the request with Harbormaster Dan McPherson.
Earl noted Headley raised the issue of security concerns at the marina. A discussion of how
security issues are addressed ensued. Slate stated that he joined Police Chief Ray on a ride -a-
long in which they toured the marina area and discussed security issues there. Earl suggested
inviting Chief Ray to a board meeting to discuss policing issues at the marina. Slate
recommended scheduling a follow up meeting to address security concerns with Chief Ray
during the boating season to be held down at the marina to include the slip holders.
D'Alfonso reported that the facilities committee recommended that the rates for the commercial
slips remain unchanged for the upcoming season. Slate moved as such. Troubetaris seconded
and the motion carried 11 -0. Dever agreed to generate a letter to communicate this to existing
slip holders which will be sent out along with the lease documents on Feb 1 St.
Dever reported that the proposed signage at Sandy Point will be reviewed by the city solicitor.
The health department will be responsible for their own signage. Earl targeted April 1 St to have
signage in place.
Dever proposed and members agreed that the racks at Sandy Point be offered first come served
with notice to be sent to prior years renters by Feb 1 St.
Dever and others discussed the usage of the dinghy rack on the recreational docks. Members
agreed that a waiting list should be maintained for those racks.
Dever recommended the unused funds designated for summer help at the marina be used to
cover the cost for a new hoist. Menezes moved to reallocate the $2500 designated for summer
help to cover the new hoist. Newman seconded and the motion carried 11 -0.
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Dever reported that the security cameras for the marina have not been installed and questioned
whether a grant may be available to defray the cost. Earl asked the grant committee to follow up.
Discussion ensued as to whether Ray Leone is still slated to provide the equipment. Earl stated
he will check on the status of this with the city solicitor.
Licensing and Permits
Newman reported on the Bass River Dredging permits stating that Phase One as described in the
EIR covering the upper portion of the river above the Bridge St. bridge was approved.
Newman states the city is now waiting on grant funds to proceed with the Chapter 91 licensing.
Next Meeting
The next meeting of the Harbor Management Authority will be held on Wednesday, February 15,
There being no further business to come before the Harbor Management Authority this evening,
Earl moved to adjourn the meeting. Slate seconded and the motion carried.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
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