Conservation Commission
April 6, 1999
Beverly Public Library
Chairman David Lang,Richard Benevento,Jay
Donnelly,Patricia Grimes,Dr. Mayo
Johnson, Jon Mazuy, Anthony Paluzzi
Debbie Hurlburt
Florence Sagarino
1. Chairman Lang calls the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Mr. Brad Johnson, representing Thompson Rich states that they
want to put a three car garage on the site and that the buffer
zone runs through the existing home. He states that the existing
garage runs 6-8 ft. away from the buffer zone; that they will
be back 5-6 ft. from the buffer zone. He states that they will
not be doing any excavation in the back area; that they will
back fill and regrade and that there will be no blasting and
none of the new structure will be in the buffer zone. He states
that there will be some regrading on the edge of the buffer.
Chairman Lang asks for questions from members and the public.
Donnelly asks if there are any sewer connections, to which Rich
states no, becasuse there is a septic system in the rear.
Attorney David Peterson, representing Prince Street Realty Trust
asks what the garage size will be, to which the applicant's
representative states that it will be 12 ft. x 22 ft. Mr.
Peterson states his concerns regarding whether the pond is a
vernal pool; concerned with the pond draining into the ocean;
and what plans are in place to address additional water runoff
from the roof. The applicant states that there is no need for
drains and that the roof is 840 sq.ft. and that runoff of water
will be running into the pond.
Chairman Lang states that this is natural topography and he
is not concerned with roof runoff.
Mr. Peterson requests a site visit with respect to the runoff.
Benevento states that this is the natural topography of the
land and that the water runs to the pond, which raises only
the question of how fast it will go and that the distance to
the pond is 100 ft. Peterson requests an Order of Conditions
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be imposed to maintain the amount of water in the pond.
Benevento states that the existing structure is 810 sq.ft. and
the proposed structure is 814 sq.ft, therefore increased water
run-off is negligible. There are no further comments from the
Move for a finding of a Negative Determination of
Applicability ~3 seconded by Paluzzi.All members in
favor. Motion carries by 7-0 vote.
Mr. Joseph Randazzo presents plans showing the existing
foundation which is 55 ft. from the back of the house to the
Bass River. He states that the driveway area would be utilized
as a staging area and where the dumpster will be located. He
will be adding a second floor; that there will be no change
in the foundatoin. He presents a plan showing the slope of
the land and the back of the house; that no one is opposed to
this. He states that the equipment will be in the front of
the lot and that there will be gardens in the back.
Paluzzi questions what will happen to the material from the
old roof to which Randazzo states that they will remove roof
directly into the dumpster. He states that there will be no
excavaton, that on the left side is an existing foundaton and
that there will be no regrading. He further states that there
will be no changes to the existing wall.
Chairman Lang asks if there was anyone who wished to speak at
the hearing. There being none, a motion was made by Jon Mazuy.
Motion to move for a finding of a Negative Determina-
tion of Applicability~3, seconded by Paluzzi. All
members in favor. Motion carries by a 7-0 vote.
Mr. Lorge states to the Board that the entire house is in the
buffer zone of the wetlands and that they are requesting to
be allowed to build a deck the entire length of the house. The
entire length will be 34 ft. ahd will be 19 ft. from the edge
of the wetlands.
Paluzzi states that he visited the site and states that he
observed a stone wall on the bottom of the hill and that this
protects him from the resource area. Lorge states that he will
not be touching the wall and will only be moving a lilac bush
and that he will be 9 ft. to the closest corner. He states that
he will be 10-12 ft. off the ground with plenty of room to walk
and room to move a wheelbarrel and therefore no need to go into
the wetland area. He states that there will be 16 sonar tubes
which will be dug by machine.
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Chairman Lang asks for questions from members and the public.
There being none, a motion was made by Rchard Benevento.
Motion to issue a Negative Determination of Applica-
bility ~3 with the condition that the fill from
the sonar tubes excavation be placed to the side
of the building where described, and the rest shall
be removed. All members in favor. Motion carries
by a 7-0 vote.
Frank Killilea is present and requests a continuation of this
matter on behalf of the City. Chairman Lang reads a letter
of request for a continuation until May 4, 1999.
Motion to continue the matter until 5/4/99, seconded
by Mazuy. All members in favor. Motion carries
Paluzzi: Move to go into public hearing, seconded by Mazuy.
All members in favor. Motion carries 7-0.
Chairman Lang recuses himself from the hearing.
Tony Paluzzi resumed the Chair. Debbie Hurlburt calls Frank
Killilea to explain to the Board what the status is on this
matter. Frank Killilea states that they are now moving into
Phase 2 of a Study under DEP regulations. He states that the
Gurnard property needs further study on the underground fuel
tanks; that they need to determine the extent of contamination
and prepare them for removal. He states that the work will
take at least two months. Ford was not present at this time.
Debbie Hurlburt states that she did not receive any formal
written extension from Mr. Ford and wants to be sure that Ford
is comfortable with the two months. Benevento states that he
feels that the Board should grant an extension to the next
meeting and if not, he will be required to refile.
Motion to accept Frank Killilea's suggestion to continue
the matter until the next meeting of May 4, 1999 and
that Mr. Ford be informed that he should be present
at that meeting, that if the Board has not received
a request in writing by that meeting, the Board will
close the hearing, seconded by Grimes. Paluzzi,Johnson,
Donnelly,Benevento, Grimes and Mazuy in favor. Motion
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carries by 6-0. (Lang recused self)
Debbie Hurlburt states to the Board that she received a call
from the project representative Mike DeRosa of DeRosa
Environmental. At the last meeting he asked for a continuation
due to the need for a site inspection with State and Federal
agencies. She states that Agencies went out to the site and
states that there was concern from the State regarding the
proposal and they were not receptive to some of the proposed
restoration. Hurlburt states that DeRosa Environmental is
seeking an extension to June 1, 1999.
Motion to continue the public hearing to the
June 1, 1999 meeting, seconded by Mazuy. All
members in favor. Motion carries 7-0.
John Warren from Thomas Neve and Associates appears for the
applicant and states that there was a site visit two weeks ago
and that there are minor revisions to the plan. He states further
that there are small changes regarding stone over the septic
Paluzzi states that he would like to see stones over the septic
system and that this is to be a 6 inch layer of crused stone.
Chairman Lang asks if members or the public have any questions.
Mazuy: Motion to close the public hearing, seconded by Paluzzi.
All members in favor. Motion carries by 7-0 vote.
Alexander Takamaris, the engineer representing Fazio Enterprises,
updates the Commission since last meeting and asks if there
are any questions since their site visit.
Chairman Lang asks if during excavation, if the material will
go to on roll-off, to which the engineer responds in the
affirmative. Lang also states that at the last meeting a concern
of one of the neighbors was regarding a fence and also cleaning
up along the brook embankment.
John Murray, Ward 6 Councilor states that the neighbors are
concerned about the fence and also opposed to any additional
Benevento states that lighting is not within their jurisdiction.
The Commission may be requiring a fence to keep the debris out
of the resource area. Mazuy suggests that perhaps this should
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be part of the conditions; that the applicant clean along this
Karen Tassinari, an abutter, states that she would like to see
a fence installed due to the amount of trash that is generated.
She states that there is a waste receptacle there and would
like to know to whom it belongs and who is responsible to empty
Chairman Lang states that it probably belongs to DPW and will
make a note to mention this to them. Lang asks if there is
any other person who would like to comment on this proposal.
There being none, a motion was made by Jon Mazuy.
Mazuy: Motion to close the hearing, seconded by Paluzzi. All
members in favor. Motion carries by 7-0 vote.
Elizabeth Wallace of Hayes Engineering appears before the
Commission representing the applicant and states that they are
proposing a single family house in the buffer to a bordering
vegetated wetland and also a driveway and grading. She indicates
that the wetland is represented as a green area on the plan;
an existing stream is shown as blue, which lies adjacent to
the site. She states that there has been a site walk and that
Hayes is revising their plan according to Commission concerns.
She states that they have added a grass swale along the driveway
into a rip-rap swale to further lead into the stream. She states
that there will be some excavation during the construction of
the swale and then presents plans to the Commission.
Mazuy questions whethere there is a vernal pool and if this
is part of the property. Mazuy asks clarification as to whether
it is a pond or pool.
Wallace states that the wetland goes back to connect to the
street. She states that this is not a certified vernal pool.
She states to the Commission that there might be some blasting
on the hill.
Paluzzi asks for calculations for runoff, to which Wallace
responds that the calculations as to the runoff on the driveway
is .85 inches per second based on a 100 year storm.
Chairman Lang asks for questions from members and the public.
John Murraty, Ward 6 Councilor states that this is not a
certified vernal pool, but there are many frogs in the pond,
and water is always flowing in the brook. He questions the
setback from the road to which Wallace responds that it is about
200 ft.
Chairman Lang states that he has a concern about the intermittent
stream relationship with the pond and would like to continue
the hearing until the next meeting so that he can go to the
site again and further assess the resource area with the
information. He states that he would like to make sure that
there are no other wetlands in this area.
Mazuy and Benevento express their wish to do a site visit.
Wallace states that she would be agreeable to that and they
have been expressing concern that it may be a permanent stream.
She states that this is not shown on the USGS map.
There being no further questions, Jon Mazuy motions to continue
the hearing.
Motion to continue the hearing until May 4, 1999,
seconded by Johnson. Members in favor, Lang,Grimes,
Johnson,Benevento and Mazuy; Donnelly opposed.
Motion carries 6-1.
The Commission agrees to conduct a site visit on Saturday, April
24, 1999 at 8:30 a.m.
Chairman Lang recuses himself from discussion on this matter.
Mr. Ford appears briefly and informs the Commission as to where
he is regarding State reviewing Phase II. Frank Killilea has
stated that the work will not be done by June 1, and that he
will be able to come back on June 1, but has nothing more to
report at the present time.
Debbie Hurlburt explains to Mr.
continue the matter until May 4
if he would request more time.
Ford that the vote was to
and states that it sounds as
Mazuy indicates that the previous motion could be amended that
Mr. Ford does not have to appear before the Board on May 4,
Motion to continue the hearing to June 1,1999,
seconded by Mazuy. All members in favor. Motion
carries 6-0. (Lang recused self)
Patricia Grimes recuses herself from the hearing.
Gary Dionne appears before the Commission and states that he
wishes to build a patio on the ground level at the rear of his
property. He will have a 2 ft. high wall and there will be
sonar tubes filled with concrete at the base.
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Paluzzi questions the northeast corner of the deck and asks
how close this will be to the wetland area and the width of
the area, to which Dionne responds that the deck is about 2
ft. from the proposed wall and that the nearest water is about
8-9 ft. away. He states that there are some trees with large
roots and that the water is beyond that point.
Paluzzi states that he and Chairman Lang had visited the site.
He questions whether the excavation will be done by machine
or by hand, to which Dionne responds that it will be done by
hand. Dionne further states that there will be fill located
at the front of the house and that stones will be piled under
the porch.
Jay Donnelly questions if after building, how will he drive
any tractors, lawn mowers, etc. around without going into the
wetland area, to which Dionne responds that there is no need
to go in the back as it is not useable land. He states that
there will be no lawn around the deck.
Benevento asks if there are any existing Order of Conditions
on this to which Chairman states that the subdivision had a
superseding Order of Condition from DEP on the lots.
Mazuy questions runoff fromthe roof to which Dionne responds
that it flows straight down; there will be no gutters.
The Commission discusses whether they should do something about
the superseding Order of Conditions and whether DEP has
jurisdiction; therefore, Chairman then questions whether they
can issue an additional Order of Conditions. Benevento feels
that DEP may have jurisdiction over the site. The Comnmission
has discussion as to whether they should get a determination
onthe Order of Conditions from DEP. Debbie Hurlburt suggests
calling DEP and will also check on the expiration of the
developer's superseding Order of Conditions. Hurlburt will
be communicating with Dionne on the status of the Order.
Motion to continue the hearing until May 4, seconded
by Benevento. All members in favor. Motion carries
6-0. (Grimes recused from the hearing).
Appearing for the N.S.Nursery School were Nicole Reeves, Mary
Ann Lynch and Diane Kanan, President of the school.
Ms. Reeves states that since 1984 there have been changes in
the playground regulations and in order to build it up to
standards, they need to remove the equipment or take it away.
She states that they want to keep the present equipment and
that they need additional room around each piece of equipment.
She states that there is a chain link fence and they will remove
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Benevento questions the grading. Ms. Reeves states that this
is a flat area and there will be a minimal amount of grading.
She states that they wish to add 1 ft. to 18 inches of grade
and leave it for additional playground area. Benevento questions
the width in the southeast corner to which Reeves responds that
it is 5-6 ft., grassy and fairly open space. She states that
the surface is what is considered a safety surface, pourous
and green in color, which is compatible with what is already
there with some slight modifications, which would be astro turf.
The Chairman questions drainage and suggests that the applicant
submit to the Commission what they intend to do. He states
that he has a concern about draining directly into the brook
and would like to know where the drain pipes will be discharging
and how they will discharge. Paluzzi request from the applicant
placing stakes in the area to be expanded prior to the Commission
making a site visit.
Chairman Lang asks if there was anyone in attendance that would
like to comment on this proposal, hearing none, Chairman Lang
suggests a site visit for Saturday, April 24 at 9:30 a.m.
Motion to continue the hearing until May 4, 1999,
seconded by Mazuy. All members in favor. Motion
carries 7-0.
Present are Richard Johnson and John Dick who state that their
existing Order of Conditions call for filling in two areas of
a coastal bank to stabilize it to control erosion on site.
He states that they have reviewed the area and presents photos
to the Commission of the locus and describes what is represented
in the photos. He states that they have authorization to do
55 lin. ft. of fill, and would like to extend this to 300 ft.
He further states that the Order of Conditions presently call
for filling with gravel and planting beach grass. They would
like to lay 12 inches of jute fabric and more stable plantings.
Benevento asks if it is the same methodology and why not modify
the existing Order; to which Seelig responds that the original
Order was to place gravel and they now want to layer by terracing
the bank and place more jute.
John Dick, Hancock Survey states that CZM came in originally
to review the construction methodology and had specific
requirements. Mr. Dick stated that the alternative was this
type of terracing methodology and then pointed to 3 gullies
on the sige where the owner has cleaned out all the material
and the banking is now unstable, therefore the jute mating is
there temporarily until it is filled in. He states that DEP
has no problem with this.
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Debbie Hurlburt requests that John Dick speak on the issue of
the slope, and explain this further to the Commission. John
Dick states that originally it was to be a 3-1 slope with just
2 areas being filled in; the new proposal seeks to extend the
bank throughout the area.
Hurlburt states that she has spoken to Rebecca Haney and that
she has a problem with a 1-1 slope and that she would recommend
that the top of the slope be extended back further on their
lawn at the top of the slope.
John Dick and Johnson state that they do not want to remove
the top of the bank and they would be placing rapid growing
plantings and state that they will fill in the surface of the
slope within 3-5 years; that there will be a maintenance program
in place. Johnson states that the life of the jute is
approximately 18 months, depending on the weather, as it is
a natural material. They would like to get them in as soon
as possible after approval by the Commission. He states that
the beach grass should be planted now.
Chairman Lang asks for further questions from the members and
the public; hearing none, asks the members for a motion.
Mazuy: Motion to close the hearing, seconded by Paluzzi.
All members in favor. Motion carries 7-0.
Debbie Hurlburt updates the Board members and states that she
has visited the site and has found it to be very stable. She
states that the grass meets with her approval and that she would
recommend that it receive a Certificate of Compliance.
Motion to issue the Certificate of Compliance,seconded
by Benevento. All members in favor. Motion carries
Frank Killilea updates the members on the compost facility at
Standley Street. He states that the City is waiting to receive
the maps before they can talk about specifics. He states that
a possible consideration would be to have a limited period of
every other day, three hours a day to allow residents who need
to get rid of yard waste. He states that the City has no other
alternative but to allow deposit of debris on a limited basis,.
They feel that they don't want to wait until 4/19/99 for the
curb pickup and that this will give residents some relief until
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The Commission asks questions as to how this would be policed
to ensure that people are depositing their waste away from the
wetland; how much are they allowed to bring in; will they be
away from the front area where there is standing water and would
the City be liable for any material brought in that is not
allowed to be dumped, such as plastics. Chairman Lang states
that he feels that DPW should be monitoring the waste being
Killilea explains to the Board the restrictions that will be
in place at the site, such as, only cars will be coming in with
waste and that no trucks be allowed except with a pass. He
states that JRM should have a gatekeeper and run the program
for three hours a day every other day. He states that he feels
the delineation of the wetlands should be complete within a
week. He states that their plan is to pull back the material
from the edge of the wetland to 25 ft. and stabilize up to the
work area of the compost site.
David Hofenberg, 2 Thomas Rd. states that he feels that the
area cannot be adequately monitored and feels that residents
can put anything they want in there and feels that only one
monitor on site is not sufficient. Gail Hofenberg, 2 Thomas
Rd. addresses the odors coming from the site which she stated
are very offensive. She states that she cannot open her windows
in the warm weather because of the odor. She states that she
has had rats in her garage which she feels are coming from the
Chairman Lang states that the Board's concern is with the wetland
area, and that this is a wetland matter, whereby they have to
file a Notice of Intent to be in the wetland area. Chairman
asks if the members have any further questions and also questions
from the public.
Motion to remove the restriction of no use of the
compost facility pending delineation of the wetlands
in the field by the City's Engineering consultant,
and that the area outside of the 100 ft. buffer
zone be designated for use by Beverly citizens for
temporary yard waste area for disposal of yard waste.
This approval is restricted to residential vehicles
only for every other day up to three days per week,
and up to three hours per day, and that all material
coming to the site shall be monitored for compliance
relative to accepted compost material.
The Chairman and several members will visit the
site to approve the demarkation of the limits of
the compost area which will be delineated with
silt or snow fence. Pick-up trucks are allowed
only one load per day, seconded by Paluzzi,Land,
Grimes,Johnson, Donnelly. Motion carries 6-1.
Mazuy opposed.
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Susan Kinzi appears before the Commission and states that they
have lost 3 pilings due to wind storms. Ms. Kinzi is concerned
because this dock houses the fuel tanks and they would like
to replace the 8 pilings with 6 new pilings so no spill could
occur. She presents a diagram showing where the pilings will
be located. She states that the docks are currently being held
in place by chains. They are hoping to have the work done this
week. She states that there are gas lines under the dock and
that DEP has stated they have no problem with the plan. She
states that the pilings will be removed by barge and replaced
with steel pilings.
Chairman Lang asks if members have any questions and if the
public has any questions.
Motion to grant the Emergency Certification as submitted,
seconded by Paluzzi. All members in favor. Motion
carries 7-0.
Motion that Standard Conditions be issued, seconded
by Paluzzi. All members in favor. Motion carries
Benevento: Motion that Standard Commission Conditions plus:
site as necessary,
seconded by Paluzzi.
by 7-0 vote.
A 6 ft., vertical solid board fence be installed along the
perimeter of the site at the top of the bank adjacent to
the edge of pavement. This fence must be placed behind
the entire building.
The property shall be cleared of all trash and debris
including the bank and stream prior to commencement of
The owner or lessee shall clean up embankment and stream
once a month in perpetuity; and
The applicant shall replace existing 6 inch curb with a
new 6 inch bituminous curb along the rear perimeter of the
All members in favor. Motion carries
Motion that Standard Conditions they were issued
shall remain in effect, seconded by Mazuy. All
members in favor. Motion carries by 7-0 vote.
page twelve
a J__ February 22, 1999
Motion to hold acceptance of Minutes until the next
meeting of the Commission, seconded by Paluzzi.
All members in favor. Motion carries by 7-0 vote.
b. March 16, 1999
Benevento: Motion to hold acceptance of Minutes until the
next meeting of the Commission, seconded by
Paluzzi. All members in favor. Motion carries
by 7-0.
a. Mail: Debbie Hurlhurt - discussion on vegetation
management plan for N.E. Electric.
b. Regulations: The Commission should start looking at
the By-laws and perhaps set up a sub-committee and move along
with the review.
c. Reminds the Commission to review the Minutes of the
Executive Session which took place on 2/22/99 and note any
revisions or changes.
d. New Polict on Buffer Zones.
Mazuy: Motion to adjourn the meeting seconded by Benevento.
All members in favor. Motion carries 7-0.
Meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p.m.