2011-09-08Beverly Historic Commission
Minutes — August 31, 2011 /September 8, 2011
Board: Historic District Commission
Date: August 31, 2011
September 8, 2011
Location: Beverly City Hall, 191 Cabot Street, Beverly, MA.
Members Present The following members of the Beverly Historic Commission were
present on August 31, 2011: James Younger and Matt Lewis. Due
to a lack of a quorum the meeting was continued to September 8,
2011 at 7:00 p.m.
Members present on September 8, 2011 were: William Finch
Chair, James Younger Vice Chair, and John Condon and Ralph
Turcotte and Matt Lewis
Members Absent: None
Staff Present: Kate Newhall
Recorder: Eileen Sacco
Finch called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Condon moved to recess for public hearings. Younger seconded the motion. The motion carries.
Demolition of the Primary Residence at 875 Hale Street — Montrose School Park, LLC
Jeff Rhuda of Montrose School Park, LLC is present at the meeting.
Finch addresses those present and explains the role of the Historic District Commission in this
matter. He explains that a demolition delay order applies to all buildings over 50 years old when
an application is presented to the Building Department. He further explains that if the
Commission finds that the building could be historically significant, a public hearing is held to
determine if the building is, in fact, significant to Beverly and if so, should it be preferably
preserved. He also explains that if a building is not found to be historically significant then no
determination as to the building being preferably preserved will be necessary and the Building
Inspector will be free to issue a demolition permit.
Finch also requests that public comments pertain to the historic significance of the building and
refrain from discussing the other permits /approvals for the property.
Finch asks the owner or his representative to present their case.
Rhuda addresses the Commission and explains that they are proposing to tear down the building
because they have no choice, noting that it will be in the way of the proposed road. He also
states that they concede that the building is historically significant and should be preserved,
however, they will not concede the one -year delay for the demolition because they feel it is
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Beverly Historic Commission
Minutes — August 31, 2011 /September 8, 2011
Finch notes the Form B Historic Property Inventory Form for the home. Additionally, he noted
that the building was built in the 1850's and is shown on an 1856 map of Beverly.
Finch opens the hearing up for public comment at this time
Robert Lewis of 903 Hale Street addresses the Commission and reviews the history of the
families that have lived in the area over the years, noting that Oliver Wendell Holmes lived in the
house across the street. He states that the house adds to the character of the neighborhood and is
unique and that it would be a waste to demolish this lovely old historic home just for the sake of
pandering as many homes as they can on the lot. He states that the house adds to the charm of
the neighborhood and there has to be another way to go besides tearing this house down.
Tom Grant of 868 Hale Street addresses the Commission and notes that he lives across the street
from this property. He notes that the house is eligible for the National Historic Register and its
historic presence should be maintained for the City of Beverly.
R J Lyman of 812 Hale Street addresses the Commission and states that he does not want to see
this property demolished. He questioned if the applicant has made a good faith effort to find
someone willing to preserve the house and states that he sent Mr. Symes an offer to purchase the
property this afternoon; his offer includes a covenant to preserve and protect the property.
Attorney Brad Latham, representing the applicant, addresses the Commission and apologizes for
being late to the meeting. He also reviews the criteria for the matters before the Commission this
evening and requests that the Commission consider them.
There being no further questions or comments from the public regarding this matter, Finch
declares that public hearing closed at this time.
Finch explains that the Commission cannot direct the owner of the property to accept the offer
made to purchase the property; he notes that there may be other feasible alternatives that could
save the building as well.
Finch asks for comments from members of the Commission.
Younger addresses the Commission and states that based on the evidence of its importance in the
Inventory Form B and photos, it appears to be a good example of Victorian architecture.
Lewis states that he agrees.
Turcotte states that it is self evident that the property is historically significant.
Condon states that he also agrees.
Finch states that this is a fairly simple example of the type of architecture, noting that an addition
was added to the side of the building, but it does not obscure the architecture.
Younger: moves that the Commission find that the building is historically significant.
Turcotte seconds the motion. The motion carries (5 -0).
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Beverly Historic Commission
Minutes — August 31, 2011 /September 8, 2011
Finch states that the next matter before the Commission regarding this property is the question of
whether the property should be preferably preserved.
Turcotte states that removal of the house would negatively impact the neighborhood and
reinforces Mr. Lewis' comments, noting that this is the last farm in Beverly Farms. He also
states that this house is a signature house in the neighborhood and the neighborhood would be
irreversibly diminished without it.
Finch agreed with the Commission's comments as to the visibility of the house and its
contribution to the character of Beverly Farms. He states that this is a good example of the
Victorian architecture of the 1800's.
There being no further questions or comments regarding this matter
Younger: moves that the building, defined as Exhibit A on the site plan of land for 875 Hale
Street, be preferably preserved because it is it is an integral part of the Beverly Farms character,
is a good representation of Victorian architecture and its relationship to the former Oliver
Wendell Holmes property across the street adds to the character and historic association of the
neighborhood; the Commission finds that the removal of the house would be detrimental to the
neighborhood. The motion carried (5 -0).
Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the Historic Commission held on May 19, 2011 were presented for approval.
Younger moved to approve the minutes of the meeting as presented. Turcotte seconded the
motion. The motion carried (5 -0).
Other Business
Kate Newhall addressed the Commission and stated that there was an application filed for a
Certificate of Appropriateness for 52 Water Street and, upon discussion with the Commissioners,
suggested that the Commission schedule a meeting for Thursday, October 13, 2011 at 7:00 p.m.
There being no further business to come before the Historic District Commission this evening,
Lewis moved to adjourn the meeting. Turcotte seconds the motion. The motion carries (5 -0).
The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m
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