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Open Space and Recreation Committee
February 1, 2012
Elizabeth Dunne (Chairperson), David Brewster, Nancy
Coffey, David Gardner, Pam Kampersal, Charlie Mann,
Marilyn McCrory, James Matz, Sylvan Menezes, and Bill
Kate Newhall, Associate Planner
Scoutmaster Josh Moody, Matt and Susan Akerman, Dave
Jane Dooley
Chairperson Dunne calls the meeting to order.
Acceptance of Previous Minutes — January 4, 2012
Members review draft January 4, 2012 meeting open session minutes. Members discuss
Gardner makes a motion to accept January 4, 2012 open session minutes as amended. Seconded by
Brewster. Motion carries 9 -0 -1. Squibb abstains as he did not attend that meeting.
New Business
Possible Update/Revisions to Open Space & Recreation Plan — Environmental Inventory &
Analysis Section: Aquifer Resources — Discussion
Kampersal refers to email she sent to Committee on proposed change to Open Space & Recreation
Plan language on the aquifer resources as she believes the language in OS & R Plan relative to the
aquifer resource is incorrect. McCrory mentions black and white map was hard to read. Kampersal
notes that she provided colored -in copy of 155 -acre aquifer from USGS hydrogeological map to
members and identifies Wenham Lake, Norwood Pond, and Longham Reservoir.
Matz notes that it is a high yield productive aquifer as identified by Mass. DEP. McCrory inquires
about the sources of that classification. Discussion ensues about Mass. GIS map referring to it as
medium yield aquifer. Coffey states that there is need for verification in order to make an informed
decision on this.
Matz states by personal reference and working in the area he knows it is a high yield aquifer. Dunne
suggests that author of map could reiterate that it is a high yield aquifer to synchronize with
changing the plan language. Matz adds that USGS and Mass. DEP identify the aquifer as high yield
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and highly transmissive and agrees map needs to be corrected. Discussion ensues about aquifer
being listed as non - potable. Matz mentions runoff from Route 128, Wenham golf course, and farms
along the Miles River.
Kampersal emphasizes that Committee has to do everything it can to protect the resource. Dunne
agrees and notes if OSRC is going to consider changing the language there is a need to clarify
information. Discussion ensues about Kampersal's request in her email to delete a paragraph in
Chapter 4 to correct language in a proposed paragraph. Gardner asks her to send Committee another
email with more detail on her request explaining how bodies of water come together for a large
water supply. Kampersal mentions that according to DEP more water comes from Norwood Pond
and water sources being discussed are connected by highly productive aquifer.
Matz refers to ad -hoc committee with Tina Cassidy, Councilor Martin, Kampersal and Matz, which
was formed to review the proposed Water Protection Overlay District amendments. Dunne suggests
there should be clear paragraphs from GIS and DEP that agree. Coffey mentions that there should
be evidence about why the aquifer is classified as non - potable. Matz questions that classification
since residents drink from aquifer and if it says non - potable in OS & R plan. Kampersal states that
14 other communities use the water as it comes into the aquifer and it has to be protected.
Coffey states the documentation saying the aquifer is non - potable and not high yield has to be fixed.
Matz said ad -hoc committee is updating existing City ordinance for the WPOD, it is not working on
OS & R plan. Matz explains that changes will be wrapped up in March so Councilor Martin can
sponsor a motion on amended ordinance to City Council. He adds that there will be a public
comment period in April, public hearing in May and hopefully vote in June.
Squibb suggests the OS & R plan could be corrected in the meantime. Dunne mentions that an
addendum would be made to the plan and a letter could be written to DEP about work being done to
check plan. Kampersal offers to call DEP on the matter. She notes that she is a member of the
Ipswich River Watershed Association. Squibb mentions that DEP is working toward communities
cutting back on withdrawal of the Ipswich River.
Earth Day Walks — Event Planning and Scheduling
Discussion ensues about Earth Day Walks event planning and scheduling with a tentative schedule
o£ April 28 — Wenham Lake Appreciation at Philips Estate with Kampersal, Matz and McCrory,
May 5 — Mike, May 12 — Wildflower Walk at Sally Milligan with Erika, May 19 — Bass River Walk
with Beverly Historical Society with Coffey, May 21 — Salem Sound Coast Watch with Montserrat,
Date in May with Endicott College with Chris Tripler and Sylvan Menezes, May 26 — Tall Tree
Trail, Memorial Day or after — 10 a.m., Tidal Pool with Robert Buchsbaum and Harbor
Management /Coastal Group. Brewster mentions that Committee will finalize schedule via email
and supply Maxner with chart of proposed dates.
Other... (Other City Board's /Commission's /Department's agenda items, projects or business related
to open space and recreation — discussion and /or recommendations, if any...)
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Squibb describes to Committee, Conservation Commission's meeting on January 31, 2012 with
Waring School representatives to deal with soccer field encroachment on City -owned property that
has occurred for years. He notes that school representatives stated they did not know of
encroachment until receiving the letter from the City, were apologetic and are willing to be helpful
to correct the encroachment by shifting the alignment of the field. They also noted trails used by
public at the end of field. Squibb mentioned that school does not want to move field this week and
are working on it diligently to correct. Also, that school representatives spoke highly of Boy Scout
Matt Akerman's proposed project. Waring School is looking to Con Com for direction.
Mann states that Con Com issued a negative Determination so trails on Tanzella Hill along the Bass
River are approved with no tree cutting or changing of grade.
Matz states that Planning Board voted unanimous complete denial on Wellington Heights
subdivision since City has never approved a dead end street longer than 500 feet and the project
requested a 1,000 -foot dead end street. Project would have only been accessible through the City.
Maxner explains the Planning Board did not see any benefit to the City but the decision will be
appealed for the parcel on Old Rubbly Road in Centerville. He adds that parcel is not accessible
from wetlands in Wenham unless a bridge is built across Miles River. Matz also notes that
ownership of a stub of land has to be defined.
Matz mentions that two other Planning Board projects include Walgreens and preservation of 1715
federal home with related traffic issue, and Windover proposal for mixed used building at existing
Enterprise site on Rantoul Street.
Possible Proiects for Boy Scout Troops — Discussion/Recommendations
Akerman describes how he is working with Committee members to develop action plan for his
Eagle Scout project establishing an entrance path/trail to Beverly Commons' woods within right of
way area off Standley Street near Sweeney's greenhouse property.
Akerman, Mann and Brewster used aerial map on Beverly website and identified existing marked
trail. They walked the trail and found wet spots. Akerman explains rather than building a new trail,
the project could include fixing the existing trail by building stepping- stones over the wetland and
creek. Project skirts the Benevento property, would include cleaning up debris and overgrown trail
including opening up trail entrance. Akerman believes that scope of work is doable and he wants to
get started as soon as possible to meet his timetable to complete project by end of July. Scouts in
troop are interested in assisting.
Also, that discussion will occur with Sweeney about Scouts cleaning up debris on City land along
stretch of right of way. Dunne mentions that City truck was used in past by Essex County Greenbelt
Association to carry out debris.
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Akerman describes intent for kiosk that would be located off road near entrance by right of way.
Dunne mentions that OSRC has an old kiosk that is ready to assemble but needs Plexiglas. Mann
suggests existing graphic has area that would contain the trails. Committee notes that Newhall
would know details about artwork since she has been managing grant. Squibb states that there is
still a kiosk on Greens Hill.
Committee discussion ensues about placing sign that says "Please Enjoy City Right of Way," as
well as parking issue near Sweeney property noting that there is access via right of way to Beverly
Commons and trails on City's Master Plan.
Mrs. Akerman mentions after discussion by Squibb about Waring School encroachment (see under
Other...), that there could be a sign mentioning the trails at the fields at Waring School.
Mann moves to accept plan. Seconded by Squibb. Motion carries 10 -0.
Committee discussion ensues about need for Scouts to understand how to work in wetlands
correctly and if a bridge versus stepping- stones should be considered to enable accessibility for all
ages and accommodate varying mobility of users. Akerman suggests trail could go around wetlands.
Mrs. Akerman agrees to notify Maxner who was not in attendance about Committee discussion.
Mann reiterates that trail is marked on plan.
Bathing Beach Lane — Right of Way Access
Mann mentions two issues: whether Bathing Beach is public and is there access frontage on strip of
land that is before City solicitor. Gardner said Assessors' records show City owning it. Mann states
if City is able to establish frontage on Bathing Beach Lane then there would be right of passage for
the public. He will confer with Maxner about owner unknown land in area and access that was
defined in 1930s. Gardner mentions that a letter was sent.
Tall Tree Drive Easement
Mann states that owner has signed approved easement. He expresses interest in reading language
regarding brick walkway. Dunne suggests it could be a pathway and is laid out on sketch. Mann
mentions $1,500 for project where some of these grant funds could have paid for kiosk and mobile
bridge. He believes flagstones versus used brick could be a solution. Gardner suggests City could
install the walkway on its own schedule but trail could be blazed ahead of time.
Greens Hill — Parcel 27X
Gardner has upcoming meeting with Tina Cassidy, Maxner, Jon Dunn, Bob Munroe and Roy
Gelineau to discuss status of 27X and 27A options. Gardner will update the Committee as to
progress on this matter after the meeting.
Open Space Encroachment off Standley Street — Waring School
Brewster questions if Waring School's science program is using trail relative to City's conversation
with school.
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Pole Swamp Lane Parcel Exchange to Conservation Commission
Squibb mentions availability of land relative to land swap along Pole Swamp Lane for the use of the
former Vitale Site as ball fields. Conservation Commission will be giving Munroe its choices for
City -owned parcels to be transferred to Commission care and custody. Squibb suggests Dunne
speak to Maxner on the matter.
Community Preservation Act — Campaign Strategy — Discussion /Action Items
McCrory reports that a core group met to discuss revitalizing Community Preservation Act
campaign and plan to meet again in February. The intent is to speak with interested groups (i.e.,
Historical Commission and Affordable Housing.) Discussion ensues as to the importance of a leader
of this effort being politically neutral in the community as well as need for signature projects.
McCrory notes that Mass. Audubon would be receptive to doing a mailing on CPA to its members,
and that Mayor supports CPA at 1% surcharge on property tax bill.
Norwood Pond — Discussion /Action Items
Kampersal suggests revisiting the establishment of a conservation restriction for Norwood Pond as
the City Council could overturn overlay zoning at any time and she is concerned about the
protection of this land as the overpass at Brimbal Avenue planning continues to move forward, and
recommends this be placed on an upcoming OSRC's agenda.
Discussion ensues on clear cutting in area at Cummings property and that clarity is needed from
property owner and City on what development plan is for site (i.e., industrial). Kampersal states that
Maxner marked trees not to be cut. Dunne suggests that Committee consider how to approach
Cummings to work together to preserve the land. Matz expresses concern about development in the
area and long -term impact on watershed. He offers to speak to state representative and senator to
understand what strategy is for site relative to Route 128 interchange. Dunne suggests drafting a
letter to City Council that mentions OSRC being disturbed about what is occurring at the site. Matz
offers to speak to Mayor before OSRC's next meeting to learn his thoughts on the site development,
the clear cutting issue and how to approach Cummings. Squibb mentions he was under impression
that clear cutting has stopped. Mann mentions that old timber is being removed from site. Gardner
notes if the OSRC could get a plan for the site then the Committee would have a basis for reaction.
Resident Alden asks Committee how he could get involved. Members suggest contacting Councillor
Next meeting agenda items and scheduling
The Committee's next meeting is scheduled for March 7, 2012.
McCrory motions to adjourn, seconded by Matz. The motion passes 10 -0.
Meeting adjourns at 9:25 p.m.