2011-06-22BEVERLY CA TV COMMISSION Date: J 22- 2011 Location 'v am stud ic, BeveriV Hig h School Ti - 7 p. C ommission members - Dare Murphy- ch airman , - George Johnson, Al To ray, Lex Usha off , Ki Aillyn , Donald Berman Eric Ovefbarg , Nell Orefberg , alternate C om mi ssion members present - D Murphy, Do , -AI Torsey, , Georg Johnson, Kim Allyn, Lex Ushi ,Doff Public - nr)ne Bevcam - Walt Kosmaws Chai Murphy opened the meeting at 7:05 p -m . . Old Ousr"n Members tools a brief toter of We new ver High School Eievcarri fac3I M inutes of the May. 2011 meeting were read and discussed a - nd approved. Now business " Meru beFS eXpressed appreciation to Walt Kosmowski and the Bevcam staff and board for thei r -effort in e!tablish irk an ire pFessive studio in trie new Beverly High School while at th sane time maintaininq and cpffabrig a fadlity in the fOrrnCF MeMDrial chwl. The staff for many root- s has grappled with a variety of complicated issues and has pro& a first dass resuq, ` Murphy, - and ,fah nson - outl ines the progress of negotiatio ns with Comcast an a renewal of an oiler b rg contract fo the next 10 yew fur ca tul isil)rl serv !S e v e ra l meeting s with Mayor Scanlon, Me Issuing Au thorgy, Murphy, Berman anod ,Johr n have talon platy. along with Willizim Hew , Me missiw's oaur) l- The negotiafirg tea has also met several limes with Jane Lyman, repr g Go irricast. The m ayor tia;s vas his concern about a graduated licensing foe paw onto F,,,u;U.-:;cnbers based on a percentage of annual gross revenues Ha prefers a standard fee for all su lascri bem FegaFdI6SS of the size of individua.1 ale biIls. There aJso has been a r.n rieern about the method o f payment for any enhar meets to Me existing I -net fiber network These neqotatpons afe confinuirg . It was noted that Dennis Hoslot, IOrg �Me CliFector and trairwmr, hay decided to retire. 8ewcarn Walt Kasmowskii presented t'�a E�av am sport. He pointed out that prod Usti on activity at Eievc.,am continues rues to be txisk , with several now pruducers are ba-ard- . Th ere be ing no trurther busi ne5z; before the Co mission. Mu r p1hy ad jou rned the meeti at 635 R . m- Respectfully - Dan Murphy