May 19, 2 011
COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Kim Allyn; Don Berman; George Johnson; Dan Murphy;
Al Torsey; Alex Ushakoff
COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Eric Overberg; Neil Overberg (Alternate)
ATTENDEES: Paul Earl (BevCam); Walter Kosmowski (BevCam)
The meeting was called to order by chair Murphy at 7: 0 S PM.
The minutes were reviewed. Berman requested that an open item be added that a
past request that had been made for a detailed list of current BevCam board
members, terms and nature of election be included as an open item.
Berman made an additional request for a list of current employees with dates of hire.
Earl agreed to have that information provided.
Minutes were approved as amended.
Murphy gave a report and led a discussion of details of negotiations with Comcast.
He presented a summary of elements of agreement that had been reached and called
for a vote to accept an agreement in princcple based on those elements so that it
could promptly be presented to the mayor for approval.
MOTION MADE AND APPROVED: to accept in principle the elements of an
agreement presented and amended to be forwarded to the issuing authority with
recommendation for approval. Voted S approve, 1 abstention
Discussion was then held on the relationship between BevCam and the city.
Kosmowski presented the E.D. report on BevCam production activities.
Earl announced that BevCam was to move banking to Beverly Cooperative Bank
from Danversbank and was setting up a credit line with BCB.
OPEN ISSUES: Operation Alert
List of BevCam Board members
List of BevCam employees
Next meeting was scheduled for June 22 at 7 PM possibly at the high school studio.
Meeting adjourned at 8:20 PM.
Submitted by Donald Berman