Regular Meeting
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Beverly City Hall
Beverly, Massachusetts
A regular meeting of the Beverly School Committee was held on Wednesday, January 18, 2012 in Council
Chambers at City Hall, Beverly, MA.
Members Present: Mayor Scanlon, David Manzi, Matthew Kavanagh, Paul Manzo, Maria Decker, Kris
Silverstein, and Annemarie Cesa
Also in Attendance: Superintendent Dr. Marie Galinski, Assistant Superintendent Dr. Maryellen Duffy,
Director of Finance and Operations Jean Sherburne, Administrative Assistant to
the School Committee Donna Bergeron, Student Representative Ian McHugh,
Administrator of Special Education, Debra O'Connor, Beverly High School
Principal, Sean Gallagher, Athletic Director, James Coffey, BHS Art Educator,
Paula Borsetti
Call to Order: Ms. Decker called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.
Pledge of Allegiance: Kris Silverstein led those assembled in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Recognition of Students, Employees and Community Members
Dr. Galinski, Maria Decker and Athletic Director, James Coffey recognized the following BHS Northeastern
Conference All Stars for the Fall of 2011:
Boys Soccer Field Hockey
Football Girls Cross Country
Connor Leahy Erin Silvestri
Nick Theriault Nicole Demars
Cam Rogers Katie Pietrini
Mark Giles Keely Higgins
Mike Rosenberry Nicole Woods
Dom Abate Jessica Gomes
Golf Allie Hagen
Kenny Pierce Coach of the Year
Brenden Mitchell Girls Soccer
Brendan Flaherty Trish Murphy Field Hockey
Volleyball Caitlin Harty
Mike Dooling Kristin Simpson Girls Soccer
Andrea French Eva Gourdeau
Nick Quarterone Sportsmanship Award
Kylee Martin Kristin O'Connor
Dan Brown Boys Soccer
Catherine Creamer
Blake Sullivan
Sky Cowans
Dr. Galinski, Maria Decker and Art teacher, Paula Borsetti recognized BHS junior, Isabelle Dow, for her
exhibit entitled "Dreamscapes, the photography of Isabelle Dow," on display at the Beverly Farms library.
Maria Decker asked Principal Sean Gallagher to assist
in recognizing the following BHS staff members
who have been leaders in the Small Learning Communities
Mark Thomas
Summer Success Committee
Elizabeth Lincoln
Freshman Academy Committee
Megan Sudak
Orientation Committee
Michelle Burke and Susan Richardson
Transition Committee
Joe Clement
SLC Design Team Implementation Committee
Erin Brown
Scheduling Committee
Dan Bauer
Community Resources Committee
Debra O'Connor assisted in the recognition of Sheila McIntyre, a student in the Beverly High School
Launch Program, who has donated nearly 1,000 hours of volunteer service to the Beverly Children's
Learning Center (BCLC).
Regular Meeting
January 18, 2012
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Open Forum for Citizen Input into Non - Agenda - Related Items
Open Forum for Citizen Concerns or Citizen Input into Agenda - Related Items
Approval of Meeting Records
A motion was made by Annemarie Cesa to approve the minutes from the January 3, 2012 School
Committee Organizational meeting. The motion was seconded by Kris Silverstein and approved by a vote
of 7:0.
A motion was made by David Manzi to approve the minutes from the January 4, Committee of the Whole
meeting. The motion was seconded by Annmarie Cesa and approved by a vote of 7:0 with one addition.
A motion was made by David Manzi to approve the minutes from the January 7, 2012 School Committee
Retreat. The motion was seconded by Paul Manzo and approved by a vote of 7:0.
Report from Student Representative to the School Committee
Student Representative Ian McHugh reported that mid -terms are this week and the track and girl's hockey
teams were competing this evening. On Friday, Ian reported, the girls and boys basketball teams would
be competing, and rehearsals for the spring musical "Fairly Modern Millie" have begun. A Career Fair has
been scheduled for Friday, February 17 t "
Communications from Committee Members
• David Manzi reported communications regarding large class size issues at Centerville, as did most
• Annemarie Cesa reported receiving a concern regarding a substitute which she referred to Dr. Duffy,
elementary homework and the middle school building project timeline.
• Mayor Scanlon reported receiving class size concerns due to "school choice in" students.
• Matthew Kavanagh also received communications concerning our school choice program questioning
the effect it will have on large classes. Dr. Galinski explained that we have options and that the
administration closely monitors enrollments throughout the summer before requests are granted. Mr.
Kavanagh also had inquires on the Statement of Interest.
• Kris Silverstein was asked about the accumulation of school choice students and how it affects space
over time.
• Paul Manzo stated he felt much of these school choice concerns were due to the recent School Choice
newspaper article coinciding with budget information.
• Maria Decker echoed the same communications; Centerville class size, school choice, Statement of
Interest and budget.
Report from Superintendent Galinski
1. Overnight Field Trip — MCJROTC — Camp Sayre — Milton, Massachusetts
CWO Thomas Smith accompanied by two of his student officers presented information for their proposed
MCJROTC Overnight Field Trip to Camp Sayre, Milton, Massachusetts. They stated the trip is projected
to take place on May 11 — 13, 2012 with 18 students who have signed up to participate.
A motion was made by Paul Manzo to approve the overnight field trip to Camp Sayre, Milton, MA. The
motion was seconded by David Manzi and approved by a vote of 7:0.
2. NESDEC Enrollment Projections
Dr. Galinski stated that copies of the annual New England School Development Council's ( NESDEC)
enrollment projects report for 2011 -2012 were included in the packets, commenting that the projections
are actually showing an increase over the next 10 years.
3. Mid -Year Update on Superintendent's Goals
Dr. Galinski stated that her mid -year progress report update was included for review asking for comments
Regular Meeting
January 18, 2012
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or questions. Dr. Galinski was asked about plans for a math /parent workshop and information on the new
i -Pad Pilot Program which she addressed.
4. Central Office Climate Survey
Dr. Galinski provided a summary of the results of the Central Office Climate Survey stating that with over
700 participants it has provided them with a wealth of information and many positive and constructive
Dr. Galinski asked Maria Decker to comment on the School Committee section of the survey. Maria said
the results revealed that staff, parents and community members feel that the school committee is
accessible and she said that members are very active throughout the District attending many PTO
meetings, athletic events, musicals, etc. each month.
5. Special Education Audit Subcommittee Update
Assistant Superintendent Maryellen Duffy and Special Education Director Debra O'Connor reported that the
14 member Sped Audit Committee has met on four occasions. At these meetings they have been discussing
short and long term priorities, reviewing data and are moving forward to implement some of the short term
goals. Long term they are looking into programmatic changes and will be visiting other districts. Ms.
O'Connor said at the next meeting they will be working on developing new criteria with recommendations from
their site visits.
Report from School Committee President Maria Decker
1. School Committee — Technology Steering Committee
Ms. Decker reported that the School Committee has four citizen representatives, two each serving on the
Curriculum, Instruction and Student Life Committee and Finance and Facilities. Ms. Decker said that she and Paul
Manzo together with members of the City Council serve on the Financial Forecasting Committee with Tim Flaherty
as the School Committee Citizen Representative. Paul Manzo is also serving on the newly formed Technology
Steering Committee.
2. School Committee Retreat
Ms. Decker reported that on January 7 th the School Committee participated in its annual "Retreat" which
took place at Project Adventure. Committee and Administration participated in team building exercises
and learned about each other while developing a set of "Team Performance Norms" stated Ms. Decker.
3. Statement of Interest
Ms. Decker reported the Statement of Interest (SOI) was sent to the Massachusetts School Building
Authority (MSBA) on January 6, 2012 and now we wait for feed -back. She thanked Dr. Galinski and
Briscoe Principal Matthew Poska who she said were very instrumental in the writing of the SOI. Mayor
Scanlon noted that the SOI was submitted as a Priority 7, Priority selection being 1 through 8 and the
MSBA will be reviewing Priorities one through six first.
4. State of the Schools
Ms Decker said that the School Committee will be hosting a "State of the Schools" address on February
29 returning to the traditional format. It will begin at 7:00 p.m. in the Beverly High School auditorium.
Committee Reports
Standing Committee on Finance & Facilities (Paul Manzo, Chairperson)
Mr. Manzo reported that the Finance & Facilities Committee last met on December 21 St at which time they thanked
outgoing members, Maria Decker, Citizen Representative, Bob Hames and City Council members, Wes Slate and
Michael Cahill. The committee listened to concerns from a parent regarding building security in the elementary
school because doors are unlocked during the after - school programs. Mr. Manzo said the committee received a
detailed Buildings and Grounds Report from Director of School Division, Tim Howland and a review of the revenues
and expenses. He said the committee is bringing forward the following three policies for approval.
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Upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Finance & Facilities a motion was made by Paul Manzo to approve the
attached policy regarding "Public Concerns and Complaints" (Section K: Community Relations #2). The motion was seconded by
Kris Silverstein and approved by a vote of 7:0.
Upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Finance & Facilities a motion was made by Paul Manzo to approve the
attached policy regarding "Donations and Solicitations in Schools" (Section K: Community Relations #5). The motion was
seconded by David Manzi and approved by a vote of 7:0.
Upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Finance & Facilities a motion was made by Paul Manzo to approve
the attached policy regarding "Advertising in Schools" (Section K: Community Relations #6). The motion was seconded by David
Manzi and approved by a vote of 7:0.
Standing Committee on Curriculum, Instruction, and Student Life (Annemarie Cesa, Chairperson)
Annemarie Cesa reported that the Standing Committee on Curriculum, Instruction and Student Life last
met on January 11, 2012 and welcomed new representative Assistant Principal, Amy Gerade from
Briscoe Middle School. The committee received an update on the Small Learning Community Grant
(SLC), from BHS Principal Sean Gallagher which included the Freshman Academy and the Summer
Success Program and a review of the Program of Studies. Dr. Duffy provided them with the schedule for
the January 13 Staff Development Day and a review of the English Language Learners (ELL) Program.
Ms. Cesa said the Standing Committee on Curriculum, Instruction and Student Life is bringing forward the
following policies:
Upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Curriculum, Instruction, & Student Life a motion was
made by Annemarie Cesa to approve the attached policy regarding "Care of School Property" (Section J: Students
#15). The motion was seconded by David Manzi and approved by a vote of 7:0.
Upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Curriculum, Instruction and Student Life a motion was
made by Annemarie Cesa to approve the attached policy regarding "Hazing" (Section J: Students #34). The motion
was seconded by David Manzi and approved by a vote of 7:0.
Upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Curriculum, Instruction and Student Life a motion was
made by Annemarie Cesa to approve the attached policy regarding "Wellness" (Section J: Students #34). The
motion was seconded by David Manzi and approved by a vote of 7:0.
Upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Curriculum, Instruction and Student Life a motion was
made by Annemarie Cesa to delete the attached policy regarding "Student Policies Goals ". The motion was
seconded by David Manzi and approved by a vote of 7:0.
Policy Review Subcommittee (David Manzi, Chairperson)
David Manzi reported that the Policy Review Committee's next meeting is scheduled for March 7, 2012 at
6 :15 p.m. in the Memorial Building.
Negotiations Subcommittee (Matthew Kavanagh, Chairperson)
Matthew Kavanagh reported that the next meeting of the Negotiation Subcommittee is scheduled for
January 24, 2012 at 4 :00 p.m.
Community Outreach
Maria Decker introduced a new section of the meeting, Community Outreach, where members have the opportunity
to share the meetings and events that they have attended throughout the month.
• Paul Manzo reported attending music performances and well attended PTO meetings at Ayers and Hannah.
• Annemarie Cesa said she had attended the North Beverly PTO meeting.
• David Manzi made a request that Channel 22 be encouraged to air the School Committee meetings more often.
Maria Decker asked if he would speak with BevCam regarding this request.
• Kris Silverstein reported that she had attended some musical events and she reported that the BHS chorus
participated in an impromptu flash mob performance at the North Shore Mall.
Regular Meeting
January 18, 2012
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• Matthew Kavanagh reported on the chorus students holiday music performance, attended the Briscoe PTO
meeting and congratulated the BHS hockey team on their win and the cheering squad's performance.
• Maria Decker attended the Winter Concert at BHS and the Centerville PTO commenting that the school nurse has
set up a "Chill & Fill" area for students who need a little 5 minute mental health break.
New Business
Ms. Decker stated that there will be a free workshop for parents on January 31 "Sexting /Texting" presented by
Joani Geltman at 6:30 p.m. at the North Beverly School.
The public is welcome to attend the Inaugural Ball on Friday evening (1/27) at the Danversport Yatch Club, tickets
are $25 /per person.
Opportunity for Questions from the Press
Consider Executive Session
A motion was made by Maria Decker to enter into Executive Session to discuss strategy with respect to collective
bargaining with union personnel and not to return to open session. The motion was seconded by Paul Manzo and
approved by a roll call vote as follows:
Yes: David Manzi, Matthew Kavanagh, Annemarie Cesa, Paul Manzo, Mayor Scanlon, Kris Silverstein and Maria
No: None
Maria Decker made a motion to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Annemarie Cesa and approved by
a vote of 7 -0. The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Matthew Kavanagh, Secretary
Beverly Public School Committee