2012-01-19Beverly CATV Advisory Commission Meeting
DATE: January 19 2012
LOCATION: Beverly Public Library, Beverly, Ma.
TIME: 7:05P.M.
Daniel Murphy - Chairperson, George Johnson, Al Torsey, Eric Overberg, Don
Berman, Alex Ushakoff, Muriel Zaginailoff, Alternate - Neil Overberg.
George Johnson, Eric Overberg, Don Berman,, and Muriel Zaginailoff
• A quorum being present the meeting was called to order at 7:05.00 P.M by George
Johnson in the absence of Chairperson Dan Murphy.
• Old business:
• Communications and correspondence: None
• The November minutes were amended, voted on, and accepted.
• Prospective new members: Dan to meet with a prospective candidate.
• Operation alert: Ongoing.
• New business:
• Members present welcomed new member, Muriel Zaginailoff, to the commission.
• BevCam report: No report available. Streaming archives are now available on the
BevCam web site
• RFP status: The RFP is out and due back by January 31 for access provider(s) to
sign. More oversight of the access provider(s) will be required due to the increase in
money to provider(s). CATVAC will be the oversight agent. Quarterly meetings
with the access provider(s) will be scheduled.
Muriel suggested a better reporting and tracking system should be initiated
to monitor complaints on Comcast and access provider(s) . The RFP will be
distributed to the commission members via an e-mail attachment.
• Open issues
• Search for new commission members.
• Operation alert.
• RFP discussion
• The next meeting will be Thursday February 16 2012 at 7:00 P.M with BevCam
at a location TBD..
At 8:03 P.M. the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted:
Eric Overberg