Beverly City Hall
191 Cabot Street
Beverly, MA 01915
September 15, 2011
Members Present: Karen Bloodgood, Tina Cassidy, Kevin Gallant co- chair, Michele Gordon, Candace
Pike co- chair,
Members Absent: John Swain
Ex Officio Members: Arthur Daignault
Old Business:
Candace Pike will contact Jeffery Dougan regarding House Bill 2883.
Commission meeting will continue to be held on Thursdays.
New Business:
Tina Cassidy will request that the Mayor announce the Commission position opening at the next City
Council meeting.
ADA Report:
Butch Towne has resigned from the Commission. John Swain has taken a leave of absence but will return.
The next meeting of the Commission is October 20, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall, Y floor.
NOTE: All minutes of the Beverly Commission on Disabilities' meetings are available in alternative
format upon request from the American with Disability (ADA) Coordinator at Beverly City Hall.