1999-10-05City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minute~
Board; Cons~s~axion Coralrussian
Date: October 5. 1999
Hace: Beverly City Hall, 191 Cabot Street
Board Meatben Preunt: Chairman David Lang, Arebony Pahszzi, Jay Donnelly, Patricia Gzimes~ Dr.Mayo
Johnson, Richard Benevento '
Beard Mmben Absent: Jan M, nry
Other ht; Dcbbie Hufilxut, Assistant Planning r)irector
Recnrder: Kim Lattranzano
ChairrnanLang calls meetin~ to order at 7:00 PM.
l. Request for Determination of Applka billty
David Lang state~ that he issued an Enforcement Order so the City could remove the satad that migrated into
the wetla~ds after a recent storm. Chaitnmn hug asked for an update from the City Engineer.
Civ/Engineer Frsmk IGIlilea imroduces rh~ contractor from DRL, Joe Maho,ey. Mr. Mahoney stated the
landfill cover is under construction and the line~s aa'e in place. He also stated that there is sartd on top and
they are ovenvhelnn~l vlith the tun off and the washed sand. He proposed to ternave it with a backhoe and
there would be no need zo replicate. He added the removed n~atcdal ca~mot be tensed. He also added the
Environnlental consuhnt from HaIK4glc Engineering Mr In.son Ellis inspocf~:t file aite ~ flit the~
proposed they will walk in about 40 to 50 ~ and back out removing at a depth of 6 inches.
Mr. I.~ questioned if they plan on removing anything greate~ rJum 6 inches'? Mr. Killilea armed that if
anymore than 6 inches is ren~oved they will do dmamge. Mr. Lang added if you take at least 3 inches out
most of the vegetation wil come back. Mr. Mahoney commented they plan on geuing down to I to 2
ML Donndly asked how long h would be before the new slopes would be stable. Mr, Mahoney responded
the suffac~ wi~ be vulnerable and that there is a lot of exposed sand uad~ the liner. He added once th~
topsoil is laid vnost w~ll stay o, to~
Ms. Grlmls asked w~m would the sand he removed Mr. Mahoney responded as early as next Friday.
Mr. Lm~g asked if this area is the 9 acres they were planning to seed. Mr. Mahoney r~ponded that theS,
would like to finish the 2 ncre's in the soulhem portion where they are workb~ befos~ tl~y seed. ~
Kjfiilea presented photos of the area for the board ~o review. Mr. Lang suggested they use new ha}, bails as
oppose to the old ones so that in the event of a rain storm. damage will not occur.
Mr. Lar~ asked iftlgt¢ were any ~rther questions.
Mr. Lang slated fire Commission needs to ratify the Enforcement Orde~ he issued.
Moti0~l to ratify was made by Mr. Paluzz/and Ms, Grimes seconded the motion. All mereben were in
favor, motion carries
2 a., CoraL: 480 & 416 Rantoni Street - weftand detenninntion/Dinart Setpa
Mr. Tom A~my of EnsoL Inc. s~ated st tha last mee6ng it was requested of the Board to dete'mine wheeer
the m~eam~num dan~the ptopefiy is dassified al apfotectedwetland. Mr. LinO smted he had visited
Coase~vwltoo Committee
zhe 5ire a week ago Saturday and that it did not appear to be wedands and asked for the Board members
thoughts. M_L Paluzzi ageed with Mr. Lang adding thaz there were some plants Ixit they were sporadic
Ms, Grimes added that there did not seem like there were a lot of plants.
ML Pailuzzi made motion to issue a negative Determina6on #3 and MS. Grimes seconded the motiosl. Four
tn~:nben in favor (tang, Grimes, ]OIU~OII, palurtl) t~'o members abstained (Bestevento, Dora~ly). No one
op~o~e~ nmtiot~ carries.
2 b, New: 2 Wadsworth l~faee, pool instsllmlion/Jolan & Linde Psee
M_~, Lang s~ed there were fen~ growth! up the h~J] aac] he asked ifanyoae abe we~t by the site to take a
1oo~ ML F'ahaz~ staled whe~ he went by no one was at home.
Mr. Steve Zagor~k~ stated that the s~te is up ou a p3ateau a~d they will be ]aadseap~ 3~ ~o ~2 ~eet back.
He added tha~ tbe~e will be ~0 to ]2 Cee~ of gra~s than a wall before the propen.~ heads do~ the ~ll,
Mrs. Cmme~ asked how much oft2~e pooJ would he in ee Buffer Zoae. ML Zagoz~ld etaled the~e w~ be
t~t of grass to maintain ~a~ from ~bere it would be 40 fee~ to the s~n~am with a to~ of ~9 feet [rom the
back of the house to the stream.
~'. Lang suggested that they should continue to take a look at the property. with Mr. Palun~ in agreement.
Mr. Donnelly added that Itey should have plans that show the houndaries of the property and after some
d~scu~si~n~nshiswi~htheb~rd~heydeddedth~ttheyneededm~reinf~rnmi~nsupp~iedt~t~em~ Fney
requested that they needed to have the dimensions of the property, a sa:rveyofs map and they suggested that
he wouki need to laik with a botanist.
Mr. Donneliy made motion to continue to the next Coinnlission nicking arid Mr. Paa'u2~ secotlded the
motion. All man~oets were ill t~vor, motion carries
Molbn Io teeera (or Plsblk hearings
Mr. P~ m~e the moron to ~ ~ ~lic h~in~ mxd Dr. Jo~n ~on~ t~ moron. ~l
~ we~ in favor motion ~e.
Nolice oflnle~ls:
4 s, CoaL: 218 Hart Street - pond restoration/Welles
Mr. Mike DeRosa representing the Welles of 2 18 Hart Street gave an overview of the project. He stated
that they would like to design and restore the pond and tlmt tl~-~5, land gone before the Commission ~
Pebsusry. He added flat Itsere hsve been three public meetingS, a site walk witIs the Army Corp of
Ets~n, which had ~opped the process itad pul thean in a category 2 mid it was embllshed that there are
exisliug wetlands with mature growth. Mr. DeRosa said they. could downsize to a caregop/2 or they could
make minor changes and go forth with an individual application sad he requested a centinuance widch will
gjve them a chance to noti~ the abuttars plus be will keep Ms. Hurlburr informed.
ML Lan~ asked if the permit is considerad for a 2 year project. Mr. DeRosa mated they were still within
those Emits. Mr. Paluzzi added that they would still msed to file an ind~dual application.
Coagrveti~n Cosmmit~,e
Motion to co!~aue was made by Mr. Domeally: secomted by Mr. Paht, zi. All nmmbffs hn favor motion
4 h. ConL: LP Hendemn Road - Storage faeHity/T Ford Co.
Mr. Kinlien stated that Mr. Ford was looking for a continuation and stated that in the packets they should
h&~g a copy of the RAIM topoft. He added that they are still waiting for mor~ information from Mx. Ford
pluS a write niftYore the DEP and suggested that they continue this to the Noverab~ 9
_Mr. Benevemo made the motion to corttinue the hearing, seconded by Mrs. Grimes. 5 members voted to
continue, 1 abstained (Lang), motion carries.
4 e. Conr.: 74 Hm Street - bardwalk in~allmtion/Glem Urqukart ~clmd
Ms. Sum Coolidge summarized that at the last meeting it was established that the boardwalk above the
wetlands would have a % inch space between the boards and they now here the MSDS that was required
tim pressure ts~ared wood. She also slated dmt she did talk to the Audubon Soclcly and other
ageffgies and they do have boardwalks 3 and 1/2 to 4 and T/2 feet above the wetlands with fittie to no
M~. Donnelly stated he has visit areas in Ipswich with boardwalks and there wam't nny plant life under the
boardwalks. He added that he anticipetes the plato life will not grow back and if it does it will be a small
amount. M_~. Coolidge responded she has spoken with other agezgi¢s and they. hrfotmed her tlmt nfitigation
Ms. Grimes stated that she agrees with Mi'. Dotreally that in lspwich the plant life did not come back.
Mr. Pnluzzi made the motion to close the heating seconded by Ms, Crimes. All members in favor, ranlion
4 d. Cont.: ~ Stn~ - breamdarT ddint~fion/Irndicm
Mr, John Dick of Hancock Eovironrnemal slated the ,~M analysis shows the ravine is running north and south
along the townhouse donnitofies, which was prepared by ~k in 1988 0ncl was made available to
Endicott. Hc added thcrc arc den~c ~'ccs thet go up th~ slopo and f~'e are queati~ cence nis~ to pool6 OF
~ter. He al~ ~tted that they did a study of the ex~cnded wat~rshad and they found dmt a~ter two major
stonus evems within one week eft each other, that the soil was ~turated with no mffnc, e water, Mr. Dick
stated there is a drainage pipe that was installed in the mid 60' s which drains into a brook and there is a
catch basin that is behind the sidewalk. The bs_sin is 62.4 feet, with the |figte~t point heinlg 6~ f~¢ and it
should flood in a 30-year storm event.
Mr. Joe Ofze} of Cavil& Main suramarizes that Mr. Dick stated the oudat elevation is 62,4 feet above
8~ouncl and ~ooclin8 may occur. He added there is a drain pipe installed and it can go to 64. I feet at south
end ofrm~ne. The b~uln can hold enough water bued on the September 17~I-lancock report. He add~l
that there are 2 questions he, e: 'dVhat is the 8round ~at~ conttlbutirm in lhe Spring This gro~md water
should be taken into account and udlat is the limit of the watershed prior to filling. 'fitere is a little ar~a in
qucsllon in r|g ~tviue and on the slope. He added this doesn'~ always qualify as a resource art~ but my on
C~mes'~Oo~ Commi~
P~ge 4
lvlr. Lan8 asked when was the most recent filling and has the overtill mnoff amount ofwuter barn
calculated l~,tt. DickstatedThemostrecenTtilltookplacealongtl~slopeandatthebouomoftheravine
and was 20 inches deep. Theae are sapling~ 4 inches or greater in the area and that it could held up to .2
acres to .25 acres of water. He added that the slope does meaNre 62.4 feet at the highest.
Mr. Lang responded that 62.4 does r~ot give them 1he volume that they need. Mr. Dick does agrce that tlmy
are 2.10 short.
Mr. aenevento stated k may be difficult to arrive at defulite amounts ~d he added that be do~s
when the fill took plac4~ but the most t'ec~n photos were done in 1988. Mff. Lan~ responded tlmt a 4-i~cb
rainfal] indicted that the aleration is not 64 feet and that shey both agree the que~ion is if there is an
ekvation of(>4 ~eet and he asked iFMr. OueJ could come out to the site md show the Commission.
Mr. Lang stated they needed more information and they should oo.~e back to the next meeting
and mu~ested a site walk be made on October 23'a at 9 n.m.
lvb. Pduzzi ~nade a toorio,, to co~rdoue mid to r. hedule a site walk, seconded by
Dr. Johnson. 4 members in favx~r (C, times, Paluzzl. B~tev~m~o, Yobnson), 2 opposed (Donnelly, Lan8),
4 e. ConL: 320 Essex Street ~ Hoest subdivb/on (9 IoU)/Apl~eton gttmte
Jolm Morane. fro. u Thongs Neve and Associates staled some m~mnhars were available for the site walk last
Saturday and found there were My be{Is in place to ~ot~-t from erosion and requested to clog hearing at
Mr. Lang asked fitbert wece any quesdous.
Ivlr. B~gv~uo stated he renewed the site on Sunohm' and he could dearly see the roadway but he could not
find any nv~ken muxking the wetlands. He also added he could have missed them.
3Mr, Lamb responded that he did walk ~/, quane~s of the site with Ms- Grimes and OR~, did find flags snarlring
the wetlm~Ls. Mr. Dorm¢lb- stated he did visit the site a week ago and he questions how they plan on
preventing flooding at~er the homes are built. Mr Mornrio respondc:d the City Engim~r would agree that
The de~elopment will ,or increase the weter flow.
Mr. Lang mmated the cut~qFline w~ not apparent and dsc Cosmnission m~ould like to knomv where it is.
Mr. Benento asked Mr. Lang if the Commission w~ould fike this done by a professional.
Mr. Lsng w~sponded yes. Mr. Bd~evento que~ion~d that the area off the roadway appealed um he a spongy
A motion to hipe a wetland scientist to spot check the area and give the findings to the Conbpission was
made not to exceed $500.00. Seconded by Ms. Odme$. All members in favor, motion carries
Mr_ Lm~ operas questions up to the pubtic.
Ms. Eisa Mc3~nwn, a Bev~ly resident questioned ifth,re were enough hay bails.
Mr. Lang responded no and there will be more added before the nex~ site walk. He a~so added the
ridrigoR w~ be in place befor~ Octo~' 26~.
A Beverly resident asked where the spongy site was located. Mr. Benevemo responded thai along Meadow
Road there is an area off to the right of lot 9 was spong, lhru out the site.
Mr. Beneveato questioned if all She house lots ate staked and marked. Mr. Lang responded ~he lots .long
the stream and atout~ ~,,~ Ix.~l are msrk,c~;i.
Ms Dorothy Wdoer a resident of Essex Srr~et asked how many houses were going to he buik, Mr. Laag
,'~po~Kled tha~ 9 house altogethe'. MS. Weber responded file Salem EvesfiJ~ News s~ated in their article
only 5 houses wes~ being platmad for the development. Ms. Hurlbun explained the1 il was advertised as
oJdy 5 houses because the Conservation Commission is ~mly responsible for the 5 houses ~ buih along
the resource area. Ms. Hurbu~ also added the offset 4 houses fill outside of the Commissions jurisdiction.
Ms. Cffimes asimd where they were plan~ng to build all 9 houses, Mr. fqerdncstated tlmr n'~ hou~s would be
c~loser to Meadow Road
Mr Lsng asked whet ~ existme outlet would he. l~r. Morane respo,Kled that Essex STIM wS~ the
existing outlet.
A Beverly resident questions if the homes wiB he two stories taxi will the squm'e fooxage be 1800 square feet
with a garage. Mx'. Morane s~ated that the rootprint is 30it by 6OR,
lvh'. Bu~evneto ntade a motioo to continue until after a SiTe walk can he done on October 23r~ at 10 a.m.
Mr. Paluzzi seconded the motion. All meanbets in favor> motion canie~,
4 f. New: & Lakeside Avenue - maintag wali4~o(brn Landscape
Mr. John Dick imrnduces himself to the Commission and presented the Commission with a 20 scale sketch
Of the smx, t-yofs plot plan showing 9.8 feet of lx'opefty to be landscaped including the slope which belongs
to ~ Ctty of Beve~y.
M~, Dick added the vegelatiou on the hillside is stib~ with some erosion there There ate 16 - ~ foot
pine and odc trees ~'owinJ there. He stated that Modern LandscapioS would hlce to put in a wsll J feet high
mm:le out oflandscapin8 timbees with proposed ipping al lhe lowest dinhers (weep hole) and Modern
LmdscapingwillbeuSingsotid~llbehindtbewal]. Hc also stated Moden bndscapin~ will not be
removing ~ trees fTOSU the bill. Mr. Dick stated the project was ~ under 61e IR S-677 and naked if the
citl/would consider doin~ tbc work mKt if this was a concern of The Commission.
Mr. Lang asked if the Commission had any que~ions. Mr. Benevento asked buw much c~shed strata
Modern Landr.~sping planned on using for this project Mr. Dick slated tha~ 4 ~ 6 feet x, n31 be needed on
the surface.
;Dr. Johnson asked fithis was city land that was taken in 1885 and flit is stable way do anytl~n8 to it. Mr.
Dick responded it w~s approved by tht City to keep the slope smblilized so the erMion doe~ not continue to
Mr. Pah12~ saggeared the Commissiou should find out how the City feeb about the project. Ms. Hurlbutt
stated Ihe projea could he approved x~ith conditions with Mr. Lsn8 adding upon City ai~roval.
Mr. Dick stated Modern Landscaping will be usin8 ~4 Acetate Thnbers which will not Bleach out. Mr.
La~ respos~ded the Bom'd would m~J a MSDS Sheet for the Timbers.
CoaRrwa~i~n Commiltee
Ottobet ~, 1999
Page 6
Mr. ik'ncvento ~ked if the Salgm~ev~'ly Water Board will I~ I~ssing their approval with conditions..I~..
Long fes!~ y~.
Mr. Lang opened up the questions to the pubtic with no response,
Ivh'. Bcngv~mto made a mo6on to close the hearing ~nd Mr. Donnelly seconded the motion
.4dl members in favor. the motion caries.
Order of Conditions
44:, 74 Hall Street/C~ Urquhsrt
Dr. Johnson stated the amoum of damage to the wetlands under the boatdwnJk would be minioral attd that
h~ was in favor of constructing it.
Ms. C,-rin~e.s stated the ben/m definitely om way the damage,
Mr. DomrJly stated he would like it if this was approved with the condition the pos~s would be installed by
hand as proposed by the applicam.
Mr, Beneve~to fated he was in favor of tim educational aspect of the project and asked fithey could receive
a special dispensation from the Stlte.
Mr. hag sta~ed he shared the boards concerns but ifffie DEP fi~ls I-V: inc~s b~v~en the boards would be
sdequale titan he would approve.
Mr, pal,,,,i made motion to approve with the following conditions:
I. All posts ,d,~n be ins~Hed by hand as proposed by the applicant, no mechanical equipment is
2. The slmci~ between the boards on ~c boardwalk shall be % inches widt
3, the minimum heiaht of the boardwalk from the wetland shall be 3 feet high.-
4. Thecmfin~ofwondnndtimbersforthcboardwalkgJmllbedorreawayftomthewednnd.
5. The Ctn~crvatio~T Co~nmission Agem shah be notified 3 days prior ro connnu~ceanent of activity.
6. The~d~llbenocutungoftrees, bmsh orvegeta~onexceF intheareasoftheboardwa/kendonly
if necessary.
7. A cot~tmc~on sequencing schedule shall he submitted to sad apptoved by the Conmaission prior to
Conuncncemerg of activity; the schedule shall include, but no~ lin~red to> when fl~e activhy w~l
octre-, how long the activi~ will take the exact type of materials to tnilbzd, the width of the
boardwalL mRl us~y od~er aak~ty rdaged to the insulfation of this boardwalk.
8. The anli-corrosive ~ndln~ that is to realized for fasteners and fittings shall be approved by the
Commission prior to eornmencemc~ ofac~ity.
9. Any activi~r associated with the installation ~ffthe ho~tdwalk shall take place prior to the
~ce of vegetation.
Dr. Johnson seconded the motion. 5 members in fiwor with Iag, mnst (Lm3g), motion carries.
Comse~ation Committ,e
Odober 5, 19~
Page 7
6 b. Modification request - DEP File~5-654 133 Commonlane/Wickers
~. Wicker~ stated he wanted to make an adju.mnent to the original plans. He added he would lke to turn
the house slightly and move it forward so it fits bett6 on the lot. He also stated by doin~ this a snutll
po~on would come into the buffer zone of the wetlands.
Mr. Lan~ asked hcnv flu f$om the wetlands. Mr. Wicken answered 30 feet.
Mr. Bsnevanto asked how close to the pond would the house be. Mr. Wicken responded it would be about
I 5 to 20 ~ fi'om tim pond md existing road. Mr. P-euevm~to staid the elevation is slot much above water
level and asked what Mr. Wickers planned on using for fill. Mr. Wickers responded 1hey used ca'ushed stone
and it was done just reamfly. He also add~l the area that was done is 30 f~t from the road. Mr.
Beneveato state~l the original house plans shows Ibe house backed up quite close to the pond. Mr. Lang
:~sponded that was a concern. Mr Bench-to edded the elevation is not substantially further away f~om the
p<.xd. Mr. Lang stated whe~ the pond fills up to capacity it spills off and casesdee down n~e hill. Mr.
Wickers responiled there ate hay bails and s silk fence {bat ms along the pond about gSO fee~ eex't to the
Mr. Benevemo made a nao6on to approve lurn~ the house sli~lnly wi~ the same c~>nditions as was
approv~xl originally. Dr. Job~sog, s~co~Kled the motion, All mereben in favor, motion carries.
d. Virdn:- Avnmc~F~tension boulder dac~nent pl,tn
Ms. Hurlhurl stated that Virgima Avenue Extemlon had a Special Condition which sta~cl that the applicant
must subink a plan to demarcate the hwn from the BVW for fmure homeowners. Mr, Jones hiss sobmiRed ~
plan to place blondera at rear at 5-foot into'vats.
Mr. Ihnevento made a motion to approve the boulder plan, Mr. Palu2zi seconded fl~ motion. All members
in favor. motion canies
Mr, ~ asked if the propet'zy owns' plmmed on rcplacinff the cedar. Ms. Hurlbut stated she did r~clues~
M.r. Lang stated he would approve with the condition the thre~ ced~'s wdl{ be replaced with ttee~ of equal
Mr. Paluzzi made motion zo approve, Ms. Grimes seconded the motion. AH members in favor. motion
E. 14$HalTStm~mt-ConservMiontnnd
Ms. llurlbuft stated the reddents wanned Io purchase a piece of consen-adon laad at end offndr property to
cxteod dmir lawn,
Mr. DotmeHy sated rJml this ~s not a good pollcy to sell consolation la~d mxl n~lc a motion to decline to
sell, Mr. Paluzz~ seconded the motion. AJ1 n~-mt~rs in f~vor, mo6on cardes.
G. 75 W~I Street - snow fence removsl
Ms- Huthun stated the McCardly' s had a snow fenc~ installed st her ~ to k~p dogs and others 0~t but
the Beverly
Mr. Lang asked wiNate on her property did she w~t it ~m~l~. Ms M~ ~ they
w~ to pre~e h~ ~ch ~d to k~p tie d~s ~om using ix to l'~i~e th~ a~ ~m ~ople
Mr, Lang asked if the Conm~ission had any questions Mr. Paluzzi asked if they would be using a permanent
fence. Ms. McCarthy responded not a wooded fence more like a snow fence end k would be placed far back
bm in line widl theix* property. She also addod she has ~ had !~r ~
Mx. Jofmson asked it'they should consider a notice or'intern. MA-. Lang agx~:l that this was a large area to
put up a f'~ce and s notice of intent should be placed first and that the Commission ,,~,xld takc this up at
R CmifofMsme bill
Ms. Hadbun reeers to Appendix L and stated the mat the commission 'owes Cmlf and Maine.
Ms. Hasrlburt Iszed $500.00 paid for and $243.75 added to
Mr Donne/ly made the motion to pay the Gulf of Maine big. Mr. Paluzzi seconded the motion. All members
favor, motion cards.
A. Ms-. Bob Binder, He, sdmsst~r of Lsndmssk School explsh~s the s~hool's plans to reouiM some
dormitories. tie adds that they are using pre~th umts that will be delivered all at once./~ff. Binder stared
the co~i,actor needs a place to szore the units close by so they are svailablc when negdcd. He also added
the u~its will be on flat bed lTucks and they would need to more them f<x about 2 weeks, Mr, Bruder
requested the u,ee of the Vita3e site.
Mr. Lu~ rotted the Vimle site is already under consideration by the Commission sad it cooIda 't pos~'bly b~
oonsid,i;red m this time.
Mr, DonneJly teeon.mended the Ford Property aml Ms. Hm'ibufi suggest~t Mr, Bruder contact the Civil
B. Ms. Hurlbert listed she hid two responses for hinng someone to do an Environmental Assessment.
Ms. Grimes asked if the City Solicitor had responded. Ms. Hurlbun' Rated no
Mr. DomwJly asked fithe City of Peabody ~ll take ~lu'a6on from Beverly. Iv/r, ~ responded the Mayor
Ms, HurlNut ruled what should her re~oonsn be to the Water Board.
Conservation Committee
Oclobef S, !~J9
Pale 9
Mr. Lent responded a lener should be draRed wiffi cl~i~ca~un.
Mr. PaJu~,~ augBasted ~c board appoints a subconunktcc ~u Iouk at the leucr and po~ ou~ wbm the Board
asl~l for and indicate there is a representalive present when the samples are tEken.
Y~. Lang stated we will wr~te a note dealing with all questions about tc~in~ smuc argo.
Mr. Doomally made a motion to test. Mr. Paluzzi seconded the motion. AU members in favor, motion
C Ess~ Counlv Green Belt does are $50.00.
Mr..Donne~y ffmde motion to approve dues, Mr. Palu~_-i seconded the motion. AU membet~ in tip/or
5~_ Modificilioxl ROUfit - DEP Fi/c #5-508 - 63 Lo~hrop St/Petrot
i%~. ~ stated be is before the Commission wiffi the Iodi~catious to the original on:let for the 2-stoOl
reno~uson for approval. Hc added in 1995 crushed stone wu added to service walk way and the sea wall
was comp/eted. The original plans showed gra~ where there is now stone. Mr. C~iffm stated die sxaircase
was 2 to 3 feet wide going downhill behind the seawall and now the staircase is 5 feet wide with s~veral
landings. He edded originally there wa~ a concrete retaining wall with the pan close~ to Lotbrop Sweet
being made of wood, which isl now has been replaced with a concrete retaining waJl all the way down wi~
added Ismb:aping_
Mr Donneily states he is hesitant to ~,prove the cetlificate without seeing the modifications.
M~. Lang responded M~. HuHburr can do an insl~lion.
A motion wu made by Mr. Paluzzi to tame ~/s item to the next naming of the Commissioa, ur. onded by
Mr. Donnelly. All n~d~_J's in favor, motion canics.
Z3~LP H~gi~'su:s goad/Lot 3 - Mass Electric - 5-469
Mr. Bruce Wilkinson ofHldey k Aldrich stated due project ~a,.s completed in 2 to 3 ygats. He s~ated the
delay was bccausc the ground water samples were des~oyed end they ~ tO reltLsteU th{ WgHS ~ he added
they have mee~ the com:lirion to re-sample and do a supp/y relx,1 which has been done. Mr. Wdldnson is
asking for ~c Commission to issue a Cerlificate of Complimlce.
Mr. Pa]uzzi made a motion to issue a certificate of compliance and DT. Johnson seconded de motion, 5
members in favorwith I opposed.
c. Discussion re: Maestranzi Set~himent Am-eemem
Ms. Hu~f~urt stated o, Mardt 18, 1999 the Board ac4z~ed the r~ised snap atKI the ,etZlcrn~t that is iu
your packets. She also sta~ed the mphicemem wetland. which is proteaed b/the Commission.
Mr. Lamg asked ifthet~ wu arty tespm~, Ms. Hurlburs responded no, m~d due gave him a copy of The
letter. She also added this is the compensation in its entirety.
Mr. Leng s~ated the board needs to approve wetland delineation. Ms. Hm*lburt asked ifthe board wanted to
approve the original map with attachments and conditions,
Mr. Dotmelly made a motion to appro~'e~ Dr. Johnson seconded the motion,
4 members in favor, 0 opposed, ] sl/stajned.
Mr. DonneUy made motion to close the meeting, Mr. pals,r; seconded the motion. All membcn3 n favor
Meeting adjourned at 10:15 p.m