2011-10-04CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD OR COMMISSION: SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: LOCATION: MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: RECORDER: Parking and Traffic Commission October 4, 2011 City Hall, Conference Room B (Third Floor) Chairman Rich Benevento, Tina Cassidy, Richard Hutchinson, Russ Rollins, Bill Fiore John Somes, Bill Bent Tina Cassidy Benevento calls the meeting to order at 9:15 a.m., noting that the meeting's start was delayed by weather. 1. Approval of Minutes The first item of business is approval of draft minutes for the August 31, 2011 Commission meeting. Benevento asks if anyone has any changes to suggest. There are none. Hutchinson: motion to approve the minutes of the August 31St meeting as drafted, seconded by Rollins. All members in favor, no one in opposition. The motion carries 5 -0. 2. Review /recommendation regarding Site Plan Review application #104- 11: construction of two industrial buildings at 128 Park Street Gene Sullivan, representing the current property owners (Dennis and Wayne Britton) is present to explain the site plan to the members. Two new industrial buildings will be built on the site and each will contain eight (8) and nine (9) contractors' shops respectively. The spaces will either be sold (a few may be sold "up front ") or rented to contractors. Each of the spaces is approximately 2,000 sq. ft. in size. Benevento asks how many parking spaces will be provided on site. Sullivan says the zoning ordinance requires 43 spaces be provided and they will have 43 exterior parking spaces. Some area inside each contractor's space will also be Final Parking & Traffic Commission minutes October 4, 2011 meeting Page 1 of 5 available for vehicle parking, but none of the potential interior parking spaces are included in the number (43) for zoning compliance purposes. Benevento asks what types of trucks are expected on the site. Sullivan answers box trucks and FedEx -type trucks, but not tractor trailers. Benevento asks whether the applicant has analyzed the proposed driveway configuration with respect to those trucks and to emergency vehicles. He explains that the Commission always recommends avoiding situations where vehicles entering or exiting a site must cross the centerline in order to make their turning movements. Sullivan indicates that he has not yet applied the turning "template" for the Fire Department's newest vehicle to the site plan but will. If there is any issue with turning movements Sullivan says he can reconfigure the driveway by increasing the radii on either side to obviate the need for vehicles to cross the roadway centerline. Members discuss generally the nature of driveway openings, sidewalks (or lack thereof) and the demand for on- street parking in this area. Sullivan points out the proposed new driveway and members ask that the applicant extend granite curbing to the limits of his property to demarcate the break between the public right of way and the driveway. Benevento asks if there are any other issues of concern. Fiore mentions a zoning concern that has surfaced at a different but similar facility in which contractors have started living in their commercial rental units. The Commission discusses the subject generally but decides that the issue of zoning conformance, with respect to use, is not one within the Commission's purview. Cassidy: motion to recommend that the Planning Board approve the proposed site plan subject to the following conditions: 1. That the driveway opening be modified to ensure that vehicles entering and exiting the site can do so without crossing into opposing lanes of traffic and that the design of the driveway meets with the approval of the City's Fire Department; and 2. That the applicant be required to install straight faced granite curbing to the limits of the site at 128 Park Street. Final Parking & Traffic Commission minutes October 4, 2011 meeting Page 2 of 5 Motion seconded by Hutchinson, all members in favor. The motion carries 5 — 0. 3. Discussion /recommendation to Council on Order #160: Prohibition of parking on one side of Kathleen Drive / Councilor Maureen Troubetaris Cassidy explains that the Commission received the above - referenced Order several weeks ago. Prior to that, she had a conversation with a resident of Kathleen Drive last year in which the resident expressed an interest in having parking prohibited on at least one side of Kathleen Drive to address potential snowplowing problems in the winter. Councilor Troubetaris' order seems to address this resident's interest. Cassidy and Fiore provide background information on the number of houses using Kathleen Drive and existing conditions, including a pavement width of approximately 18' and a resident's practice of installing barriers in the grass strip to keep people from parking in front of his house. Members express concern about any on- street parking on this roadway, given that it is so narrow (typically 24' of pavement width is considered the minimum width needed for safe passage of two -way traffic). Members believe that there should be no parking on either side of Kathleen Road, despite the fact that the Order asks for the Commission to choose one side for the prohibition. Hutchinson: motion to recommend to the City Council that on- street parking be prohibited on both sides of Kathleen Drive, in the interest of public safety and facilitating emergency vehicle access. Motion seconded by Fiore, all members in favor. The motion carries 5 — 0. 4. Discussion /recommendation to City Council Order on #160: Erection of an additional street sign at 129 Livingstone Avenue / Councilor Maureen Troubetaris Cassidy updates the Commission stating that Councilor Troubetaris has requested that the Commission weigh in on the notion of erecting an additional "Livingstone Avenue" street sign at 129 Livingstone Ave. Fiore explains that the residents living on the western portion of Livingstone Ave. have had a longstanding problem with being "found" by visitors, delivery men, and the like Final Parking & Traffic Commission minutes October 4, 2011 meeting Page 3 of 5 who don't realize that Livingstone Avenue has two sections, one on either side of Upland Road. The new street sign is intended to address that problem. Following discussion, the Commission votes to recommend that Order #160 be adopted but suggests that the Council confer with the Department of Public Services to see if there are similar situations here or elsewhere in the vicinity that need similar remedy. Fiore: motion to recommend to the Council that an additional "Livingstone Avenue" sign be installed near #16 or #18 Upland Road (at the intersection of Livingstone and Upland) so that motorists are aware that Livingstone Avenue exists on both sides of Upland Road. Additionally the Commission recommends that the Council check with the Department of Public Services to determine if there are any other similar situations and if so whether additional signage beyond that contemplated by this Order is advisable. Motion seconded by Hutchinson, all members in favor. Motion carries 5 — 0. 5. New or Other Business Rollins explains that a resident has asked if the City can install a new crosswalk on Essex Street, at the intersection of Essex Street and Standley Street. Rollins has viewed the area and is supportive of the concept because this location is heavily used by pedestrians. Benevento is supportive too but expresses concern that it may not be as simple as just adding lines to pavement. Installing crosswalks can trigger the requirement that new sidewalks and /or handicapped accessibility be constructed and increase the project cost substantially. Members agree to view the site individually between now and the next meeting and to ask Mike Collins to review the situation and offer comments in time for the next meeting. Benevento asks if there is any other business for the Commission to conduct. There is none. Rollins: motion to adjourn, seconded by Cassidy. All members in favor, motion carries 5 — 0. Final Parking & Traffic Commission minutes October 4, 2011 meeting Page 4 of 5 The meeting is adjourned at 10:15 a.m. Final Parking & Traffic Commission minutes October 4, 2011 meeting Page 5 of 5