2011-09-19Special Meeting
Beverly Meeting Minutes
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From: Kathy Connolly [kconnolly @beverlyma.gov]
Sent: Monday, October 03, 2011 11 :13 AM
To: mcahill @beverlyma.gov; pgrimes @beverlyma.gov; pguanci @beverlyma.gov;
mtroubetaris @beverlyma.gov; wslate @beverlyma.gov; Jim Latter; khobin @beverlyma.gov; Don Martin;
Judith A. Cronin; minutes @beverlyma.gov
Subject: 9/19/2011 Meeting
Regular Meeting
Beverly City Council 7:00 PM September 19, 2011
Roll Call: COUI1CIIOrS Present: Judith A. Cronin, Kevin Hobin, James F. Latter, D. Wesley Slate, Jr., Maureen
Troubetaris, Michael P. Cahill, Paul M. Guanci, Donald Martin, Patricia Grimes t
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag: yea b councilor TroUbecaris
Acceptance of Minutes: September 6, 201 1
Public Hearings and Public Speakers:
Public Hearing 7:20 PM #149 P.H. Refinancing of Debt
Refer to Finance & Property
Communications from His Honor the Mayor:
September 19, 2011
Honorable City Council
City Hall
Beverly, MA 01915
Dear Honorable Council:
Dear Honorable Council:
I hereby appoint, subject to your review and recommendation, the following persons to serve on
the Parking and Traffic Commission:
Sgt. Russ Rollins, representing the Police Department, filling the unexpired term of
former Police Department representative (Sgt. William Page), said term to expire on
March 1, 2013;
Special Meeting
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Mr. John Somes, representing the Chamber of Commerce, filling the unexpired term of former
Chamber representative (Ilia Stacy), said term to expire on March 1, 2013.
Very Truly Yours,
William F. Scanlon, Jr.
Refer to Legal Affairs
September 19, 2011
Honorable City Council
City Hall
Beverly, MA 01915
Dear Honorable Council:
I hereby appoint, subject to your review and recommendation, Mr. Ezra Holland, 24 Bertram Street,
Beverly to serve as a member of the Parks and Recreation Committee.
Mr. Holland's term to be effective until December 31, 2013.
Very truly yours,
William F. Scanlon, Jr.
September 6, 2011
Honorable City Council
City Hall
Beverly, MA 01915
Dear Honorable Council:
September 19, 2011
Honorable City Council
City Hall
Beverly, MA 01915
Dear Honorable Council:
I hereby reappoint, subject to your review and recommendation the following persons to serve as
trustees on the David Lynch Public Parks Fund:
Special Meeting
Mary Lou Ferriero, 12 Clifton Avenue
Joan Fairbank, 11 Liberty Street
Their terms to be effective from September 30, 2011 to September 30, 2014.
Very truly yours,
William F. Scanlon, Jr.
Refer to Legal Affairs
September 6, 2011
Honorable City Council
City Hall
Beverly, MA 01915
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Dear Honorable Council:
I hereby reappoint, subject to your approval and recommendation, the following persons to serve on the
Open Space and Recreation Commission:
Community At Large Appointee: Ms. Nancy Coffey, 97 Haskell Street
Harbor Management Authority Representative: Mr. Sylvan Menezes,
14 Princeton Avenue
Their terms to be effective until August 31, 2014.
Very truly yours,
William F. Scanlon, Jr.
Refer to Legal Affairs
Communications from other City Offices:
Communication from Chief Ray re: swearing in of two Police Officers
Receive and place on file
Communication from Amy Maxner, Environmental Planner re: Amended Conservation Restriction (Whitehall Manor)
Refer to Legal Affairs
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Communications, Applications and Petitions:
# 168
Application Second Hand Car Dealers License — Kanjana Kittipanthopas dba (Beverly Auto Top) — 78 Cabot St.
Refer to Public Services
Reports from Committees:
The Committee on Finance & Property to whom was referred the matter of approval of refinancing of debt 2002/2003 and request for
Public Hearing have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit:
Submit the accompanying order and recommend its adoption.
Ordered: That in order to reduce interest costs, the Treasurer, with the approval of the Mayor
and the Director of Municipal Finance, is authorized to provide for the sale and issuance of
refunding bonds under Massachusetts General Law, Chapter 44, S21A to refund all or any
portion of the remaining principal and interest on bonds of the city originally issued on February
1, 2002 and November 1, 2003.
First Reading: Sept. 6, 2011
Public Hearing: Sept.19, 2011
Second Reading: Sept 19,2011
Order read once and adopted 9 -0 Vote
The Committee on Finance & Property to whom was referred the matter of approval of request from Beverly Contributory Retirement
System for increase in the annual amount of survivor benefit from $6000.00 to $9,000.00 have considered said matter and beg leave to
report as follows, to wit:
Submit the accompanying order and recommend its adoption.
Ordered: That the City Council of the City of Beverly accepts the increase to $9,000 in the annual allowance paid to the surviving spouses
of disabled retired public employees who are members of the Beverly Contributory Retirement System. Such increase is as provided for in
M.G.L. Chapter 32, Section 101 as amended.
Order read once and adopted 9 -0 Vote
The Committee on Legal Affairs to whom was referred the matter of reappointment of Constable Douglas T.
Vigliotta of 9 Deer Haven Road have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit:
Recommend the Council approve the reappointment.
Order read once and adopted 9 -0 Vote
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The Committee on Legal Affairs to whom was referred the matter of reappointment of John Lane, 6 Pearl St. Ext.
to the Beverly Contributory Retirement Board: have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to
Recommend the Council approve the reappointment
Order read once and adopted 9 -0 Vote
The Committee on Legal Affairs to whom was referred the matter of application for (1) Livery License (Bass
River Inc.) 437 Essex: have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit:
Recommend the Council approve the License
Order read once and adopted 9 -0 Vote
The Committee on Public Services / Committee of the Whole to whom was referred the matter of Order from Councilor Latter that the Shell
at Lynch Park be named the "Al Mitchell Memorial Shell for Music and Performing Arts: have considered said matter and beg leave to
report as follows, to wit:
Recommend the Council approve the Order submitted by Councilor Latter to name the shell at Lynch Park the "Al Mitchell Memorial Shell
for Music and Performing Arts ".
Order read once and adopted 9 -0 Vote
The Committee on Public Services / Committee of the Whole to whom was referred the matter of Petition — National Grid for a
underground conduit and pole at Rantoul /Roundy streets have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit:
Submit the accompanying order and recommend its adoption
Ordered: that the City Council of the City of Beverly Hold a Public Hearing on Monday October 3, 2011 At 7:25PM in City Council
Chambers, third floor, 191 Cabot St. Beverly, MA. relative to a petition from National Grid for the installation of approximately 40 feet of an
underground conduit and the relocation of 2 street lights on poles 6114 & 6116 at Rantoul and Roundy Streets.
The Committee on Public Services / Committee of the Whole to whom was referred the matter of Petition — National Grid /Verizon for a
Joint Pole location on Mill Street have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit:
Submit the accompanying order and recommend its adoption
Ordered: that the City Council of the City of Beverly Hold a Public Hearing on Monday October 3, 2011 At 7:30PM in
City Council Chambers, third floor, 191 Cabot St. Beverly, MA. relative to a petition from National Grid /Verizon for the
installation of joint pole on Mill Street
Unfinished Business:
Motions and Orders:
Special Meeting
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Order: Councilor Cronin: Reappointment of Ward Six representative to the Open Space Committee — Elizabeth
Refer to Public Services
Meeting adjourned: 7:50PM Attest: Kathleen P. Connolly, CIVIC
City Clerk