1996-07-23BEVERLY CONSERVATION COMNIlSSION MINUTES OF MEETING TUESDAY. JULY 23, 1996 A regular meeting of the Beverly Conservation Cormnission was held on Tuesday, July 23, 1996 at 7:t)0 p.m. in ~xe Committee Room, 3rd floor of Beverly City Hall. Those present were: Chainrian David Lang, Patricia Grimes, Richard Beneveto, Ton)' Paluzzi, John Mazuy, and Dr. Mayo Jolmson. Also present were Assistant Plam~ing Director Debbie Hurlburr, and Eileen Sacco, TemporaLx.' clerk. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Lang at 7:00. Motion made by Patricia Grimes to recess for the purpose of blding Public Hearings, ~econded by Tony Paluzzi and approved unanimously. Public Hearings Conlinuati,3n of Public HeariDg - Centerville School Michael Radner adclressed the Conm,.ission and slated that lhey have reconfigured lhe plans tbr the parking lol b:' removing a row of head-in parking spaces and replacing ix with a row of parallel parking. He also n,~ted that the): are not increasing the volunm or the rate of runoff. He also noted that there is an existing flooding problem there, and the changes made to the pa~king area plan addresses tl',.e proposed addition and dt~es not exacerbate the existing condition of the area. Richard Beneveto addressed the Con~nission and skated that he agreed that there is a drainage problem thal exists in that area, but he is not sure where the Consen,alion Con~nission would go '~ ith a directire to the applicant to correct the problem. i'te n,~te,.] thal there is nothing m the Wetlands Protection Act that allows a Conservation Conm~ission to instruct an applicant to fix an existing drainage problem. Tony Paluzzi recalled that at the last meeting the Architect and the Engineer were asked to look for a solution that would alleviate the existing conditions. Mr. Rach~er stated that they:' are satisfied that they are not making the existing problem any x~'orse. Richard Beneveto addressed the Comn~ission and asked if the volume would be the same that is presently orating off the site. Mr. Rhdner stated that the volume and rate ofrmDfi'wt,uld be the same. Richard Mainville referred lo the 100 3:ear stom~ and reviewed the calculations R~r the Con'maission. Jon Maztkv addressed the Commission and stated thai aside li-om the abutters drainage problems he hoped that the problem could be dealt with. Richard Benevct,.~ asked if thex were utilizing the sxvale in the question of drainage. Mx. Radner stated t!3al there is drainage that goes there but they are not adding to that. Mr. Boneveto stated flint he sees this as two issues. The first being the flooding of the abutters yard and suggested a letter be sent to the Public Works Departmer:t requesting that they review that area and clean out the brook. He also sinted that the Commission could approve the proposal as submitted with a condition that no additional rimoff t?om the site go into the brook Mr. Radner stated that they are not changing what goes into the brook. Tony Paluzzi asked xxhere the bro~,k plugs up and no~ed that if that is the reason that the xx ater flows into the Butlers backyard, then it should be cleaned. },,Jr. Radner n,.~ted that there is a culvert ban'ell in the street that is plugged and it should be cleaned and a valve should be installed. Mr. Thomas Butler o1'2 l Hall Street addressed the Conm~ission and stated that the road is loxx er than l:is propert:¢. He also noted that he is concerned · at he is slill going to have the flooding problem. He stated that he was concerned that he is still going to get the x~ ater beti~re the school &es. Butler ~rther noted that he has lived tEere fi3r 35 years and he had no pr&~lems bel~,re the sch,-,c,i xx~s buiJk lie ~cq~tcstcd lha[ lhe City take care his prd:fien~ first and lheD take care ,:,f the scho,q. Ton)- PaluTzi: ~gges,ed rh.~. t!'icv l,,d< al the are.'-~ lo the rear of the sch,~o] and if they changed the slclpe Ihev o,uld diverl ~he runoflZ Mr. Mainville sinted that he dich~'t see how they could divert the runoft an3~nore than they have and that xvould require a tremendous amount of regrading. . Richard Beneveto suggested that the mQuth of the .pipe ~hould be cleaned if it is full of silt. Vincent Cotreau 7 l Enon Sireel addressed the Conu'nission and stated that this wetland seems to be backing up and flooding and the Commission should lcok and see if they can relieve the flooding on the other side of the parking area. There being no further qnestions or comn~ents regarding this matter a motion was made by Dr Johnson to close the public hearing, seconded by Richard Beneveto and approved tmanim,>t:sly. Contintmlion of Public lJearing - 3 Wilson Road James Hawkes of l 1 Quincy Park, addresy~ed the Con~missio;:~ and showed the Commission plans tbr the project. Richard Benevcto noted that he was at tim site visit and noted that the entire site is vegetated and it appears ',x hat d3e.x plan to do won't have an3' efl~ct on the beach area. He also noted thai the existing concrete walkway is to be removed and lhal ,a onld increase ~he pervic, usness of the site. He suggested that the): use ha)- bales and requested tl'mt ihev do landscaping as phase 2, at a time of year ',x. hen lhe lawn can take hold. Dr. Jolmson questioned what is under the concrete walk. NIx. Hawkes stated that the3· v, ilt put down a sand and gravel base before they loam and seed the area. Patricia Grimes noted that she xx:as en the site visit as xx. el] and agreed with .k/k. Beneveto's corrmlenls. There being no l%-ther q~ esti,~ns ,',r conm~ents regarding this proposal~ a motion was made by Mr. Paluzzi that there is sufficient mfbnnation to close the public hearing, seo.,nded bx Richard BeneyeD and ap!~rc~ved unanilnollslv. Continuation of Public Heating - 2 Longham Road - Garage/Loft Addition Patricia Baker Deb.b.i~ Hurlb.urt addressed the Cg. nm~issign' a.nd stated that ~he rex4ewed the plans with Mrs. Baker and x4sited the site. She explained that the property. is clea~y in the bufl~r zone and it about 80 or 90 tizet to the resource area. She also noted that they have amended the plan to include the location of the buffer zone and they plan to use hay bales and a silt t~nce 10 feet from the bu~br zone. Debbie also noted that the), corrected the paper work lbr DEP and filled in item #11 to include the information regarding the garage, and the application has been sent to DEP. Daxdd Lang noted that he also visited the propert3.' and he agrees with the infomaation presented. There being no t~_krther questions or comments regarding the matter a motion was made by Richard Beneveto to close the public hearing, seconded by Tony Paluzzi and approved m~animouslv. Richard Beneveto addressed the Con-umssion and stated that future applications should be reviewed by Det~bie Hurlhurt and that pe~aps the applicants should be adx4sed to file for a Request for Determination of ApplicabiliB, rather than a Notice of Intent and it would save some time. Continuation of Public Hearing - 74 Hart Street- Constntction Soil Remediation - Glen Urquhart Atty. Tom Alexander addressed the Commission and requested that they conlinue the public hearing to the next meeting of the Commission as tlley are still in the process of getting the soil samples. Motion made by Richard Beneveto to Continue the Public Hearing tbr Glen Urquhart, seconded by Tony Paluzzi and approved unanimously. Motion made by Dr..loireson to recess the meeting to reconvene in the Cit).' Council Chambers, seconded by Tony PaluTzi and approved unanin~ous!y. Chairman Lang reconvened the meeting in the Cit).- Council Chambers. 4 Continuation of Public Hearing - 3 3 Hathaway Street lot 2ff - Ford Company Bill Manual of HanCock Enviromnental addressed the'Commission and ' noted that he has rex~sed plans as the result of the site visit held by the Commission. He noted that some of the Co~nission members t~lt that there was an extension of the wetlands in the vicinit3-of flags # 14 & 15. He also noted that the slope of the driveway is a little more, but there is no impact to the wetlands. Richard Beneveto noted that the slope was steep and asked xx hat treatmere they plarmed for the slope. Mr. Manual stated that they plan to loam and seed the slope and maintain the laxity. He also noted that new flags have been put out since the site x%it. Richard BeneyeD stated that he x~as at the site visit and it appeared to be a wetlands area that needed to be flagged. Mr. Mamtal stated that there was approximately,' 5 feet between the slope and the edge of thc wetland. Mr. Beneveto asked when the work would begin. 1VLr. Manual stated that it should begin in August Or Septenqber. Chairman Lang asked if there was anyone present who wished to speak on the issue. There being none, a motion xvas made by Richard Beneveto to close the public hearing, seconded b;' Tom- Paluzzi and approved ua~animouslv. 33 Hathaway Streel] ttouse lot 3/I' - Ford Company Bill Manual of Hancock Enxdrom~ental addressed the Co~rnnission and noted that this lot is adjacent to lot #2 and thai they have revised the plan to push the garage portion of the house to the minimum front yard setback would allow. He also noted that the slope is/~qirly irregular and the site has a hisloL~- of dumping and is a magnel for grass clippings iu the neighborhood. Richard Benevcto addressed the Cc,~Tm~ission and stated that this area is precarious in the presenl omditicn and is a detriment to the resource area and recommended a condition in the order that would require the slope to be done in advance of any other work on the site. tte also stated that he xx as not sure that 12" rip rap would do it and would like lo see larger rip rap placed there. 5 He also noted that he would like to see the rip rap placed more that 11/2 feet from the wetland. He stated that if they pull back the slope it would give a buffer at the bottom of the slope, noting that he did not want to see it at the edge of tl~e yyetland~ Her~comn~ende~i 2: 3 fe..et noting that he looked at it ~nd does not think iris impossible. " Chaim~an Lang asked if there was an5 one present at the meeting who xx;ould like to comment on the proposal. There being none, a motion was made by Richard Beneveto to close the public hearing, seconded by Tony PaluTzi and approved unanimously. Public Hearing - 448 Essex Street - Garage - Robert Holt Mike McNiffaddressed the Commission and presented a Notice of Intent for the construction of a 20' X 20' garage. He reviewed the histon..: of the propert}..- and noted that a superseding Order of Conditions was issued on the propen3.' by DEP. Mr. McNiffexplained the proposed plan to the Con:anission and noted that the plan conforms to the WPA. He noted that they are intending to use hay bales and a silt tbnce and they feel that the location that the>' intend to build on will have less of an impact. David Lang questjoined the distance from the back of the garage to the wetland. Mr. McNiff stated that it is about 58 feet from the front of the garage on one side and 49 **~et on the other side to the wetland. lvh-. Lang requested that the inlbrmation be noted on the plan. Richard Beneveto asked if there was an existing file nm~ber for this project from DEP. He also questioned if they would be stockpiling the excavated material. Mr. McNiff stated that they would tp.¢ to use what they could on the site and would be removed Chaimmn Lr_..ng a~skecl if there xvas am'one present who wished to comment on the pro. iect. There being none; a motion xx as made by Dr. Johlison to close ~e Public Hearing, seconded by Ton}' Paluzzi and approved unanimioulv. Public Hearing - 26 Old To\vn Road/Pof:l - Charles Grimes 6 Palrich Grimes recused herself lirom discussion of this matter. .... Atty. :TOm Alexa,..nder addr~sed..fl~eCommission on t'e-half0fhis client .. Cha~es 'Grimes and explained that the e,xisting'ho{ise is within the buffer zone area and they are. seeking m construct a pool and deck in the rear of the propert3..'. Arty. Alexander noted that the as built plans for the propera- show that the proposed location fi~r the pool is level. He explained that the;e would be 12 footings and that they are installing a siltation fence at the edge of the wetland. Arty. Alexander also noted that some minor leveling ~vould be necessar3.' to make the pool on level l~otings. He requested that the Corm~ission issue an Order of Conditions for the proposal. Tony Paluzzi asked hoxv t~qr the distance was betweeu the back of the house and the top if the rip rap. Mr. Grimes stated that it was approximately 21 /bet and explained that the l~nce would be removed and the line woul~t be at the end line of the footings and the rip rap would be beyond that. Chairman Lang asked if there was anyone present at the meeting who wished to con~nent on the proposal. There being none, a motion ~as made by Ton3' Paluzzi to close the Public Hearing, seconded by Jon Muzuy, and approved unanimously. Patricia Grimes returned to the meeting at this time. Public Hearing 11 Access Road / House - Dax4d Camevale Debbie Hurlburt addressed the Conmnission and explained that there was some confusion regarding the # of the street but that the noted #I 1 was the correct address and it was just a t3..?ographical error. She also noted that all of the proper abutters to the property were notified of the hearing. Kttrt Young of Wetlands Preservation, Inc., addressed the Connnission and explained a prol~osal to construe,, a single family hot~'.~e on the lot. !:ie explai~md th..'~t the wet!and boun,&~ry has been flagged and the closest point of the house to the x~etlands is 50/i~el. Iqe noted that the propert3: has had a varietx, of uses, the lasl one being a dump. He noted lha/the)- propose erosion control me~sures in lhe back of the prol3ertx-and they xxill excavate any material thal sht,uid be remtwed ti'om the site, 'and prop~se a/aver of fill 7 to protect the area. He also noted that they propose a small deck that would be 70 feet from the wetland and that would be in the buffer zone. Richard B~,neveto asked if they aB1 icipa!e a~' stockpjli.ng of.mater!al on .the site. Mr. Young stated lhat the)' do plan to stock pile on the Site but would do so closer to the road. He noted that there is a small depression towards the center of the propert3.' and there would be a moderate amount of stock piling fi'om the Ibundation. Mr. Beneveto asked if they had done a 2 1E on the site, noting that if it was a dmnping area there could be some contamination there. He also noted that it seems that there n~igbt have been an old house on lhe site at one time and the3' should be sure that there is nothing toxic on the site. Ton3' Paluzzi questioned if the owner would be willing to put some large rocks along the wetland boundan.'. Ivlr. Young stated that he would have no problem with that in the area that he can control. David tang suggested that the Commission take a site visil to the properrS.'. Chain~an Lang opened the hearing up to public conm~ent at this time. .loan Murphy of 36 Long Meadow Road addressed the Comanission and stated that she has lived there tbr 36 years and that there is a pond and a stream there which is not noted on the plan. She also noted that the area floods and that she has standing x~-ater in he~ yard for days. She also noted that she sees the level of the water increasing every year. Mr. Yotmg showed ariel photos of the area, and noted the location of the stream and the pond in relation to the proper~'. Richard Beneveto noted that they are not proposing to fill a resource area but noted that they need to discuss whether or not they are in a flood plain. Mrs. Ix4uqM~y asked lhe Conm~ission if the lot xxas ale ,al lot. Chainnan - g Lang inlbnncd her that, the question is a Planning Board issue, and tl':.e Con~nission couh] not decide that. 8 There being no further comments or discussion regarding the proposal at this time a motion was made by Richard Beneveto to continue the pubic hearing to August 13, 1996, seconded bv Ton;.' Palttzzi and approved unanimously. The Conm~ission'scheduled ~ 'site x;isit for Satu/'day,'july 27, 1996 at 9:00 a .m. Public Itearing - 181 Elliott Street ,; Soil Remediation - Cunm~ings Propera.' Chuck Katuska of Vanasse Hangen addressed the Commission and explained thal the site is approximately 7 acres. He explained that the upper shoe pond is fresh water pond and the lower shoe pond is a coastal xvetland system. He further explained that the upper sh<~e pond is a li-esh xvater bank and land under water. He also noted that the lower coastal resource area is land under the ocean and the flats are coastal beaches, and are also coastal beaches. He noted that both coastal and inland banks are protected within 100 feet of the buf/~r zone. Mr. Kamska noted that the tide moves across Elljolt Street to lhe lower Shoe Pond to elevation 10. He also noted that there are 5 sites that merit remedialion under fl~e Massachusetts Contingency Plan. He explained that the ball field site, the machine breaking pad, the chip grinding site, and the west parking lot site are xvithin the Massachusetts Contingency Plan. He explained that conlaminated soil xvould be excavated and stock piled in a treatment area. Mr. Katuska noted that the plan calls Ibr protection from erosion and sediment control. He expla~ed that contaminated soil would be tested on site and treated on site if possible. He also noted that they may recycle it to asphalt and re-use of on the site. He further noted that all elevations would be restored and stabilized. David Lang questioned if the stock piling area v, ould be in the buffer zone. Mr. Kaiuska stated thai the stock pile treatment a; ea xx ould be the asphalt batching ar¢a and they xvou!d re-use as mucl', as possible ar.,d would be away from the buffer zone. He noted that an51hing that can't be treated to reportable limits would be properly contained and removed firore ~e site. Da~Ad Lang asked what kind of equipment would be used. Mr. Katuska stated that it would be large asphalt batching equipment. Tony Paluzzi' stated that he-is. concemed a.bbut: the la. nd area near. the.' Balch · Sch(~ol and the location of the treatment area. He requested that the3' check the drawings for the new Balch School and see if there is a wetland h~ that area. .Ion Muzuy asked that they flag the area and show it on the plan, noting that he does not want stock piling to bog this down. He suggested that another area besides the area near the ball field may be more suitable. Richard Beneveto asked how much volume they plan to excavate. Mr. Katuska stated that it is a total 0f4,000 cubic lbet of soil lbr a total. He also noted that it should take 4-6 weeks to complete. He explained that the soil has been fairly well characterized at this point and testing and treatment will be done prior to the reuse on the site. 'David Lang noted that he is concerned thai if they have to remove contaminated material from the site, it may sit there for months betbre they get approx,al to move it. Richard Benevcto suggested that the Connnissio~: take a site x4sit to the area on July 27, 1996 at 10:00. Chaim~an Lang opened the hearing up to public corranent at this time. Ward Six Councillor Jotm Murray addressed the Commission and expressed his concern about the location of the new Ba!ch School. He stated that he felt that it is a poor location to place contaminated soil and is concerned about the future ~vhen the propera.' is turned over to the City of Beverly when the new Balch School is built. He holed that parents will be concerned about having fl~e site of the school there, and urged them to choose another location liar the stock piling. Vincem Cotreau of 71 Eon Street addressed the Commission and stated that he hoped that tl~e best management practices would be enforced for this pr~q~osa]. }4_e noted that the Bass River is ve~.-v 1-,ol!uted and that an3~thing that could be removed I?om the site should be. 10 Brace Ovenson of Cmmnings Property addl essed the Connnission and clarified the location of the stock piling operation. He stated that they could relocate that area. David 'Lang stated that he Would like to see more 'details regarding the stock piling and the process for the remox;al of contaminated soil. He also suggested that the Commission include a condition that no work is performed on rainy days. There being no furd~er comments or questions regarding this matter, a motion was made by Richard Beneveto to continue the public hearing to August 13, 1996, seconded by Patricia Grimes and approved unanimously. Motion made by Tony PaluzTi t~ reconvcne to :'egular session, seconded by Dr. Jolmson and approved unanimously. Requests tBr Determination of Applicabilites Continuation: Sam Forgo Drix:e/Fonz~ Really Trust & City of Beverly David Lang addressed the Conmaission and recalled that the Coxmnission voted at the last meeting to hire an independent consultant to the review the plans tbr this proposal. He stated that the low bidder was MaD' Rinm3er of Rinnner Emdromnental Consulting and she is present at the meeting to rexdew the plans with the Conm:ission. Ivlary Rinm~er addressed the Co~mnission aM explained that she has been to the site and reviewed her findings wilh the Conm~ission. She noted that she looked at two areas. The Iirst one was Isolated Wetland subject to flooding. Ms. Rinqaner explained that there were hydric soils in that area as well as wetland vegetation. She also noted that she found that there were no hydrologic calculations fi~om the applicant. She also noted that if an area does not border a body of water it does not qualif3.: as a Bordering Vegetated Wetland. She also noted that the Am3y Coq3 of Engineers likes to see the area designated ti~deral non state wetla~:d and sl,.ould be noted on the plan. Ms. Rinm~er stated that she agrees with the applicants delineation, but noted that she IZmnd a flaw in the flagging. She also noted that there is a 11 possibility that there is a vernal pool on the site and that when the Notice of Intent is filed it should be confirmed that it is in fact a vernal pool. She alse noted that there are certain things to look for when determining a vernal pool. Ms. Rixmner also noted that sonhe soil holes Were plotted incorrectly on the' plan. She stated that # 13 was found to be hydric and that is not sho~x.~ on the plan. Richard Beneveto suggested that Ms. Rinm~er and the applicants consultant should get together and determine where the lines are. He noted that once that is done it is incumbent upou the applicant to accurately show that on a plan. He also stated that he does not feel comtbrtable voting on this plan. Chainnan Lang asked the applicant's consultant if she xx ould like to cx~runent on the findings of Ms. Rimmer. Vincent Cotreau addressed the Cormnission and stated that if the Con:mission was going to let the applicant speak on the issue, then the public should be allowed to cormment. Richard Beneveto stated that the MACC guidelines and the open meeting law, allow the Conservation Conm~ission to allow input. Palricia Grhnes stated that once the public hearing is closed, you carmot accept public discussion. Dax4d Lang suggested that the Conm3ission should let the applicant speak, noting that he did not ~;a~t to jec~pardize the public hearing. Richard Beneveto noted that there is a process by which the aggrieved part5.' can appeal to DEP and it made sense to allow public input. Elizabeth Wallace, a botanist with Hayes Engineering addressed the Conm~ission and conm~ented on Ms. Rimmers finding'.s. She stated that the area thal is Isolated Wetland Subject to flooding xx as recorded at the highest elex. ation observed. She also noted that they ~'alked the site together and took samples. 12 Ms. Wallace noted that the inaccuracms in the plan were not tree. She stated that the soil holes were not plotted inaccurately. She explained that the scale of the plan affected the delineation. She also stated that the line is correct and the consultant has said that she essentially agreed with the line. Ms. Wallace also stated that she had complied with the consultants request for drawings of the soil holes, and noted that she has 2 new drawings for the Commission. AGO'. Tom Alexander addressed the Commission and noted that this application is a request for detem~ination to determine the wetland boundaries. Tony Paluzzzi questioned why the Co~ranission had not seen the plan and where the roadway is going to be. David Lang recalled that the Commission had requested the location of the road for informational purposes and requested that the applicant submit an eveflay at the same scale with that infom~ation on it. Atty. Alexander stated that the3' filed this request in April, and that three months have gone by. He stated that they would like to file a Notice of Intent for the next meeting so that the3' can get that process started. He also noted that they would be happy to prox4de the roadway crossings for the next meeting. Jon Mazuy noted that he was concerned about the final plan as it was approved by the Planning Board. Att3.'. Alexander stated that the plans are on file with the Plmming Departanent and they are public record. David Lang suggested that Ms. Rimmer come to the next meeting to further review this. He also noted that he would like to meet with her before the next meeting to review the plans. Ms. Rinm~er noted that it was reasonable to assrune that they agree on a portion of the plan. She also nomd that the Dufrain Henry line was previously approved by the Con~rfission. 13 Richard Beneveto questioned whether it is up to the Commission to determine the wetland boundaries for project. He suggested that the Commission should WTite tO DEP of MEPA for a ruling as to whether it is required ofthe.Commission to do so. Att3,. Alexander noted that the3' are trader time constraints t~rom DEP and they would like to do the filing all at once. Motion made by Richard Beneveto to continue the hearing to August 13. 1996, seconded by Patricia Grimes and approved unanimously. Massachuaetts Highway Department - Route 1A Reconstruction Steve Tyler of Bayside Engineering addressed the Co~mnission and explained the plans to rehab a portion of Route 1A. He explained that the area that the3; would be working in would go from Memorial Middle School to the 'wenham line. He also noted that the intersection of Cabot and Dodge Streets is also included. He noted that the proposed rehab would be 34 feet from curb to curb, and the planting strip would be removed. Mr. Tyler rex4ewed the areas ,:~f impact for the Commission. He reviewed those areas on the plan with the Commission. Mr. T;4er also noted that there would be no change in the existing draiuage pattern in the area for this part of the project. Mr. Tyler ret~rred to sheet 25 and 26 and explained that in the area of the Commodore Restaurant the existing drainage pipe on the soulh side of the propera/is proposed to be cm off and relocated to the other side. He noted that this was a request of the ox~q~er and Mass. Highway and the DPW accommodated that request. Mr. Tyler also noted that there is an existing cross pipe that goes over Route 1A to Wenham lake. He noted thai the there is a Bordering Vegetated Wetland there and that a': the request ~f the Citx, of Beverb' the5: are eliminating that pipe. Daxdd Lang suggested that the Commission have a site visit to the area. 14 Richard Beneveto noted tlmt they' have proposed lmy bales and silt fences in certain areas on the plan, but he hadn't noticed any details regarding the catch basins. Jon Mazuy asked how many contracts were involved in the project and how long would the project take. Mr. Tyler stated that the3, have one contract and that the3' expect the project to take about 18 months, and should get started in the spring. Richard Benevem suggested flint the Conm~ission condition that hay bales should be installed around the catch basins and that they should keep a surplus of hay bales on the sile during construction lbr erosion control in case of an emergency. Motion made by Tony PaluEi to continue the hearing to the next meeting on August 13, 1996, seconded by Patricia Grimes and approved unanimously. Old_Business R-5 Netherton Avenue Richard Beneveto addressed the Commission and stated that he is concerned about extending a prqiect aria it was approved 9 years ago and nothing ha,'; been done. He idled ~at conditions change and he sees no reason xx]nv they should not re file. Motion made by Richard Beneveto to deny the request lbr an extension and to issue a Certificate of Completion, seconded by Tony Paluzzi, and approved unanimously. R-Hull Street - Conservation Management Richard. Beneveto addressed the Conm~ission and stated that he felt that the preservation of open space is of concern to eve~:,Ione, and he thi~kks that the Cor:m~ission should preserve x\ hat x~ e hax e. He questioned giviAg something up that is hard to get, in lenns of open space. Debbie Hurlburr sl'aled ~aat she has sent a letter to Marshall Handly tbr his opinion about the Commission relinquishing their management of' lhe 15 propert3'. She also noted that there is a large amount of back taxes oxved on the prope~,. Atty. Alexander addressed the Commission and reviewed the histon.' of the propera.'. He noted that the5' are cnn'ently negotiating with a buyer and they will pay all back taxes owed thc tit3:. He also noted that the)' need to clear the title to do that. Jon Mazuy stated that he t~l| that the C~3xrnnission should wait Ik~r the opinion of the City Solicitor beti3re making a decision. Vincent Cotmau addressed the Commission and stated that the land was given to the Conunission in 1962 along with a number of other lots. Dunlmm Road - Maestranzi Palricia Grimes reported that she went out to the site and noted thal .Mr. Maestranzi indicated to her that he was not pla~ming on doing any work on the site. Jon Mazuy stated that the Commission should send the matter to the CiB' Solicitor l~3r flirther aclion. Orders of Conditions Centerville Sch,.~o! The Commission voted 6-0 to issue standard conditions lbr the prqiect, and in addition they should subnit a maintenance plan, a check the valve and keep a minimum of 20-30 ha5: bales on the site for erosion control. 3 Wilson Ax;enue The Co~m~aission voted 6 - 0 1o issue standard coastal conditions, and in addition a geolextile fabric should be placed below where the concrete area is to be rem,~ved, and that the lapdscaping f~r the project should not conm~ence until the con~pletion ,>f the construction of the house. 2 Longham Road The Con2anission voted 6 - 0 to issue standard conditions for the pr,Ziect. 16 33 Hathaway Street - Lot #3 The Conm~ission voted 5 - 1 to issue standard conditions for the project. Jon Mazuy addressed the Commission and slated thai he cam~,l in good conscience agree that either propera.' could be developed without iml'xacting the wetland. 33 Hathaxvav Street - Lot #2 The Cormnission voted 5-1 to issue standard conditions and in addition the Con'unission ordered th0t the slope should not exceed 2-1 and that the rip rap should be 18" - 2 t~et at the base and nothing smaller than 12" at the top. 26 Old Tox~ Road The Cc. nm~ission voted 5-0 xvith Patricia Grimes abstaining, to issue a standard Order of Conditions. 55 Abbot Street Certificate of Compliance The Conm~ission voted 6-0 to issue a Certificate of Conapliance tier 55 Abbott Street. Other Discussion Dax4d Lang inlZ3m~ed the Commission that Mary Rinm~er has used about $700.00 of the money that the Commission appropriated for the Consultant. ,Ion Mazuy suggested that the Con~nission extend the amount appropriated by $300.00 so that the additional infommtion that is needed can be obtained. Atty. Yore Alexander addressed 1he Conm~isgio~? and p, oted that ig money is a problem, his client xx ould pay for the delmea!i m of ~e xx etland. Workshops 17 Debbie Hurlburt addressed the Conunission and stated that she has gotten a good response to her ad regarding the workshops that the Conunission would like to host. She suggested some dates to the Conunission and it was decided that the first one would be held on September 9, 1996. Election of Vice Chairman The name of Anthony Paluzzi xvas placed in nomiuation tier the position of Vice Chairman of the Beverly Conse~,ation Commission. The vote was 5-1 with Mr. Paluzzi abstaining. There being no further business to come beti~re the Conm~ission at this meeting, a motion was made by Jon Mazuy to adjourn the meeting, seconded b:.' Dr. Jolmson and approved unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 11:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted by: Eileen M. Sacco 18