1997-01-07BEVERLY CONSERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING JANUARY 7, 1997 A regular meeting of the Beverly Conservation Commission was held on January 7, 1997 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Chambers, 3rd floor of Beverly City Hall. Those Present were: Chairman David Lang, Patricia Grimes, Tony Paluzzi, Jon Mazuy, Dr. Mayo Johnson, Richard Benevento, Jay Donnelly. Also present was Assistant Planning Director Debbie Hurlburt and Susan Akerman, Secretary to the Commission. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Lang at 7:00 p.m. APproval of Minutes - Summary minutes containing motions from recorded tapes of June 11, 1996 minutes - December 10, 1996 A motion was made by Tony Paluzzi to table this matter to the January 28, 1997 meeting, seconded by Richard Benevento and approved unanimously. Request for Determination of APPlicabilities Continuation: Lakeshore Avenue & Bonad determination / SVmes Road/delineation Jon Mazuy recused himself from discussion of this matter. Elizabeth Wallace of Hayes Engineering addressed the Commission and stated the area was flagged in September 1996 and the plan indicates two large wetlands. Wallace states that the Commission walked the site on two occasions and she is prepared to answer any questions the Commission may have. Dr. Johnson states that they seem to be sizable wetlands and questions whether they could be a bordering vegetated wetland. Dr. Johnson asks if the small area between b8 & b9 that is upgradient, could be a vernal pool. Wallace responds that when she was there in September that area was dry. Lang asked if this is the same area that the Commission walked on the previous Saturday. Wallace responds yes. Lang questions if the intermittent streambetween b8 & bg, which is upgradient, whether wallace considers this a bordering vegetated wetland. Wallace states that in her opinion it is not. Lang states that the upland area does have wetland characteristics, a defined stream channel and appears to be a connected resource area and that there appears to be channelized characteristics too. Paluzzi asks if the wetland area by the train tracks are going to be filled and replicated. Wallace responds that there would be replication only if there was a need and it would be detailed in a Notice of Intent. Donnelly asks if the determination of the Commission is to agree or not on the delineation. Lang responds yes and that the applicant will then have to come back with a Notice of Intent in any affected areas. Donnelly states that the Commission should ask for further study of this area to concur with proposal. Lang states that he is concerned about two areas: one is the stream that flows off the hill and the other is the area of upland that holds water and questions if that could be a vernal pool. Wallace responds that this doesn't cover under the bordering vegetated wetland regulations. Lang asks if it is covered under any regulations that the Commission governs. Wallace responds that she doesn't believe so. Benevento asks if the area in question, across from Bonad Road, is a wetland area. Wallace responds that she would have to take soil samples to determine this. Benevento asks if there is a hydrologic connection. Wallace responds yes. William Iler, 17 Lakeshore Avenue addressed the Commission and explained that down the hill from his house is a pond filled with water and stated that he didn't know where the water comes from. He also stated that the land is very spongy at this time of the year. Mr. Mueller of 36 Lakeshore Avenue stated that there is a seam in a boulder wall that opens up and water falls like a waterfall and drains into a nearby pond which is now full and the water just spills over. Mr. Mueller stated that there are no catch basins. Leo Yaffa of 23 Lakeshore Avenue referenced a study that was done a few years back by the Soil Conservation Service (survey found at library) and stated that the Conservation Commission should consider the study and what the removal of bedrock would do to this area. Dedee Kartstein of 18 Lakeshore Avenue stated that the overflow of water drains into her yard, that it is a problem and asked if it is under the Conservation Commission's jurisdiction to correct. Richard Benevento responded that if it is considered filling then it is the Commission's jurisdiction. 2 WilliamWalker of One Bonad Street stated that he is concerned with drainage, that there is a serious problem in this area, that there are not enough drains to catch what water is there now and if the matter is compounded there will be further problems. He also asked how is this problem going to be eliminated. There being no further questions or comments regarding this matter a motion was made by Jay Donnelly to have the Commission hire it's own consultant to review and confirm the flagged boundaries of the wetlands and look at abutting lands with wetlands that are within the 100 foot buffer zone, seconded by Richard Benevento and approved unanimously. Jon Mazuy returned to the meeting at this time. New: 177 & 180 Bridqe Street/determination of Non-Jurisdiction / Glover Paul Sommer of Sommer Environmental addressed the Commission and stated that the reason for this Request is that the property has been subdivided and that they are looking to develop the rear portion of the lot. Mr. Sommer stated that the site doesn't require a lot of investigation, however, the lot starts at Bridge Street and runs to the rear towards Lindsey Avenue/Lindsey playground and explained that there is a low area that was caused by the City when they brought in material for the playground. Mr. Sommer stated that there are no outlets/inlets to this depression and that there is little wetland vegetation. Mr. Sommer stated that he is looking for a negative determination. Tony Paluzzi stated that he visited the site and agrees with Mr. Sommer that there are no inlets/outlets to the depression. Chairman Lang stated that he agrees with Tony Paluzzi's comment and asked what is the estimated size of the vegetation area. Mr. Sommer stated approximately a 10 x 20 area and that it is well under the quarter acre foot rule and is therefore not an isolated land subject to flooding. There being no further questions or comments regarding this matter a motion was made by Tony Paluzzi to issue a Negative Determination, seconded by Jay Donnelly and approved unanimously. New: 109 & 117 Elliott Street/removal of Pipe/Utility Park Condominium Tom Army from Ensol Environmental addressed the Commission and explained the remedial plans for removing solvent impacted soils in the back of the building. Mr. Army explained that there is a brook at this location and that the City put in a drain but this drain was not connected to the other existing drain and that the excess water runs across the parking lot to catch basins. Mr. Army explained that the solvents are coming above ground and running into the drains. He noted that the soils are very heavy and that natural drainage is not sufficient. Mr. Army also stated that there is a wet area on the property. Mr. Army explained that they are proposing to install a catch basin system that will connect to the brook to control water run-off. Richard Benevento questioned if the reason for the Request for Determination of Applicability was because there was an wetland issues on the site before. Mr. Army responded yes and explained that the wet area on the property might classify as a wetland and gave history of the property. Chairman Lang asked if any members looked at the property. Jay Donnelly stated that he was concerned with the contents of the drainage and asked what the quality of run-off will be and if it will affected the Bass River. Mr. Army stated that the quality of run-off will be better/cleaner and explained that they plan to put in asphalt in the rear of building for sediment reasons and stated that they tested the soils and found no contaminants. Tony Paluzzi questioned the area of standing water and asked where was the water coming from. Mr. Army explained that the area is constantly wet. Jay Donnelly asked if the wetland was within 100 feet of the proposed project. Mr. Army stated no but close. There being no further questions or comments regarding this matter a motion was made by Jon Mazuy to continue the Request for Determination of Applicability pending a site visit on January 18, 1997 at 9:00 a.m., seconded by Tony Paluzzi and approved unanimously. Mr. Army pointed out that they may install the storm drain but will not connect it. New: Dunham Road/Determination of resource area/Maestranzi Mr. Prokop addressed the Commission and stated that he was here tonight on behalf of Mr. Maestranzi of Maestranzi Brothers on Dunham Road and reviewed the history of the site. Mr. Prokop concluded that he is of the belief that there is no resource area and that to complicate matters the shallow pool has been classified as a vernal pool, that the delineated boundaries was accurately delineated, and that the area did not hold enough water to be under Commission's jurisdiction. Mr. Prokop explained his background and qualifications. 4 Mr. Prokop explained his primary findings and stated that he did not believe that there is a defined channel, that upon examination of the soils he found that there was no scoured out soils and that there is top soil that exists. Mr. Prokop stated that there is no way this area can qualify as a stream and that it does not qualify as a resource area. Dr. Mayo Johnson asked if there could be a stream with top soil on it. Mr. Prokop stated that a channel has to be cut out by moving water and that soil cannot be developed if water is moving. Dr. Johnson asked how deep does it have to cut into the ground. Mr. Prokop stated that you need some kind of formation of a channel. Chairman Lang asked if the developer could fill in the vernal pool. Mr. Prokop stated that they will need Army Corp.'s permission and involvement but, yes we can work up to the limits which is within their area of jurisdiction (Army Corp). Richard Benevento questioned DEP's involvement and stated isn't the Conservation Commission within the DEP on a local aspect so this is in their jurisdiction too. Mr. Prokop stated yes on a local aspect but the level of jurisdiction is to low, it now goes to the state level automatically. Jon Mazuy asked if the volume of water flowing through an area doesn't matter if it isn't scouring. Mr. Prokop responded that's correct, and explained that it needs to have a definite channel. Ronald Jackson of 172 Brimball Avenue addressed the Commission and stated that he has seen a channel and that the overflow of the intermittent stream coming out of the vernal pool which flows down hill. Mr. Prokop stated that he could not find a connection to the pond. Mr. Jackson stated that if they check the stream in the dry weather they will see a pretty evident channel. There being no further questions or comments regarding this matter a motion was made by Dr. Johnson to issue a positive Determination of Applicability, seconded by Jon Mazuy. All in favor motion carries 5-1 with Jay Donnelly opposed. Chairman Lang stated that the Commission will recess for three minutes. A motion was made by Jon Mazuy to recess for the purpose of holding public hearings, seconded by Tony Paluzzi and approved unanimously. 5 Public Hearinqs Continuation of Public Hearinq - Shortmeadow Road/parkinq lot/Prime Realty Trust II Chairman Lang reads letter from Arthur Booris requesting an extension of time by which the Conservation Commission must act. (On File). A motion was made by Jon Mazuy to continue the public hearing until the January 28, 1997 meeting, seconded by Dr. Mayo Johnson and approved unanimously. Continuation of Public Hearinq - Porter St. Ext.: house construction/Max Corbett Bill Manual of Hancock Environmental addressed the Commission and stated that revised design plans have been submitted to the Commission and that the foundation plan has also been designed, reviewed, and submitted. Bill Manual stated that the house configuration is different and that the retaining wall is significantly lower. Bill Manual explained where the project stands now and stated that a record plan has been submitted stating that the lot has been in existence since 1963, that the application has been noted as land containing shellfish, and that there will be no effect of circulation of the Bass River. Bill Manual explained that they looked at the water quality and that siltation barriers will be installed and that sediment to the sloped area will be maintained. Bill Manual stated that the only issue was the driveway so they designed the entrance portion with a cross slope so that the water will shed off differently. Jon Mazuy stated that the grandfathering clause in the Rivers Bill is not intended to block a project of this nature, therefore, this is a permittable application. Jay Donnelly asked in respect to the method of construction of the foundation, how will the face of the sloped area be supported during excavation. Bill Manual stated that sheet piling will be placed in the ground before excavation. Chairman Lang reads letter written by Irene Brauninger of 23 Webber Avenue on behalf of several residents. (On file). Jim Connors, 42 School Street stated that if you disturb the ledge you will be forming other streams. Steve Brauninger, 23 Webber Avenue questioned how can the law be in affect and a house be built within a 100 feet no build zone of the undisturbed vegetated wetlands. Jay Donnelly noted that the plan shows the proposed finish grade but doesn't show the finish grade on the lower side. Bill Manual explained that they are building the foundation wall up and that they don't intent to change the grade. Gerry Coonan of 29 Webber Avenue asked if there weren't any economic alternatives. There being no further questions or comments regarding this project, a motion was made by Dr. Mayo Johnson to close the public hearing, seconded by Jon Mazuy and approved unanimously. Continuation of Public Hearinq - Brookwood Road/utility work/ Brookwood School JohnMoran addressed the Commission and showed the Commission plans for the project and stated that the only change since the site walk was that hay bales with filler fabric have been added in two locations. Richard Benevento asked Conservation Commission. have. if they have gone before the Manchester Mr. Moran responded yes they already Richard Benevento asked if they were issued an Order of Conditions from Manchester. Mr. Moran responded not that he was aware of. Richard Benevento suggested that the Commission contact Manchester and find out if there are any outstanding issues there. Jon Mazuy asked if dewatering would have any affect on the trees. Mr. Moran responded no and stated that there is no adverse affect on the trees that are there now. Pat Grimes noted that the Commission can flag trees in the Order of Conditions that they wish to save. There being no further questions or comments regarding this matter, a motion was made by Jon Mazuy to close the public hearing, seconded by Tony Paluzzi and approved unanimously. Continuation of Public Hearinq - Birch Woods Drive - Lot 46, 49, 52, 53 & 54/house construction/David WalSh Chairman Lang reads a letter from the neighbors. (On File) Curt Young of Wetland Preservation, Inc. addressed the Commission and reviewed the individual site plans. 7 Lot # 46 or #1 Jon Mazuy asked how high the elevation would be raised on this lot. Curt Young explained that there was a slight increase of 1½ feet. Richard Benevento asked how much resource area will be disturbed, and if it would be more than 5,000 sq. ft. Curt Young responded no and explained that there will be no more wetland impact. Richard Benevento stated that he is concerned with the individual 5,000 sq. ft. of disturbance of resource land with each Notice of Intent and stated that the Commission should condition this. Jon Mazuy asked if this included all inner lots and this was not brought to the Commission's attention. stated yes that is correct. stated that Curt Young Dr. Mayo Johnson asked how will the raising of the elevation by 1½ feet affect water run-off to the existing house on lot #12. Curt Young stated that it won't affect it at all and explained that there will be catch basins installed. Lot #49 or #5 The Commission had no questions. Lot #52 or #8 The Commission had no questions. Lot #53 or #9 The Commission had no questions. Lot #54 or #10 Jon Mazuy noted that there is quite a steep embankment running toward the brook to have no retaining wall. Curt Young explained that the house will be moved back considerable in order to eliminate the retaining wall and explained that there will be a gentle slope there that can be maintained. Chairman Lang stated that he is concerned with how much impact there will be on the green grass and stated that it should be stipulated that the loose boulders on the older wall be replaced immediately above the flood zone elevation. Jay Donnelly questioned the developers plan in regard to tree removal and asked to what extent will the trees be removed. Curt Young stated that it hasn't been determined to what extent but explained that on many of the lots trees will be cut and filled in. Jay Donnelly stated that the Commission should impose a condition that existing trees along lot line and along the vegetated wetlands be retained. Curt Young stated that every effort will be made to maintain trees between lots. Richard Benevento questioned if the extent of alteration will be done on only two areas. Curt Young stated that is the agreed upon limit. Richard Benevento stated that he would like to see a tabulation prior to the disturbing of these areas. Curt Young explained that that condition does exist in the original plan and noted that it is very clear. Chairman Lang asked if anyone from the public wish to be heard. Renee Mary, 274 Hale Street addressed the Commission and read letter dated 1/7/97 written by the BSC Group in Worchester, MA. (On File) a Richard Benevento commented upon the letter and stated that there should be a condition that no new material submitted on the night of a public hearing will be considered until the Commission has time to review. Renee Mary also read a letter written by herself and stated that she is concerned with blasting, the vegetation growing in the rocks, what the delta effect will be, the video which the Commission viewed at the last meeting showing the water, the water table, where the boulders will be stored, what size trucks will be used, how and where will the trucks cross the brook and the safety of the residents. Renee Mary also stated that she doesn't want any more water in this area and explained that there already is a strong water flow and more water will continue to run to Thissel Brook. Curt Young responded to several of Renee Mary's concerns stating that approximately 4,600 cubic yards of blasting will take place, that approximately 2,000 cubic yards will be hauled off the site at 20 tons per truck load, that there will be 50-100 trucks for the first three months of development, that ground water elevation will not be increased or decreased, that there will be piping of water under the stream, and that stock piling will be for a minimal time period and will then be used as fill or removed. Gary Scavlin asked what was meant by the Commission's comment regarding the non-acceptance of new material presented on the night of the public hearing. Richard Benevento explained that he was referring to new plans. Gary Scavlin refers to an article printed in Sunday's newspaper regarding what the definition of a river is and explained that the article stated that it is a tough question and it has not yet been decided. Gary Scavlin submits the article to the Commission. David Hassell, 111 Cross Lane stated that this body of water has been interrupted and additional information should be considered. Virginia McGlynn Ward 4 Councillor addressed the Commission and stated that she just wanted to remind the Commission of the big water problem that already exists in this ar~a. There being no further questions or comments regarding this proposal a motion was made by Jon Mazuy to close the public hearing on Birch Woods Drive, Lots #46, 49, 52, 53 and 54, seconded by Tony Paluzzi and approved unanimously. A motion was made by Jon Mazuy to reconvene to regular session, seconded by Tony Paluzzi and approved unanimously. Old/New Business a. The Flatley Company A motion was made by Tony Paluzzi to deny lifting the Enforcement Order due to a small section of area that has not yet taken hold, seconded by Jon Mazuy and approved unanimously. b. Wetland Reference Manuals A motion was made by Tony Paluzzi to appropriate money (no limit) to purchase nine (9) wetland reference manuals entitled "A Guide to Understanding and Administering the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act" compiled by Massachusetts Audubon Society, seconded by Jay Donnelly and approved unanimously. c. Debbie Hurlburt Stipend A motion was made by Tony Paluzzi to appropriate $2,500 as a stipend for Debbie Hurlburt for her position as Conservation Administrator which will be taken from the Conservation funds for the next six (6) months, seconded by Jay Donnelly and approved unanimously. d. Newly Submitted Material A motion was made by Richard Benevento that if any new material that presents changes in the design is submitted from the applicant on the night of a public hearing, that public hearing will automatically be continued, and if clarification information is presented on the night of a public hearing, that information will 10 be handled on an individual basis, seconded by Tony Paluzzi and approved unanimously. e. Ma~lewood Subdivision/Svmes Richard Benevento explained to the Co~unission that portions of this subdivision are in great need of clean up activity, such as street sweeping, cleaning out catch basins at Holly and Essex Street and new hay bales. A motion was made by Richard Benevento to issue Symes Associates an Enforcement Order at the Maplewood Subdivision to clean up from the top of Holly Lane to Essex Street and to stabilize the area to ensure that further siltation doesn't run off, to replace hay bales, and to clean out the catch basins, seconded by Tony Paluzzi and approved unanimously. Order of Conditions a. Porter St., Ext. / DEP File #5-565 A motion was made by Tony Paluzzi to (1) issue standard and (2) coastal conditions, (3) the method of construction shall be reviewed and approved by the Building Inspector and Conservation Commission to ensure that the new house will not modify the existing slope, (4) that a reserve of 20 hay bales shall be stock piled on the property in the event that they are necessary, (5) any and all stockpiled material shall be covered with a plastic cover to prevent erosion and a silt barrier shall be placed around the material, seconded by Benevento and approved unanimously. b. Brookwood School / DEP File #5-568 A motion was made by Richard Benevto to issue (1) standard conditions, (2) trees to be removed due to pipe installation shall be marked for approval by the Conservation Co~unission for their review prior to their removal, (3) a letter from the neighbor, where the dewatering will be taking place, indicating their approval for the use of their property for dewatering shall be submitted to the Commission prior to the commencement of activity, and (4) notification from the Manchester Conservation Commission (ie. Order of Conditions) indicating their review and approval shall be submitted to the Commission prior to commencement of activity, seconded by Jay Donnelly and approved unanimously. c. Birch Woods Drive - Lot #46 or #1 / DEP File #5-560 A motion was made by Tony Paluzzi to (1) issue standard conditions, (2) as with the Superseding Order of Conditions, File #5-394, that in no case shall the total replication in the bordering vegetated wetland area, including all 13 lots, exceed 5,000 square feet and (3) Special Condition #2 shall extend beyond the Certificate of 11 Compliance, Certificate unanimously. in perpetuity, and shall be referenced in the of Compliance, seconded by Jon Mazuy and approved Birch Woods Drive - Lot #49 or #5 / DEP File #5-561 A motion was made by Tony Paluzzi to (1) issue standard conditions, (2) as with the Superseding Order of Conditions, File #5-394, that in no case shall the total replication in the bordering vegetated wetland area, including all 13 lots, exceed 5,000 square feet and (3) Special Condition #2 shall extend beyond the Certificate of Compliance, in perpetuity, and shall be referenced in the Certificate of Compliance, seconded by Jon Mazuy and approved unanimously. Birch Woods Drive - Lot #52 or #8 / DEP File #5-562 A motion was made by Tony Paluzzi to (1) issue standard conditions, (2) as with the Superseding Order of Conditions, File #5-394, that in no case shall the total replication in the bordering vegetated wetland area, including all 13 lots, exceed 5,000 square feet and (3) Special Condition #2 shall extend beyond the Certificate of Compliance, in perpetuity, and shall be referenced in the Certificate of Compliance, seconded by Jon Mazuy and approved unanimously. Birch Woods Drive - Lot #53 or #9 / DEP File #5-563 A motion was made by Tony Paluzzi to (1) issue standard conditions, (2) as with the Superseding Order of Conditions, File #5-394, that in no case shall the total replication in the bordering vegetated wetland area, including all 13 lots, exceed 5,000 square feet and (3) Special Condition #2 shall extend beyond the Certificate of Compliance, in perpetuity, and shall be referenced in the Certificate of Compliance, seconded by Jon Mazuy and approved unanimously. Birch Woods Drive - Lot #54 or #10 / DEP File #5-564 A motion was made by Richard Benevento to (1) issue standard conditions, (2) as with the Superseding Order of Conditions, File #5-394, that in no case shall the total replication in the bordering vegetated wetland area, including all 13 lots, exceed 5,000 square feet and (3) Special Condition #2 shall extend beyond the Certificate of Compliance, in perpetuity, and shall be referenced in the Certificate of Compliance, (4) a boulder wall, 18" in diameter, spaced 5' apart, shall be placed immediately above flood zone or boundary of the bordering vegetated wetland, whichever is closer to the stream to protect the boundary of the wetlands, seconded by Paluzzi and approved unanimously. 12 Certificate of Compliance a. 13 Eisenhower Avenue Hurlburt stated that an as-built plan and certification letter was submitted to the Commission indicating that work had conformed to the Order of Conditions. Hurlburt also indicated that she conducted a site walk and the area appeared complete and stabilized. A motion was made by Tony Paluzzi Compliance for 13 Eisenhower Avenue, approved unanimously. to issue a Certificate of seconded by Jay Donnelly and Adjournment A motion was made by Tony Paluzzi to adjourn, seconded by Jay Donnelly and approved unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 11:15 p.m. 13