2010-08-11 CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD: SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: OTHERS PRESENT: RECORDER: Dunne calls the meeting to order. Open Space and Recreation Committee August 11,2010 Elizabeth Dunne (Chairperson), Suzanne Beaudoin, Robert Buchsbaum, Nancy Coffey, Pam Kampersal, Marilyn McCrory, and Sylvan Menezes David Brewster, Michael Ralbovsky, and Bill Squibb Environmental Planner Amy Maxner, Associate Planner Kate Newhall Sue Goganian, Wendy Pearl, Bob Hames, and Gabriel Buchsbaum Amy Maxner Discussion of the Community Preservation Act (CPA) Introductions and Ooenin2 Comments All of the attendees introduce themselves. Maxner states that Kate Newhall helped in preparing an agenda to guide discussion at tonight's meeting. She notes that the first item of business is to brainstorm ideas for projects in Beverly that could benefit from CPA monies. McCrory states that she would like to first thank Robert Buchsbaum for writing the first press release that followed the initial meeting. She also thanks Wendy Pearl for setting up the Facebook page. Pearl mentions that not many people have joined to date; expressing hope that this group can better spread the word to their friends and family. She notes that a gmail account has also been established at cpabeverly@gmai1.com with a password "Lynch Park". Members thank her for her efforts. Coffey notes that the email group on Yahoo that Menezes is a part of may be a good vehicle in getting the word out. Discussion ensues regarding other ways to spread the word and reach a broader group of people. Dunne states that "Transition Town", Clean Energy Advisory Committee and the Sustainable Community Farming may be a possible networking outlets that should be explored. Open Space & Recreation Committee August 11, 2010 CPA Discussion Meeting Minutes Page 2 of3 Coffey wonders if contacting the environmental columnist for the Beverly Citizen Newspaper would bring in a new network of people. R. Buchsbaum states that the CPA amendments that were pending at the end of the summer died in legislation, so the process for introducing these amendments will have to start fresh. Brainstormin2 for Potential Projects In Beverlv Goganian states that she spoke to the reporter for the newspaper and gave several examples of projects that span the three categories but they never made it into the article. She notes that the cemeteries in Beverly are in desperate need of attention and there is an incredible amount of City history found in these areas, especially founding members of the City. Goganian also notes that Peabody had great success using CPA funds for restoring historical documents, many of which the Historical Society possesses, not to mention the basement of City Hall. She notes that the Beverly Archives Group, headed by Planning Board Vice Chairman John Thompson is currently in the painstaking process of cataloguing the documents stored in City Hall. Hames asks if buying open space for watershed protection is a viable option for CPA funding. The group agrees that the language will have to be looked at in this regard. McCrory states that a few open space projects spring to mind including Parcel 27-X on Greens Hill, in-holdings at Sally Milligan Park, and Conservation Restriction for AMG's backland. Goganian believes that projects that are at immediate risk should be given preference as well as those projects that have a broad appeal to the general public. Maxner states that the Carraige House at Lynch Park, Beverly City Hall and the Library are structures of historic nature that are in immediate need of repairs and upkeep. G. Buchsbaum states that there is a Friends of Lynch Park Group that could help with this campaign. Coffey states that she invited people from that group but no members were able to attend, she will keep them in the loop. Goganian states that places like City Hall are in need of ways to display more historical artifacts and this may be a project worth looking into. Pearl suggests that the upcoming 150th anniversary of the Civil War in 2015 is a golden opportunity to connect with veterans and identify projects that will preserve and protect veteran memorials and such. General discussion ensues regarding other possible projects. Open Space & Recreation Committee August 11, 2010 CPA Discussion Meeting Minutes Page 3 of3 Next Steps Pearl states that the amount of CP A funding lost by Beverly should be calculated. Discussion ensues regarding Gloucester's work in this regard. Hames offers to take on this task. The group discusses how best to package the campaign and possible chairs for the campaign committee. Maxner asks if this group is the committee by default. It is agreed that there is a need to reach out to many more groups and individuals to canvass potential committee members and chairs. Dunne states that someone connected with Beverly business and commerce may be a good neutral choice for chair, which would be someone who possessed fiscal savvy to help convey the CP A message. Goganian suggests holding some sort of event that would showcase a CPA project place or building which could target attendees and provide them with follow up informational pamphlets on CPA with an announcement of the next informational meeting. The group agrees that a follow up meeting date needs to be set. Thursday October 7,2010 at 7:30 p.m. in the Library is agreed upon. Goganian states that the Historical Society is planning on hosting a series of cemetery walks in October near Halloween. Open Space Committee members agree this would be a great event to join forces on. Buchsbaum states that birding in cemeteries is an excellent opportunity to tie into the OSRC's Earth Day Walks. Menezes suggests plugging into First Night celebrations. Pearl states that the attendees need something tangible to walk away with, whether it is a pamphlet, flyer or business card or even a sign up sheet with email addresses to contact people about upcoming meetings and events. The group agrees that an information pamphlet tailored to Beverly should be drafted. Maxner agrees to scan in the Gloucester's materials and forward by email. Pearl asks is anyone has any low-resolution photos of places or buildings in Beverly to send them along to her and she will post them. Pearl notes that at this point, the group needs to map out its long-term schedule for this campaign in order to organize and time it's efforts most efficiently. Members agree, this can be added to the next agenda scheduled for Thursday October 7,2010 at 7:30 p.m.. There being no further topics for discussion this evening, R. Buchsbaum motions to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Coffey. The motion carries. Meeting is adjourned at 8:50 p.m.