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Open Space and Recreation Committee
January 6,2010
Elizabeth Dunne (Chairperson), David Brewster, Robert
Buchsbaum, Nancy Coffey, Marilyn McCrory, Sylvan
Menezes, Bill Squibb
Suzanne Beaudoin, Pam Kampersal, Michael Ralbovsky
Amy Maxner Environmental Planner, Kate Newhall
Associate Planner
Andrea Bray
Chairperson Dunne calls the meeting to order.
Approval of Minutes - November 4. 2009 Meetin2
The members review the minutes and make suggestions for amendments.
Voting members are Dunne, Brewster, Coffey, McCrory, Menezes and Squibb.
Motion to approve the minutes as amended, seconded by Menezes. Passes 6-0.
New Business
Open Space Action Plan Expansion - Review New Goals and Obiectives - Implementation
of 1 st and 2nd Year Action Items
CP A: Discussions ensues to determine the correct direction to take on this issue. Members
discuss the language for this objective and agree that investigating tactics of other towns and
cities would be appropriate. Members also agree that the OSRC should play some role in
establishing committee should manage the CPA passage effort
Trail Maintenance: Buchsbaum suggests organizing neighborhood groups to accomplish
ongoing trail maintenance. Menezes suggests opening a dialogue with the Forestry Department
to get some help. Discussion ensues regarding the possibility of getting help from businesses,
schools and non-profit groups, and establishing stewardship groups. Dunne suggests using signs
on the trails to solicit help. Coffey agrees to work on a newspaper article.
Host/Sponsor OSRC Lectures for the Public: Buchsbaum suggests partnering with Salem Sound
Coastal Watch for these lectures.
Open Space & Recreation Committee
January 6,2010 Meeting Minutes
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Sharing of the Fields and Facilities: Dunne states that the Waring School would be the first
school to approach about sharing the soccer field. Members discuss other language for this goal.
Newhall and Maxner agree to make the discussed changes to the Expanded Action Plan for the
members to review and approve at the next meeting.
Old Business
Earth Dav Walks - Continue Plannin2: Schedule and Themes
Coffey states that she spoke to Ed Myskowski, and they are willing to host a "Human History
and Coastal Geology" walk at Lynch Park. Discussion ensues regarding potential dates and
Coffey agrees that May 8th at 1 :00 p.m. would work for them and it would catch low tide.
Maxner states that the Trustees of Reservations will be hosting a Daffodil Walk/Celebration
scheduled for Saturday, May 1 st at Long Hill and will add that to the flyer.
Brewster agrees to conduct his bird walk on Sunday, May 23, at 9:00, at Long Hill. Discussion
ensues as to a co-leader to talk about forest wildflowers. Maxner states that Beth Zschau at
Trustees had someone in mind and will follow up with her.
Dunne suggests having a trail maintenance day, and the members agree to hold it on the first
weekend April 24th or 25th at Sally Milligan Park. Newhall agrees to check for any conflict with
Beverly Main Streets "Clean Sweeps".
The members consider holding a walk along the Bass River and over Green's Hill, and calling it
an "Urban History Walk", on Sunday, May 16th in the morning sometime. Discussion ensues
regarding parking and topics for the walk. Coffey suggests having the Historical Society co-
sponsor one or two of the walks and will contact the Bass Haven Yacht club to see if they'd like
to participate in the Bass River walk.
Buchsbaum states that he would be willing to partner with Greenbelt for a walk at the Beverly
Commons area for possibly a dragonfly walk. Maxner states she will follow up with Greenbelt
on that idea.
Semi-Annual Report to City Council- Feedback from Presentation: Coffey and Dunne
describe the presentation as successful and well received. They agree to get back in touch with
Councilor Cronin on her PILOT /SILOT activities.
Kiosk Grant: Newhall states that the National Heritage Partnership grant is being funded again
this year so she will look into applying for that again.
Rights-of-Way /Open Space:
Open Space & Recreation Committee
January 6,2010 Meeting Minutes
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. Bass River Walkway behind Stop & Shop: Maxner states that she has not heard a
response back from Stop & Shop or McDonalds.
. Tall Tree Drive - Easement: Maxner states that she spoke to Tom Alexander again and
will continue to pursue him to get the easement finished.
. National Grid - Trail and Stream Crossing: Maxner states that she left a message for her
original contact and received no response.
Newspaper Articles: McCrory agrees to write and article on Cross Country Skiing at Phillips.
Salem Sound Coast Watch: Maxner states that they are celebrating their 20th anniversary, and
establishing a new program called "Adopt-a-Beach", and they will hold an informational
meeting on Wednesday, January 20,2010 at 7:30 p.m. at the Library. She provides literature for
the members to review.
Mass. Audubon Losing Ground Website: Buchsbaum reminds the members to check this
web site for information on open space. He states that it can be accessed through the Mass
Audubon website.
Conflict of Interest Forms: Maxner reminds the members to sign and return these forms to the
City Clerk's office.
Next Meetin2: A2:enda Items and Schedulin2:
Maxner states that the next meeting will be held on February 3,2010.
Coffey motions to adjourn, seconded by Brewster. Passes 7-0.
The meeting is adjourned at 9:00 pm.