Parking and Traffic Commission
City Hall Conference Room B
September 1, 2009
Chairman Richard Benevento, Bill Bent, Sheila Field,
Richard Hutchinson, Tina Cassidy, Bill Fiore
Sgt. Joe Shairs
Eileen Sacco
Benevento calls the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.
1. Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the Parking and Traffic Commission meeting held on Wednesday,
August 12, 2009 were presented for approval. Benevento asks if there are any
corrections that need to be made. There are none.
Field: motion to approve the minutes of the Parking and Traffic Commission
meeting held on July 1, 2009, seconded by Fiore. All members in favor,
motion carries 5-0.
2. Discussion of Letter from Councillor Burke
Benevento reviews a letter received from Ward 3 Councillor John Burke regarding a
request from a constituent that Mechanic Street, between West Dane Street and Roundy
Street, be made a two way street. The letter explains that several years ago Mechanic
Street became a one way. Many of the proponents had small children and were
concerned with high traffic volume in their dense neighborhood. The other side of
Mechanic, the section between Roundy Street and Elliott Street remained a two way.
Most of the original proponents of the one way traffic flow have moved from the
neighborhood and a few new residents support the one way. Councillor Burke
requested that the Parking and Traffic Commission review this matter and make a
recommendation to change it or maintain the direction of the two sections of Mechanic
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September 1, 2009 Meeting
Benevento suggests that the Commission send Councillor Burke a letter acknowledging
receipt of his request and informing him that the Commission will conduct a site
inspection and make a recommendation at its next meeting. Benevento suggests that
members individually visit the site.
Benevento asks if the city has a map that shows traffic patterns. Cassidy states that she
is not sure but she will check on that.
3. Discussion of Email from Councillor Slate
Benevento reads em ail from Ward 2 Councillor Wes Slate regarding a Council Order for
review of parking and traffic in the area around the Main Library and the Montserrat
College's Resident Village. Councillor Slate notes in the email that the Commission and
he agreed to hold off on this matter until the Resident Village was open and students
had moved in, and parking and traffic patterns had settled down. The email states that
the building is now open and classes have begun and Councillor Slate plans to
reintroduce the Order early next month, noting that there are issues on the various
streets around this area that need to be addressed. There are a couple of issues that
Councillor Slate needs to discuss with the College and needs some additional time to
see if there are other issues that make sense to discuss.
Benevento suggests that the Parking and Traffic Commission support the issuance of an
RFP for a traffic study of the area. Cassidy agrees and states that she will review the
minutes of Commission meetings for prior discussions on the matter.
Benevento suggests that the Commission hold a site walk with Councillor Slate. He
also suggests that it send a letter to Councillor Slate to schedule the site walk before the
October meeting of the Commission. Members decide to schedule the site walk for
September 25, 2009 at 9:00 a.m., pending the availability of Councillor Slate.
Hutchinson notes that paved angle parking had been proposed for Butman Street.
Cassidy agrees with the recollection and explains that the College had suggested that
and she recalled that the neighbors may have had a problem with the suggestion. She
states that she will talk with Mike Collins and Sgt. Shairs regarding this matter.
4. Discussion on Standley Street Repaving Project and Proposed Street Signage
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September 1, 2009 Meeting
Cassidy reports that she spoke to Mike Collins regarding this matter and the signage is
scheduled to be reinstalled as part of the project.
5. Discussion on the Elimination of Parking on Hull Street
Benevento notes that this suggestion (to prohibit on-street parking near Cahill Park)
would move the problem parking to Essex Street. He notes that he is in support of the
idea suggested by Councillor Cronin to construct a small off-street parking facility but
recognizes that such a facility could require a capital commitment which is beyond the
jurisdiction of the Commission.
6. Next Meeting
The next meeting of the Commission will be held on Tuesday, October 6, 2009 at 8:30
7. Adjournment
Benevento asks if there is any other business to conduct at this meeting. There is none.
motion to adjourn, seconded by Fiore. All members in favor, the
motion carries.
The meeting is adjourned at 9:15 a.m.
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September 1, 2009 Meeting