2009-08-20 Beverly CATV Advisory Commission Meeting DATE: Aug 20,2009 LOCATION: Bevcam office, Beverly High School, Beverly, Ma. TIME: 7:00 P.M. COMMISSION MEMBERS: Dan Murphy - Chairman, George Johnson, Arthur Crandall, Al Torsey, Eric Overberg, Neil Overberg. COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: E. Overberg, N. Overberg, Al Torsey PUBLIC: Don Berman, Walt Kosmowski, (BEVCAM), o A quorum being present and Dan being absent, Eric opened the meeting at 7:00. Communications: None o Old business: o No info on Kopleman and Paige issue. o No further communications with Judy Miller and Paul Cohen. o No new members proposed foe CATV AC. o No further info on 5 point business plan. o No further info on city by laws to expel inactive commission members. o New business: o Public Comments: None. o Walt presented August BevCam report re: staff, production schedule, project outreach, technical issues and financials. BevCam is transitioning well from training to production. Joanna Lloyd will replace Bob Dunn as media teacher. Walt met with Wendell Waters, editor of the Beverly Citizen, to establish communications. Don met with Mayor Scanlon regarding more space for BevCam o June and July minutes were accepted. The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, September 17 T\ 2009 at 7:00 P.M. at BevCam. At 7:30 P.M. the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted: Eric Overberg