7:30 PM #414 Public Hearing Loan Order Drainage Projects
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Beverly Meeting Minutes
From: Fran MacDonald [fmacdonald@beverlyma.gov]
Sent: Monday, August 17,2009 2:19 PM
To: minutes@beverlyma.gov
Subject: 06.oct16.doc
~gufar 9deeting of (]3everly City Counci{ 7:00 C?M Oct. 16, 2006
Roll Call: Councilors Present: William Coughlin, Timothy Flaherty, Miranda Gooding, Patricia Grimes, Kevin Hobin, Donald
Martin, Maureen Troubetaris, Paul Guanci Councilor Burke was absent
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag: Led by Councilor Troubetaris
Public Hearings and Presentations:
7:02 PM Petition-Verizon-Underground Conduits & Pole Rantoul and Federal
Referred to Public Services
7:05 PM - 8:30 PM Continued hearing relative to Waterfront Zoning
Referred to Planning
8:30 PM Committee of the Whole
Acceptance of Minutes:
Meeting October 2, 2006
Communications from His Honor the Mayor:
October 16, 2006
Beverly City Council
City Hall
Beverly, MA 01915
Dear Honorable Council:
I hereby appoint, subject to your review and recommendation, Mr. Michael Ralbovsky, 10 Eleanor Avenue, Beverly, MA 01915, to serve
as the Parks and Recreation Commission representative to the Open Space and Recreation Commission.
He will replace Mrs. Patricia Adams who is no longer able to serve in this capacity.
Very truly yours,
William F. Scanlon, Jr., Mayor
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Recommend approval of the appointment 8-0 Vote
October 16, 2006
Beverly City Council
City Hall
Beverly, MA 01915
Dear Honorable Council:
Attached is a self-explanatory request from Planning Director, Tina Cassidy, for $12,000 in additional funding in order to accommodate the
needs of Assistant Planning Director, Leah Zambernardi, as well as insure the maximum productivity of the Planning Department over the
balance of the year.
I respectfully request your approval of an appropriation of $12,000 (Twelve Thousand Dollars to account "Planning Department Salaries"
from account "Reserve for Unforeseen." Said sum of money to be expended under the direction of the Planning Director.
Very truly yours,
William F. Scanlon, Jr., Mayor
Refer to Finance and Property 8-0 Vote
Communications from other City Officers and Boards
October 4, 2006
Honorable City Council
191 Cabot Street
Beverly, MA 01915
Dear Honorable Council:
I have enclosed for your information the Call for the November 7, 2006 State Election.
Frances A. Macdonald, CMC
City Clerk
Receive and Place on File
October 4, 2006
Honorable City Council
C/o Frances Macdonald
City Hall
Beverly, Ma. 01915
Dear Councilors,
Re: Stop Sign Ordinance change request, Lovett Street and Lee Street
We have received requests for STOP signs at the following locations;
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Lovett Street at the intersection of Abbott Street.
Lee Street at the intersection of Folger Avenue.
We have looked into these requests and we concur with them.
Please take the necessary action to amend Chapter 14 Section 86 as follows;
Add: Sec. 14-86 (b), Obedience to isolated stop signs.
Lovett Street, Northeast and Southwest bound drivers on Lovett Street at Abbott Street.
Lee Street, East bound drivers on Lee Street at Folger Avenue.
Very Truly Yours,
Christopher J. Negrotti, Traffic Sergeant
Safety Officer
Refer to Legal Affairs 8-0 Vote
October 13, 2006
Honorable City Council
C/o Frances Macdonald
City Hall
Beverly, Ma. 01915
Dear Councilors,
Re: Parking Ordinance Request, 15 MINUTE PARKING 1 space North side Ocean Street.
We have received a request from St. Peter's Church for a 15 MINUTE PARKING LOADING ZONE space on Ocean Street. This space
would accommodate the Church in loading and unloading goods from the side door of the Church. I have looked into their request and
concur with them.
Please take the necessary action to amend Chapter 14 Section 123 as follows;
ADD: Sec 14-123, Fifteen-Minute Parking
Ocean Street, northerly side, 200 feet easterly.
Very Truly Yours,
Christopher J. Negrotti, Traffic Sergeant
Safety Officer
Refer to Legal Affairs
City of Beverly
191 Cabot St.
Beverly, MA 01915
Dear Honorable Council:
On Saturday, November 11 th the members of the Beverly Veterans Council will gather at Veterans Memorials at Odell Park for Veterans
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As Veterans Director and member of the Beverly Veterans Council, I would like to extend an invitation to join us on this day of
remembrance, The program will begin at 11 :00 AM.
Jerry Guilebbe, Director of Veterans Services
Receive and Place on File
Communication from Beverly Airport Commission relative to an Addendum to A. B. Aviation, LLC lease, dated 12/8/05 for the addition of
approximately 1,500 square feet to the current A. B. Aviation, LLC Grass Triangle Lease
Refer to Legal Affairs
Communications, Applications and Petitions:
Waterways License Application-Thomas Keough, 18 Fosters Point
Receive and Place on File
Reports from Committees:
The Committee on Finance and Property to whom was referred the matter of communication relative to retirement benefits have
considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit:
Submit the accompanying amended resolution and recommend its adoption
Be it resolved:
To notify the Beverly Retirement Board that by a recorded vote, the Beverly City Council is opposed to city employees, or retirees, being
allowed any additional retirement benefits by reason of any employee's use of city vehicles during their employment.
Resolution read once and Adopted 8-0 Vote
The Committee on Finance and Property to whom was referred the matter of transfer to account Planning Department Salaries have
considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit:
Submit the accompanying order and recommend its adoption
Ordered: That the City Council hold a public hearing on Monday, November 6, 2006 at 7:50 PM in Council Chambers, Third Floor, 191
Cabot Street, Beverly, MA relative to an appropriation in the amount of Twelve Thousand Dollars ($12,000) from account "Reserve for
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Unforeseen" to account "Planning Department Salaries" to accommodate the needs of the Planning Department
Order read once and adopted 8-0 Vote
The Committee on Legal Affairs and Accounts to whom was referred the matter of Class II MVDL-Depot Auto Sales, 42 Park Street have
considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit:
Recommend the License be Granted
Order read once and adopted 8-0 Vote
The Committee on Legal Affairs to whom was referred the matter of Ordinance MV & T Lovett Street and Lee Street have considered said
matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit:
Receive and Place on File
Order read once and adopted 8-0 Vote
The Committee on Legal Affairs to whom was referred the matter of Ordinance MV & T Webber Street and Porter Street have considered
said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit:
Submit the accompanying order and recommend its adoption
In the year two thousand and six
On Ordinance amending an ordinance entitled Motor Vehicles and Traffic re Obedience to Isolated Stop Signs
Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Beverly as follows:
That Chapter 14, Section 86 (b), of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Beverly, 1989, be and the same is hereby amended by adding the
ADD: Webber Ave. Southwest bound drivers on Webber Ave. at Porter St.
This ordinance to take effect as per charter provisions.
This ordinance to take effect upon passage according to City Charter
Ordinance read once and held for final passage as per Charter Provisions 8-0 Vote
The Committee on Legal Affairs to whom was referred the matter of Lease Agreement wit CAT Aviation have considered said matter and
beg leave to report as follows to wit:
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Submit the accompanying order and recommend its adoption
Ordered: That the City Council approve the enclosed lease agreement with CAT Aviation, Inc.
Order read once and adoption 8-0 Vote
The Committee on Legal Affairs and Accounts to whom was referred the matter of Application for Petroleum Storage License 47 L. P.
Henderson Road have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit:
Recommend the License be Granted
Order read once and adopted 8-0 Vote
The Committee on Legal Affairs to whom was referred the matter of Application for Second Hand Junk Dealers License, Ann's Fine
Consignment, 194 Cabot St. have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit:
Recommend the License be Granted
Order read once and adopted 8-0 Vote
The Committee on Public Services to whom was referred the matter of Open Space and Recreation Committee Semi Annual Report have
considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit:
Receive and Placed on File
Order read once and adopted 8-0 Vote
The Committee on Public Services to whom was referred the matter of Appointment-Solid Waste Management Committee-Maureen
Cronan and Charles Perlo have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit:
Recommend the Council approve the Appointments
Order read once and adopted 8-0 Vote
The Committee on Public Services to whom was referred the matter of Petition Verizon-Underground conduit Cherry Hill Drive have
considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit:
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Receive and Place on File
Order read once and adopted 8-0 Vote
Unfinished Business:
Motions and Orders:
By Councilors Coughlin and Flaherty:
Ordered: That the naming of the new park at the former Vitale site be referred to the office of the Beverly School Superintendent for
assistance in promoting a public school contest by the students in selecting a name that would relate to the theme of conservation, water
supply, and environmental concerns. Said contest suggestions are returned to the Council for consideration.
Refer to the Committee of the Whole
Finance and Property
Legal Affairs
Public Services
Meeting adjourned: 10:05
Frances A. Macdonald, CMC
City Clerk