2009-07-01 CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD OR COMMISSION: SUBCOMMITTEE: LOCATION: DATE: MEMBERS PRESENT: Parking and Traffic Commission MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: RECORDER: City Hall Conference Room B July 1, 2009 Chairman Richard Benevento, Sheila Field, Richard Hutchinson, Tina Cassidy, Sgt. John Shairs, Bill Fiore Bill Bent Eileen Sacco Benevento calls the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. Approval of Minutes The minutes of the Parking and Traffic Commission meeting held on Wednesday, June 3, 2009 were presented for approval. Benevento asks if there are any corrections that need to be made. There are none. Cassidy: motion to approve the minutes of the Parking and Traffic Commission meeting held on June 3, 2009. Hutchinson seconds the motion, all in favor. The motion carries 6-0. 1. Continued discussion/recommendation to City Council regarding possible elimination of on-street parking on west side of Marshall Court / Sgt. Shairs Shairs explains that the City Solicitor has ruled that the City can post signs on unaccepted streets. He notes that he visited the site with Councillor Wes Slate and explains that some residents want no parking signs on the street and other do not. He states that he recommends that the east side of the street be posted no parking, noting that fewer on-street parking spaces will be eliminated by having the no parking on that side. Benevento agrees that which ever side would create the most amount of parking should be accessible. Shairs: Motion to draft a letter to the City Council recommending an ordinance change requiring no parking at any time on the east side of Marshall Parking and Traffic Commission Minutes Page 1 of6 July 1, 2009 Meeting Court. Hutchinson seconds the motion, all in favor. The motion carries 6- o. 2. Discussion of bicycle grand prix in Beverly August 13, 2009 / Sgt. Shairs Shairs explains that he attended a meeting regarding the Bicycle Grand Prix scheduled for August 13, 2009. He explains the route for the race and the road that will be closed before and during the event. Benevento asks if they will be paying for the police details for the event. Shair states that they will be paying for details. Benevento suggests that they use message boards to alert residents of the road closures in advance of the event and divert them before they get to the downtown. Shairs agreed noting that the road blocks would be in effect for four hours, explaining that there will be various races in several categories. Fields explains that the businesses are excited about this event and notes that the organizers have contacted the Chamber of Commerce for assistance. Cassidy asks Shairs what the plans are for the message boards. Shairs states that he will put them out on Monday alerting people. He also notes that the city may not have enough signs and saw horses noting that he thinks he is short on them for the 4th of July. Benevento suggests that the sponsors of the race should be responsible to rent signs from Lydell or someone so that the city will not have to worry about it. Shairs: motion to send a letter to the organizers of the Bicycle Grand Prix requesting that they use message boards before and during the event to make residents aware of road closures in the downtown. Hutchinson seconds the motion, all members in favor. The motion carries 6-0. 3. Update: Removal of vegetation at corner of Lothrop & Dane Streets / Sgt. Shairs Shairs reports that he worked with Public Services Director Mike Collins and Building Inspector Steve Frederickson regarding the complaint from Councillor Hobin regarding overgrown shrubs on the corner of Lothrop and Dane Streets. He explains that the house is for sale. He explains that a letter was sent to the realtor indicated on the open house sign informing them of the situation and asking them to remedy the situation. Cassidy commends Frederickson for taking action on this matter. Parking and Traffic Commission Minutes Page 2 of6 July 1, 2009 Meeting 4. Update on MGM's Movie Shoot on Cabot Street / Sgt. Shairs and Tina Cassidy Cassidy reports that a meeting was held with representatives of MGM regarding scenes that they wish to shoot for the movie Zookeeper which is being filmed at the Franklin Park Zoo. She explains the road closures for downtown for a parade scene and another location about a mile down the street for trailers etc. She suggested some city owned land on Elliot Street. Shairs agrees that would be a good location for the trailers. She states that they estimate four days of shooting for the film. She also explains that they will be stopping traffic periodically to shoot the scenes. Cassidy explains that businesses will be compensated for lost business because of the filming. She also suggests that the representative from MGM be invited to a Parking and Traffic meeting to review the filming schedule. Shairs explains that they will need more meter bags to cover the meters so that no parking occurs on the streets on those days. Benevento suggests that MGM should pay for those for the city if they need to purchase more. Cassidy agrees and suggests that Shairs make a list of what we will need for this event. Cassidy also explains that she is working with them on compensation or a charitable donation and she is thinking about having them make a donation to the youth center. 5. Update and discussion: Posting of a "No Parking Here to Corner" sign on at Lenox/Rantoul Street Lenox Street Shairs reports that he went to the site and noted that people are parking too close to the corner of the street. He recommended that one sign be installed 20 feet south of the intersection and no other action is necessary. Shairs: Motion to approve the request for the posting of "No Parking Here to Corner" sign at Lenox/Rantoul Street Lenox Street. Hutchinson seconds the motion, all members in favor. The motion carries 6-0. 6. Discussion: Possible erection of "Stop" sign at intersection of Dodge and Laurel Streets / Sgt. Shairs Shairs explains the traffic pattern in the area of Dodge and Laurel Streets in relation to the railroad tracks. Benevento states that there are rules regarding four way stop signs Parking and Traffic Commission Minutes Page 3 of6 July 1, 2009 Meeting and that MUTCD feels that they should be used as a temporary solution until the proper signals are installed. Shairs explains that the stop sign has been requested by the neighbors and explains that an accident that occurred the other day may have been avoided if there had been a stop sign in that location. Cassidy explains that Public Services Director Mike Collins is overseeing a study currently connected to the train horn issue that will recommend improvements to this intersection. Benevento suggests that the Commission review this issue but recommend that the matter be tabled for the short term due to pending traffic improvements in the area regarding traffic flow. He suggests that a letter be sent to Public Services Director Mike Collins (with a copy to the City's consultants on this project) explaining that there are significant traffic operational deficiencies in the area with regard to traffic queuing and site distances, and requesting that the consultant's scope of work consider these issues. He also states that the MUTCD prohibits the use of stop signs in conjunction with the use of traffic signals. Cassidy suggests sending the letter to Mike Collins only as the project manager, to avoid any potential confusion on the part of the consultants. Benevento notes that the issues that the PTC is requesting that they look at are issues that they should already be looking at. Cassidy states that she believes Collins is aware of the need for the consultants to consider traffic operations and safety as part of the study, and suggests that the Mayor be copied on the letter rather than the consultants. Benevento asks that all three get copies of the letter. 7. Discussion: Possible creation of "No Parking" zone for a portion of both sides of Haskell Street (between Hale Street & Rezza Road) / Sgt. Shairs Shairs reports that there have been complaints from neighbors regarding college students parking on both sides of Haskell Street between Hale Street and Rezza Road. He notes that letters have been sent to the Chief of Police. He also explains that the police have responded several times and ticketed the cars numerous times on the right side of the street. Shairs explains that he went to the site and the problem is the turn over of college students. Benevento questions if the residents would be upset that there would be no parking on the street. Shairs states that he does not think so because the parking on both sides is a concern for them, and most residents have their own driveways. Parking and Traffic Commission Minutes Page 40f6 July 1, 2009 Meeting Fields: motion to sent a letter to the City Council recommending that the ordinance be expanded to include no parking on both sides of Haskell Street for a distance of 275 feet from Hale Street due to public safety concerns. Hutchinson seconds the motion, all members in favor. The motion carries 6-0. 8. New or Other Business Proposed Subdivision on Essex Street Cassidy reports that there may be a new residential subdivision plan proposing 16 lots on Essex Street behind the new daycare center. She will place it on the agenda for a recommendation for the Planning Board's use when/if it is filed. CVS Project Benevento asks what the status of the CVS project is. Cassidy reports that the project has been approved by the Planning Board and says she will send members a copy of the Planning Board approval letter. Update on Black Cow Project Cassidy explains that the proposed site plan was changed dramatically when City Solicitor Roy Gelineau determined that the language in the City's Request For Proposals precluded use of the Ferry Way Landing for access or parking for the project. Based on that ruling, the applicant revised the plan to eliminate a proposed driveway across the Ferry Way Landing and instead included a driveway around the entire building. She notes that pursing the idea of a driveway in connection with the Black Cow project would have likely led to a time-consuming appeal by the abutters. She adds that the seating capacity for the restaurant was scaled back significantly, from 229 proposed seats to 120. Shairs states that it should be mandatory that the employees park offsite. Cassidy notes that Mr. Leone has promised that he will try to find parking for employees offsite. Cassidy will send members a copy of the Black Cow approval letter from the Planning Board. Parking and Traffic Commission Minutes Page 50f6 July 1, 2009 Meeting Benevento asks if there is a mechanism for the Parking and Traffic Commission to know if their recommendations are implemented or not. Cassidy notes that the minutes of all board and commission meetings are posted on the city website and available for public reVIew. She can also send copies of the Planning Board's approval letters to the members. Fields suggests that the PTC review projects that have been reviewed by the PTC and update them on the status of the projects and the recommendations made by the PTC. Shairs suggests that he will draft a letter from the Parking and Traffic Commission noting that the PTC spend a considerable amount of time reviewing submitted site plans and making thoughtful recommendations. He expresses concern that the size of the project changed significantly and there was no input from the Parking and Traffic Commission. He also notes that the PTC should reserve the right to revisit this matter if there are issues or complaints when the restaurant opens. 9. Adjournment Benevento asks if there is any other business to conduct at this meeting. There is none. Hutchinson: motion to adjourn, seconded by Shairs. All members in favor, the motion carries. The meeting is adjourned at 10:00 a.m. Parking and Traffic Commission Minutes Page 60f6 July 1, 2009 Meeting