Beverly CATV Advisory Commission Meeting
DATE: May 13,2009
LOCATION: Bevcam office, Beverly High School, Beverly, Ma.
TIME: 7:00 P.M.
Dan Murphy - Chairman, George Johnson, Steve Pike, Arthur Crandall, Al Torsey, Bob Murphy,
Eric Overberg, Neil Overberg.
N. Overberg, E. Overberg, D Murphy.
(BEVCAM) Don Berman, Walt Kosmowski.
. A quorum not being present Dan opened an informal meeting at 7:00.
. Old business:
. Eric set up a meeting with Russ Fisk on Monday May 18 at 1:00 P.M. at city hall in the
third floor conference room.
. Dan had asked William Hewig of Kopleman and Paige to attend this meeting and he
was present.
. New business:
. Public Comments: None.
. Mr. Hewig commented on a very successful introductory meeting with Mayor Scanlon
and Dan Murphy. Then Mr. Hewig proceeded to present four tasks that should be started. He
indicated that we should start ASAP on these tasks, and there is no reason to wait any longer. He
would like to see a contract in place well before the present contract with Com cast expires and
before Verizon indicates a request to provide FIOS in Beverly. He stated that it is the law that the
new contract addresses the needs of the city and that if there is no agreement with service
providers, there is no contract.
1. Start preparation of a survey to present to the public this fall.
A. What public likes or dislikes about public access.
B. How much of an increase in franchise fee for public access.
C. Post survey on the city web site.
D. Ask Endicott College to participate in formulation of the survey.
E. Ask BevCam to participate in advertising the survey.
2. Request a business plan from BevCam
A. Show that public access is alive and well.
B. What plans BevCam has going forward for public access.
3. Ask Mayor Scanlon to have municipal departments present what is needed in the new
4. Schedule a public hearing(s), after which Comcast should be contacted to begin
informal negotiations.
. Walt Kosmowski presented the April BevCam report re: staff, production schedule,
project outreach, technical issues and financials. Discussion followed.
. The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, June 11 t\ 2009 at 7:00 P.M. at BevCam.
. At 8:30 P.M. the meeting was adjourned.