2009-02-11 CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD OR COMMISSION: SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: LOCATION: MEMBERS PRESENT: Parking and Traffic Commission MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: RECORDER: February 11, 2009 City Hall Conference Room Chairman Richard Benevento, Richard Hutchinson, Sgt. John Shairs William Bent, Tina Cassidy Eileen Sacco Benevento calls the meeting to order at 9:35 a.m. 1. Aooroval of Minutes Draft minutes of the Parking and Traffic Commission's meeting held on January 14,2009 were presented for approval. Benevento asks if anyone has any changes to suggest. Shairs recommends two minor changes to pages 5 and 6. First, Shairs suggests revising the first paragraph of Bullet #4 to eliminate any reference to a dead end. Instead, the description should say that there is a hill on Porter Street near the intersection of Linden Street that creates a situation with no defined road edge. The hill comes off the east side of Porter Street and abuts the roadway and extends southward for a distance of approximately fifty feet. There is no curbing or sidewalk in this area. Second, he notes that under Bullet #5 regarding Balch and Cabot Streets, the 29 citations were for red light violations, not stop sign violations. Members concur with these changes. Hutchinson: motion to approve the draft minutes of the Parking and Traffic Commission meeting held on January 14, 2009 as amended, seconded by Shairs. All members in favor, no one in opposition. The motion carries. 2. Continued Discussion/recommendation to Planning Board: Site Plan Review Application #98-08: New CVS Pharmacy at the corner of Elliott and Rantoul Streets / Atty. Mark Glovsky et al Benevento notes that the applicant has submitted a response to the concerns of the Commission and suggests that the Commission hear the response from the applicant. Greg Russell from VHB addresses the Commission and summarizes the response as follows: a. With regards to Sgt. Shairs' comment regarding the curb radius on Elliott Street in the easterly direction needing to match the westerly side radius to allow for approaching fire apparatus to enter, they have adjusted the plans so that both curb radii match. P&T Commission meeting minutes Page 1 of7 February 11, 2009 meeting b. With regards to the Park Street / Elliott Street intersection and the driveway entrance/exit proposed on Elliott Street having the potential for hazardous traffic conditions as designed, Russell explains that they studied the design of the proposed Elliott Street driveway and notes it was located in an effort to limit impact on the existing ElliottlRantoul Street intersection and to provide the safest geometric configuration possible relative to Park Street. He further explains that it is generally preferable to design an access/ egress point that avoids the creation of an offset intersection, which tends to result in confusion for motorists. He notes that the site driveway was located as far as possible from the existing Rantoul Street traffic signal and opposite Park Street to provide the safest means of access and egress possible from both Park Street and the site driveway. c. With regards to the development of a site safety plan for the demolition and construction of the project, Russell stated that they would be working with the City on this. d. With regards to the traffic report noting that peak traffic flows were not adjusted for seasonal conditions based on MassHighway seasonal count data, Russell explained that MassHighway's 2007 weekday seasonal factors were consulted to determine the seasonal impact on traffic fluctuations on Beverly roads. He explains the factors that MassHighway recommends. Benevento states that he feels that some mitigation is important as part of the project. e. With regards to the comment regarding the safety analysis and two locations showing above- average crash rates and the suggestion that it would seem that an appropriate level of analysis should follow, such as contact with safety officer, documentation of clearance times and sight distances and preparation of collision diagrams to provide helpful information to the City as they move forward with improvements in the study area: Russell explains that there were no obvious physical deficiencies that were noted that would directly result in the elevated crash rate at the signalized intersection of Elliott and Rantoul Streets. He explains the crash data for the period between 2004 and 2006, during daylight hours, dry weather conditions and evening peak periods. Discussion ensues regarding the creation of a left turn lane on Elliott Street. Shairs states that it could result in a need to change the traffic lights overhead and questions if an arrow would be required. f. With regards to the elimination of existing on-street parking spaces on Elliott Street, Russell states that it would eliminate confusion on Park Street. He explains that the existing on-street spaces will not be needed to support the new use being proposed for the site, and it appears that each of the commercial properties along this stretch of Elliott Street provides designated off-street parking for their own uses, further reducing the need to maintain the on-street parking on Elliott Street. He also notes that the elimination of the parking along Elliott Street P&T Commission meeting minutes Page 20f7 February 11, 2009 meeting will allow for a potential second westbound travel lane along Elliott Street within the existing roadway limits. Shairs expresses concern that if they take an existing three-lane road and make it four lanes there is the potential to have the situation where motorists will be trying to get across 4 lanes and block westbound traffic lanes in their attempts to turn left onto Elliott Street. He suggests that he would like to see the entrance reconfigured so the only access is right in and right out of the site. Russell notes that a right turn in and a right turn out would be sending all of the traffic through the Rantoul/Elliott Street intersection, and allowing a left turn into the site would result in a very minimal delay. Hutchinson suggests that a right turn only at the end of Park Street should solve the problem of going across 4 lanes. He also suggests that Park Streets be made one way for that portion going toward the train station. Shairs says that it would create enforcement issues. He also notes that the Department of Public Services is located in that area and it would create problems for them getting equipment in and out of their property. Discussion ensues regarding the ElliottlRantoul Street intersection. Atty. Mark Glovsky, CVS's legal counsel, suggests that the Commission ask the Planning Board to consider imposing a condition as part of its approval of the site plan that the developer will be obligated to review this matter six months after the store is operational, and to suggest improvements should there be any problems with the intersection as it is currently designed. Benevento wonders if the City would be able to get any mitigation at that point. Shairs agrees, and expresses concern that if there is a serious injury or fatal accident during the six-month period the City could be liable. Glovsky states that his client voluntarily fixed the problems at the Dunkin Donuts on Elliott Street long after site plan review had been granted and after construction, at the request of the Mayor. Benevento suggests that only right hand turns should be allowed from the proposed Elliott Street driveway. Shairs agrees but notes that it would only solve half of the problem from his perspective. Chris Iannuzzi of VHB states that he will have to have discussions with CVS regarding that. He also notes that they are scheduled to go to the Planning Board next Tuesday night. Benevento states that he would like Mr. Bent to review the responses that have been submitted by VHB and he would like to close this matter today, and pending review by Mr. Bent, the Commission will issue a response to the Planning Board. He states that he would favor monitoring the site after construction if there is a mechanism for the City to address the issues with the developer if it is not working. Glovsky questions whether the City Council would need to approve the elimination of the parking on Elliott Street. Shairs states that it would, and explains that the Planning Board approval will trigger a request to the City Council that the spaces be eliminated. P&T Commission meeting minutes Page 30f7 February 11, 2009 meeting Benevento reviews the mitigation that the applicant provided in response to comments from Commission: . Site Design Elements - In order to accommodate the Beverly Fire Department's new truck, the curb radius for the site driveways were adjusted to meet the turning specifications of the truck. They will also consider providing some sort of advanced warning for drive-through customers that can be utilized during loading periods when the drive through will be closed. . Elliott and Rantoul Street - No change to the lane design on Rantoul Street. . Elliot Street - It is proposed that the existing on-street parking located on the northerly side of Elliott Street between Rantoul and Park Streets be eliminated. . Elliott and Rantoul Street Traffic Signal Pedestrian Phasing - At this time it is believed that the best course of action is to maintain the existing pedestrian phasing currently in operation. Proponent notes that it is unclear whether concurrent phasing will be pursued as part of the City's reconstruction project. The proponent will provide multiple signal timing plans that will be designated to process traffic based on the time of day between the hours of 6-9 a.m., 9 a.m. - 12 p.m., and 12 p.m. - 3 p.m. It is also suggested that the existing pedestrian clearance interval be reduced from 7 seconds to 5 seconds, as the long clearance level currently being utilized is partially responsible for the high number of angle crashes observed at this location in recent years. Shairs explains that the timing of the lights was adjusted as the result of several people contesting tickets given at that site. He explained that someone actually went around the City and timed the lights and found that one to be significantly shorter than the others. . Elliott and Park Streets - It is proposed that "Do Not Block Intersection" signs be installed on Elliott Street on both sides of the intersection and supplemented with pavement markings that will be used to hatch out a no-block zone on Elliott Street, which could improve sight lines for vehicles exiting Park Street slightly. The zone will also provide gaps in vehicle queues resulting from the two signals located on either side of the intersection, further allowing egress from Park Street. Benevento states that he feels that as part of the recommendation to the Planning Board, some monitoring should be done and that the owner should be responsible for correction of the issues if any arise. Benevento opens the meeting up for public comment at this time. Mary Rodrick of Peabody Avenue addresses the Commission and states that she feels that a "right turn only" out of Park Street is essential. Discussion ensues regarding the timing of the Commission's recommendation to the Planning Board. Benevento again states that he wants to have Bent review the responses from the P&T Commission meeting minutes February 11, 2009 meeting Page 40f7 applicant. He recommends that the Commission close this matter today and try to have a response for the Planning Board meeting next week. Glovsky explains that they are hopeful that they could close with the Planning Board next week as they have changed the style of the building at the suggestion of Beverly Main Streets. Hutchinson: Motion to close the matter and issue a recommendation to the Planning Board, pending review of VHB' s response by Bent. Shairs seconds the motion, all members in favor. The motion carries. 3. Discussion / Recommendation to Planning Board: Site Plan Review Application #99- 09: Construction of subsidized elderly housing project (173 units) at 145 Conant Street / Harvest Development /Currv Architecture Robert McSorley of Sebaco Technics addresses the Commission on behalf of the applicant and explains that they are proposing a subsidized elderly housing project on 9 1Iz acres at the corner of Cherry Hill Drive and Conant Street. He explains that there will be 173 units of which 155 will not have kitchens as residents will be provided three meals per day as well as housekeeping services. 18 units will be townhouse-style units. Approximately 20% of the tenants will have cars and all units will be rental units. McSorley states that they have been to the Zoning Board of Appeal for a Special Permit and they will be going to the Beverly Planning Board as well for site plan review. McSorley explained that the development's occupancy is expected to break down as 80% of residents will be over 55 years of age, 15% of the units will be affordable housing and 10% of the units will be handicapped-accessible. He explained that there will be one large building that will house studio and one and two bedroom units and 18 townhouse units in separate buildings. The facility will have a staff of twenty running it. McSorley states that traffic will be a minor issue for this development, noting that residents will not be competing with commuters at peak traffic times on Cherry Hill Drive. McSorley explains the layout of the facility and notes that they have provided two entrances from Cherry Hill Drive and have relocated the main entrance to match the existing Axcelis driveway. He also notes that they have met with Lt. Fiore of the Fire Department regarding the entrance widths and did tests with the new fire truck to make sure that it can make the turns. John Adams of Sebago Technics addresses the Commission and explains the traffic study. He states that assisted living and senior housing standards were used to develop the information. He reviews the breakdown of their data and notes that the trip generation from the facility tends to be off peak. He adds that transportation service is provided to the residents in small vans and very few residents are expected to have their own cars. He also notes that the traffic on Conant Street is substantially less on weekends than during the week, and they do not foresee a significant impact on traffic in the area as a result of this project. P&T Commission meeting minutes Page 50f7 February 11, 2009 meeting Benevento asks if they took accident data into consideration in the traffic study. Adams states that they used the latest data as of the last publishing. Benevento states that the Connolly building was not there when the data was gathered. He also states that he likes the concept being proposed for this site. Benevento asks if Cherry Hill Drive is an accepted way. Shairs states that it is an accepted way in Beverly but not in Danvers. Benevento asks if the intersection of Cherry Hill Drive and Conant Street would need a traffic signal. Dick Kane of The Flatley Company (current owner of the parcel) addresses the Commission and explains that there is only one vacant 10-acre lot left in the park to develop on the corner of Sam Fonzo Drive. He explains the construction that has taken place in the area in recent years and states that he has not noticed there being much more traffic since the sites have been built out. Shairs states that from an EMS point of view it would be confusing to have a Conant Street address for this development. The property should be assigned a Cherry Hill Drive address instead. McSorley states that they are planning for 153 parking spaces on site, according to the ITE Parking Guide. He adds that the landscaping design and plantings on the site will take sight distances into consideration. Benevento asks if there are any concerns regarding fire access. Fiore states that there are water main concerns to be addressed but the Fire Department has no concerns about access to the site. Benevento opens the meeting up for public comment at this time. Mary Rodrick of Peabody Avenue addresses the Commission and expresses her concern about the number of parking spaces. McSorley states that they are providing parking according to the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and they are not asking for any relief from the City's parking requirements. Benevento states that he would like to give the Commission members who are not present an opportunity to comment on this proposal. He requests a revised copy of the traffic study with the accident data included in it, and suggests the Commission could then make a recommendation upon receipt of that information. McSorley states that they are going to the Planning Board on March 17, 2009. Benevento indicates that the Commission will be meeting on March 11, 2009 and they could issue a decision on this review at that time. 4. New or Other Business a. Heather Street Shairs reports that he received a letter from Tyler DeStafano regarding the restricted parking issue on Heather Street. He explains that they are blaming the developer for the problems. He states that he would like to do some more research on the matter. P&T Commission meeting minutes Page 60f7 February 11, 2009 meeting b. Handicapped Parking Application Shairs reports that the Handicapped parking application recommendation made by the Commission at its last meeting is going to the City Council for approval this month. c. Cole Street / Crosswalk on Essex Street Shairs reports that he received an email from Ward 6 Councilor Judith Cronin regarding faded crosswalks in the area. He explains that the City does re-stripe faded crosswalks but this one was left off the list because it is not ADA compliant. d. Speed Limits on Cabot and Rantoul Streets Shairs reports that a letter needs to be sent to Gin Wallace at Main Streets regarding this request which was taken up at the last meeting of the Commission. e. North Beverly Plaza Hutchinson asks that the Commission consider allowing a "right turn on red" turning into the North Beverly Plaza off Dodge Street. Benevento notes that it is a state highway issue and out of the jurisdiction of the Parking and Traffic Commission. He suggests that the Commission could send a letter to MassHighway on the matter. f. Planning Board Meeting Regarding Proposed CVS Benevento suggests that Commission members go to the Planning Board meeting regarding the proposed CVS. He states that signal modifications should be included in the mitigation for the project and estimated that the cost would be about $15,000- $20,000. He notes that no other mitigation is proposed for the project. 5. Adjournment Benevento asks if there is any other business for the Commission to discuss at this meeting. There is none. Shairs: motion to adjourn, seconded by Hutchinson. All members in favor, no one opposed. The motion carries. The meeting is adjourned at 11 :30 a.m. P&T Commission meeting minutes Page 70f7 February 11, 2009 meeting