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2008-11-19 CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES November 19, 2008 Board: Harbor Management Authority Location: Beverly Public Library - Fogg Room Members Present Chair, Miranda Gooding, Charles Raymond, Greg Ward Paul Meidzionowski, Don Neuman, Maureen Troubetaris, George Simon Members Absent: Rinus Oosthoek, Wes Slate, Sylvan Menezes, Lou Bochynski Others Present: Eileen Sacco - Recorder Gooding called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Aooroval of Minutes The minutes of the Harbor Management Authority meetings held in September and October were presented and unanimously approved. Facilities Gooding reported that the marina building roof was repaired before Lou went on vacation at a cost of approximately $900. Discussion ensues as to what the Harbor Management Authority would like to see in a marina building at Glovers Landing. Neuman notes that the drawings from Susan S1. Pierre show a relative size of the building but it is hard to tell because the location has moved. Gooding reports that there has been discussion back and forth regarding the moving of the brown building or building a new facility. She states she would like some idea of what the Commission wants in a building for further planning Neuman notes that it wasn't meant to be luxurious and was designed with minimal amenities because of cost and he would vote for the cheapest design. After lengthy discussion, Gooding summarized the Commission's position as being the following: we should relay to Vine Associates that the requirements for the building are as set forth in the previous plans for the building, but that ultimately we recognize that the main drivers for the building's design will be 1) budget, and 2) the footprint that gets approved under Chapter 91. Further, that until such time as we understand those constraints, it does not make sense to modify our requirements for the building itself. Harbor Management Authority November 19, 2008 Page 1 of3 Finance Report Meidzionowski review the monthly financial statement with the HMA members. He notes that it reflects a $46,800 grant payment for the dredging project. Discussion ensues regarding the payment was made to the dredging company. Neuman suggests that grants should be recorded separately from operating expenses and revenues. Meidzionowski will look at that. Discussion ensues regarding bill paying and Neuman notes that the HMA approved the payment of bills in the past and describes the former process. Ward notes that if the HMA were to continue to do that they would need a part time secretary. Meidzionowski explains that John Dunn gives him documentation of the bills that have been paid. Neuman notes that there are some substantial grants to manage and suggests that Meidzionowski be notified by the finance department when grant payments are received. Meidzionowski reports that more money is owed to Bourne Engineering. Neuman notes that it was known at the time of the dredging that the City would have to contribute some money. Gooding will look into getting that paid and notes that HMA funds may have to cover that. Approval of Vine Associates Contract for Additional Scope and Proposal Neuman questions if the city has decided if they will bond for the project or try to get state funding. Gooding explains that the Mayor has been working with the Lieutenant Governor and he feels that he should hear something shortly. Troubetaris asks how much Mr. Leone is going to pay per year for the land. Gooding explains that the lease is still being negotiated. Gooding reviews the scope and proposal from Vine Associates with the members. Neuman states that he feels that the HMA needs a clear understanding from the Mayor as to whether or not the project is going to go forward. A discussion was held regarding a wood pier vs. a concrete pier. It was noted that Lou Bochynski would prefer a concrete pier. Gooding states that concrete has less maintenance over the long term and we should go for that. She notes that she is concerned about spending design money for things that we cannot afford. Troubetaris states that she does not think that the city and the state can afford concrete. Neuman states that there is a design and bid package that was prepared for the pier so if the plans need to be revised they won't have to start all over again. Harbor Management Authority November 19, 2008 Page 2 of3 Neuman moved to approve the scope of work for Vine Associates dated November 2008 with the proviso that the money doesn't get expended until the Chairman of the Harbor Management Authority and the Mayor have a discussion as to the viability of the city being able to go forward with the project. Troubetaris seconds the motion. The motion carried. Other Business Gooding reported that the Public Hearing for the Chapter 91 License for Glovers Landing will be held on December 3, 2008 at 11 :00 a.m. Gooding also reported that the Port Marine zoning changes were approved by the City Council. There being no further questions or comments this evening, Troubetaris moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Ward. The motion carries. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Harbor Management Authority November 19, 2008 Page 3 of3