2008-12-10 BEVERLY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Regular Meeting Wednesday December 10,2008 Beverly, Massachusetts A regular meeting of the Beverly School Committee was held on Wednesday, December 10, 2008 in the Beverly City Hall Council Chambers in Beverly, MA. Members Present: Ms. Cesa, Mr. Manzo, Ms. Decker, Mr. Latter, Ms. Fogarty, and Mr. Manzi Members Absent: Mayor Scanlon Also in Attendance: Dr. James Hayes, Superintendent of Schools; Dr. Marie Galinski, Assistant Superintendent of Schools; Joan Liporto, Director of Finance and Operations, Donna Bergeron, Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent and School Committee, and Joseph Santamaria, Student Representative to the School Committee President Cesa called the meeting to order at 7:00p.m. Mr. Latter led those assembled in the Pledge of Allegiance. Recognitions and other Such Other Matters (Kudos, Congratulations): Dr. Hayes, Ms. Cesa and Beverly High School Principal Sean Gallagher recognized the Fall 2008 NEC All-Stars and Award Winners. Assistant Principal and BHS Varsity Football Coach Dan Bauer and Athletic Director James Coffey helped with these recognitions. Principal Gallagher recognized the following students who were named "Student of the Month" at Beverly High School: Tyler Levy, Anna Roy, Tyler McLaughlin and Jacqueline Belliveau. The following three seniors were recognized as "Commended Students" in the 2009 National Merit Scholarship Program: Haley Bowen, Dylan Zierk and Evan Tawa. Mention was made by Principal Gallagher regarding the recent "In Control" student driving program sponsored by the local Rotary club and administered by the Massachusetts State Police. Finally, Principal Gallagher commended the JROTC for their efforts in helping a very successful "Toys for Tots" program. Open Forum for Citizen Concerns or Citizen Input into Agenda-Related Items None Approval of Meeting Records A motion was made by Ms. Decker and seconded by Ms. Fogarty to approve the minutes from the November 12, 2008 regular School Committee. So voted. Report from Student Representative Joe Santamaria, Student Representative reported that the Student Advisory Committee received an update on the BHS construction project and discussed parking and security at the new facility at a meeting earlier that evening. He reported that copies of The Ledger, the school's newspaper, are now found in the Beverly Citizen. Auditions are now taking place for the play Coca Cabana; a blood drive was held on Friday December 5th with 50 students from BHS participating; the wrestling team has a meet this Saturday at 1 O:OO.am.; the girls and boys basketball teams kick off their season on Friday; the DECA Program district competitions begin next week; and the 2009 Year Books are now available for purchase for $50.00. Communications from Committee Members · Most committee members reported that it was a fairly quiet month. · A committee member who attended both the Hannah and Briscoe PTO reported inquiries regarding preparation of the FY2010 budget. · Two committee members who attended the Ayers PTO meeting reported that discussions related Regular Meeting December 10, 2008 Page 2 of 4 to students crossing at Elliott & Green Streets are ongoing. The possibility of soliciting volunteers to cross students at this intersection would also provide better data on the number of students that actually cross at these streets. · Mr. Latter attended the Thanksgiving Day football game and remarked on an enjoyable game and appreciation for the dedication of the Hurd Stadium concession stand to former Ward 3 School Committee member Mr. Robert McHugh. · There was talk of possibly having a second book sale at a recent Briscoe PTO meeting. · One committee member has spoken with several parents whose children were at new schools due to redistricting. The consensus view was that many of these students have had a relatively easy transition. · The FY10 budget was the topic of a discussion with some Cove School parents. · One committee member reported attending some "fun" events during the month - the Centerville Fall fundraiser, Briscoe's Winter Concert and the "The Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid Tales" play at BHS. · Ms. Decker reported questions on use of the high school during renovation, including the location of current field house events and location of tennis team practices. · Ms. Cesa said that she had received calls with regarding the duration of the anticipated leave for North Beverly School Principal Flewelling. · Ms. Cesa commented that it was nice to see North Beverly Elementary School community members (new & old) work together to produce a "Fall Festival" which combined elements from the former North Beverly "Holiday Fair" and McKeown "Pumpkin Festival." Report from the Superintendent 1. Community Book Club Dr. Hayes introduced Michael Cahill, Chairman of the Greater Beverly Education Roundtable (GBER) to talk about the Community Book Club. Mr. Cahill said that the Community Book Club, "Beverly Reads," is the first initiative to come out of the Greater Beverly Education Roundtable. GBER is a group of community members working to promote educational opportunities. Mr. Cahill invited school committee members as well as Dr. Hayes to join the community book club. Anna Langstaff from the Beverly Public Library outlined the process that selected "Dark Tide," a story of the great Boston molasses flood, as the first title in the community book club. Beverly High School Librarian Barb Fecteau summarized upcoming activities that will take place relative to the book club, and indicated that the title will be made available at both local libraries and book shops. Activities will also include a train ride to Boston to visit the site of the flood and a book signing by the author. In conclusion Anna, Barbara and Mike distributed copies of the books to the committee members and to Dr. Hayes and Dr. Galinski. 2. BHS Construction Project Update Dr. Hayes indicated that: · MSBA has approved $80.155 million for the high school renovation project. · The City Council has voted and approved the project at their last meeting. · The renovation bid was awarded to the lowest bidder, CTA Ventures Inc. Dr. Hayes summarized a meeting held earlier that day with CTA to discuss the timeline of the renovation project. He indicated that construction would begin in early January 2009 with the new facility opening some time in the 2010-2011 academic year. The meeting also detailed some of the phasing plans for the renovation project. Phase 1 will cover the start of construction through the anticipated opening of the new academic space while Phase 2 will entail abatement and demolition of the old facility. 3. BHS Athletics - Fall Participation Dr. Hayes referred to a report detailing participation levels in fall athletic programs, indicating that participation rates are with the previous year. Maria Decker pointed out that cheerleading numbers were not included in the report, which was described as an oversight. In response to a question From Karen Fogarty, Dr. Hayes indicated that these values reflect only fall sports and that more complete participation data will be presented later in the school year. 4. Criteria for Approval of Non-Public Schools Dr. Hayes presented a recently formalized set of criteria for approval of non-public schools in Beverly. This set of criteria, provided by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE), Regular Meeting December 10, 2008 Page 3 of 4 complements established school committee policy regarding the approval of non-public schools in Beverly, which is required by the school committee. Committee members asked of the current number of non-public schools located in Beverly (answer: 11) and the process of "reconstruction" of previously approved non-public schools. Report from School Committee President 1. Long Range Planning Committee Ms. Cesa reported that Doreen Maciak has volunteered to serve as a citizen representative to recently reformed Financial Forecasting Committee (FFC) comprised of city counselors, school committee members and municipal employees. Mr. Latter briefly reviewed the FFC organizational meeting, where City Counselor Pat Grimes was selected to chair the committee and the group spent the remainder of this first meeting discussing various fiscal opportunities. Mr. Latter indicated that the next meeting is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, January 6th. 2. North Shore Coalition Ms. Cesa reported that State Representatives and Senators from 17 communities as well as 15 school committee presidents were present at a recent meeting of the North Shore Coalition for School Funding committee. She expressed her appreciation to Mr. Bob Gass, Executive Director of the North Shore Consortium for hosting this gathering. She indicated that it was a very productive meeting as members discussed both short and long term goals, including joining the state health insurance (GIC) plan. 3. Approval of a Representative to the North Shore Regional Vocational Committee Ms. Cesa indicated that she is seeking approval for the reappointment of Mr. Dean Porteous to serve as Representative to the North Shore Regional Vocational District School Committee. A motion was made by Mr. Latter seconded by Ms. Decker to approve the reappointment of Mr. Dean Porteous, Representative to the North Shore Regional Vocational District School Committee. So voted. Ms. Cesa announced that the Finance & Facilities meeting and the Committee of the Whole meeting scheduled for Wednesday 12/17/08 has been cancelled. Committee Reports 1. Standing Committee on Finance & Facilities (Paul Manzo, Chairperson) Mr. Manzo reported that the Standing Committee on Finance & Facilities last met on November 19th at which time the FY09 budget was reviewed. Revenues, expenses and specific budget lines (i.e. substitute teachers and special education) were discussed at length. Mr. Manzo summarized a detailed buildings and grounds report, which included descriptions of repairs to heating system at Ayers and Memorial, repairs to the roof at Briscoe, new carpeting installed at the McKeown building, and ordering of new fire doors for the Cove School. Buildings & Grounds staff are creating snow removal plans at all buildings for the winter months. The administration has charged an individual with the task of being an "energy hawk," who will survey energy usage throughout the district. Upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities a motion was made by Mr. Manzo and seconded by Mr. Latter to approve a new Special Education Paraprofessional position (one-to-one) at Cove Elementary School at an estimated cost of $10,647 using funds transferred from the Special Education contingency account. So voted. Upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities a motion was made by Mr. Manzo and seconded by Mr. Latter to approve the attached policy regarding "Creation of New Positions" (Section G: Personnel). So voted. Mr. Manzo reported that there will be no Finance and Facilities meeting in December and that the next meeting will be held on January 21st at 7:00 p.m. in the Memorial Building, Room 164. 2. Standing Committee on Curriculum, Instruction, and Student Life (Maria Decker, Chairperson) Ms. Decker reported that the Standing Committee on Curriculum, Instruction and Student Life last met on Wednesday, December 3rd, where they reviewed the new history & social science curriculum in grades K through 5, which will require new texts in both grades 4 & 5. The group also received a presentation Regular Meeting December 10, 2008 Page 4 of 4 detailing the results of the Youth Risk Behavior Survey taken by all high school students this past spring. The committee reviewed the district health & wellness curriculum for all grades. Ms. Decker described a proposal made by Briscoe Middle School Principal Matt Poska and the District Foreign Language Director, Mr. Doug Guy, for the implementation of an accelerated Foreign Language Instruction including German, French, and Spanish for sixth grade students. Upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Curriculum, Instruction, & Student Life a motion was made by Ms. Decker and seconded by Mr. Manzo to approve the implementation of a foreign language program in grade 6 for the 2009-10 school year. So voted. Upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Curriculum, Instruction, & Student Life a motion was made by Ms. Decker and seconded by Mr. Manzo to approve the attached policy regarding "Report Cards & Progress Reports" (Section I: Instruction). So voted. Upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Curriculum, Instruction, & Student Life a motion was made by Ms. Decker and seconded by Ms. Fogarty to approve the attached policy regarding "Pregnant Students" (Section J: Students). So voted. The Standing Committee on Curriculum, Instruction, & Student Life recommended the attached policies regarding "Flag Displays and the Pledge of Allegiance" and "School Ceremonies and Observances" (Section I: Instruction) for first readings. Second readings, which will take place at our January 14, 2009 meeting, will require a formal (2/3) vote of approval by the School Committee. The next Curriculum & Instruction meeting will be held on Wednesday, January 7, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. at Memorial. 3. Policy Review Committee (David Manzi, Chairperson) Mr. Manzi reported that the Policy Review Committee met on November 25th and recommended the attached policy regarding "Relations with Non-Public Schools" (Section L: Education Agency Relations) for a first reading. The second reading, which will take place at our January 14, 2009 meeting and will require a formal (2/3) vote of approval by the School Committee. New Business Mr. Manzi made a request that the lettering of the sections in the stands at Hurd Stadium be repainted. Dr. Hayes said he would look into it. Ms. Decker thanked the citizens of Beverly for their support and input and wished all a safe, healthy and prosperous New Year. Opportunity for Questions from the Press None A motion to enter executive session to consider negotiations with union personnel and to not return to the regular meeting was made by Ms. Decker and seconded by Mr. Manzi. By a roll call vote, all members voted in favor of the motion. Meeting adjourned at 8:05pm. Respectfully submitted, Paul Manzo, Secretary Beverly Public School Committee