2008-10-15 BEVERLY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Regular Meeting Wednesday October 15,2008 Beverly, Massachusetts A regular meeting of the Beverly School Committee was held on Wednesday October 15, 2008 in the Beverly City Hall Council Chambers in Beverly, MA. Members Present: Ms. Cesa, Mr. Manzo, Ms. Decker, Mr. Latter, Ms. Fogarty, Mayor Scanlon and Mr. Manzi Also in Attendance: Dr. James Hayes, Superintendent of Schools; Dr. Marie Galinski, Assistant Superintendent of Schools; Donna Bergeron, Executive Secretary to the Superintendent and School Committee; Joseph Santamaria, Student Representative to the School Committee President Cesa called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Ms. Fogarty led those assembled in the Pledge of Allegiance. Recognitions and other Such Other Matters (Kudos, Congratulations): Dr. Hayes, Ms. Cesa and High School Principal Sean Gallagher recognized seniors Haley Bowen and Matthew Kennedy for their outstanding achievements. They were each presented with a "Certificate of Academic Excellence" as part of a recognition program run by the Massachusetts Association of School Superintendents. Open Forum for Citizen Concerns or Citizen Input into Agenda-Related Items None Approval of Meeting Records A motion was made by Ms. Decker and seconded by Mr. Latter to approve the minutes from the September 1 ih, 2008 regular School Committee meeting with one correction. So voted. Report from Student Representative Ms. Cesa introduced the new Student Representative to the School Committee, Joseph Santamaria, a senior at Beverly High School. Mr. Santamaria said that he is one of the four captains of the football team and a member of the Student Advisory Committee. He reported that the Student Advisory Committee discussed changes in the AP courses, scheduling and the high school construction project at a meeting earlier this evening. Mr. Santamaria reported the following from BHS: . The Girls Cross Country team won their 100th consecutive meet. . The senior class reported that 65 people participated in the Breast Cancer Walk in Boston, raising $2,142 for this fundraiser. . DECA is sponsoring a 5000 meter run/walk race beginning at Lynch Park at 10 a.m. on October 26. The pre-registration fee is $15.00; late registration is $20. . The volleyball team is holding a fund raiser, raffling off a pair of Celtic tickets. Raffle tickets cost $10.00 each, with only 120 tickets being sold. . The freshman class recently held elections for class officers. Communications from Committee Members · Mayor Scanlon updated the committee on the high school project. He has been in contact with MSBA on a daily basis and believes they have been provided with all information necessary to reach a determination. The MSBA has requested that funds be moved from the Furniture & Fixtures account into the contingency account as some of the furniture estimates exceed prices on the approved bid list. Mayor Scanlon stated that they should be receiving a letter from MSBA Regular Meeting October 15, 2008 Page 2 of 5 by weeks end confirming approval by the board. At a public hearing on Monday, October 20th (7: 15 pm) Mayor Scanlon will provide detailed information on the cost of the project and potential revenue sources. Mayor Scanlon indicated that the state will require the City make equal principal payments on the loan, therefore reducing the amount of the interest over the life of the project. This will decrease the amount of principal owed more rapidly (25 year obligation - paying off 4% of the principal each year). According to the Mayor, the City will create a stabilization fund by selling unproductive citywide assets (i.e. McKay building, vacant land) to help with higher repayments during the early part of the loan. Mayor Scanlon commented on protests on the bids already received, and indicated that progress is continuing. · Most committee members reported receiving calls about transportation issues and crossing guards. · One committee member reported attending PTO meetings at Cove and Hannah. He said that Dr. Hayes attended the Cove School PTO meeting and answered questions about class size, transportation, and the itinerant teacher schedules. · One committee member reported speaking to several parents about the high school construction project. · A committee member received calls about changes to the library program at elementary schools and the Star Program at the North Beverly School. · One committee member indicated that interested parents are trying to start a "walking school bus" to the Hannah school. · Ms. Fogarty spoke of safety issues for walkers and emphasized the need for drivers to be more aware of students walking to and from school as well as the presence of crossing guards at busy intersections. · A committee member attended a forum at Ipswich High School concerning Chapter 70 Funding and also received calls regarding Question 1 on the upcoming ballot. · One committee member reminded the public that tonight is the last night to register to vote. · The PTO at North Beverly is interested in holding a bake sale at the McKeown School on Election Day with the proceeds going to their Boundless Playground construction. Ms. Cesa said she suggested they work together with the North Shore Consortium, who also has an interest in the Boundless playground at the McKeown site. · One committee member reported attending the Hannah PTO meeting at which they discussed kids walking to school in the winter months. They had questions about the plowing and shoveling of sidewalks. Mayor Scanlon said people are asked to shovel the sidewalks in front of their home but that there is no city ordinance requiring them to do so. Report from the Superintendent 1. Approval of Overnight Field Trip to North Reading Dr. Hayes introduced Sgt. Major Ellis who presented information on three proposed overnight field trips. Citing possible conflict of interest, Mr. Latter excused himself from the discussion. The first proposed trip would be to Camp Curtis Guild (North Reading, MA) on October 24 and 25th, 2008. The Army will provide the students with CPR, basic first aid, land navigation and cold weather training. Following questions from the committee, a motion was made by Mr. Manzi and seconded by Ms. Decker to approve the overnight field trip to Camp Curtis Guild, North Reading, MA. So voted. 2. Approval of Overnight Field Trip to Culpepper VA Sgt. Major Ellis presented information on the proposed overnight field trip to Culpepper High School (Culpepper, VA) scheduled for March 13-14, 2009. Sgt. Major Ellis stated that this is a yearly trip and the students will be participating in drill competitions. Following questions from the committee, a motion was made by Ms. Fogarty and seconded by Ms. Decker to approve the overnight field trip to Culpepper High School, Culpepper, VA. So voted. 3. Approval of Overnight Field Trip to Norwich University Sgt. Major Ellis presented information on a proposed overnight field trip scheduled to take place on March 27 - 29, 2009. He indicated that this is a leadership challenge weekend where eight of his students will participate in water survival training, Olympic challenge course and various other activities. Following Regular Meeting October 15, 2008 Page 3 of 5 questions from the committee, a motion was made by Mr. Manzi and seconded by Mr. Manzo to approve the overnight field trip to Norwich University. So voted. 4. Approval of Overnight Field Trip Proposal to Brown University Ms. Nancy Ronan, a Beverly High School social studies teacher, presented details of a proposed Model UN trip to Brown University (Providence, RI) scheduled for November 14 - 16, 2008 at a cost of $225/per student. Ms. Ronan stated that they have 14 students who expressed an interest in the Model United Nations trip. The students will travel by train to Providence, RI where they will stay at the Courtyard Marriott. Once there they will be transported by bus to the conference. Following questions from the committee, a motion was made by Mr. Latter and seconded by Ms. Decker to approve the Model UN overnight field trip to Brown University, Providence, RI. So voted. 5. Approval of Overnight Field Trip Proposal to Boston Ms. Ronan presented details of the Beverly High School Model UN trip to participate in the Boston University Model UN Conference to be held on February 2ih through March 1st. Ms. Ronan indicated that approximately ten students will travel via train to the Park Plaza Hotel (Boston, MA) where the conference will be held. The unsubsidized cost of the trip is $280 per student. Following questions from the committee, a motion was made by Mr. Manzo and seconded by Ms. Fogarty to approve the Model UN overnight field trip to Boston, MA. So voted. 6. Approval of Overnight Field Trip to Nature's Classroom Mr. Jorge Goncalves, Briscoe Middle School Assistant Principal, provided information on the proposed sixth grade field trip to Nature's Classroom in Charlton, MA and Freedom, NH. Trips are scheduled to take place on April 13-17 (Charlton, MA) and on May 4-8, 2009 (Freedom, NH). The cost per student is $460.00 with scholarships available. Mr. Goncalves said that they have a number of fundraising events in place. Following questions from the committee, a motion was made by Ms. Decker and seconded by Mr. Latter to approve the overnight field trip to Nature's Classroom. So voted. 7. Approval of Overnight Field Trip Proposal to New York City Ms. Donna Jenko, Briscoe Middle School Associate Principal, summarized information describing a proposed eighth grade field trip to New York City, NY. Pending approval, the students will stay at the Crown Plaza Hotel in New Jersey. Ms. Jenko reviewed the itinerary and stated that the full schedule works out very well for both students and chaperones. Following questions from the committee, a motion was made by Ms. Decker and seconded by Ms. Fogarty to approve the overnight field trip to New York City, NY. So voted. 8. Approval of Grants Dr. Hayes reported that he has included a list of grants, including a general description of each grant and the amount of each award, in the information previously presented to the committee. All grants to the Beverly Public Schools require a formal vote of acceptance by the School Committee. A motion was made by Mr. Latter and seconded by Ms. Decker to approve the attached list of grants awarded to the Beverly Public Schools. So voted. 9. Spring School Committee Meeting Schedule Dr. Hayes stated that a draft of the spring School Committee meeting schedule for January - June 2009 is included for consideration. Following questions and comments from the committee, a motion was made by Mr. Manzo and seconded by Mr. Latter to approve the spring School Committee meeting schedule. So voted. 10. Extended Learning Time grant Briscoe Middle School Principal Matt Poska updated the committee on the current status of the Extended Learning Time (EL T) grant. A team of people are working on the grant proposal and have received positive feedback from the DOE on what they have previously submitted. Mr. Poska outlined what this grant will mean for the current afterschool programs as well as for staff professional development. His team will be attending a planning meeting next Tuesday, where the group will define what enrichment and professional development opportunities will be made available to students and teachers. Mr. Poska Regular Meeting October 15, 2008 Page 4 of 5 indicated that a community forum will be held to discuss the EL T grant. Mr. Poska indicated that substantial work still needs to be completed before submitting the proposal on or by December 1S\ 2008. One proposed model of the school day would see classes start at 7:15 am (or possibly 7:30 am) and ending at 3:30 pm. This would increase the daily instructional time by approximately 1 hour. Transportation and contract issues are being reviewed. Mr. Poska concluded by answering questions from the committee. 11. October 1 st Enrollments Dr. Hayes distributed a report detailing the October 1st elementary and secondary enrollments. Enrollments on this specific date are important as these values will help determine future funding and grant support for the district. According to Dr. Hayes, elementary class sizes looked "pretty terrific". Dr. Hayes indicated that high school and middle school enrollments have declined but are in accordance with NESDEC enrollment projections. 12. Other informational items Dr. Hayes provided the committee with information detailing the schedule for the October 10, 2008 Professional Development day and a copy of a letter from confirming acceptance of the two year progress report submitted by Hannah Elementary School. Report from School Committee President Ms. Cesa noted that Dr. Hayes has submitted a copy of his 2008-2009performance goals to the committee. The following four goals require School Committee approval: 1 . Student Achievement 2. Budget Development 3. High School Project 4. Collective Bargaining Agreements A motion was made by Ms. Decker and seconded by Mr. Manzi to approve the Superintendent's Performance Goals 2008-2009 goals. So voted. Ms. Cesa reminded the committee that one of its annual goals was to reevaluate the superintendent evaluation document. After presenting a draft of the document, Ms. Cesa asked that a motion be made to move forward with the evaluation document. A motion was made by Ms. Decker and seconded by Mr. Latter to revise the superintendent evaluation document as a school committee goal. So voted. A second goal of the school committee is to approve a schedule of items to be reviewed at monthly meetings throughout the year. By consensus, the committee decided that a review of the transportation department remains with the Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities, and that school committee retreats would be held bi- annually. An additional item, the periodic establishment of school committee goals, will be reviewed at a later meeting. A motion was made by Ms. Decker and seconded by Ms. Fogarty that the committee approve a monthly calendar as one of the School Committee goals. So voted. Ms. Cesa notified the committee that the newly formed group of North Shore school committee chairs (North Shore Coalition for School Funding, or NSCSF) has been meeting regularly to discuss common challenges in overseeing public schools. Ms. Cesa asked the committee whether the group has an interest in becoming a part of this coalition. Following questions and comments from the committee, a motion was made by Ms. Decker and seconded by Ms. Fogarty to become a member of this NSCSF. Committee Reports 1. Standing Committee on Finance & Facilities (Paul Manzo, Chairperson) Mr. Manzo reported that the Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities last met on September 24th at which time they received an update from Mr. Glenn Fiore, Interim Director of Buildings and Grounds. Mr. Fiore reported that extensive work will be done to the wood beams at Ayers due to recurring insect damage. Repairs are also needed at Briscoe to address serious roof leaks and deficiencies in the Regular Meeting October 15, 2008 Page 5 of 5 plumbing and heating systems. The boiler work at the Memorial facility has been completed and negotiations have started for establishment of a new contract for purchasing of paper goods. Mr. Manzo indicated that the standing committee received a review of the FY08 budget and discussed the FY09 budget. The Standing Committee on Finance & Facilities recommends the approval of two new Special Education Paraprofessional positions (.5 each) at the Cove Elementary School at an estimated cost of $14,600, using funds transferred from the Special Education contingency account. A motion was made by Mr. Latter and seconded by Ms. Fogarty to approve the two new Special Education Paraprofessional positions. So voted. The Standing Committee on Finance & Facilities recommends the approval of a new Special Education Paraprofessional position (.2) at Beverly High School at an estimated cost of $2,900, using funds transferred from the Special Education contingency account. A motion was made by Ms. Cesa and seconded by Ms. Fogarty to approve the new Special Education Paraprofessional position (.2) at Beverly High School a an estimated cost of $2,900. So voted. Mr. Manzo indicated that the Standing Committee on Finance & Facilities recommended the following two policies for a first reading: "Student Fees, Fines, and Charges" (Section J: Students) and "Student Activity Accounts" (Section J: Students). A second reading, to take place at our November meeting, will require a formal (2/3) vote of approval by the School Committee. The Finance & Facilities Committee will meet on Wednesday, October 22, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. at the Memorial Building. 2. Standing Committee on Curriculum, Instruction, and Student Life (Maria Decker, Chairperson) The last Curriculum and Instruction meeting was held on Wednesday, October 1st. Ms. Decker indicated that on October 1 S\ 2008 the Standing Committee on Curriculum, Instruction and Student Life welcomed a new student representative from Briscoe, Brendan Flaherty. Brendon joins two current representatives from Beverly High School. Ms. Decker reported that they received internal assessment data from grades K-8, and reviewed SAT and AP test scores. Ms. Decker indicated that the Standing Committee on Curriculum, Instruction, and Student Life recommends the following policy for a first "Religion & the Schools" (Section A: Foundations and Basic Commitments). The second reading, to take place at our November meeting, will require a formal (2/3) vote of approval by the School Committee. New Business None Opportunity for Questions from the Press None A motion was made by Ms. Decker and seconded by Mr. Latter to adjourn. So voted. Meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Paul Manzo, Secretary Beverly Public School Committee