Beverly CATV Advisory Commission Meeting
DATE: September 16, 2008
LOCATION: Bevcam office, Beverly High School, Beverly, Ma.
TIME: 7:00 P.M.
Steve Pike - Chairman, George Johnson, Arthur Crandall, Al Torsey, Bob
Murphy, Dan Murphy, Eric Overberg, Neil Overberg
S. Pike, A. Torsey, D. Murphy, N. Overberg, E. Overberg, B Murphy
(BEVCAM) Don Berman.
· A quorum being present Steve opened meeting at 7: 00
· Public Comments: None.
· Old business:
· The minutes of the July 24th CATV Advisory Commission meeting were read
and accepted for posting on the Beverlyma.gov web site.
· Steve reported that he received, via Mayor Scanlon's office, various complaints
that Comcast had moved channels 40 and 58 and 3. Steve discussed with Jason Whittit of
Comcast. His reply was that Comcast is moving channels to increase bandwidth. Also
Jason stated that Comcast will give one D/A converter box per analog customers free for
1 year.
· Walt Kosmowski discussed with Steve Pike about notifying attorney William
Hewig that he is hired to pursue negotiations with Comcast.
· New business:
· Don Berman presented the monthly BevCam report re: Staff, Productions, and
Proj ect Outreach.
· Correspondences received; None
· Don Berman said he wants to implement a senior to senior task force via the
Senior Center to educate seniors on D/ A conversion. An in depth discussion regarding
Comcast's position on helping seniors followed.
· D. Murphy asked if there is anything CATV AC should be doing to educate the
public on D/A conversion... .discussion followed.
· Steve will invite Jason Whittet to the October meeting, or have him send a
· B. Murphy suggested CATV AC see what information is available to the public
regarding D/ A conversion.
· Don Berman invited commission members to attend BevCam' s October 2nd
member meeting.
· The next meeting was set for Thursday, October 16th at the BevCam office at 7:00 P.M.
· At 8:30 P.M. a motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting.
Respectfully submitted:
Eric Overberg