2008-09-03 BEVERLY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Regular Meeting Wednesday September 3, 2008 Beverly, Massachusetts A regular meeting of the Beverly School Committee was held on Wednesday September 3, 2008 in the Beverly City Hall Council Chambers in Beverly, MA. Members Present: Ms. Cesa, Mr. Manzo, Ms. Decker, Mr. Latter, Ms. Fogarty, and Mayor Scanlon Members Absent: Mr. Manzi Also in Attendance: Dr. James Hayes, Superintendent of Schools; Dr. Marie Galinski, Assistant Superintendent of Schools; Ms. Joan Liporto, Director of Finance & Operations; Donna Bergeron, Executive Secretary to the Superintendent and School Committee President Cesa called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Ms. Decker led those assembled in the Pledge of Allegiance. Opportunity for Citizen Input into Agenda-Related Items None Approval of Meeting Records A motion was made by Mr. Manzo and seconded by Ms. Decker to approve the minutes from the June 18th, 2008 Regular School Committee meeting. The committee voted in favor of approval following minor changes. So voted. A motion was made by Mr. Manzo and seconded by Ms. Fogarty to approve the minutes from the June 25th, 2008 Committee of the Whole meeting. So voted. A motion was made by Ms. Decker and seconded by Ms. Fogarty to approve the minutes from the July 28th, 2008 School Committee retreat. So voted. Report from Student Representative None. Communications from Committee Members · Most committee members reported having a quiet summer, though all received at least some comments concerning the redistricting of elementary students and applications for open enrollment. · Several committee members relayed concerns over student safety at busy intersections. In particular, the safety of students crossing Essex St. when going to the Hannah school was raised. · One committee member relayed parent's frustrations with the current transportation policy. · Concerns were raised about the location of the EEC program at the Memorial building. Confusion was raised concerning the fee for the elementary instrumental program. · One committee member commented on the large number of staffing changes in some schools, and urged parents to make a commitment (or recommitment) to their children's education. · An issue concerning a student club notification was raised from the high school. Report from the Superintendent 1 . Approval of New Positions The superintendent requested that the committee approve the addition of two classroom teachers and two additional crossing guards. Due to large class size, a fourth grade teacher at the Hannah school and a second grade teacher at the Ayers school were added prior to the start of the school year. Due to an increased number of students walking to the Hannah school, the superintendent requested that two Regular Meeting September 3, 2008 Page 2 additional crossing guards be positioned at nearby intersections to facilitate the crossing of busy streets. Two committee members raised traffic concerns at other intersections throughout the district. The superintendent addressed these concerns, and informed the committee that more accurate student enrollment will be made available in the nest two weeks. A motion to approve these added positions was made by Ms. Cesa and seconded by Jim Latter. All members present voted in favor of the motion. So voted. 2. Opening of Schools Report With help from Ms. Liporto and Principals Matt Poska and Sean Gallagher, the superintendent reviewed the opening of district schools for academic year 2009-2009. Ms. Liporto summarized work performed at each school building over the summer. Ms. Liporto commended the efforts of interim Buildings and Grounds director Glen Fiore and his staff for their efforts. One ongoing project, the installation of the final set of new lockers at Briscoe, will be completed this fall. Briscoe Principal Matt Poska and High School Principal Sean Gallagher reviewed enrollment figures at the start of the school year. Mr. Gallagher also described a successful freshman orientation program his staff implemented this year. Dr. Hayes presented enrollment data from other district schools, detailed his review of open enrollment requests, and reported on several traffic and transportation issues across the district. Dr. Hayes also described continuing efforts to develop an alternative secondary program at the McKeown facility. 3. BHS Construction Project Dr. Hayes distributed an outline of the phasing plan to be followed during the extensive renovation of the high school facility. Committee members asked about specific items contained within the plan, and for clarification on funding optional elements. Mayor Scanlon and the superintendent addressed these questions. 4. BHS Accreditation The superintendent informed the committee that the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC) has reviewed a progress report submitted by the district and has decided to continue accreditation of the high school. NEASC has requested an additional progress report in early 2009. 5. Superintendent Goals Dr. Hayes submitted a draft of his goals to the committee for review. The committee will review this draft and expect to approve a final version during the October 2008 regular meeting. 6. Consolidation of Buildings and Grounds with the City Department of Public Services The superintendent provided the committee with a letter addressing specific issues surrounding the proposed consolidation of the school district Buildings and Grounds department with the municipal Department of Public Services. Comments and questions were raised by several committee members. The decision was made to refer the matter to a future School Committee Meeting of the Whole gathering. 7. Special Education Report Dr. Hayes reminded those assembled that the next School Committee Meeting of the Whole will review the district Special Education programs. This meeting is scheduled for September 10, 2008. 8. Athletic Participation Data The superintendent presented the committee with a summary of student participation in athletics programs for the 2007-2008 academic year. The committee welcomed the data but requested that historical information accompany the next athletics participation report. 9. Other items Dr. Hayes referred the committee to his printed report, which contained informational items of interest. Report from the School Committee President Regular Meeting September 3, 2008 Page 3 President Cesa described several topics discussed at a recent School Committee retreat. School Committee goals and a proposed list of items to be addressed at monthly meetings were also described. Ms. Cesa reviewed recent work by her and Ms. Decker to revise the Superintendent evaluation form. Finally, Ms. Cesa summarized recent meeting between herself and school committee presidents from neighboring communities. The purpose of these regional meetings was to share information and strategies for addressing common fiscal constraints. Committee Reports 1. Standing Committee on Finance & Facilities (Paul Manzo, Chairperson) Paul Manzo reported that the most recent Finance & Facilities meeting was held on June 25th, 2008. The committee approved minutes from an earlier meeting and was presented a review of current revenue and expenses. Expected revenue shortfall for FY08 was expected to be met by a reduction in expenditures, meaning a neutral or positive balance at the end of the fiscal year. Ms. Liporto updated the committee on several ongoing and planned Buildings and Grounds projects across the district. Joan indicated that Glen Fiore would serve as an interim director of Buildings and Grounds. Finally, an update on utility usage was presented to the committee. The Finance and Facilities Committee will meet again on Wednesday September 24, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. 2. Standing Committee on Curriculum, Instruction, and Student Life (Maria Decker, Chairperson) Maria Decker indicated that the Wednesday 11 June, 2008 meeting of the Standing Committee on Curriculum, Instruction, and Student Life was previously discussed at the 6/25/08 regular meeting. Four policies approved by the standing committee and presented to the full committee earlier were considered for final approval this evening. These policies include: · Search and Seizure · Education Agency Relations Goals · Relations with Non-Public Schools · Relations with Education Research Agencies Mr. Manzo made a motion to approve all policies. The motion was seconded by Ms. Cesa and supported by all committee members present. So voted. 3. Policy Review Subcommittee (David Manzi, Chairperson) Discussion of the Policy Review Subcommittee was tabled as Mr. Manzi was not present. 4. Negotiations Subcommittee (Jim Latter, Chairperson) Jim Latter informed the committee that the Negotiations Subcommittee continues to meet regularly. New Business No new business Opportunity for Questions from the Press None A motion to enter executive session to consider negotiations with union personnel and to not return to the regular meeting was made by Ms. Cesa and seconded by Ms. Decker. By a roll call vote, all members voted in favor of the motion. Meeting adjourned at 8:35pm. Respectfully submitted, Paul Manzo, Secretary Beverly Public School Committee